Weekly Weather January 30, 2006 to February 5, 2006

Weekly Weather January 30, 2006 to February 5, 2006
Our fog continues this week as the Sun and Mercury continue their approach to Neptune. Remember the reason they use fog in horror movies is because not being able to see what is coming out of the darkness to get you is quite scary! Fear takes hold. Your heart beats. Adrenaline rushes through your body and gets every cell on red alert for danger. Now stop for a second. Listen up. NEXT week, the one AFTER this, is when the scary thing is going to pop out at you. However, you might get news about the scary thing around Wednesday. The purpose of the news is to get your adrenaline going. The purpose of THIS week is to cue in the branch cracking to the left and a rustle of leaves off behind you on the right. You are surrounded! Pound, pound, pound ~ your heart reverberates in your ears. BUT until the final charge of our Bull at the Matador and Perseus at Medusa all the other stuff is simply special effects, music and your own imagination designed to get you going and be afraid. Very afraid. So why would the Universe want to make us afraid, very afraid? Aren’t we all here to evolve, grow into the light, do good and be happy, perky, successful people with terrific careers, loves, and lives?
Well, let’s think about fear for a minute. If we understand fear as energy we can see it for what it is. Indulge me as I quote my dictionary, a straight source about FEAR: 1. a feeling of alarm or disquiet caused by the expectation of danger, pain, disaster or the like. Terror, dread, apprehension. 2. An instance of manifestation of such a feeling 3. A state or condition of alarm or dread. 4. Extreme reverence toward as toward a supreme power. 5. A ground for dread or apprehension, the possibility of danger. I particularly like the Synonyms for Fear: I bet you’ll find your current state.These words refer to the emotional reactions caused by the presence or imminence of danger, evil, harm or great misfortune. Fright is fear suddenly aroused and characterized by great agitation, usually for a short period. Dread is strong fear of something thought to be impending, especially of what one is powerless to avoid. Terror is violent, paralyzing, fear usually in the presence of great danger. Horror is a combination of fear and aversion or repugnance. Panic is strong sudden fear, often groundless and frequently the impetus for mindless action. Alarm is fright around upon the first realization of danger. Dismay is strong apprehension that robs one of courage or power to act effectively. Consternation is the state of being confounded, made confused and helpless. Trepidation is apprehension of dread characteristically marked by trembling or hesitancy.
A while back, a man carried a gun into the New York City Council Chamber, pulled it out and shot the man sitting next to him in the balcony. The large room, packed full of people, erupted into chaos. The policeman assigned to guard the Council President, stood up, fired at the shooter, taking him down, turned and hustled his President out of the Chamber into safety. He didn‘t wait to see the results of his bullets. He didn‘t stay to defend the rest of the people from the gunman. HIS JOB was to PROTECT THE LIFE of the COUNCIL PRESIDENT. He did his job.
Over the next couple of weeks, I want you to focus on what YOUR JOB is. You’ve been getting clearer and clearer about it as we’ve worked with our fixed cross all fall. Fall of 1982 to spring 1983 was distracting AND WHEN YOU LEARNED TO BE ARAID. Starting in May of 2000 you figured out what you wanted. Now, over the next few weeks, you are going to face your own version of a shooter in the City Council Chambers of your life. Come to find out, the shooter was planning to shoot the guy sitting next to him! He was NOT after the President! The shooter is NOT after YOU! But you are going to think he is (or might be) as the bullets are going off in the room. Rustle up your inner policeman, keep your eyes and focus on YOUR GOAL and YOUR JOB. Keep moving toward the life YOU DESIRE.
Understand the purpose of all fear or fog is to distract you, cloud your vision and have power over you. Don’t let silly droplets of water swirling around in the air stop you from having your dreams come true. It is just FOG!!! Bullets fly right through FOG! Yes, you may have to pull a trigger! Just don’t shoot out of fear. Use the fog to your advantage. Shoot when you have a clear shot and ONLY if you absolutely have to. Focus on YOUR job. Who knows, you might even be out of the Council Chambers when the bullets start flying if you follow the President who decides to leave. After all, YOUR JOB is to guard the President! YOU are the President. Take care of yourself!
The other thing I want you paying attention to are dreams. At the post office, the clerk mentioned she’d been “dreaming hard” and having trouble sleeping. Neptune is way busy. With so much fog in our external world, our dreams are exceptionally vivid and packed full of images and stories to help us figure things out.
Moon- day, glorious Monday, fear comes a visiting as Mercury argues with Saturn by declination. Saturn is your job, responsibility AND your fear. For whatever silly reason, the universe decided to link them. Today Saturn’s argument is persuasive. No, your path is not clear; there is no instruction manual for your life. It is foggy. You have to go on instincts not clear sight. Go slowly.
Tuesday, you can’t even see you fingers, the fog is as thick as Jupiter joins with Neptune by declination. On days like this I put on show tunes and sing along: Whistle a Happy Tune, Favorite Things, Ac-cen-tu-ate the Positive. No sad songs, there is enough sadness in the world. Make sure to do whatever nurtures your soul and comforts your heart.
Wednesday has a distinctly painful quality to it, probably through information, words or communications. Jupiter is parallel to Pluto and Mercury is hanging out with Neptune and fighting with Jupiter. The words you hear today are SUPPOSED to echo your WORST fears, hopes and beliefs about yourself. Let them wash over you like a giant tidal wave and look for something to hold onto. As Annie sings, The Sun will Come Out Tomorrow! Well, actually next week but you get the idea.
Thursday throw something out symbolic of and related to whatever happened yesterday or over the past few weeks and months. Have your own releasing ritual and give it back to Mom Earth. She can hold onto it for you. You are lightening your load. Put flowers or an object you LOVE where the discarded things USED to be. You are creating your best life. Use the Sun trine Juno energy to have a pep talk with yourself! It is YOUR life. It is Candlemas, a cross quarter day (and, yes, ground hog day), when earth and the sun reach a turning point in their annual dance. Make it a turning point in your life too!
On Friday dear, lovely, delicious Venus finally stations and goes direct. Whew, I thought that retrograde of hers would NEVER end. Remember Venus is ruling Mars and through that both nodes, and the moon in Aries. Venus is governed by Saturn retrograde in Leo. Saturn is in one of his least favorite signs, in one of his least favorite conditions, in charge of the Sun in a cranky sign, Neptune in a fog and Mercury‘s beginning to see the light. NOW is what we astrologers call a “critical turning point“. Even if it is TWO seconds of your day, I want you to do what your heart desires. Take a bold baby step toward it and shout out to the heavens, “Xxxxx is what I am going to create in my life. Can you give me a little help here?” Ask. You have to ask.
Saturday has oodles of energy by declination between Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto Neptune and last but CERTAINLY not least, Venus who is moving direct again. Sunday, has oodles of energy by declination between the Sun, Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune. Mercury squares Mars ~ whispering in his ear what Mars has to do to get what Mars wants. When Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune are hanging out together, it can be exceptionally, fabulously good or very, very, very bad. Think of those energies gathered together in a room with you. You can ask them to HELP you or pick a fight, argue, whine and carry on with them. Which do you want? Which do you think is more effective? Next week our bullfight and battle with Medusa continues. Get rest, nurture yourself and work just a touch toward your dreams over the weekend. Talk to Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune, get your heart aligned with love, not fear and get ready to take on the Universe to get your heart‘s desire. With Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune at your side helping you, watching your back and showing you how to do it, what do you think will happen?
Mundane: I’ve been quiet on this front but watched. Of course, it is a critical turning point moment in our country. Judge Alito, up for confirmation to the Supreme Court, believes in a Unitary Executive Branch and Power~ the President gets to do whatever he wants to do as he is in charge of everything and you can‘t do anything about it! So there! For example, HE can listen to your phone conversations and read your emails when HE wants, without getting a warrant (ie leaving a paper trail!). YOU can’t look at his photos of parties with Jack Abramoff because they are HIS photos and thus private! Of course, your tax dollars pays for the party, photographer and his salary. I don’t think so! Our system of Checks and Balances, designed by the founders of our country in direct response to an earlier King George, hangs in the balance. Call your Senators and urge them to vote NO on Alito. Change your party affiliation to Republican or join the Resistance. It begins now.
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee