Weekly Weather January 3, 2011
The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here! It is a rocking week! And it is a NEW YEAR, 2011~ a 4 year asking us to solidify all the changes of the past year, especially the past months, into a new stabilizing structure that supports us and our life‘s purpose. And brief hours after the eclipse, we have the third and final union of Jupiter and Uranus in late Pisces wrapping up the last 12 and 84 year cycles. The union also starts the next 12 and 84 years! A very momentous week awaits us! Think about all the new cycles starting up right before your very eyes! Or in the embryo stage of starting up!
Venus leaves Scorpio this week so we are about to wrap up our 100 days of over the top Scorpio passions that have been taking place since September too! And are you going to be sorry she’s leaving Scorpio when life goes back to plain old regular passions? I know I am! I’ve rather enjoyed getting clear on all sorts of stuff even if its been a bit rocky at times.
The New Moon Eclipse on January 4, follows three, count ’em three, releasing full moons in the last degrees of Aries, Taurus and Gemini in October, November and December. Our first quadrant of planets, signs and the emotional energies held in them have been lit up so we can see to help thoroughly clean them out. Think about what you’ve released in October, November and December ~ or perhaps gotten clear about even if you haven’t actually physically released anything. What have you learned about yourself/ your body/ your actions and your values/ self worth/ finances and your communications/ siblings/ thoughts about yourself, your early childhood and other people. There has been lots of clarity in that section of your chart!
Now, under the New Moon, we insert the reorganized, revised and revisited life vision and adjusted passion that Venus in Scorpio‘s long four month journey helped us get clear about. And we integrate into that vision and passion the understandings the last three Full Moons have brought to us. Notice what the stories around October 22, November 21 and December 21 clarified for you. Then take that clarity and apply it to the eclipse New Moon energy taking place this week.
This week’s eclipse, according to Bernadette Brady’s book “The Eagle and The Lark”, is from the Saros Series 13 North. The series started on August 14, 1776 at the North Pole, probably around the time King George received the Declaration of Independence from the rebellious colonies. We’ve all personally experienced the energy before in January 1992, 1974, and 1956. From her book, “This is an eclipse family of groups and associations. Its energy is about large ambitious group projects. These group projects will require a separation or the breaking of a bond that already exists. The individual may well experience this eclipse initially as a separation and then as joint achievement.” Because this is a relatively new eclipse series (only 234 years into the 1244 years of a series), it is centered over Europe, with maximum visibility running in an arc from London, through Paris, Geneva, Belgrade and back up into Siberia. Those are the locations that the eclipse will bring into focus in over the next few months.
Because the eclipse takes place with the North Node of Destiny and is energized by laying on the Mars/ Athena/ Pluto midpoint there is a calling to go DO something, rather than waiting for life to come and find you. Be wary of a scorched earth approach as the Mars/ Athena/ Pluto link can be rather war like. Use the higher forms of the energy applying a vision of laser like focused, pattern anticipating, transformative energy to the tasks before you. Give yourself permission to move toward whatever is calling your heart to full expression~ what expresses your passion for your life path? Do more of that energizing passion each and every day, changing the pattern to conform to the new vision. Eventually you will find your life migrates into the new formation this spring.
And, if you find yourself completely irritated or annoyed with someone under the New Moon’s energy, pull that irritation in and redirect it toward some thing you can change and do some thing about. You or they or both of you are growing up and changing. The old forms and relationships want to morph into something new. Let them change. Don’t blow up the bridge.
When I was young, one of my favorite friends of my parents, Mr. D, announced he was leaving the very secure job he had at a local bank as well as moving away from our cozy neighborhood to go handle “trading money” in Switzerland. In the 1960s, that was a “radical” move! All the adults were completely shocked! Mr. D. was an adult who talked to children like they were real people. I learned how to breed and raise gerbils from him, spending hours in his basement. I was very upset he was moving away. He puffed very thoughtfully on his pipe and paused for a long moment before answering my question of why he was leaving. “Anne, I’ve been at the Bank since I was a young man. I need to leave because they still see me as a young man. By leaving, I will get all sorts of new experiences. One day, all the new experiences will let me come back to be the President of the Bank.” And sure enough, Mr. D. did come back, in a few years, to become the President of the same Bank that he left.
You may find yourself in a similar situation. No need to burn bridges. But you do need to go. It is for the greater good of your path. It is for the vision you have of your life. No worries. Give yourself a hug if you face tears on someone’s face, take a puff on your pipe and gently explain the bigger picture you see so they can start to understand it. Detach gently and explain the bigger vision.
Eris, the Goddess of Discord, stations to move direct this week. Although we are still getting to know Eris, as she is one of the newer planets discovered out in the far reaches of our solar system, her stopping adds an element of strife, discord and endings to the eclipse and week’s energy. Her mythology from the internet “So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature.
For Strife fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honor due.
But the other Strife is the elder daughter of dark Night, who puts roots into the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbor, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbor vies with his neighbor as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.
Try to use consciously the second kind of Strife ~ the inspired focus of Eris’ stationing energy to toil, plough, and work for your dream. Take the energy she stirs up and direct it consciously towards what you want to create.
Finally Jupiter and Uranus have their last of three unions on the same day as the eclipse New Moon. The union of two of the more exciting and fun planets in the heavens promises to bring us new insights. It also finishes the one-two-three transition these planets have been asking us to make around where we sacrifice or martyr ourselves. They joined on the world axis, at 0 Aries on June 8, 2010. At that time, we had a glimpse, a brief peek at where we were heading this coming spring 2011. We got all stirred Up! We were ready to go! Then, BOTH of them said, “Nope, not just yet! You have some left over work to do!” They reversed direction and left Aries for Pisces again. Both Jupiter and Uranus retrograded back into Pisces and immersed us in the ocean of sacrifice, connections, past lives, sorrow, boundariless edges and feelings of Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces can take care of situations and people way past the past due date…. Nursing, holding and suffering. Uranus in Pisces is the tsunami of emotions that can arise when we are asked to let go of something we think we need to take care of or else we will be a very bad person. Jupiter and Uranus met for the second time, retrograde in Pisces on September 18, 2010 just as Venus DOVE into Scorpio and after Mercury went direct in Virgo. We swam through Venus in Scorpio while Jupiter and Uranus were both in the sign of undoing and self sabotage. We SAW, we truly SAW and FELT ~ deeply FELT ~ the energy as well as the reasons for our choices in the past. We got clear that we didn’t have to make the same choices going forward. And so, here we are at the final conjunction ~ with both Jupiter and Uranus moving forward ~ on the same day we start a new profound cycle. We also used Jupiter and Uranus all fall as they aspected each of the clarifying Full Moons of releasing to release hard (October), easy (November) and fast (December) with no regrets. So here you stand, all freshly clear and ready to go. Perhaps with a few words of discord or thoughts of strife as Eris stations this week but still ready. And when Jupiter and Uranus zip back into Aries this month and in March, expect the promise of last June and July to be filled.
Monday January 3, 2011 Back to work we go after the holidays! Moon in Capricorn adds a solemnity to the reentry to work. The Moon‘s closing aspect is a sextile to Venus offering us good results as earth and water make fertile mud to grow things in. The New Moon eclipse tomorrow will seed wonderful energies in your life. Make sure to release, release, release today under the ending dark of the moon energy. Let go of what no longer serves you. Recognize through the dreams from last night the patterns that want to die and be reborn anew as different behaviors as Pluto joins with Pallas Athena to create new strategies and visions of how to create. Ceres leaves Capricorn behind to fly at 20,000 feet and see the overview of the garden you are starting to plant in your life. It is a great day to see how you got to where you are now, and to see the future. Play with Google maps or Microsoft Surface globe to see the world in a new way and then apply those visions to see your patterns with a new eye. Time for old patterns to leave you and separate from your existence. WE often carry our dreams past when they have been completed, without realizing that it is time to put them down and envision new dreams. As Mercury retraces his steps, make the new list of your dreams. No worries about how. And don’t listen to that nasty voice in your ear that says “YOU? Doing THAT? Please!” Tell it to hush up and that the dream is in your heart so it must be in your chart. No negative self talk today!
Tuesday January 4, 2011 The New Moon eclipse takes place today at 13:38 Capricorn starting a new 2 ½ year cycle. North Node, Pluto, Athena and Mars are in Capricorn and surrounding the lunation. Technically, the New Moon eclipse is besieged ~ surrounded by malefic planets ~ so we can expect troubling news or ideas to come from it. However, it also is an eclipse taking place moments before Jupiter and Uranus perfect THEIR conjunction for the third and final time at 27:02 Pisces four hours after the New Moon and trine to Venus at 26:51 Scorpio, conjunct the 27 Scorpio ascendant in the chart cast for Washington, DC. The imagery encourages us to see the patterns ~ without being mean to ourselves or others ~ for what they are. Venus finishes her square to Neptune in the night so dreams are particularly poignant and transformation. You find tempers are short with this much cosmic activity and be in the mood for a bit of discord as Mars squares Eris at 21 of the cardinal signs. Fights do clear the air. Be prepared to launch your next venture today. Give your Mars a dream it can work on for 2011, and don’t listen to folks saying you can’t or shouldn’t. Why not? What is your dream? It is being seeded on a powerful New Moon. For more information, read my New Moon report on the site today.
Wednesday January 5, 2011 Moon in Aquarius at 11:08 am after a void morning, has a closing aspect of conjunction with Neptune, encouraging you to push toward your dream and offering positive if dreamy outcomes to things begun today, Thursday and early Friday. Sun argues with Astraea suggesting healing advice is offered and perhaps not taken. Ask yourself why. Some times ill health helps us figure out important things. There are aspects today that support unusual healing options. Venus is square to Chiron as she gets ready to leave Scorpio later this week. Chiron in Aquarius echoes the perhaps we have to move on to find where we belong. Trust the idea that seems a bit over the top or unusual. Give it permission to take shape and form. Give it some time to explain what and why it is a good place for you to be. Take a salt bath or soak your feet tonight to release toxins. Discord can be building due to Eris’ station. Detox from toxins.
Thursday January 6, 2011 Moon in Aquarius supports group work and collective activity. Venus in late Scorpio has a pile of aspects where she shakes off much of her burdens of the last few months. She’s getting out of the swamp in a few days and feeling the pull of the fires and optimism of Sagittarius. What she and you discovered and learned since early September will never be forgotten. And you now know what and whom you want to partner with going forward. Or perhaps what and whom you don’t want to partner with ~ but the negative contains the positive. Look for the positive in the negative. Things don’t have to end forever, you can come back to be the President of the Bank but you do need to separate for the time being.
Friday January 7, 2011 discord continues to build as Eris stops. Pluto opposes Kronos suggesting a final ending of something that has to go. Venus enters Sagittarius, immediately asking her and you to focus on what you can accomplish and what you are inspired by. Sun squares Saturn at a hard relationship degree as Mars fights with Hades pushing up the scale of consequences. You can find seemingly placid and comfortable relationships under high stress today. Focus on what you can actually DO in this situation. Most likely, you can’t DO much of anything but send emotional support and watch from the sidelines. And that will be enough. It is a bit of a fire walk we each have to undertake ourselves. The moon is Void from 3:51 pm to 9:57 pm offering a sense of quiet and floating along in a very busy energy field before she enters Pisces for a quiet and restful weekend of creation.
Saturn’s day January 8, 2011 Moon in Pisces is full of shifting currents of energy as she brings emotional support and sustenance to decisions from early in the week. Moon has lovely closing aspects joining to Jupiter and expanding all she touches. Eris stations and turns direct today offering us an opportunity to connect to the place of strife and discord inside our beings. From that place, we can often find a greater vision of what we are looking for as we start to move away from the internal strife we’ve been working with lately. Strife can inspire us with a combination of conflict and antagonism to move towards a new reality. Take any negative energy from today, shift it, push and pull it, and move it toward a new vision of what you want to create as your family and reality. Jupiter supports that Pisces orphan energy to morph into a universal connection with all.
Sunday January 9, 2011 Pisces Moon pushes us forward into new energies as it joins with Jupiter and Uranus. It takes the emotions of discord and shifts them into a new focus and vision for each of us. We can wake up with the sense that we have to end things and we need to move on. We can wake up with the sense that the past has crumbled out of our being into dust on the ground beside us and our problems are over. We can wake up with an understanding of the deeper truths of our being. Look at what you want to create as your family or connections of choice. Figure out how to love and nurture what you want more of in your life. Don’t be afraid of situations that remind you of hell or that you will fall back into hell if you try to do something again. The fear of hell is what creates hell. Now that you know where that fear comes from, you will be better able to work with it, face it, understand it, and recognize it. The past in your life is what brought you to this moment ~ the soon to be new future. What is your vision of what your future can be, consolidating and using all your knowledge of the previous experiences?
Monday January 10,. 2011 Moon in Aries is rocking and rolling with a positive closing aspect to Mercury of seeing the various forms and plans for your future. Oodles of aspects today make it a rocking and rolling day on planet earth. Mercury in late Sagittarius talks to all the planets at the back end of the zodiac ~ he gets blocked in launching a deal or needs to adjust it, he forms a new deal with his dream, he breaks free of an old restricting contract or belief system, he sees and understands a situation exceptionally clearly, and he takes decisive actions. The principle of being blocked can actually be a good thing as the roadblock causes you to make a course correction. At the same time Mercury is so active with the back end of the zodiac, Moon is aspecting both the back and the front end and stimulating all the late planets and the early Capricorn planets to take the strong emotions of the ocean tides and fire igniting passions to move in new directions. Like I said, a very, very busy day on planet earth.
Tuesday January 11, 2011 Moon in Aries is quiet today with an opposition to Saturn and a positive closing aspect to Mercury. Take actions around needed communications today, clarifying and crystallizing via conversations to resolve unanswered questions or issues. Mercury has oodles of aspect today too ~ Dancing with an inspiring dream while you sleep, taking action around psychologically processing a separation, expanding into creative abandon and healing or working with old wounds that prevent you from being who you truly can be. The whole point of Mercury’s retrograde journey through Sagittarius and Capricorn was to point out the self limiting beliefs and frames that you put around things. This is the time to let those beliefs and frames shift, change, dissolve and swirl into new forms. You may find yourself suddenly irritated or irritating today when the Sun squares Eris ~ harness the impatience or irritation towards transformation. Redirect it. Become comfortable and at home with the irritation or impatience ~ understand the source of it as deep in your desire to get what you want for yourself. Sometimes being “selfish” is a good thing. Today is such a day. Establish what you want and need going forward to move the situation from irritation or impatience to a new reality. Direct that anger towards change, idealism and creativity.
Wednesday January 12, 2011 Moon in Aries pushes against restrictions as it forms a series of aspects with the planets at the back of the zodiac in another day filled with action, action, action. Take the time to adjust your actions to fit new circumstances. Mars finishes his aspect with Uranus pushing out a creative energy or project that you’ve been working on for the past two years. Time to release it to the world. Take the feedback from elders or senior people or teachers or authorities or from your Saturn and act on it. It is good advice! Zeus stations offering a brilliant shift in energy and bright ideas. Watch for ideas, suggestions and revisions that make things make more sense or clarify the approach to take. Venus is adjusting her approach to release her psychological blocks to what is possible. Give yourself permission to change your precepts and understanding. Words can come across or be very harsh if you are not careful. If you hear them, double check the intention of the speaker ~ friend or enemy. Often when we undergo major changes in our approach or thought processes, it is difficult on the people in our lives. They want us to be the same as we always were. You can’t go back. You can assure them that you are in the process of becoming the best you can be. And that in that clarity of standing in your own truth, you are going to become even better than you are now because you are acting in a way that is true to who you are. No deflections. No deferring. No ducking. Stand straight and tall to ask for what you want, to state what you need, and to be who you were meant to become. When we are true to ourselves, the world becomes clearer, cleaner and more in alignment with our greater purpose. Partner with your true group or tribe. You know who they are.
Thursday January 13, 2011 Moon in Taurus has a lovely closing aspect of a trine to Mars in Capricorn making today and Friday two fabulously productive days. Mercury reenters Capricorn as he moves into solid ground and clear statements. Moon works with the process of transformation and makes profound connections today. Watch who you meet or work with. Communicate the vision you have gently to the world. Venus in Sagittarius has a stress that she needs to alleviate by taking action other wise problems will ensue. Venus is very direct in changing fire so be conscious when speaking the truth to others about the impact your words can have. You still have to speak the truth even if they are not pleased with what you are saying. It will be an interesting news day when things will be released for the public or collective to be “shocked” about the nature of the relationship or situation. Mars is very active and taking on things that need to be dealt with. It is a lovely day to push for what you want. Make sure to ask, clearly and with a direct manner. You might not get a yes but they will know what you are looking for.
Friday January 14, 2011 Moon in Taurus has a lovely trine to be productive with the Capricorn Sun ~ Today is an excellent day to push work forward. Patterns are easily spotted and worked with in productive manners. It is a great day for IPOs, product launches and sending out completed work. Mars at the last degrees of Capricorn is exceptionally productive and capable. He wants to wrap up unresolved projects to get them launched into the world. Mercury gets word back that he’s not going to get what he wants on some portion of the project so prepare to move it to a different location. Adjust your actions to fit the endings taking place.
Saturn’s day January 15, 2011 Moon in Gemini has a closing aspect of over doing so things can be confused after waking from a dream filled sleep with much tossing and turning. Listen and note the images from your dreams. Watch for important connections early in the day as well as younger people who you meet. If you are a younger person, watch who you connect with regarding your path or direction in life. Mars enters Aquarius and soars off the cliff into the clouds. Launch your project and get it out there! You will hear very positive news about partnering offers today, including things that will affect the way you view your world. It is a busy, busy day of connections. Sun and your ego congratulates you on a job well done. Take credit for the role you played. It can be a day with infection if you are having surgery or exposed to cuts or animal bites.
Sun’s day January 16, 2011 Moon in Gemini continues to over do but is having a good time over doing. Lots of pushy, eruptive energy today flying around the room. Parents or creative artists can feel they are stuck in some kind of hellish situation. It will pass but right now excess is at hand. Be careful driving or traveling as overdoing is taking place in the cars around you too. That pushy eruptive energy is tied to ego frustration so temper tantrums can take place. All to the good ~ nothing like a stomp, stomp, stomp to clear the air. ‘
A New Approach for 2011: I decided going forward, I am going to post a rolling two week column. That way the CURRENT week overview will change and be up to date with the current week’s daily aspects and the next week’s daily aspects will be included right behind them. A two week rolling column addresses a number of issues and still allows me the freedom to do the overview up front on a weekly basis. It solves the problem of the overseas readers getting their day aspects late. It allows everyone to plan a bit further in the future as you‘ll have the day aspects for the next two weeks instead of one week.
Copyright © 2011 A. C. Ortelee