Weekly Weather January 28, 2013


Weekly Weather January 28, 2013










Drama, emotions, important choices and farewells take place during the week ahead. Jupiter stations and turns direct at 6:19 Gemini at 6:37 am EST Wednesday. Jupiter is the apex of the Finger of God, directing our steps forward, ever forward, to the next place in our journey of life. The legs of the Finger of God are Saturn and Pluto, sextile to each other and encouraging each of us to evolve and change. Later that day, the Sun in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio and finds Pluto in his blind spot ~ something unexpected or perhaps previously unnoticed or seen comes to light. Whatever appears, take it and interpret it as your invitation to move forward.

Jupiter was last at this degree July 10, 2012. Jupiter stationed to go retrograde on October 5, 2012. He’s been going backwards since October. He’ll pass the degree of his retrograde station, 16:23 Gemini on April 25, 2013. On the day of his station, the Nodes are at the same degree as the eclipse that took place this fall, 22 Scorpio. Moon in Virgo and Mercury in Aquarius are in an argument. It isn’t about perfection even though emotionally you might WANT PERFECT. It is about seeing the situation AS IT IS and allowing that to be enough. All Mercury in Aquarius asks us is for us to see it, the situation at hand, for what it is. It is what it is. Stand in that knowledge.

It is what it is.

Then, as my student Leslie suggests “Just do the responsible thing.” Ask yourself what is the responsible response or responsible thing to do in the situation? Then do THAT. Do the responsible thing. Take the responsible position. Act in the responsible manner ~ even if you want to run screaming away from or toward the other person to pummel them. It is time to behave responsibly. Time to grow up. Time to evolve.

Fingers of God are all about living in the moment and doing what is required of you. No more, no less. Do the responsible thing in the moment. Then it goes forward without a problem.

Later in the week, on Saturday, or Candlemas or Ground hog day, we find ourselves at the “cross quarter day” ~ we are half way through winter and heading towards spring. How did it get to be February already? In addition to clarity around the ideas before us and whether the groundhog sees his shadow, we will need or want to take a new and inspired position as both Venus and Mars shift signs.

Venus leaves Capricorn’s earthy, practical side for detached, flying along at 20,000 foot view Aquarius on Saturday. Venus doesn’t want to be bound by the old practical rules. She wants to break free to fly and do things the way she wants to. She’ll spend 24 days in Aquarius.










The bigger cosmic news is Mars shifting signs from Aquarius into Pisces. Mars dives from where he’s been flying some 20,000 feet above things in a detached, non-emotional manner. He dives into the Ocean depths of Pisces for 40 days of drifty, dreamy, swishing, swimming, merging, indecisive, sensitive and profoundly emotional water. Oh my! Can we think the myth of Icarus?























From the internet: Icarus was the son of Daedalus. He dared to fly too near the sun on wings of feathers and wax. Daedalus had been imprisoned by King Minos of Crete within the walls of his own invention, the Labyrinth. But the great craftsman’s genius would not suffer captivity. Daedalus made two pairs of wings by adhering feathers to a wooden frame with wax. Daedalus tried his wings first, but before taking off from the island, warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea, but to follow his path of flight. Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms. Icarus fell to his death into the sea in the area which today bears his name, the Icarian Sea, near Icaria. The myth is a tragic example of hubris or failed ambition—and is often depicted in art.

In psychology there have been synthetic studies of the Icarus complex with respect to the alleged relationship between fascination for fire, enuresis, high ambition, and ascensionism. In the psychiatric mind features of disease were perceived in the shape of the pendulous emotional ecstatic-high and depressive-low of bi-polar disorder. The term Icarus complex has symptoms in mania where a person is fond of heights, fascinated by both fire and water, narcissistic and observed to have a fantastical or far-fetched-imaginary cognition.

Because of the sudden shifts of Mars and Venus into new signs and the station of Jupiter in the sign of his fall, make sure to be VERY AGGRESSIVE with treating any health matters that present themselves. No fooling around. Get yourself or your children or your loved ones to the Doctor. Jupiter in Gemini is tricky, he feints so you THINK it one thing, while actually it is TWO things ~ one hidden and relatively aggressive or unkind while the presenting thing looks benign. Deal with health matters directly and aggressively. Gemini is in the sign of children so deal with health matters with children even MORE AGGRESSIVELY.

For the next few years, when MARS shifts signs, the entire heavens will seem to switch with him. Mars rules Saturn in Scorpio. Suddenly Saturn is a Pisces and VERY sensitive. Saturn rules Pluto in Capricorn ~ suddenly Pluto is weepy and tearing up at the oddest things in a sentimental manner completely unlike who he usually is. Mars rules Aries so voila suddenly Uranus is taking time to see how you feel about him exploding things in Aries. He stops to ask how you feel about him blowing up your stuff. The North Node of Fate now answers to Mars in Pisces ~ you get the call. Your insides go “I gotta go!” You hear the call! Spirit, your soul, or your deepest understanding of what is right for your being speak up and say “Hey, can we get going?” And suddenly, without a word of warning, you are gone. The Finger of God moves from detached intellectual awareness into sentimental, emotional wobbliness designed to end things and shift you into the new energy of awareness. Not that there is anything WRONG with wobbliness or emotional responses. Our Finger of God wants to swim away and escape the stress of day to day living. Suddenly we are up close and VERY personal to the situations that inspire or drain us. We don’t want to be drained any more.


Mars in Pisces for the next 40 days encourages us to get out our key words for Pisces.  Pisces is dreamy, psychic and sensitive as well as compassionate, fearful and creative.  The Pisces key words apply to just about everything in your life for the next 40 days! Pisces Keywords: Unknown or hidden strengths, weaknesses, sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind the scenes action, places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self- undoing, clandestine affairs, things we hide from others, research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid, karma, charity, sympathy, public welfare, closet or dustbin of horoscope ~ all the problems which are painful to face or difficulties we refuse to acknowledge, unseen & unexpected troubles, large animals, occult or hidden side of life, feet, charity, selfless deeds, drugs, alcohol, diffusion, rehabilitation, poverty, chains, conspiracies, ambush, analgesic, boots, litter, emancipation, desertion, clouds, chemicals, ESP, fog, kidnapping, eavesdropping, crying, miracles, masks, Compassionate, charitable, sympathetic, emotional, sacrificing, intuitive, introspective, musical, artistic, merge, impressionable, secretive, need for creative and artistic expression, empathy with others, sensitive to environment, shy, reflective, absorbent, idealistic, romantic, too dependent, timid, lack of discrimination, drifts easily into habits, cries easily, unpunctual, untidy, unmethodical, undisciplined, changeable, flexible, adaptable, sociable, creative, imaginative, psychic, procrastinating, over-talkative, melancholy, pessimistic, emotionally inhibited, timid, impractical, indolent, often feels misunderstood, indecisive, hypersensitive, too subjective, escapist, submissive, impractical, careless, touchy, gullible, extravagant, restless, over-dramatic, unable to separate from disturbing circumstances, vacillating, moody, and allergic.


So why is this week full of drama and departures? There is lots of endings energy. Mars entering the last sign of the Zodiac puts the other planets, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and the North Node of Fate, in the mood to say goodbye to situations they might have been putting up with rather than dealing with. As Leslie said, “What is the responsible thing to do?” I will add “FOR YOUR SOUL’S GROWTH?” On some level, after the shift of Jupiter’s direction so he begins to move forward combined with Mars entry into Pisces, you KNOW what you need to do. You know the situation, AS IT CURRENTLY EXISTS, is untenable. You can’t do it anymore. Or they can’t do it anymore. Or you don’t want to do it anymore. Something shifts. It doesn’t taste the same. You aren’t satisfied with it. Something or someone has to change. And it might as well be you. They will change when they want to. You control yourself. So change. Shift in the direction you want to move toward. You know what it is.


Or maybe you only know what you want to move away from. Shift away from that. The shift itself will help you get clear on what you want next. Honest. It works like that!


The Journey

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice —
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
“Mend my life!”
each voice cried.
But you didn’t stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do —
determined to save
the only life you could save.

~ Mary Oliver ~


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather: The Jupiter Station! Mars changes signs into Pisces, shifting all the energy into emotions, emotions, emotions. Venus enters Aquarius to detach coolly from thinks that no longer interest her. More Illumination!


Scorpios Talking: TWO shows last week ~ one where Handsome walked on the phone and disconnected us from BlogTalkRadio and the other that was actually recorded. Michael and I talk about how to release anxiety and change expectations as well as other cool stuff.


The Mary Anne Show: Mary and I were on vacation! We are back Monday at 2:30!  And then we are on vacation until February 25.  Do we EVER work?  Today we talked about Hilary and Barack’s interview on 60 Minutes, men and women working together and respecting each other and laughter.


Access Astrology: Heather, Mark and I talked about the week ahead and took calls from two listeners.


Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt continues to tell the ancient myth Of Amour & Psyche. The coming week Psyche and her Envious Sisters. The plot thickens!!










Venus Star Point Workshop:

Time to get your heart’s desire in working order and learn how to maximize your Venus! Harness the FIVE Venus’ in your chart into a cohesive and working energy. Five Venuses? Or is it Five Veni? At any rate, it is FIVE of them! How much better can it get?

On February 8, 9 or 10, 2013, Access Astrology (Heather Roan Robbins, Mark Wolz and Anne Ortelee) is sponsoring Arielle Guttman in a special evening and day long workshop in New York City.

The workshop is very hands on. Space is quite limited.

You can attend Friday night’s Lecture for $35. Or you can participate in the very hands on day long Workshop, using your own charts, EITHER Saturday or Sunday. The Workshop cost includes Friday night’s lecture as well as day long training in working with the technique. Arielle developed the Venus Star Point Workshop to support her recently published book Venus Star Rising.

Arielle introduces a new concept, Venus Star Point, to astrology that explores the pentagram of Venus in great detail as the celestial heartbeat of humanity. Venus pulses with energy that human beings receive as either love or war. Relationships are analyzed from an exciting new perspective and angle via her work.

If you are interested in a wonderful new tool to help your clients OR only want to delve deeper into your OWN language of your heart and love, this Workshop is for you. Learn how to connect personally to how you channel the energy from Venus into your life. Venus Star Rising delivers.

Arielle will be selling her book at the both the lecture and workshops. Workshop participants will be asked to provide their birth data prior to the Workshop so Arielle can prepare their charts using the Star Point approach.

On Line Registration is offered via my website. Click on the Venus Star Point Tab above.







Void Moons This Week

Moon goes void with an Opposition to Mars on Monday Jan 28 2013 at 12:00:06 pm EST and enters Virgo on Monday Jan 28 2013 at 06:28:18 pm EST.

Moon goes void with a Trine to Venus on Wednesday Jan 30 2013 at 08:59:55 pm EST and enters Libra on Thursday Jan 31 2013 at 01:36:44 am EST.

Moon goes void with a square to Venus on Friday Feb 1 2013 at 09:47:44 pm EST and enters Scorpio on Saturday Feb 2 2013 at 07:02:38 am.



Moon’s day Monday January 28 finds Moon going void in the afternoon in Leo with a fiery argument about refusing to change. They are NOT going to change. Especially when you keep badgering them. Or you are not going to change, especially when they keep doing stupid things to irritate you. Moon enters Virgo at night around 6:27 pm EST. Creative with a cranky twist, support yourself energetically on this emotionally stressful day. Health matters need to be addressed as they are not what they seem on the surface. They can quickly deteriorate mid-morning so act rapidly. The Nodes of Fate are on Sedna who drowned because of her father. The Nodes of Fate are on the eclipse degree from November. Be especially conscious of throat, bowel, intestine or extremes of fluids situations ~ dehydration and/or excess water. Don’t accept “it is probably just ….” Make sure the situation is addressed promptly and looked at by a medical professional who is paying attention and does a thorough exam. Push for it if need be. Mars squares Admetos on the deadly star Algol ~ proceed with caution ~ that is a mighty mean star. Uranus joins up with Pallas helping to break free from old patterns or encouraging you to see things with new eyes.




Mars day Tuesday January 29 finds Moon in productive, clear things off the to-do list Virgo with lovely closing aspects of a trine to Venus in Capricorn.  Great for pushing things along and getting stuff accomplished.  Moon has very productive aspects to both Saturn and Pluto encouraging your evolution and helping you make a good choice for yourself. Sun’s trine to Vesta also helps clear out your home and space to make it more to your liking and supportive of what you want to accomplish.  Make a huge list and push through it.  Jupiter is stopped so you might have to do a few things twice but no worries, it helps you get clear on what needs to be accomplished and how to actually go about doing it. Avoid power struggles tonight.


Mercury’s day Wednesday January 30 finds Moon in Virgo continuing to be highly productive and forward thinking. Venus’ trine to Admetos offers an easy going ending to a situation that has been troubling you.  Jupiter’s station bright and early this morning as he turns to direct signifies it is time to move full steam ahead toward your life.  Right now, ALL THE MAJOR PLANETS ~ Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, Pluto and Eris are moving forward and encouraging each of us to move forward too.  Only Ceres retrograde and out of bounds is going backwards ~ asking us to understand where we come from and how to proceed to make different choices now that we are aware of what we want to do.  Connect in with your inner being about how you want to nurture and care for yourself going forward. Move toward that vision ~ or at least articulate it out loud to the heavens.  Sun’s square to Saturn is opening and action taking ~ offering us an ability to move beyond our old psychological limitations.  With Sun in Aquarius, he can turn to Saturn and ask him to understand what all has to happen to change things.  And Saturn, answering to Mars in Aquarius is game to try the new, visionary approach to things.  Ask or discuss what you need to make the changes… support comes when you ask for it.  Jupiter’s station today is particularly profound as the Nodes of Fate are at the SAME degree as the New Moon eclipse in November ~ 22 Scorpio.  And the Jupiter Station is at the SAME degree as the other eclipse, the Full Moon Eclipse in November ~ 6 Sagittarius/Gemini. LOTS of things come to the surface in the five days before and after the Jupiter station ~ last weekend to next weekend. Be prepared to make important life choices.


 Jupiter’s Day Thursday January 31 finds Moon in Libra, focusing on the last bits of emotional residue and detritus from previous relationships.  Moon’s last aspect is a trine to Mercury in Aquarius, clarifying what is required or expected to go forward. You can find tempers flare a bit today as the Fire energy is fed by Eris in trine to Mercury ~ there is a certain impatience flying about in the air… Enough talk now it is time for some action!  So take action!  Mars is getting ready to jump out of the air or flying a bit too high in the sky and prone to collapse from hubris. Mercury’s square to the Nodes of Destiny offers you a choice of how to proceed ~ take Leslie’s advice and choose the responsible thing for your soul’s evolution.  Jupiter’s sextile to Pallas delivers dreams that are very informative and help you summarize what changes you need to make.


Venus’ Day Friday February 1 finds Moon in Libra with productive closing aspects. Lots of changes today as both Venus and Mars are at the end of their journeys in Capricorn and Aquarius respectively.  When planets change signs, it is generally a turbulent day or two.  We have to get used to the new energy.  In this case, the PERSONAL planets are changing signs.  Venus will become more detached, intellectual and clear about what she desires.  She can also retreat a bit as Aquarius is cool and a touch chilly.  Mars shifting from flying in Air to diving into the Water of the Ocean will have a much bigger effect.  Suddenly we move from cool air blowing to wet emotions flowing.  Mars rules so many of the planets and thus the energy in the sky right now that his shift will feel very profound and deeply experiential.  Pisces is dreamy, psychic and sensitive as well as compassionate, fearful and creative.  Get out your Pisces key words and apply them to just about everything in your life for the next 40 days! Pisces Keywords: Unknown or hidden strengths, weaknesses, sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind the scenes action, places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self- undoing, clandestine affairs, things we hide from others, research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid, karma, charity, sympathy, public welfare, closet or dustbin of horoscope ~ all the problems which are painful to face or difficulties we refuse to acknowledge, unseen & unexpected troubles, large animals, occult or hidden side of life, feet, charity, selfless deeds, drugs, alcohol, diffusion, rehabilitation, poverty, chains, conspiracies, ambush, analgesic, boots, litter, emancipation, desertion, clouds, chemicals, ESP, fog, kidnapping, eavesdropping, crying, miracles, masks, Compassionate, charitable, sympathetic, emotional, sacrificing, intuitive, introspective, musical, artistic, merge, impressionable, secretive, need for creative and artistic expression, empathy with others, sensitive to environment, shy, reflective, absorbent, idealistic, romantic, too dependent, timid, lack of discrimination, drifts easily into habits, cries easily, unpunctual, untidy, unmethodical, undisciplined, changeable, flexible, adaptable, sociable, creative, imaginative, psychic, procrastinating, over-talkative, melancholy, pessimistic, emotionally inhibited, timid, impractical, indolent, often feels misunderstood, indecisive, hypersensitive, too subjective, escapist, submissive, impractical, careless, touchy, gullible, extravagant, restless, over-dramatic, unable to separate from disturbing circumstances, vacillating, moody, and allergic.


Saturn’s Day Saturday February 2 is Candlemas and Ground hog day!  Moon in Scorpio kicks off a drop into the energy of Mars recent entry into Pisces.  Such feelings! Such emotions!  Woo-hoo kind of sensitive and emotional.  Pallas’ aspects to the Nodes are strong but not direct ~ Pallas is in Aries answering to Mars in Pisces.  Venus wants to adjust the difficult situation she finds herself in… take steps to clear up money or financial problems.  Mercury argues briefly with Pluto this evening ~ he’s not understanding the sudden shift of energy on Pluto’s part. Suddenly Pluto is all mushy and sensitive.  We are halfway through winter!  Spring is on the way!


Sun’s Day Sunday February 3 has Moon in Scorpio with closing aspects of a square to Mercury.  People are feeling deeply but are finding they are slightly wordless or at a loss of words to explain where they are and what they are doing or feeling.  Mercury’s square to Admetos offers us the option to end something.  Expect endings today. The shift in energy is so profound and the closing aspect of a last quarter moon encourages releases of things no longer needed, wanted or cared for.  Venus in Aquarius asks Neptune in Pisces for a bit of clarity about emotional or financial matters.  Seek answers yourself if things are unclear about love or money.  People aren’t so clear themselves right now…. They might not be able to answer you but at least they will think about it.  If you are asked and don’t have an answer, wait another week to the New Moon next Sunday for clarity.  The swirling water has to settle down for clarity to come through.
Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee