Weekly Weather January 23, 2012
Our Week ahead is another week completely full of endings and major life turning points. We have two more weeks of endings and major life turning points and then things go back to normal. Actually they go to the “new” normal for our lives. Saturn is slowing to a stop in the sky and soon will separate from his trine to Neptune to go back wards in space until June. As Saturn digs into the degree of 29 Libra, we’ll find our relationships are coming to a conclusion or reaching major turning points. Some people will be leaving our lives. Or we will be leaving their lives. Or we will be joining our life with another’s life ~ Saturn in Libra encourages us to connect and merge our lives with another too… even as we end our “single” relationship with ourselves.
Both Neptune, the source of our “dream”, where we find “god” or “the divine” and Saturn the source of our “structures”, “karma” and “work” in this lifetime are both at the very last degrees of their signs. Last degrees change things as the planets teeter and totter on their tippy toes right before leaping off the cliff into the water below. Both Neptune and Saturn are in Air signs so the next signs they enter are Water signs.
It is similar to when you stand on the edge of the diving board on a hot summer’s day and look down at the sparkling water below you ~ part of you anticipates the sudden coolness and smoothness of relief while another part dreads the swift change in your reality from air to water that takes place when you dive in. So this week, you bounce on that diving board and watch the water below you. In the meantime, it is VERY possible that someone else WILL jump in that pool and take the plunge ~ separating from you.
But is it separating? As you stand there bouncing up and down on the diving board, anticipating that upcoming change in your reality, you are actually “moving through the air” and “entering into the water” phase ~ an ending and a beginning. But at the same time… the air is still there, hot and steamy when you emerge from the coolness of the water. And eventually, you will leave the water to warm up in the fire of the sun again. I always took FOREVER to take the plunge even if I was drenched in sweat.
Our reality shifts and shifts yet again. This is a week of shifting reality so perhaps we might call it that rather than endings and beginnings. We are shifting our reality from Air to Water. We are jumping off that diving board into the coolness, the welcoming wetness, the gentle softness and fluid of the water on our body, our soul and our being. Water is so nurturing, so emotional, so deep, so profound and so needed for life. Feel the emotions.
In Blackwater Woods
Look, the trees
are turning
their own bodies
into pillars
of light,
are giving off the rich
fragrance of cinnamon
and fulfillment,
the long tapers
of cattails
are bursting and floating away over
the blue shoulders
of the ponds,
and every pond,
no matter what its
name is, is
nameless now.
Every year
I have ever learned
in my lifetime
leads back to this: the fires
and the black river of loss
whose other side
is salvation,
whose meaning
none of us will ever know.
To live in this world
you must be able
to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it
against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.
~ Mary Oliver ~
In our week ahead, Mars is stopping in the sky and turning retrograde at 23:05 Virgo. A great retreat will take place in our Virgo house over the next Four Months until April 15 when he once again turns to go forward. It is okay to change your mind. It is okay to change your direction. It is okay to change your path. Go internal, listen to your stomach, what is it saying to you?
With Mars retreating back across the heavens, he returns to the beginning of November 2011 when he entered Virgo. He will help you revise all the decisions or choices you’ve made since then over the next few months. You are ready to reevaluate them and come up with a new plan.
There also is a New Moon this week, marking the start of the Chinese New Year. It is the year of the Water Dragon. Dragon are the free spirits, free and uninhibited. The Dragon is a beautiful creature, colorful, flamboyant, confident, and fearless in the face of challenge, they are almost inevitably successful. Water calms the Dragon’s fearless temperament, makes them more perceptive of others, adds patience and allws for smart decisions.
Finally, it is a week of NO. The beginning of the week we get “NO”. The middle of the week, we process the ending. The end of the week, we take a new approach or shift our understanding.
A Clear NO is a wonderful thing. It sets a boundary, provides a frame, offers a limit. So IF you get a NO this week, thank it for the gift of clarity. When I was in sales, we were encouraged to keep track of our NOs. Not every prospect or client says YES. They have free will to say NO! NOs are clarifying. You weren’t going to waste your time. No spending countless hours trying to get something that you aren’t supposed to have. So thank the NO giver. Walk away singing your favorite song with the word “no, no, no, no, no, no.” It is a great way to handle the NO. Feel sad for a few days there ~ Moon is in feel sad for itself and the situation Pisces in the middle of the week. But, by the weekend, you will feel better ~ more energy, more mojo, more yes.
And BECAUSE you get a NO early in the week, it encourages you to go right back out there and look for someone who says YES. And they are right there, lurking behind the No. You have to go through NO to get to YES.
Void Moons This Week
3:34 am EST Wednesday January 25 to 4:11 am EST
11:52 pm EST Thursday January 26 to 1:28 pm EST Friday January 27
Out in Space: Biggest Solar Storm in Six Years.
The sun is bombarding Earth with radiation from the biggest solar storm in more than six years with more to come from the fast-moving eruption.
The solar flare occurred at about 11 p.m. EST Sunday and will hit Earth with three different effects at three different times. The biggest issue is radiation, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center in Colorado.
The radiation is mostly a concern for satellite disruptions and astronauts in space. It can cause communication problems for polar-traveling airplanes, said space weather center physicist Doug Biesecker.
Radiation from Sunday’s flare arrived at Earth an hour later and will likely continue through Wednesday. Levels are considered strong but other storms have been more severe. There are two higher levels of radiation on NOAA’s storm scale — severe and extreme — Biesecker said. Still, this storm is the strongest for radiation since May 2005.
A solar eruption is followed by a one-two-three punch, said Antti Pulkkinen, a physicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and Catholic University.
First comes electromagnetic radiation, followed by radiation in the form of protons.
Then, finally the coronal mass ejection — that’s the plasma from the sun itself — hits. Usually that travels at about 1 or 2 million miles per hour, but this storm is particularly speedy and is shooting out at 4 million miles per hour, Biesecker said.
It’s the plasma that causes much of the noticeable problems on Earth, such as electrical grid outages. In 1989, a solar storm caused a massive blackout in Quebec. It can also pull the northern lights further south.
But this coronal mass ejection seems likely to be only moderate, with a chance for becoming strong, Biesecker said. The worst of the storm is likely to go north of Earth.
And unlike last October, when a freak solar storm caused auroras to be seen as far south as Alabama, the northern lights aren’t likely to dip too far south this time, Biesecker said. Parts of New England, upstate New York, northern Michigan, Montana and the Pacific Northwest could see an aurora but not until Tuesday evening, he said.
Moon day, Monday January 23 Moon in Aquarius offers us a closing aspect of a union with Neptune, dissolving a situation before us. It is ending time. Expect to hear NO or not an option. No is clarifying as it allows you to move on. There is a New Moon in Aquarius starting the Chinese year of the Water Dragon. Dragons are brave and outgoing creatures, exuberant and driven. The water element softens the Water Dragon, making it more sensitive and tuned into others. Mars stations to go retrograde for 4 months. All Men, ARIES and SCORPIO planets and houses will be acting up, going backwards or other wise causing a bit of chaos in your life. Look where Natal Mars is by house and placement to see the area acting up in your life. Essentially, the areas rule by Mars will be nerdy and weird. No offense intended to either my nerdy or weird readers. But plan on taking center stage! Ceres connects with the south node, releasing some food or nurturing passion that you no longer want. Great time for a change in your habits, routines or rituals as Mars in Virgo rules habits and going backwards, you are encouraged to change things up. So change already. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you do.
Mars day, Tuesday January 24 Moon in Aquarius continues to generate a cosmic sound of NO, as opposed to OM or YES. As Uranus joins with Ceres, the mothering principle gets VERY fierce and out of control. Expect fire works or passions around creativity and parenting and nurturing. Venus squares the nodes of Fate today… you have a choice to make and it is not an easy choice. Venus in Pisces is soft and kind. Her square to the nodes asks her (you) to go back into the old addictive, delicious but dangerous bad place. Or forward to the new adventure that is still shrouded in clouds and lack of clarity. Venus is Pisces sees their soul, not necessarily the reality. With a choice being faced as Mars goes backwards, the odds are good you will pick the lower form of the choice. You can do this for a bit but watch out… the energy is very sticky. It would be a better use of your energy and time to go forward to the new life still shrouded in clouds of uncertainty. You KNOW on some level that this situation is NOT working for you. So go towards the situation that is unknown. Or better said, walk away from the situation that is NOT working for you. A bit of time and space will clear your head. Remember Saturn in Libra acts like a fun house mirror ~ you are thinner or fatter than you actually are. The reflection from the OTHER is actually what YOU NEEDED to get to where you are now. Do you still need it? If not, shift. Change. Walk towards freedom rather than back into Monkey mind of the South Node.
Mercury day Wednesday January 25 Moon in Pisces is about sadness, endings, merging, bonding, escaping, slipping away, feeling the tide carry you off. The closing aspect is HARD ~ a separation from Mars in Virgo retrograde. On some level, you KNOW you can’t go back. On another level, you don’t know HOW to go forward. That is exactly where you are supposed to be. So focus on what you know you want or need right now. Live in the moment. Choose happiness and laughter. There is more ending energy today with Venus talking to Admetos and Mercury seeking to expand his vision. So don’t choose the negative. I spoke with a client who had a “failed” relationship and was muttering about giving up relationships forever. Certainly a valid option. But if her chart and her choices brought a fellow in who reflected what she needed to learn (and he did) and taught her to learn to ask for what she wanted (and he did) and left her wiser (and he did), WHY give up NOW? What she learned was about a kind of relationship that doesn’t work for her AND which taught her amazing things. The part that is hard is to remember all things end. The other thing to remember with the energy we are working with is that it is designed to point out what we’ve learned, how far we’ve come, what we don’t want to do any more and very soon, where we have to go next. In the meantime, until the future is clear, why give up? Pick yourself up. Revise your vision. Add in the stuff you’ve learned. Celebrate what life taught you. Thank your life for the wisdom communicated. And get back out there to play, dance and sing again. No is No with THIS situation. It is not NO in your entire life, with every person in this multi-billion world. So that person or situation didn’t work out… what WOULD work out? Lick your wounds. You’ll be okay.
Jupiter’s Day, Thurday January 26 Moon in Pisces with lots of sorrowful aspects ends with an opposition ~ feel your arm and hand stretched out, waving goodbye, slowly separating from their arm and hand. It IS goodbye. Mercury brings you rocking and rolling dreams. Pay attention to the images and messages from them. The group you are member of is shifting. A new tribe will be coming in soon. There are stresses with existing partnerships. Try to remember what got you INTO the situation in the first place. Remember back when it was fresh and new. Look at it with those eyes and that heart. Understand how it illuminated your heart and soul. Thank it. See the pattern and purpose that is served.
Friday Venus’ day January 27 Moon is Void in the Morning and enters Aries at 1:28 pm Friday Afternoon. Moon in Aries has a closing sextile to Neptune suggesting the New Dream is whispering in your ears, singing in your heart. Think back to March, April and May of last year to what briefly danced through your life. Moon in Aries wants to move forward and explode into action. Mercury in the last degrees of Capricorn squares Saturn in Libra. One more No and then it is time for YES. Mercury works with new partners after getting his last No (for a while) and talks to Neptune, frankly about what he wants to accomplish. Mercury enters his favorite sign ~ Aquarius today. He gets to fly about at 20,000 feet, noticing patterns, being smartie, smartie smart and in general finds himself funny, and interesting at the same time. There is a potential for a quick fight this afternoon, adjust your comments. Mercury in Aquarius also rule retrograde Mars in Virgo ~ as Virgo reports into Mercury. Suddenly the Mars Retrograde feels much more negotiable. Expect excitement, breakthroughs, breakdowns or flare ups with Moon joining Uranus. So much to do, so little time.
Saturn’s Day Saturday January 28 Moon in Aries is still busy today working with the Sun and struggling with Pluto. Open up the triangles. Don’t let them fester. Involve other people so the behavior doesn’t go over the top. Venus joins with Jupiter and encourages you to move forward in a creative partnership. Pay particular attention to imagery that is encouraging or enticing. Early morning can have some drama or arguments but the back half of the day is quite good. A new partnership or dream is lurking after all the Nos and endings of the week. Mercury works with creativity and encourages us to go for our creative best. There can be a bit of overdoing as part of the energy is a square to Jupiter. But hey, life has those particularly juicy times too~! And this afternoon and evening is one of them.
Sun’s Day Sunday January 29 Moon in Aries is quiet today as you process all that went on during the week. It is a good time to listen to your inner voice. Juno enters Sagittarius and leaves behind Scorpio to pursue her passions and dreams. Mercury cooperates with the creative function ~ this is a great day to write, catch up on correspondence, connect with the people you love or miss. They miss you too. There is a bit of an argument ~ what is the priority? Where do you want to spend your time? Watch out for wounding words. Reflect on what you want to mirror.
“One simple yet effective way to expand our normally narrow field of vision is by regarding whatever is happening in a relationship as a mirror that can reflect something important back to us about ourselves. The basic principle is simple: Two partners are like a pair of multifaceted mirrors, and their interaction picks up and reflects sides of each other that they may not otherwise see as clearly. Moreover, the way we relate to others always reflects the way we relate to parts of ourselves.” – John Welwood
Classes: Anne Ortelee’s Classes take place between 6:30 and 8:30 pm in her apartment on the upper east side. Space is limited so register early.
The Monday Night Advanced Class schedule and topics for Spring is as follows:
1) January 30, February 6,13, 27 and March 5 ~ $150 ~ Synastry of Relationships, Davison and Midpoint Charts. Progressing them too! Chart Interpretation with Natal potential.
2) March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16 ~ $150 ~Other kinds of Synastry ~ You have relationships with ALL KINDS of people. Progressing them too! Chart interpretation with Natal Potential.
3) April 30, May 7, 14, 21 ~ $120 ~ Solar, Lunar and Planetary Returns
4) June 4, 11, 18, 25 ~ $120 ~ East Meets West ~ selected techniques from Vedic Astrology added to your bag of tricks ~ Yogas/Planetary pictures (including Raja), Lunar Mansions, Planetary Periods and Dashas.
The Thursday Night Intermediate Class preparing for the Level 2 NCGR-PAA exam schedule and topics for Spring is as follows:
1) January 26, February 9, 16, 23 ~ $120 ~ Secondary Progressions/ Solar Arc/ Lunar & Planetary Phase Theory
2) March 15, 22, 29, April 12 ~ $120 ~ Asteroids, Parallels, Contra-Parallels, Minor Aspects & Relocation charts.
3) April 19, 26, May 10, 17 ~ $120 ~ Fixed Stars, Mundane Charting, Antiscia & Miscellaneous topics.
WEBSITE PROBLEMS: I just discovered that my website has been taking messages and not delivering them. If you sent me an email and did not receive a response, the chances are EXCELLENT that I never received it. Please resend it. For those of you wondering ~my Mercury stationed and turned direct by Progression after 21 years of going retrograde. Woo-hoo! And NOW, Transiting Saturn is stationing on my Progressed Mercury so I just figured it out… Ah astrology. Don’t you just love it?
Introduction to Astrology Weekend With
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT
Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch, and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.
Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break is included for all.
#Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © 2012 A.C. Ortelee