Weekly Weather January 23, 2006 to January 29, 2006
“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our prescence automatically liberates others.” is a quote from Marianne Williamson’s “A Return to Love”. It is going to be difficult to let our own light shine during the week ahead!! Yes, yes, you “evolved” and “got it” as Mars squared Neptune. Yes, you’ve been working SO hard. And, the light from the lighthouse DID pierce the dark fog and beckon you forward. No, you weren’t imagining it. It was NOT an illusion. However, Venus slows to stop in the sky on February 3rd, as Sun and Mercury join Chiron, triggering old fears, anxieties and wounds. Sun and Mercury go on to argue with and oppose retrograde Saturn in Leo. Now is when it is going to SEEM AS IF the fog thickened, the fear descended and the night chill and dampness echoes through your toes and bones. Even your brave heart seems suppressed and sodden by the wet, murky, darkness. The fog will shroud your hope. The fog will remind you of the inevitability of fate. The fog says your journey appears to be endless. The fog notes your heart is sad, or perhaps afraid of the enormity of the tasks ahead.
IT IS FOG!!! FOG! Just silly water vapor flying around in the air! Yep, fog CAN be scary. They always use fog right before the vampire comes out of the grave yard to get you in those awful horror movies. Fog reflects your light back onto you, doesn’t let you see very well, and can be pretty darn spooky if you are alone in it at night. Even your high beams don’t penetrate it. In fact, high beams make it worse. In fog, you proceed on faith and faith alone. And, perhaps, a fog horn sounding or your understanding of the route home, the landmarks on your path to safety.
Let’s think about Fog’s purpose for a second! Fog’s purpose is to blind you, slow you down, and make you drive carefully, looking for clues to where you are going. Fog comes from and is created by the contrast between temperatures. Fog is created when our lovely mom earth, our home planet, attempts to blend extremes and find a happy middle place between contrasts. Fog is a cosmic method to equalize the temperaments, temperatures and elements. Fog is a process actually. Mom Earth is seeking to balance us and our home. She’s doing that by merging opposite, incompatible elements of differing and various temperatures as she blends earth and water and air and fire. Mom Earth is balancing that fixed cross we have in Taurus earth, Scorpio water, Leo fire and Aquarius air.
Now, it is going to be foggy for a few weeks or so! I know, another instance of it being a long time in human land and a short time in cosmic time. It is going to be foggy UNTIL the Sun gets to Neptune. Sun gets to Neptune and dissolves the fog sometime after February 6th. And, yes, the traffic jam still continues until spring! So, rather than rear ending that person in front of you (those accidents with several hundred cars on a foggy highway bridge come to mind), SLOW DOWN. Listen to your favorite music. Pull over into the VERY slow lane. Drive maybe fractions of inches, when you can see the road or the line or the shoulder. Yep, even slower than you‘ve been going already! No whining. Stretch your back and shoulders. Stop being so tense and bent over, you are going to marry that steering wheel if you don‘t relax! I know, I know, you are in a hurry to have this over and done with! But you know what? Tough! It is fog. Nothing much you can do about fog.
Mom Earth is wise. She made that stupid fog for her own reasons. Yes, fogs are inconvenient! Things are foggy! Fogs make it hard to see where you are going. Deal with it. Drive slowly. Or stop and get food. No complaining. It is a fog, for heaven’s sake. You are old enough to know when the sun comes back that the fog will dissolve and be a memory. Reverse the letters ~ sgof ~ soon go fast? Or maybe, so go for? Yes, yes, but not until spring. Enjoy your fog. Notice the whitish, grayish clouds of stuff misting around you, swirling, changing the world into a magical land. Everyone knows you can’t go fast in a fog. Fogs don’t have a consistent color, texture or behavior! Did you notice you can’t see your feet right now? But you have your feet! Feel how wet the fog is? See how it cools you off? See the water droplets forming on surfaces as the fog condenses from a cloud into a liquid? Magic, I tell you ~ Fogs are magic! Soon this whole foggy business that you’ve been going through will resolve, dissolve and be clear. In the meantime, look for your landmarks, look for your clues, look for your light house light, and listen to the sounds around you. You are almost home. You have to travel a bit more through a fog. Yes, a couple more weeks, until the Sun gets past Neptune and dissolves it. And, just so you know, the fog is going to get even worse and thicker next week. You thought you were going slowly NOW! Hah! So, call ahead. Tell them you will be even later than you thought. You are going to get there when you get there. You are in a fog.
Monday, darn, there goes that light house light! It disappeared as the fog swirled and rolled in. Literally, as Jupiter joined the node and Venus trined Mars, you saw the light, faintly, and whoosh it was gone, in a cloud of fog. Ah well. You know you are on the way home. You have to keep on. Or maybe you aren’t on your way home? As the Sun joins with Chiron in Aquarius, your fear rises. Maybe it was an imaginary light? You will NEVER, ever find your tribe. You will eaten by vampires. You will die alone with your cats, with the litter unscooped. You will wander aimlessly for the rest of your stupid, silly life. How did you dare think you could have…. Oh, please, do stop crying! It is just a fog.
Tuesday, as Sun argues with Mars, you have the option to make a plan. No, it will not be a perfect plan. But it will get you to your next step. Turn on the windshield wipers. Get out your map. Focus your attention on what you are doing. You know where you want to go. You know where home is. You know what you want. So make a plan. As Venus joins Ceres, your mother’s warnings and admonitions come rolling back into your mind. So what if your underwear isn’t clean? If you are dead, who cares that you didn’t change your underwear? So what if the ambulance drivers joke about your dirty underwear as they order their tuna sub at the deli? You are dead! You won’t know. Oh, what, so NOW you are floating over the counter listening to them laugh about your dirty underwear? Do you see how defeatist you are being? That is what Mercury joining with Chiron feels like. Mercury and Chiron drive your anxiety to a fever pitch. Mercury and Chiron make you focus on dirty underwear instead of the problem at hand. If you feel so bad about your underwear, remember to change it next time!
Wednesday, Clean underwear please! See, you are still alive. It is just a fog. While you are at it, put on your best power outfit, favorite socks, most comfortable shoes and splash your neck with a delicious, nurturing smell. It is going to be a rough day on Planet Earth. Lots and lots of fear swirling around like a fog as the Sun contraparallels Saturn. There are no vampires in the fog. Well, actually there are vampires, but they already ate. Or drank. Not a single vampire is going to bite your neck (unless you let them). Put a garlic clove in your pocket.
Thursday, is your final pass as Mercury and Sun aspect the North node. The bull charges at you, throwing dust in your eyes. Medusa screams, challenging you to kill her before being turned to stone by your fear. You shake the blood out of your eyes, deciding to take out the short guy in the sparkly tights standing next to RED. What in heaven’s name possessed you to think you could take on a multi-snake headed gorgon using your shield as a mirror? Please, who invented these plot lines? Send them to rewrite. They completely suck! Oh well, too late. Three, two, one, GO. Action. Time’s up.
Friday, the cosmos dance. Fate turns. The Wheel of Karma shifts. Mercury and the Sun oppose Saturn as Jupiter squares Neptune as Mercury semi-sextiles Uranus. Venus retrograde aspects Jupiter and Neptune activating our south node of fate. Please, please, today, make that leap of faith! It is time for conscious evolution. Emotional evolution is fine but create a crystal clear, sparkling vision of what you want in your life. Go for it. Take every cell in your entire being and have them ache, arch, crawl, swim, run, walk, vibrate, hop, skip, jump and hum towards what you want. Move away from what you don‘t want.
Saturday and Sunday, keep your focus clear even as the fog swirls around you. Drive on. Know where you want to go. What do you want to create? Follow your instincts. If it feels wrong, stop, pull over, wait a second and recommence. Neptune joins with Pluto by parallel, pulling the power of creation energy into your world. Mercury struggles to see through the thickening fog. Behind all the clouds of mist and fog, your world and life are seeking balance, redress and wholeness. Did your bull change direction at the last second to charge RED or did you take out that matador? Did you figure out how to use your shield before Medusa grabbed you?
I went to hear Barbara Cook in concert at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. In front of a sold out house, she stopped her musicians several times, in at least three separate songs, until she got “it” right. Just a full dead on stop! Her music wasn’t what SHE wanted. She apologized. She paused. She took a drink of water. After she reconnected to and with that divine singing goddess inside her, she began anew. There she was, singing at the New York Metropolitan Opera House. It was a solo performance. Barbara Cook had been dreaming about it since she was a small girl listening to the radio Saturday afternoons in Atlanta, Georgia. Barbara Cook KNEW what she wanted! She KNEW how she wanted her dream to turn out! She KNEW what she was capable of creating. She KNEW when her music was wrong, for her, even if it sounded perfectly fine to me! SHE KNEW. And Barbara Cook refused to do it if it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. She did it until she got what she wanted. It wouldn’t have mattered to her if it took three hundred stops and starts in front of a sold out opera house. I want you to use Barbara Cook as your example in the week ahead. Just stop the music, look at all the faces arrayed in front of you and say, “Nope that is not quite what I wanted…” Turn to face your musicians saying, “Okay, Let’s try that again.”
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee