Weekly Weather January 2, 2012

Weekly Weather January 2, 2012

We enter a new year ~ 2012, ~ a 5 year of change, change and more change. I thought I’d change and open the New Year’s column with wisdom from two of my clients and a photograph from a third, Michele.

Jill writes in her Christmas Message:

As the Holiday approaches and the year comes to a close, a lot of us are reflecting on our life, and the year. I know people who feel like they have wasted years of their lives because of poor choices. They spent years in a toxic relationship, or didn’t try hard enough. Years with an addiction, or years at a job where they weren’t fulfilled.


Realize nothing you have been through is ever wasted. Your past experiences, good and bad, have put something inside of you. Those challenges have sharpened you to help make you who you are today. When you have hardship in your life, God has a way of taking that experience and turning it around for your advantage. Remember, everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t see it now. Stay in faith, you will see life begin to open a new route. He’ll put the right people in your path, the right opportunities, and right circumstances to move you toward what you came here to do.”


And Brooks writes:


“Our lives are beautiful changing living things. Our lives are alive. We live in the midst of them.
We don’t always see it that way. A lot of times we see it as, “This is my house, these are the things in my house, this is my job, these are my friends, these are the things that I do.” But that’s a description of every “thing” in our lives. It divides us from them rather than connects us to them.


When we start to see the things in our lives not as “just things”, but as “living things” — as alive as ourselves — then our lives change. It’s not about controlling the things in our lives, but seeing what’s in our lives as changing, moveable things that we’re interacting with. We have a connection with everything in our lives.


Then if we look at our lives and the things that are in it, and some of it we don’t like or don’t actually have a connection with, we can do something about it. We can change it. We look at a piece of furniture we don’t like and get another. Or we can talk with someone who is in our life, talk about how we’re feeling and make changes for the better. Or we can notice things we don’t like and just remove them.


By seeing everything in our lives as a living thing, because of that connection, we become much more aware of what’s good for us and what’s not; what we like and what we don’t like.


Sit in the midst of your living room, look around and treat the space as something that’s just as alive as you. Does it feel good here? Ask the room, “How do you feel?” It puts yourself in touch with YOU in the midst of your life, and helps you know what you want and need to do.


The next few days are a really good time to interact with YOU in your life, to talk with yourself in your life. Take a look, and be creative with your approach. See how you connect to your life. Trust your feelings — you’re a living thing in your space too!”


Every person, thing and situation in our lives exists to help us evolve and get where our soul wants us to go, grow and reach out to. The last few weeks have been about patterns, watching them, getting conscious of them, seeing if we want to keep them or if we want to change. Some patterns are working perfectly for you… keep them. Some patterns are not so perfect…the universe will be asking you, in about three week, how you want to change those patterns of yours. Or maybe you only want to change how you perceive your patterns. All are options.


Honest ~Even if you just change HOW you perceive your patterns, you change. It is why they make experiments double blind ~ so the observer doesn’t affect outcome. When we observe, we notice the observed changes. And the observed, notices the observer’s reactions. It is called the observer-expectancy effect and also called the experimenter-expectancy effect, observer effect, or experimenter effect. It is a form of reactivity in which a researcher’s cognitive bias causes them to unconsciously influence the participants of an experiment. It is a significant threat to a study’s internal validity. Weight Watcher and other forms of behavior modification ask you to observe your behavior to help you change, understand your triggers/reactions and the choices made because of them.


The last two months while Mars has been in Virgo, the eclipses arrived, and Mercury’s been out of bounds, retrograde and wild in his rulership of Mars and the South Node of Compulsive Behaviors while Saturn rolls through Gemini’s decant of his Libra Journey, we been getting clear! This week Mercury leaves his shadow and heads into Capricorn ~ answering to Saturn. So we’ll be looking at our stuff and figuring it out. We’ll gather up all the data points. It is a cosmic science experiment with you as the observed and observer. Notice the patterns. Get clear on your choices. Talk to the big ringed fellow, Saturn, and say what you want to create in ALL OF YOUR VARIOUS RELATIONSHIPS. Then you have nine months, until September 2012 to actually get the work done.


As Mercury leaves his shadow and quickly moves through the back half of Sagittarius to enter Capricorn this week, we’ll GET IT. Mercury has a big pile of aspects making him exceptionally busy as he wraps up Wisdom seeking Sadge and makes aspects with virtually the entire heaven ~ Uranus, Juno, Neptune, Vesta, Poseidon, Ceres, Admetos, Vulcanus, Zeus, Sedna, Saturn, Apollon, Neptune, Hades, Jupiter and Uranus. If you haven’t figured it out after this week, it isn’t happening now! So pay attention and work with the cosmic scavenger hunt.


Sun talks to the nodes of fate this week asking you to make an ego adjustment to what you THOUGHT you wanted versus what you actually DO want. Don’t listen to others or their opinions about what you should do on this one ~ focus on your inner wisdom. Focus on your inner wisdom, especially if you are working with some new idea or on a creative project. The others are not going to “get it”. So, while you are fragile and unclear with the news, allow it to unfold in your heart.


Now, if fate brings you something you are not 100% sure you want, try it on mentally for a while ~give yourself permission to mull it over before making hasty decisions. No Thumbs down until you stew in the concept a bit. Let Mercury finish his aspects before you go changing things. Allow the messages of the heavens to unfold this week and next before acting. As Books said ~ you are a living thing in your space. As Jill said ~ everything happens for a reason, even if we don’t see it now.


As there is much more to say and Monday is a Holiday for New Year’s Day ~ we’ll continue then.


 Auld Lang Syne by Sissel


In the meantime, this week in my Weekly Weather podcast, I talked about the aspects for the upcoming year and how to work with them. Take a listen. The link is above.

Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee