Weekly Weather January 17, 2012

Weekly Weather January 16, 2012


Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
With your one wild and precious life?

Mary Oliver   “From “The summer day”;


Last week I looked at the aspects, picked out a couple of poems to go with the all Neptune and coming to an ending energy and whoosh the week was gone…  The column never got written!  Whoosh ~ gone….


It was a hard week.


Lots of Neptune finishing up. Difficult news. Emotional culminations. Saturn and Mars were stopping in the sky.


A few beloved people left earth ~ a client’s baby brother, a client, a friend, and a loved pet of a dear friend.  A few more people planned their leaving and moves to far away places. Another friend said “So long” to her right hip and replaced it.  Am I really old enough to have younger friends having hip replacements?


Others backslid ~ fell off the wagon, crawled off into the basement, felt depressed, were discouraged, abandoned hope, tanked, or slipped under waves of turbulence in their lives. And one or two took up new bad habits, realized they were poor choices as coping mechanisms and vowed to drink, drug and rage no more. Folks were depressed at the state or situations in their lives. My addiction to puzzles was forgotten ~ there was too much to do and sorrow to work with.  I watched Adele’s DVD at the Royal Albert Hall and cried my eyes out quite a few times.


On the good news front, someone very important in my life, a former boss, was NOT dead even though I’d heard he died.  So there WAS brightness.


And I discovered why I had NOT been receiving emails ~ there was a broken link on my website. Emails sent from any of you since last fall via the website contact form have been disappearing into the vapor of the internet!  Mars stopped on my Sun… gotta love it. The web site very officially took your message ~ it just didn’t DELIVER it to me… whoosh into the tremulous endings of Neptune in Aquarius.  Write again! I wasn’t rude or ignoring you ~ I didn’t get your email!


It was a hard week to move forward with Saturn and Mars virtually stopped in the heavens.  When the two malefics pause to move mere minutes or seconds a day as they reach their station degrees, they seem to grind into our hearts and souls a bit harder than usual.  Negotiations and solutions were not easily reached.  In all honesty, unless you absolutely HAVE TO, consider it a good thing to wait until the fellows get moving again…


Plus, for extra credit, Saturn is stationing at the degree of his earlier Saturn/ Pluto union in 1982-83. We are resolving karma, drama, stories, situations from 1982 ~ if we didn’t get it right then, we have a new chance. Even if we DID get it right then, we have a chance to change the choices made then.  An opportunity presents itself to us. We are releasing our old dreams from 1982 as well as ending our current 29 year cycle of relationships. So much to do ~ so little time!


Much of our lives are spent in those lovely, murky things we call relationships. Saturn in Libra wants us to be clear about how the people and relationships in our lives mirror for us, in a mimicking, dualistic manner, what we are supposed to figure out.  It is pretty amazing actually.  We pull in people who PERFECTLY reflect what we are supposed to discover about our lives… How does THAT Magic happen?


In addition to the 29 year cycle closing up, Saturn is trine to Neptune who is ALSO ending a 14 year journey in Aquarius.  The universe is asking us for our NEW soul’s dream even as we are still processing and wrapping up the components of our old dream. Neptune reenters Pisces for the next 14 years in a few weeks. Between now and early February, folks from November of 1997 and early 1998 can dance through your life, reminding you of all the many changes the past 14 years of your life have brought about. Neptune can make us feel melancholy or depressed or take us flying into the rapture and dream ~ watch for emotional flexibility and agility as Neptune plays with us before he moves into Pisces.  He‘s leaving Aquarius behind for the next 164 years ~ it is an important good bye in our lives….  Take time these next two weeks to thank the dream that grew in your life, honor its departure from your world. And then, be ready to turn to say Hello to the New Dream arriving in our lives…


Last week‘s Full Moon in Cancer resolved the story from July 10, 2010 and helped us release emotional feelings.  It woke up our heart. Venus talked and worked with both Saturn and Neptune reminding us that our time on earth is short. Everything ends. Venus then changed signs into her exaltation on Saturday and danced with Jupiter encouraging us to get up, get back into the dance, move fully into our lives, make a commitment and live.  We aren’t dead.  We are alive. Dance.  Or at the very least happy tap your foot to the music in your heart…


What HAVE you been doing with your one wild and precious life?


In our week ahead, Mars and Saturn continue to station, both are on the degree of their upcoming retrogrades. They are grinding into our hearts~ making us very, very aware of the patterns in our lives ~ both the happy patterns and the unhappy patterns.  We can, of course, always change our patterns ~ we can choose the higher form of the energies in our chart. And while our natal potential is described by our charts, HOW we use that natal potential IS OUR CHOICE.


Our actual potential is based on our free will, consciousness and how we work to shape and create the dreams that live in our hearts.


Mary Oliver  From “Wild Geese”;

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
The world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting-
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.


In the week ahead, the Sun enters Aquarius, firmly committing to the Winter Season here in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer in the Southern part of the globe. We leave the solitary pursuits of Capricorn to focus more on our favorite group activities. We detach from the somber earth achieving energy to turn our attention to the communities or groups that reflect and request our attention.  We make important connections and get interesting news this week on Tuesday and Wednesday as the Sun and Mercury work with the Nodes of Fate. Venus in her exaltation is working graciously with Pluto and helping us process and grow new relationship ideas in that fertile earth the two of them make. Harness your creative powers and desires to work passionately with the power of Pluto and desires of Venus for a pure and gentle love.  Plus, Ceres leaves the gentleness and softness of Pisces behind for the fierce, pulsing, passionate energy of Aries on Thursday ~ we want to create and feel a stirring deep in our insides. The shift is beginning to happen ~ just at the edges of our reality. Swirling, moving gently and then a bit faster ~ still a dream or a wisp of energy….  Look quickly and you can see it, flickering at the edges.  No worries ~ it will be clear soon.


All loss and endings encourage us to celebrate our aliveness and new beginnings.


After every ending, there IS a new beginning. Sometimes it just takes us awhile to get there….  Or we are so focused on the ending we fail to note the beginning.   Look for the beginning too during this week… it is there whispering in your dreams, at the edge of the room, slipping ahead of you around the corner ~ getting things ready for your eventual arrival.  Have hope.


Happy ~ Natasha Bedingfield
Got my dreams, got my life, got my love
Got my friends, got the sunshine above
Why am I making this hard on myself
When there’s so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy?


Void Moons this Week
10:29 am EST Monday, January 16 to 11:33 am EST
1:32 pm EST Wednesday January 18 to 2:29 pm EST
4:50 pm EST Friday January 20 to 5:40 pm EST
8:38 pm EST Sunday January 22 to 9:53 pm EST




Moon’s Day Monday January 16 Moon in Scorpio today, Tuesday and Wednesday morning makes it depressing or emotionally charged or transformative.  Or all three at the same time ~ depressing, emotional and transformative!  Moon’s closing aspect is a square to Neptune so there is an element of sadness as we realize on some level the changes and endings around us are permanent.  There is no going back. We have to go forward to …. Well it isn’t actually CLEAR yet.  So stand in the anxiety and feel the feelings and cry/ laugh/ sing / dance/ process the changes. The clarity comes in a bit ~ it is not here just yet.  We have to wait. But we can move forward on the things we are clear about.  You have a great idea upon awakening as Venus in Pisces chats with visionary Cupido ~ look for your new group of people or figure out a new group of people that you want to connect with and go find them.  You can get wounding news with Venus joining with Chiron ~ or feel a bit sick ~ something you  love is leaving or is hurt. Moon in Scorpio sets off our desire natures…  we want something but have trouble finding words to describe it.  On some level, we have to adjust how we are nurturing ourselves or others with Saturn inconjunct to Ceres.  The path of mothering and caring for the other is over or shifting in how it arrives in your life.  There can be a sense of annoyance with behaviors with Pallas sextile to Eris ~ annoyed with your own patterns or with the other person’s patterns.

Mars Day Tuesday January 17 Moon in Scorpio continues its transformative journey, helping us see and understand the  relationships that are so important in our lives.  Moon works with Pluto last night so dreams can be disturbing or stressful.  Try and remember their imagery as guides to the months ahead. Mid-day Moon connects with Mercury in a practical way so you resolve or figure something out. ~ that fertile mud is so growth producing. Mercury works with the Nodes of Fate so listen to the messages and people who connect with you today ~ you will have to adjust your life based on the decisions made. Sun meets the Nodes of fate offering you interesting connections and people who want to partner with you or who you want to partner with. Take the information and figure out what you want to do with it.  You’ll use the information down the road.   Partnerships present themselves mid-day as Sun connects with people who are able to expedite and facilitate the transformations you need or want in your life.  The shift around nurturing and parenting continues as Neptune and Mercury both ask you to redefine who you are.  If you gave birth to it ~ it will always be yours in the memories you hold in your heart ~ whether it is here or not here.  Adjust, adjust, adjust. Mercury connects with Jupiter later this evening offering you wisdom from an elder or wise one.

Wednesday Mercury’s Day January 18  Moon in Scorpio for part of the day and then whoosh into fire and exuberance of Sagittarius around 2:29 pm EST. Sagittarius Moon has lovely closing aspects of supporting the dream as she sextiles Neptune at the very last degrees of Aquarius and sextiles Saturn at the last degrees of Saturn.  Expect to feel more exuberant and upbeat as the energy forms what is called a minor grand trine ~ Moon to Saturn and Neptune ~ particularly on Friday Afternoon but the events begun under this Moon, including today and Thursday all get to benefit from those lovely closing aspects.  So get your stuff out into the world today, Thursday and Friday until 5:40 pm EST.  Sun connects with the nodes of Fate in a stressful but competent aspect so push yourself to make things happen.  Juno has a bi-quintile aspect to Eris so you can totally end or finish things once and for all on this aspect. You will be heard and your desires will be made known.

Jupiter’s Day, Thursday January 19  The exuberant Moon in Sagittarius is in process and moving towards the minor grand trine with Saturn and Neptune tomorrow.  Sun square Saturn today does wrap up a major cycle of life. Expect illumination and restriction. You’ll get a yes or no ~ it is a firm answer, whether you want that answer or not.  It is time to commit or shift for good and true…. Your life is changing before your eyes.  Ceres leaves placid and quiet Pisces for butt kicking Aries… no turning back.  A new form of nurturing is taking place before your eyes.  That old nurturing energy is finished. And we finish up the emotional process of knowing an ending is coming. We see the next cycle beginning before us. Expect a whoosh of up-flying energy today as that shift takes place. Ever since Ceres got her promotion to dwarf planet status and Pluto received his demotion, she’s been rocking. We’ve seen women start to assert their energy in new and different ways whether the model be one we like or don’t care much for… Now as Ceres enters a new cycle, she takes us forward with all of our accumulated wisdom to turn towards our own being and self care.  We have to nurture our own soul too.  Take time for self care today. It starts a new cycle.   Sun has a quick semi-sextile to Neptune tonight so even if the no or yes we received with Sun’s square to Saturn was troubling or not what we wanted, Sun assures us that it is for the best for all concerned.  Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be.



Friday Venus’ Day January 20 Moon in Sagittarius continues. Today the minor grand trine takes place, sending us off on a new adventure or vision quest.  Allow your heart to soar with the possibilities. Sun at the last degree of Saturn’s sign makes the energy serious as well as somber. At 11:10 am EST, the Sun enters Aquarius ~ jumping off the heights of the Capricorn mountain to soar over the valley below.  Look for eagle imagery or hang gliding or soaring in a glider ~ in the same way that they each catch thermal upward spirals of energy in thin air, you’ll feel your spirits soaring up, up, to the clouds. The Mary Poppins song, Let’s go Fly a Kite comes to mind ~ Up to the highest height! Let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring ~ Up through the atmosphere, Up where the air is clear! Let’s go fly a kite! Let yourself fly up, up into the heavens of your dreams and inspirations. Today is a super busy day so you may find you don’t have much time to think or process… that is for next week… Just move, get it out the door and send your dreams soaring. Around 11:30 am, the Nodes of Fate receive a square from Vesta ~ will this be the future home or not.  You may find you need to leave a place that you’ve called home. Or you choose that it is time for you to leave. Venus has a sextile to Pluto so their earth and water collaboration creates fertile mud into which something  can be grown.  Sun and Ceres collaborate and come up with a great new plan as you go soaring on the up currents in your life.  Trust that the currents are taking you where you are supposed to go and be. Mercury meets up with Venus so you get a firm answer about what you deeply desire. Again , please, please trust your instincts. They are correct on this matter.

Saturn’s day, Saturday January 21 Moon in Capricorn today and Sunday adds an element of seriousness to the next two day’s events. The Moon’s closing aspect is a square to Saturn so we’ll wrap up  emotional situations or projects to release them out of our life.  You’ll hear word of endings with this energy. Moon is serious and somber, making the relationship story a focal point of sending energy out into the world.  Focus on getting work done as the emotions are in sync with the heavens even if everything is super serious.  At the end of the day, you’ll have a temporary breakthrough of humor or lightness as Sun sextiles Uranus sending a creative breakthrough into the mix. Family or group energy is slightly stressed… focus on how you love each other rather than the details. Remember the love.  Uranus has a break through energy to the South Node ~ you actually GET it and can let it go. Quintiles are brilliant ideas or breakthroughs ~ Uranus to the South Node means you get how to release something that you need to let go of.  You open your hands and POOF it is gone. You are free. Monkeys get trapped by putting shiny things in jars with thin necks.  They go put in their hand to grab the shiny thing. Then they are trapped as they can’t pull their hand out unless they release the shiny thing.  And they don‘t release the shiny thing.  Release the shiny thing today.  You don‘t need it any more. And it has you trapped. It is as easy as opening your hand and POOF it is gone.  You are free.  See how the pattern has trapped you?  You can adjust and no longer be trapped.



Sun’s Day, Sunday January 22  Moon in Capricorn continues to help us process the relationship energy in our life as she moves through the day, culminating with a trine to stopped Mercury and a square to Saturn in Libra. It is as easy (and as hard) as opening your hand.  POOF, the shiny thing falls. You are free. No more monkey.  Sun squares Jupiter in the middle of the night last night offering an illumination on the things we hold onto.  Jupiter is in a retentive sign, loving to hang on tight, as he is in Taurus.  Open your hand. Let it go. See the pattern for what it is ~ one you no longer have to repeat. Mercury’s square to Eris in the middle of the night is monkey mind shouting at you ~ “SO you think you can CHANGE!!??” ~ kind of like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz shouting at Dorothy~ “I’ll get you my pretty. “  And we all know how THAT story ended ~ Neptune is going into Pisces in a few days… and a bucket of water will fall on your old dream and help it melt away so you are free and able to move on. Patterns can and do change…. And now is the time when they protest that they can NEVER, EVER, NEVER change.  Of course you can change. You just have to let go of what you don’t want to change… and POOF it is gone. You have to let go of what has you trapped in the monkey jar and POOF you are free.   And you are READY to change. So give yourself permission to shift… adjust…. Change… dissolve the old patterns.




WEBSITE PROBLEMS:  I just discovered that my website has been taking messages and not delivering them.  If you sent me an email and did not receive a response, the chances are EXCELLENT that I never received it.  Please resend it.  For those of you wondering ~my Mercury stationed and turned direct by Progression after 21 years of going retrograde.  Woo-hoo!  And NOW, Transiting Saturn is stationing on my Progressed Mercury so I just figured it out… Ah astrology.  Don’t you just love it?







Introduction to Astrology Weekend With
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT

Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s  workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively,  how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own.   There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne.  Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn.  Lunch, and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests.  Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth.  What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life?  Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet.  Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn.  Lunch and one coffee break is included for all.
#Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone:             (802)379-5775
E-mail: info@bodhiconsult.com

Copyright © 2012  A. C. Ortelee