Weekly Weather January 16, 2006 to January 22, 2006
Our week ahead features the Sun and Mercury changing signs and entering Aquarius. Both will light our path with the wisdom and brilliance of detachment, knowing and humanitarian consciousness. I adore Mercury in Aquarius as the god of communication fine-tunes his messages to us with crystalline, glittering imagery that strikes our eyes and hearts with the impact of a gentle, loving, lightening bolt streaking through the sky with a crackle.
Doesn’t it always startle and surprise you when lightening illuminates a night sky? It reminds us the sky is still BLUE even though it SEEMS dark when the lights go away. Expect strobe flashes of light and illumination as Mercury and the Sun both enter Aquarius on Friday and Sunday respectively. Now, please remember, Neptune WILL cloud your vision until Sun and Mercury make their conjunctions and go past him next month! NEVERTHELESS, you will “see the light” piercing across and through Neptune’s fog. It as if you have been sailing on a fog bound ocean, following the low sound of a distant foghorn and hoping you will make it to shore alive. Take heart. It will be SUCH A RELIEF to see a very dim, faint lighthouse light! There it is! See it? Pulsing dimly through the fog coming from direction of the soul vibrating sound of the foghorn?
Well, actually, you will not see the light until some time after Mars squares Neptune on Wednesday! The light will appear faintly through the fog and darkness so watch for it. Up until now, you have been taking your journey on blind faith, hearing the call of your heart, pushing out, seeking evolution and attempting to put it all together. You know your compass said go west and you‘d find land. You set sail west. The fog rolled in. The navigation stars disappeared into the mist. You have traveled on faith, with a few panicky moments thrown in just for fun, these past few months. You started to hear the foghorn. Your soul vibrated and heart leapt at the sound. Now, gradually, the sound has been growing louder. Soon, all the puzzle pieces will start to make sense. You will see the faint light in the clouds of mist ahead of you. You are STILL in a traffic jam until the Spring BUT you will be getting clearer on who, what, where and perhaps, most important, WHY. Be of stout and brave heart!
Monday, start imagining the first thing you are going to do when you get home to use the Mercury parallel Vesta energy. You aren’t there yet, but what is it? Read in your comfortable chair? A long, hot shower? A hug or snuggle with the people you love? Martha Stewart was going to make Risotto when she got home. What are you going to do?
Tuesday, Mercury joins with Venus retrograding in it is never going to change, I will be stuck like this forever, woe is me, I might as well accept it and be practical Capricorn. Whenever Mercury and Venus get together these two cosmic pals figure out a new plan. While you may have FELT like you were going backwards these past weeks (and you were), think of it as a backing up to get ready to take a running jump start into the life you want. Mercury in Capricorn will whisper wise words of advice into Venus’s ear, probably including a practical pep talk of specific things to DO or NOT DO to get clear of the obstacles. Venus needs a bit of cheer and a pat on the back or three. On the other hand, perhaps Mercury will just whisper to wait and see what happens when Venus goes direct on February 3. Mercury has many sources of information, tricks and magic up his sleeve. He knows about all sorts of things Venus has been too depressed and defeated to notice. So Buck up! Listen for Mercury’s wisdom and strategy as he and Venus aspect Pallas Athena today. The Sun‘s quintile to Jupiter in Sagittarius suggests it is all part of the bigger picture (which you admittedly can‘t see right now). Not to fear.
Wednesday, Mars FINALLY squares Neptune and breaks free of the last planet in the fixed traffic jam. The fog, mist, clogs, depression, stickiness, blood and dust in his bull’s eye start to move and clear. You see the light (or you will in the next day or two). Remember it is always darkest before the dawn. This might be a dark day but you will be all right after the clog moves. Now you understand what it was all for. Pretty amazing eh?
Thursday, Mercury in practical Capricorn will make a connection way back to May 2000 for you as he aspects the North Node of Aries and your evolution. There!! There! See it? Right before your eyes? Do you get it now? Saturn in Leo makes his second inconjunct aspect with Uranus in Pisces. Evolve now or you will start to die! Now is the moment! You‘ve been working toward this all fall. I know, I didn‘t give you a lot of warning! However, IF I told you, you might have bailed out before now. Given up, quit, resigned in defeat, and said I am outta here. Now, you are, hopefully, too far in to quit. Your blood, sweat and soul are invested in evolving! Give it over to Mars in Taurus! Let your bull have his head. It happens today. Do you feel the change? Do you feel the consciousness coming in? Do you see the lighthouse’s light? Did you ever wonder why they call it a bull’s eye? Because a bull, WHEN he knows what he wants, goes after it in a manner NO ONE can stop. Dead ahead. Full steam! Do not let anyone stop you!
Friday, Sun enters Aquarius. You leave earth for the heavens and a wiser vision of what is going on in your life. The nodes shift. Jupiter sextiles Ceres in practical earth, saying “Ah, so THAT is what it was for! Who KNEW?” Kind of like body parts or tools that you did not know how to use when you were little. Once you figured out what those body parts or tools were actually for, you had SUCH fun!! And, yes, Jupiter IS in Scorpio so I meant THOSE body parts. Whatever did you figure out today? It will be almost as much fun as those body parts! J
Saturday, still laughing with glee, Mercury quintiles Jupiter and is reassured that now that you know what to do with it, you can do it whenever you want to. It is there for you to use! It is what this completely silly, difficult fall was for. Forward you go. Well maybe not forward today as Mars parallels Saturn so you might have a bit of an anxiety attack. HOWEVER, YOU KNOW!! You are changed. You cannot go back. You looked. You evolved. If you just turned into a butterfly, you are NO LONGER a caterpillar. You have to leave caterpillar land. But you have very cool wings on your back that will take you to all sorts of glorious, colorful, beckoning flowers and other butterflies and nectar and summer breezes and a completely new kind of world. You are going to love, love, love it because your heart is singing. Go for evolution.
Sunday, Mercury enters Aquarius and the nodes shift again. Look in a puddle to see your reflection. See? You are not a caterpillar any more! Flap those wings of yours and try to fly to that leaf over there. Careful! Remember, you are a brand new flier. You do not need a lot of effort or much movement to get where you are going. Just a flap or two. You are still thinking like an earth bound caterpillar. It is way easier to travel as a butterfly! You will get the hang of your new wings with a touch of practice. There is Hope for the Flowers! A new butterfly is born! You have evolved!
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee