Weekly Weather Jan 2, 2006 to Jan 8, 2006
It is a back sliding kind of week. Be careful out there!
Please focus on NOT SLIPPING backwards. Focus on staying where you’ve evolved to. Whatever you do, you do NOT want to go back. You may not know where you are going yet, but you are moving again, slowly, slowly, slowly moving forward. Or you might stand there for a bit, not moving. But NO regressing. No slithering back under a rock to hide who you are, no matter how tempting it might be. No smoking, drinking, overeating or that bad old behavior. You come too far, worked too hard and struggled way, way, way too long to get here. Rest for a moment if need be. NO back sliding. Venus is retrograde. She reenters Capricorn Tuesday for the duration of her retrograde, until February 3. Venus in conservative, oppressed, repressed, depressed, take no chances, be safe rather than sorry Capricorn is feeling picked on, gloomy and anxious beyond words. Saturn in Leo, Venus’s ruler, is getting his hopes, dreams, loves, wishes, optimism, rules, regulations and structures pounded on by Uranus and Pluto all week. And, last week Saturn was kicked when he was down by Mars so he is in NO shape to fight.
Capricorn Venus is in charge of that tempting, obsessive, slip back into partnering with oblivion and delusion South Node in Libra. Mars, in his fall in Taurus, is in charge of moving you forward to your destiny of the North Node in Aries. And, Mars is SO SLOW you can hardly stand it. Mars IS moving!! Maybe only a fraction or smidgeon of an inch, but moving, and forward!! There will be an incredible urge to crawl back into our favorite womb, give up, dig into a hidey hole in cool earth or hide under the bedcovers. Know Venus in Capricorn is NOT your friend!! She is saying, quite loudly, in a room full of your most judgmental, critical, bitchy friends and family, that you can‘t have more, you are stupid and foolish, why do you hope for it, why think your life can be different, just accept what you have, be grateful for the crumbs and rotting scraps. Deal with it. THIS IS THE WAY YOUR LIFE IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE!
Do you see how Venus is not your friend right now? She is talking to you from a place of fear, anxiety, security and caution. She knows exactly which of your buttons to push to make you doubt your own sanity and your very tentative decisions and baby steps towards what you want. Venus is trying to sabotage you. Venus WILL sabotage you IF YOU LET HER and listen to her!! She’s the friend who urges you to give up, quit, have a smoke, drug, dessert, skip exercise, or not believe. She goes through ALL the reasons why it isn’t going to work because she is only looking out “for your own good.”
After 9-11 happened, a good, rule following friend of mine said that if she had been there to hear the instructions to stay at your desk as “everything is under control“, she would NOT have evacuated. She realized, as a conservative and rule bound gal, she’d have died when second plane hit and the towers collapsed. Another friend was jarred right out of her waking stupor when she heard the loudspeakers telling everyone to stay put. She evacuated before the second plane hit.
Think of January 2006 as your very own 9-11 month. You get to decide the fate and future of your life in the month ahead. Don’t listen to conservative Venus telling you to be cautious and play safe or stay put for your own good or because it won‘t ever change. Venus is going to instruct you to stay in the Tower for “your own good” because “everything is under control“. What do YOUR instincts tell you? Can you use Venus’ conservative energy to make a list and solid creation plan for what you want? And please get your butt heading down the stairs towards freedom and your life? Start to work steadily towards it. We never would have landed on the Moon, climbed Mount Everest or broken the 4 minute mile if we listened to conservative nay sayers. We would have died in a concrete dust collapse if we’d followed instructions to stay “safe” and at our “place” on 9-11.
Now, that said, I can’t promise you that the situation before you will change into what you want it to be. It may. It may not. We won’t know until spring. Besides, it is NOT about the current situation in front of you. It is about YOU. I want you to put your stake in the ground. Say your desires loud and clear. Push for your dreams. Push for what you want. Thrower Outers, please keep it JUST a wee bit longer. Hanger On-ers, it is time to throw it out if it doesn’t start to change.
Monday, Mercury hears or sees something that causes stress and strain as moon in detached Aquarius shouts into that fixed cross of stubborn energy. No obsessing! Pay NO attention. Focus on getting out of the tower.
Tuesday, Mercury leaves the abundance and overdoing of Sagittarius to enter Capricorn’s rule bound, precise, crystal clear structure of words. It is time for THE SPEECH, if you haven’t given it yet. A performance plan. You know, the “This is what I want. Can we/you do it” speech? Give the situation and person a reasonable time to come into compliance (say spring? ~ end of March, beginning of April ~ you are going to be in the traffic jam until then any way so what is the rush?). Watch for behavior changes, particularly during January. Changes will let you know if they might be able to show up and do it. As Venus is retrograde, NO changes or stagnant situations are NOT bad news. They just are NO change. Remember that traffic jam until Spring?
Wednesday, Sun waltzes with Jupiter as Saturn argues with Ceres and Mom. This whole mess is about going beyond what you think is possible for yourself, going beyond what and who you are. Evolving. Turning from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Go read “Hope for the Flowers” or “The Places You’ll Go”. You are starting to think you can have MORE. Or maybe you just don’t want what you have. Both situations can change. Push for what you want. WRITE IT DOWN to use the Mercury’s stress aspect to creative Neptune positively.
Thursday, Mercury aspects Chiron by inconjunct. Here is when Venus is going to start picking on your dreams as she gets into a fight with Mars by declination. So, maybe the dream with THIS particular situation or person is NOT going to happen. That is okay. The point is to HAVE A DREAM, to know what you want, to believe you can create it, and to start to work towards it. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a step. Don‘t listen to Venus being your “friend” today or telling you it is for your own good. Go for your dream. Ask the universe to send you a smoke signal of encouragement.
Friday, Mercury makes a bi-quintile aspect with Saturn. Bi-quintiles are gifts. This aspect is a gift of communication and creation with Saturn. If you believe you will fail, you WILL fail. If you believe it is possible, it might be. Continue to Believe in Possibilities, even if the hows, wheres or whys aren‘t clear yet.
Saturday, stop listening to Venus!! She’s being a total bitch. She’s NOT helping the situation. She’s not helping you with this at all! Go do your work. Execute your plan. Venus is NOT your friend right now! She is talking to you from HER wounded place, HER insecure place, HER fear of change and, yes, her love for you and keeping you from being hurt. Plus, she doesn’t want you to go and change. If you are different, it will upset HER life. But change is in the air! Time to put your stake in the ground for what you want. Draw your line in the sand or maybe in wet concrete? Hold your ground.
Sunday holds a surprise of some sort! A good surprise. A whisper from the Universe to keep on keeping on. A gift, a present, a signal that you are on the right track. Might be an old lover calling, reminding you of the bad old days, a dear friend, a forgotten love letter, a quotation, a memory unbidden, or a story you hear. It is a delicious, delectable something that exists exclusively to affirm you and your dream. Listen. See. Hear. Go for it. Give yourself permission.
I’ll leave you with a quotation I read out loud to myself when I get anxious about pushing my edges out into the world. It helps me keep going on my toughest days. I believe Nelson Mandela wrote it.
Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask our self: “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented or fabulous?” Well, actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the Glory of God within us. It is in everyone.
So, when Venus says, “Who are you to think you can have something better?” read Venus that quotation, in a loud VOICE. It may not be THIS particular “better” that you are going to get BUT “better” is out there. Better is waiting for you. Better is hoping you will find it. Better is just around the corner. Better appears when you give yourself permission to have Better.
P.S. Did you figure out Venus is YOUR Saturn ~ your fear talking to you? Ignore her ~ at least until she goes direct!
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee