Weekly Weather February 6, 2012

Weekly Weather February 6, 2012


Week three of our powerful transforming times. This week Saturn stations at 29 Libra, turning to go retrograde until mid- June. He will revisit all the decisions, work, relationship changes and projects begun since the first week of November 2011. You have a chance to change things, or re-think them. It is a “do-over” as we used call out in child hood games.

This is NOT a game. And it is a very serious do-over opportunity. You are defining the very structure of your relationships over the next 29 years. Be conscious and careful about the choices you make. A seeming innocent act can have major repercussions.

I have an astrology student who is a witch. Tonight before class started, while answering the questions of another student, she was talking about her training. She mentioned how once you start working with energy consciously, working to shift it on a conscious level, you absolutely have to elevate your level of awareness and be “very clean” and “completely honest” in doing so. Or else.

Karma seems to develop a much bigger feedback loop. Even if you are being “dishonest” for a “good cause” ~ the dishonesty has a much bigger “kick” to it. I was printing the class charts and nodding in agreement. I was taught it under the laws of three ~ the energy multiplies three times as it returns back to you based on what you send out.  It seemed that because we “know better” that we have more responsibility to behave appropriately.

We are at such a time for all of us now.

There will be Rapid Karma Feedback loops. Once you are AWARE of Karma, you have a MUCH greater responsibility to act with consciousness or your karma has a MUCH bigger “kick back” or “reverb” to it. Neptune moving into Pisces totally amplifies the Karma feedback loop for each of us.

When I first started working with manipulating energy ~ which actually IS what astrology helps or allows us do ~ I became very aware of that feedback loop. We elect good times to do things. We pay attention to the energy cycles as they show up in our lives and we work constructively with them. At the time, I was still working my corporate gig and reverse commuting to Pepsi upstate.

It was a mean morning. Lots of late nights. Not enough sleep. A nagging health issue. A painful long distance installation with bad users and lots of problems. I was very cranky. Normally my Mars/Mercury square is kept under wraps. I have a hidden carry permit but I don’t normally pull it out and use it in a mean way. But that morning, I was in a mean mood. Of course, Mars/Mercury IS cars, speed and aggression ~in my teen years, I used to consistently win drag races with my mother’s V-8 station wagon which could reliably hit 125 to 140 without vibrating too much.  They ate my dust…

So crabby, speedy, going to be late for work Anne was following a pokey person in the passing lane driving even with another car in the regular lane.  That is one of my pet peeves… Pass already and MOVE OVER into the slow lane! So I laid on my horn. Honked a bit. Rode her bumper. Slow poke finally passed and moved over. I passed her and pulled over in front of her speeding along on my way to work. In my mind, I wasn’t thinking particularly kind thoughts. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, a speeding maniac woman zoomed up in the passing land and pulled in behind me ~ laying on her horn, honking, waving wildly at me ~ with both hands off the steering wheel and riding on my bumper. She did the honking, waving, bumper riding business for three complete exits. Then she suddenly pulled out, passed me, flipped me a bird and drove at easily over 100 miles an hour away from me. I was pretty shaken up.

And then it flashed through my mind ~ ah the three times Karma payback. I had honked and been mean to a little old lady and I got the maniac driver for three exits in return. Taught me a valuable lesson.

So watch your Karma payback reverb over the next few weeks. Watch your Mars in Virgo retrograde sensitivity to slights and bitterness. Don’t react out of bitchiness or anger. Don’t go back on your word. Watch for Neptune in emotional Pisces to amplify things and blow them out of proportion. Pay attention to Saturn’s stationing in the sign of relationships at the anaeretic degree. Saturn will be asking how honorable you’ve been about keeping your word or doing the right thing in both your personal and professional life.  What IS going on in your relationships?

If you said you would give a month’s notice, keep your word. Don’t walk out earlier. If you said you would pay for something, pay for it. If you thought you would be able to do something and now you can’t, own up and take the appropriate steps to make it right. If you’ve been lying or deceitful about something and got caught, own up to it. If you are not happy about a situation, make an effort to resolve it. Be a grownup. Know that the Karma has a MAJOR reverb to it right now. Look at your patterns in relationships. Saturn is trying to get you clear on how you contribute to the strange yet wonderful dynamics that go on in your relationships to just about everything in the world.  Saturn is a tough taskmaster…. and no that is NOT a nice term… ask my friend Tracy!  Task Master ~ 1.  person who supervises work demandingly: somebody who assigns and supervises work, especially in a demanding way; 2.  a demanding responsibility: a responsibility or discipline that is very demanding or requires a lot of hard work

Saturn is making us be responsible for our choices in relationships. He is asking us to be disciplined and demanding hard work.

Why? Why pay attention to your relationship dynamics or the Karma feedback reverb this week more than other weeks? Venus is moving from her exaltation in Pisces to her detriment in Aries. She’s taking Saturn with her. Saturn in Libra is answering to Venus in Aries. Saturn is going to be pretty darned irritated and probably very irritating too.  And he’s going to have a big old reverb of Karma as he goes dancing with Venus into Aries.

Venus meets up with Uranus so they can be a bit explosive on Thursday, blowing up relationships, money, and finances. It is fairly angry energy so be careful not to let your tongue or temper get the best of you.

The Full Moon in Leo on Tuesday takes place at 18 of the Leo/Aquarius Sun axis. It culminates the story from the New Moon on August 9, 2010 and the opening quarter moon on May 10, 2011. You see things clearly that you didn’t see before. That is the beauty and problem with Full Moons~ the emotional landscape is laid bare and exposed for all to see. Look at your Leo and Aquarius houses to see the emotional story unfolding and understand Leo’s drive to be seen and adored. There’s a wisdom in the energy if you care to look at it.

Pallas Athena changes signs and enters Pisces while Astraea enters Aquarius. Both changes take place on Sunday so that combined with Libra Moon answering to Aries Venus promises a slightly volatile emotional weekend. And a juicy Valentine’s Day next week!

Again, the point of all these energies shifting to now being ruled by passionate fire signs while moving backward in the sign of hard work in progress Virgo, insisting we work on our relationship dynamics, as they are even more amplified and emphasized by Neptune’s emotional leap into Pisces lit up by the passionate Full Moon in Leo is ~ drum roll please ~ consciousness.

And with the conscious exercise of these energies, we find our Karma shifts, changes, evolves and grows. We become what we are supposed to become. We are casting our bowlines off, sailing towards our lives. Give yourself permission to explore, to sail, to leap, to jump and go toward your next chapter in life.

More to come Tuesday.

Void Moons This Week

7:31 am EST Monday February 6 to 8:24 am EST

11:42 am EST Wednesday February 8 to 12:32 pm EST

0:11 am EST Friday February 10 to 2:54 pm EST

4:09 pm EST Sunday February 12 to 5:01 pm EST

*** END REPORT ***

WEBSITE PROBLEMS: I just discovered that my website has been taking messages and not delivering them. If you sent me an email and did not receive a response, the chances are EXCELLENT that I never received it. Please resend it. For those of you wondering ~my Mercury stationed and turned direct by Progression after 21 years of going retrograde. Woo-hoo! And NOW, Transiting Saturn is stationing on my Progressed Mercury so I just figured it out… Ah astrology. Don’t you just love it?




When: Friday, February 10, 2012

Where: Bonnie Simms’ home 302 Sycamore Ave in Merrick, New York

Time: 7:30 PM

Cost to Members: $ 10 Non-Members: $ 15

Let’s Examine Mars Retrograde

Halfway through 9 months of Mars in Virgo, we’ll take time to examine the role of Mars retrograde. We’ll talk about the who, what, where, when, how to work with it productively and why we are being asked to delve into all the juicy details of changing earth, habits and routines of Virgo’s service oriented energy.

Introduction to Astrology Weekend taught by
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT

The Introduction to Astrology Weekend includes:
16 hours of Astrology Instruction,
Two nights at the Wilburton Inn,
Friday Night Welcome Reception with Light Dinner
Breakfast, Lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday and Sunday
An Astrology Introduction Book for use and reference after the Weekend.
The Opportunity to Understand Your Chart in greater depth by studying with Anne

Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch, and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break is included for all.

Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone:             (802)379-5775

[email protected]
[email protected]