Weekly Weather February 6, 2006 to February 12, 2006
I have been having numerous conversations about the nature of perceived reality during readings lately. Our lovely planets in that fixed cross traffic jam since fall have activated and retrieved for us very stable, unchanging and locked in repetitive potions of our being and soul. At the same time, the universe is applying TREMENDOUS cosmic pressure to those locked in, fixed beliefs via Uranus in Pisces and Pluto in Sagittarius. The cosmic forces want us to examine, resolve, dissolve, divorce, break free and transform the nature and sources of our fixed belief systems, as shown by our fixed planets or houses. When our current “version” of reality is at odds with where our soul or heart wants to go, we‘ve been challenged to let our reality change, evolve or shift into a new form or shape.
Of course, the minute we dance towards an intellectual concept of “well gee, it might be fun for me to try a new version of my own reality” we run smack dab into a large, solid wall composed of our fear of our own light, our oceanic lack of clarity, our passion to create or control and our need to change HOW we behave to get what we want or be free. And then, right behind THAT version of the fixed cross, the emotional version appears ~ the fear comes, the fog swirls, the worse case scenario jumps out of the closet and our bad old behaviors come a calling.
Reality is composed and created by FOUR levels ~ soul/spirit, intellectual, emotional and physical. To change reality, one of the four levels has to go first to show the other three how to change. On the other hand, two can start and get the other two to join in. Alternatively, three can drag the fourth kicking and screaming into change. The problem with fixed energies is NONE of them WANT to change, OR jump in OR go first OR talk the others energies into changing. Fixed energies like to sit there and argue about how THEY want it or why THAT is not right and defend, often to the death, their particular embedded position or way of doing things. YOU are wrong and THEY are right. Or perhaps it is vice versa. YOU are right and THEY are wrong.
Often the only way to get fixed energies to change is to have them hold hands, take a deep breath and jump in together. None of this you go first and I will follow you business. The planet left standing on the cliff will go “Suckers!” and not jump, completely defeating the change in reality! If you get all your planets to jump in together, reality shifts. Somewhere in your chart, the fixed cross has been putting up a TREMENDOUS struggle to preserve what it has or change. The fixed cross appeared as the traffic jam, blockage, resistance to change or a drama between what you have and what you want. I want you to gather all the fixed energies together, hold hands, take a deep breath and get ready to jump in, around Thursday.
Starting this week, whenever it feels like an ME/YOU, US/THEM, simply say, “Well, I guess we will have to agree to disagree“. Stop arguing with what ever or whoever it is over the particular point(s). Put it down. Walk away. Do something else. All that righteous indignation, bossy, know it all and dug-in-and-determined-to quality of Mercury as he has passed through Capricorn and Aquarius can be released now. On Wednesday, Mercury moseys into Pisces for a very long mutable journey, including a retrograde. Mercury is playing in Pisces until mid-April! Hold water in your cupped hand to watch it dribble through your fingers even as you try to keep it captive. Be like that with the power over, controlled, fixed cross elements in your life. Just imagine what you have been struggling with is water in your cupped fingers and watch it drip out, just because water wants to and it can. The reality of everything is changing to become fluid instead of fixed, stuck and oppressive. Or open your fingers to help the water flow faster. Or watch how your hand dries in the air as the water evaporates into air. Or, perhaps a better analogy is to hold an ice cube in your hand, a more fixed form of water, and watch it melt, slowly, so slowly, over time, into water and to eventually evaporate into air. While you sit there watching an ice cube melt, understand the reality before you is like that ice cube. Reality is shifting from a fixed into a fluid form. Now, you can sit there and shout at the ice cube to melt, damn you, melt! Or you can stick that ice cube in a cup, go do something else for a while and come back later to find it nicely melted into water. Let go of your struggle with the fixed cross, the ice cube, the traffic jam, and the bullfight in your life. Put it down. Stop attempting to shape it into YOUR version of reality. See what happens when you let time and the universe do what it will.
When I was in my 20s, I was skiing with a friend in Utah. We found a Monopoly board in the lounge and decided to play a game after dinner. Lisa built a couple of hotels in the expensive part of town. I landed on them and paid her very high rents. When I landed there again, she gloated, “Now, you are out of money. You will have to mortgage your Railroads to pay the rent to Me!” I looked at her, looked at the board, decided we could continue to play the game as I slowly sold all my property off to pay her more and more rent and watch her gloat as she collected it OR I could just concede that she’d won this game, call it quits and we’d go get a drink at the bar. So, I said, “Okay, you win. I quit. Let’s go get a drink and meet guys.” She said, “No, you have to mortgage your railroads! Then you have to mortgage all your other property! I get to build more and more hotels as I buy your property. And THEN I WILL WIN, after you are completely destroyed!” We argued about it for a few minutes. I wanted to stop playing, was willing to proclaim her the winner, and move along to other fun stuff, following MY version of reality. She wanted HER version of reality, complete with her fantasy of becoming a wealthy land baroness of the Monopoly board after she drove me into bankruptcy and ruin. Well, it takes two to play in any dance of reality or drama. I got up and went to the bar. She did not talk to me for a few days. It was not great for our vacation plan of skiing together. However, I had a fabulous time skiing in deep powder and on the black diamond slopes Lisa was afraid to ski on. Eventually, she talked to me again, saying “I can‘t believe you did that. I was furious with you!” This week, if you decide to NOT play the game any more, do know they may be VERY mad at you! They may even decide to end your “relationship” and wish you a nice life as they leave. Or ask you to go. Just let it flow like water through the cupped fingers of your hand. Maybe even open your fingers to help the water along. Go do what you want to do. Reality changes! Watch for it!
Monday, Sun finally joins Neptune and squares Jupiter, clearing and drying up the scary, foggy fear. Now that things are clearer than they were over the past two weeks, what do YOU want? Make your decision and move toward your wishes completely INDEPENDENT of the other guy or the situation in front of you. No fixed versions of reality, control or manipulation of the other. No turning the other into what you want them to be or do. They have their journey. You have your journey. Yeah, I know, it would be nice. They have to change. They have to get there. You cannot change or fix them or the situation. You can just show up, if you want to, be supportive and smile. Or you can let them melt by themselves. No ultimatums, even if you are sorely tempted.
Tuesday, Mars comes to understand how HIS struggle contributes to Saturn’s fixed nature as they quintile each other. The gift of understanding arrives in a kind of cosmic “Ah Hah“ moment. Yes, it may seem SO very simple that you smack your head that you have struggled over it for so long. Keep blowing away the fog or wiping the steam off the bathroom mirror to get a clear view. Over the next few days, reality will shift! Honest, it is THAT simple.
Wednesday, Mercury and Pallas change signs and sextile each other. Immersing Mercury’s wisdom into the depths of Pisces’s ocean as he merges to work with Pallas in strategic, grounded Capricorn suggests your plan or idea is good, solid and sound. It is something you need to follow through on. It IS YOUR solution to this week’s final pass of your bull charging at the matador and Perseus attempting to slay Medusa.
Oh, did I forget to mention that? Sometime mid-week, either today or tomorrow, we have the third and final pass of Mars to Pluto by inconjunct. That is our dear bull’s final charge at the matador and Perseus creeping up to slay Medusa. Do not worry. You are completely ready for it! You are going to be just fine.
Thursday Mercury and Venus make aspects with each other, Chiron and Neptune by parallel as the Bull/Medusa charges at Matador/Perseus. Remember BULL and MEDUSA are the same! MATADOR and PERSEUS are the same! The only difference is the side of the struggle you are standing on, who you are rooting for, and your perception of reality! Root for yourself and your desire!! Root for all FOUR of them! The struggle in front of you, which feels like it is going to be to your very DEATH, is actually your soul evolving and changing form right in front of your heart.
Assuming you survived Wednesday and Thursday to read this, your transformation took place. Friday, as Saturn talks to Pallas Athena, listen as she explains the nature of reality to him. WE create the situations we need to evolve and grow. They are our earth school. When we change our belief about the NEED for the struggle with the situation, it magically disappears or changes form. When we agree to cooperate with the energy and go with the flow, it transforms. You have to let it go, like water through your fingers or an ice cube in a cup. Just let it go. Put it down. Let it go. Jump in with all planets holding hands together. Do not worry.
Saturday, Mercury makes stressful aspects to the North Node and Chiron. So, yes, you CAN wail about it over the weekend if you simply must, need to, have to or want to. Aren’t you getting sick and tired of hearing yourself go on and on about it? Perhaps a more productive use of your time would be to look at WHY it has to be THAT particular situation in THAT particular way out of ALL the possibilities in the world? Think of all the other things you could obsess over? Do you see how obsessing over something that is not going the way YOU want prevents the rest of your life from moving forward? That one planet is standing there on the edge of the pool, simply refusing to jump in! Just look at it stamping its feet and having a hissy fit!?
Sunday, hopefully, you use the Venus aspect to Neptune to splash that hissy fit planet into silence. Or perhaps get it wet enough that it decides to jump in already. Or got the other planets to get out and push it in. Or got out of the pool, grabbed its hand and jumped in together. And, by jumping, pushing, falling or letting go in, Venus promises your reality changes as she dances with Pluto. Mercury in a watery aspect to Saturn shouts out in a combination of pain and pleasure as the cool water hits your hot flesh. Suddenly, your reality changes….
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee