Weekly Weather February 4, 2013
A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
— Alexander Pope (1688-1744) English Poet
Pisces rules the heavens for the next major leg of our journey. Mars entered Pisces last Friday for 40 days. The heavens are Piscean as virtually everything in the heaven’s reports to Mars. If you’ve ever wondered what your Pisces friends go through, why they are so drifty and dreamy, you’ll have a taste of it now. Mars in Pisces wants to go with the flow and trust that the current of life will take him where he is supposed to go. Join Mars in trusting the Universe. Sail your ship.
For the next few years, when MARS shifts signs, the entire heavens will seem to switch with him. Mars rules Saturn in Scorpio. Suddenly Saturn is a Pisces and VERY sensitive. Saturn rules Pluto in Capricorn ~ suddenly Pluto is weepy and tearing up at the oddest things in a sentimental manner completely unlike who he usually is. Mars rules Aries so voila suddenly Uranus is taking time to see how you feel about him exploding things in Aries. He stops to ask how you feel about him blowing up your stuff. The North Node of Fate now answers to Mars in Pisces ~ you get the call. Your insides go “I gotta go!” You hear the call! Spirit, your soul, or your deepest understanding of what is right for your being speak up and say “Hey, can we get going?” And suddenly, without a word of warning, you are gone. The Finger of God is into sentimental, emotional wobbliness designed to end things and shift you into the new energy of awareness. Not that there is anything WRONG with wobbliness or emotional responses. Our Finger of God wants to swim away and escape the stress of day to day living. Suddenly we are up close and VERY personal to the situations that inspire or drain us. We don’t want to be drained any more. We have to learn how to trust the process and sail our ship.
As every sailor knows, sailing is a process of coordinating the wind, tides, sails and destination ~ constantly adjusting, moving and doing stuff. Sailing is NOT about lying down and resting on the boat while drinking pina coladas and getting a tan. Sailing is an action kind of process ~ you are constantly doing SOMETHING ~ at least if YOU are in charge of sailing the boat ~ busy, busy but in an indirect way. Say you want to sail THERE but the wind is blowing the wrong way, against your desired direction. When that happens, you have to “tack” which is a complete pain in the butt. You keep changing the direction by turning the bow into the wind and shifting the sails so the wind falls off on the other side. It creates this zigzag course that the boat takes. The zigzag course gets you there EVENTUALLY, but not without a lot of adjusting, fiddling, fooling, wiggling, sailing, back and forthing ~ tacking. Tacking drives us Virgo gals crazy… sailing is totally NOT LINEAR.
We enter NON LINEAR time for the next 40 days of action taking. Go with the flow. Our action taking planet, Mars, is in Pisces ~ Mars is tacking. Adjusting. Fiddling. Fooling. Wiggling. Sailing. Back and Forthing. Mars rules Saturn and the North Node of Fate in Scorpio as well as Uranus, Eris and Pallas Athena in Aries. Pluto and Juno in Capricorn answer to Saturn in Scorpio who turns to Mars in Pisces and is told to Tack. Sun, Venus and Mercury are in Aquarius and answer to either Saturn or Uranus ~ who both report to Mars in Pisces and are told to Tack. On Tuesday, Mercury enters Pisces so the Gemini planets ~ Jupiter, Vesta and Ceres all are answering to Pisces energy too. Even MORE tacking! That is a LARGE amount of Pisces!
Tacking is kind of counter intuitive too. You head into the wind ~ NOT aiming at the direction you want to go ~ you adjust the sail properly and VOILA you are heading in the direction you want to go. But the boat and you have to keep changing, adjusting, fiddling and backing and forthing as the Wind and the Sail are working in contrasting manner with where you want to go. Sometimes you screw up (tacking IS counter intuitive). You start flying off in the wrong direction from where you THINK you want to go. But you are going there so you are supposed to BE going there even if it doesn’t make sense to you. Completely illogical. When you get it, tacking works. When you don’t get it, tacking is completely confusing. Completely Piscean. And while I love my Pisces pals, they are totally confusing even MORE when they are in tacking mode.
On Tuesday, Mercury enters Pisces so the REST of the heavens ~ the Gemini and Virgo planets report into Pisces starting then. Mercury will be in Pisces for 67 days ~ yes you read that right ~ 67 days. Communications will be particularly muddled over the next 67 days as the planet of communications is busy tacking against the wind and adjusting, fiddling and fussing in Pisces. Adjusting. Shifting. Moving. Counter intuitive. We have a Mercury retrograde coming in Pisces. We enter the shadow of the Mercury retrograde on Friday. We are going to be tacking with our communications too! Expect MIS-communications. Continue to TRUST the process even if it doesn’t work out quite the way you think it should.
Partner with the process and the tacking, indirect Piscean spirit of things to encourage that evolutionary spirit to come forward in a guiding way. There are no mistakes in the universe ~ all is for a purpose ~ even times when conversations and actions are muddled and confusing. ALL THE PLANETS IN THE HEAVENS WILL BE TACKING! All the planets in the Heavens will roll through either Mars in Pisces or Mercury in Pisces on their way to some place other than where they are. Get ready for some wild, seemingly off course adventures, which are exactly where the universe wants to take you.
While we are in Pisces land for the next 40 days of Mars action and the next 67 days of Mercury communications so all the OTHER planets are in Pisces too, we will encounter all kinds of Pisces energies and ideas. Pisces keywords are Unknown or hidden strengths, weaknesses, sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind the scenes action, places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self- undoing, clandestine affairs, things we hide from others, research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid, karma, charity, sympathy, public welfare, closet or dustbin of horoscope ~ all the problems which are painful to face or difficulties we refuse to acknowledge, unseen & unexpected troubles, large animals, occult or hidden side of life, feet, charity, selfless deeds, drugs, alcohol, diffusion, rehabilitation, poverty, chains, conspiracies, ambush, analgesic, boots, litter, emancipation, desertion, clouds, chemicals, ESP, fog, kidnapping, eavesdropping, crying, miracles, masks, Compassionate, charitable, sympathetic, emotional, sacrificing, intuitive, introspective, musical, artistic, merge, impressionable, secretive, need for creative and artistic expression, empathy with others, sensitive to environment, shy, reflective, absorbent, idealistic, romantic, too dependent, timid, lack of discrimination, drifts easily into habits, cries easily, unpunctual, untidy, unmethodical, undisciplined, changeable, flexible, adaptable, sociable, creative, imaginative, psychic, procrastinating, over-talkative, melancholy, pessimistic, emotionally inhibited, timid, impractical, indolent, often feels misunderstood, indecisive, hypersensitive, too subjective, escapist, submissive, impractical, careless, touchy, gullible, extravagant, restless, over-dramatic, unable to separate from disturbing circumstances, vacillating, moody, and allergic.
Okay so the heavens are muddle, oceanic and confusing. Nothing is clear. And we are STILL working with the Finger of God with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter involved. So do as my student Leslie suggested “Do the responsible thing.” Ask yourself what is the responsible response or responsible thing to do in the situation? Then do THAT ~ even if it seems to involve tacking or an indirect approach to the situation. You know what is responsible. Do the responsible thing. Take the responsible position. Act in the responsible manner ~ even if you want to swim silently away from the other person or the situation. No enabling ~ Pisces can enable. Encourage yourself to listen to what your SOUL wants to do. Then behave responsibly for YOUR soul’s greater good. Time to grow up. Time to evolve. Pisces is the END of the zodiac ~ the kumbaya moment when we sit around the campfire before we drift back to our beds to go to sleep and dream. The guitar is slowly strumming a hymn, the sky is moonless, the stars gone in a bank of clouds. Darkness, deep emotions and profound connections.
Fingers of God are all about living in the moment and doing what is required of you. No more, no less. Do the responsible thing in the moment. Then it goes forward without a problem.
It is what it is. ~
We also have a New Moon and start the Chinese New Year of the Water Snake on Sunday February 10th. Chinese astrology uses twelve animals, corresponding to the Jupiter cycle, placed in five elements. Water snake years tend to be good financial years and successful in business. Projects begun under this New Moon have a test 10 months from now, on the opening quarter, on November 10th; a culmination next summer on August 10, 2014 and a closing quarter on May 10, 2015.
The Sabian Image for the New Moon is A RUG PLACED ON A FLOOR FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY ON. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image is:
Commentary: ‘A Rug Placed On a Floor For Children To Play On’ is an image of cushioning, comfort, safety, and fun places for activity and play. The ‘Rug’ has been ‘Placed On The Floor’ because it is safe for ‘The Children’ to ‘Play’ on, they can enjoy themselves and each other. People need times of ‘Play’, at any age. Taking care of the “inner child”, one’s own or another’s, can lead to a new sense of security and comfort.
Oracle: It’s human nature to want to feel safe, loved and comfortable in our lives. The ‘Rug’ can picture a space where you can be creative, play and relate with others. You may feel as though you are struggling as you seek to grow and develop, but even if you are not aware of it, there are cushions, safeguards and protection all around. Higher forces may be looking after you in your search for safety and security. However, the ‘Rug’ can be like a border or boundary that restricts activity. The ‘Rug’ can be put in place by others who believe they are acting in others’ best interests, or through issues of control. When someone wanders off the ‘Rug’ whose decision is it to have them return to the same place? If you are one of the ‘Children’, having fun and being carefree, then the ‘Rug’ is quite probably a good thing. This can be like a safety net for your activities. If you are merely being treated like a ‘Child’, the ‘Rug’ can be a form of control, or others letting you know how much “space” you can take up. There may be a need to look after ‘Children’ or those younger than you, to provide somewhere safe for them to live and grow – even if it proves to be difficult. It’s true that if we allow a sense of security and love into our lives we can lift our fun and enjoyment and put up with any difficulties more easily.
Keywords: Comfort and care provided. The caring and longing for children. Having a place of belonging. A sense of security. Rugs, carpets, cribs and cots. Defining areas of possible activity. Being aware of the needs of children and young people. Adoption. Sleeping on the floor or the sofa. Fun, joy, toys. Playing with others.
The Caution: Being overprotected. Not growing up. Insulation from reality. Self-indulgence. Limits of activity. Having the rug pulled. Expecting to be looked after vs. self-reliance. Assuming the young and inexperienced can look after themselves. Lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Territorial attitudes. Always having to watch the young ones. Inability to relax.
Here Skugg, Lies snug, As a bug, In a rug. Benjamin Franklin
If you let everyone walk over you, you become a carpet. Bulgarian Proverb
My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can’t decide whether to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives. Rita Rudner
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: The Chinese year of the Water snake begins. Mars in into Pisces, shifts all the energy into emotions, emotions, emotions. Mercury enters Pisces for 67 days of muddled communications which are exactly perfect. Sail safely!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and I talk about the connection process and how to navigate emotions.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and I are on vacation until February 23! We live ripe!
Access Astrology: Heather, Mark and I talked about the week ahead and take calls from listeners.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt continues to tell the ancient myth Of Amour & Psyche. The plot thickens!!
Venus Star Point Workshop: Even if you consider yourself to be a novice at astrology this workshop is for YOU!!!
Time to get your heart’s desire in working order and learn how to maximize your Venus! Harness the FIVE Venus’ in your chart into a cohesive and working energy. Five Venuses? Or is it Five Veni? At any rate, it is FIVE of them! How much better can it get?
Next weekend, on February 8, 9 or 10, 2013, Access Astrology (Heather Roan Robbins, Mark Wolz and Anne Ortelee) is sponsoring Arielle Guttman in a special evening and day long workshop in New York City.
The workshop is very hands on. Space is quite limited.
You can attend Friday night’s Lecture for $35. Or you can participate in the very hands on day long Workshop, using your own charts, EITHER Saturday or Sunday for $99. Or you can attend the Friday night lecture as well as the Workshop of day long training in working with the technique for $134. Arielle developed the Venus Star Point Workshop to support her recently published book Venus Star Rising.
Arielle introduces a new concept, Venus Star Point, to astrology that explores the pentagram of Venus in great detail as the celestial heartbeat of humanity. Venus pulses with energy that human beings receive as either love or war. Relationships are analyzed from an exciting new perspective and angle via her work.
If you are interested in a wonderful new tool to help your clients OR only want to delve deeper into your OWN language of your heart and love, this Workshop is for you. Learn how to connect personally to how you channel the energy from Venus into your life. Venus Star Rising delivers.
Arielle will be selling her book at the both the lecture and workshops. Workshop participants will be asked to provide their birth data prior to the Workshop so Arielle can prepare their charts using the Star Point approach.
On Line Registration is offered via my website. Click on the Venus Star Point Tab above.
Void Moons This Week
Moon goes Void Squaring Mercury on Monday Feb 4 2013 at 07:32:21 am EST and Moon Enters Sag on Feb 4 2013 at 10:46:24 am EST.
Moon goes Void sextiling Sun on Tuesday Feb 5 2013 at 03:43:16 pm EST and Moon Enters Cap on Wednesday Feb 6 2013 at 12:56:00 pm EST.
Day long void moon.
Moon goes void Sextiling Saturn on Wednesday Feb 7 2013 at 07:44:45 am EST and Moon Enters Aquarius on Thursday Feb 8 2013 at 02:17:37 pm EST.
Day long void moon.
Moon goes void joining Sun on Sunday Feb 10 2013 at 02:21:13 am EST and Moon Enters Pisces on Sunday Feb 10 2013 at 04:20:36 pm EST.
Day long void moon.
Moon’s day Monday February 4 finds Moon in Scorpio in the morning and entering Sagittarius at 10:45 am with an easy, delicious closing aspect of a sextile to the Sun in Aquarius. Ceres stations and turn direct today invoking the energy of the feminine and creative nurturing principle. Ceres is still out of bound so the maternal principle is not playing by the traditional rules. That is partly why folks are acting so juvenile and like they are between 5 and 11 years old in their very grown up bodies. They are NOT getting the nurturing they want, need or deserve. Expect it to get a bit worse over the next few weeks. Take time to nurture yourself today. Health matters ~ that nagging cold, the sniffle, the issue with your neglected body part bloom a bit today. You need to get it taken care of. Mars joins with Neptune starting a two year cycle around creativity, dreams, emotions and feelings. You can find yourself feeling remarkably tender and sensitive ~ teary even. It’s okay ~ with so much in the heavens in watery Pisces or answering to it, we are all honorary Pisces right now. We are in the mood to be a bit misty and snifflely, or red rim eyed with a gentle swell of tears just about to drip out. Saturn’s parallel to Pallas allows you to notice a pattern you’ve been struggling with and trying to understand. Expect ah ha moments today!
Mars’ day Tuesday February 5 has Moon in Sagittarius with a closing sextile to the Sun. Lots of Mercury aspects going on today encouraging communications, connections and process. Get things out the door and off into the wider world. Mercury’s aspects to Saturn and Pallas give WORDS to the structural patterns you figured out yesterday. Yesterday and today are great days to further your career, have job interviews or audition for that new dream tugging at your heart… take action on it. Mars struggles a bit with his existing partnerships or relationships and tries to make them work but he might not be up for it in the long run. He’s exhausted, truth be told. So let him take a break. Stop pushing yourself so hard. Mars in Pisces wants to go with the flow and trust that the current of life will take him where he is supposed to go. Join Mars in trusting the Universe until you are given over to not trusting. Sail your ship. Mercury enters Pisces today to make communications particularly muddled over the next 67 days. Yes you read that right, 67 days. We have a Mercury retrograde coming in Pisces. Partner with the process and spirit to encourage that evolutionary spirit to come forward. There are no mistakes in the universe ~ all is for a purpose ~ even times when conversations are muddled and confusing. Venus is busy arguing with Ceres ~ the desired feminine is NOT in the mood to deal with Ceres talking about her or her behavior. Lots of triangle energy flying around so open them up…. Get those triangles functioning cleanly. As Leslie says “What is the responsible thing to do here?” Venus is parallel to Pluto so triangles, addictions and compulsions can feel mighty strong, extremely compelling and rather over the top. You can’t resist a minute longer…. What IS it about that Pluto that is so delicious but so dangerous at the same time? If you let go now, there is no turning back. You can be in it for the next two years. It is a very slippery slope…. Choose wisely!
Wednesday Mercury’s day February 6 finds Moon in Sagittarius, void, in the morning and entering Capricorn at 12:55 pm EST ~ Somehow that stability of the Capricorn Moon doesn’t help because Moon’s ruler, Saturn, is answering to Pisces too…. Today is a super duper busy day with oodles of aspects surfacing out of the ocean like a giant whale breaching. The aspects present you with choices that you have to quickly make. Again, no thinking, just go with the flow and choose, swish, swim, swirl, choose again, surface, breach, slide into the yaw, choose again. Mars links with Neptune by declination, churning the water below the surface. Uranus asks you to take an unusual approach to healing matters. Flirty energy in the afternoon, invites you to try new stuff and move forward with excitement. Give yourself permission to say yes. Mercury’s union with Neptune muddles communications and provokes a tear or two. All part of the watery depths of our beings swirling around with the energy of change.
Jupiter’s day Thursday February 7 finds Moon continuing in Capricorn and void all day with a productive working aspect to Saturn of a sextile… so it is a great day to work on things even if you are not 100% sure how to proceed. Just step up and take action. You’ll be surprised how much you get accomplished. Don’t mail the stuff out the door until Friday when the Moon enters Aquarius. Work on wrapping up the tasks that Saturn is asking you to do. You’ll find they are softer and more malleable than you remember them to be. Venus’ trine to Jupiter offers a bit of exuberance or excitement ~ trines make us feel productive. Venus has an adjusting aspect to Kronos so some old problem will resolve itself and take care of itself if you gently pull on it or push it. Nothing hard. Just live in the moment and go with it. Venus kind of pushes off the ending into a new place. She’s flying at 20,000 feet and seeing things clearly, especially in emotional situations. Mercury’s parallel to Neptune offers a deep sadness at the recent losses. You may find yourself hearing sad news today. Or being extra emotionally sensitive. All that Pisces in the heavens is working overtime to soften up the situations that have hardened over the years. Speak as clearly as you can about partnership matters, even if you are not quite sure what you want to do about them. Sun’s aspect to Hygeia can make you feel a bit under the weather. Uranus square to Astreae offers a release of emotions and energy from a blocked or frozen place. Kind of like the girl on the swimming pool above… when the ice cracks, you have a break through.
Venus’ Day Friday February 8 find Moon void in Capricorn in the Morning and entering Aquarius at 2:17 pm EST. Mercury’s parallel to Mars offers unexpected sudden movements forward. Suns’ trine to Ceres asks each of us to engage in practicing asking for what we need. Ceres in Gemini means you may have to ask twice or do it twice ~ no worries…. Practice makes it perfect. Venus starts the day with some harsh words and difficult or hurt feelings. Mercury joins up with Mars to encourage a new kind of communication even though neither of them particularly like the topic, approach or manner of the other. Allow the other person to have their foibles, failings and flaws. Allow yourself to have your own foibles, failings and flaw. We are each imperfect human beings attempting to connect with the other imperfect human being. We forget that at times. Be gentle today. Be gentle with yourself as well as with the other person. People are WAY sensitive. And about 5 to 10 years old and WAY sensitive. The Nodes of Fate have harsh aspects to Eris so the sensitivity is a bit over the top as well as the desire to start a fight or argument. No need to go there. Just settle into the harsh energy and be with it. Look at where the anxiety or tumult is tied to your body. My metaphysical piano teacher Joseph always says “It might be a little plant but it has a BIG ROOT down there under the dirt” when he is working with me to pluck out a flaw or false note in my playing. Attention to detail to see how far down it goes. Or how deep in the root is grounded. Allow for the unexpected miracle to arrive in your life.
Saturn’s Day Saturday February 9 finds the Moon in Aquarius with a closing aspect of a New Moon to Sun in Aquarius… new beginnings. Admetos stations, turning direct, ending an important chapter of your life. He is at 26 Taurus, flat on the fixed star Algol so we can expect folks to be losing their heads today ~ spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, or physically. Algol brings out the darker side of human nature so if you find yourself feeling a bit out of sorts, know that it will pass and try to sit patiently with the energy. It can feel like something deep and dark is emerging from below the surface of your being to surface. Think Breaching Whales. Neptune, Mars, Mercury and Chiron are all in a tough little patch of energy so they are feeling pretty tangled together and not particularly clear even though they are struggling to unwrap and peer through the thicket of emotions to figure out what, exactly, is going on. They all square Jupiter over the next few days and squabble with Uranus so they can get mighty steamy over the strangest things. People are going to be VERY sensitive at the same time they might not hear things correctly. Mercury enters his Shadow degree today so this is also Mercury kicking up his winged feet ~ with water logged feathers ~ and trying to fly through the foggy mist. Nodes aspect Kronos offering an ending energy around old things that have expired in their usefulness. There is a strange excitement underneath it all. Pay attention to crabby words as well as health matters that appear. Venus’ aspect to Pallas allows you to understand a pattern you might not have noticed or seen before ~ particularly around love or relationship matters. Sun’s square to the Nodes implies there is a choice to be made…. Let go of the thing(s) that no longer serves you and turn toward the choice that offers evolution and growth and a new opening in the world. Pallas and Juno partner at the end of the day to explore how the new partnership works and supports your future. Notice how the energy is pushing you to evolve and grow, particularly past places where your growth might have been frozen before.
Sunday Sun’s day February 10 finds Moon in Aquarius forming a New Moon at 21 Aquarius 43, starting the Chinese New Year of the Water Snake. Sun’s working sextile to Eris at 21Aries offers a new perspective on what is irritating you and causing discord in your life. Mars square to Jupiter creates a toss and turn kind of night with the mutable signs arguing about how to proceed and what to do. Deeply feeling, yet divided in the approach, take TWO different tacks to see which one is more productive for you in the long run. Experiment. Don’t be afraid to try a different approach. Mars’ trine to Kronos says to look for solutions to the various long standing problems. They might even be friendly about to listening to a new tactic or approach. The day begins with a bit of irritation as Mars stresses with Eris ~ they actually are siblings so this means you could squabble with YOUR sibling or the person who fills your third house. Venus trines Vesta so you can expect a full house or options for the future to be positive even as they change before your eyes and perhaps leave. Mercury’s union with Chiron suggests words hurt ~ drop down into the energy and whoosh ride back up. Think Whales Breaching! It doesn’t have to be dangerous but it might be! It doesn’t have to be permanent, but it might be. Those words can form a permanent change in how you see things. Venus is a bit crabby and detached from the whole business. Let her go her own way tonight. She’s not in the mood, frankly… kind of Rhett Butler in that famous scene in Gone With the Wind! Venus in crabby aspects Pluto and Poseidon offer an opportunity for some good old fashioned drama and wildness. If someone slams out of your house, front door or your life, let them go for now. Think about it tomorrow when the energy is clearer, cleaner and more easy to work with. And if you want to leave someone’s house, front door or life, give yourself permission to move on.
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check it out at Sabiansymbols.com.
Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee