Weekly Weather February 25, 2012
Another week in non linear time. All the personal planets ~ Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Sun as well as Neptune and Chiron are in Pisces. Completely NON-LINEAR time. It isn’t directly clear. It is unclear but it is SOOO feeling… the feelings are where we are at…looking deep into the unconscious to see the Ultimate truth.
Go, even though you once said you would stay.
Go, even though you’re afraid of being alone.
Go, even though you’re sure no one will ever love you as well as he does.
Go, even though there is nowhere to go.
Go, even though you don’t know exactly why you can’t stay.
Go, because you want to.
Because wanting to leave is enough.
~~ Cheryl Strayed
I often find when I don’t have the proper words ~ if it is even a bit too much water for my Pisces Moon loving water chart, one of my readers will write and express what I would love to say. This week Justin wrote:
“It’s been a truly amazing week. It’s funny how you describe the Pisces energy as “chaotic”, when lately, all I’ve felt is calm and collected. I’ve always felt that Pisces is not a sign of order, but if you look past the seeming chaos, it really is beautiful. Like you said, the sign that rules illusions and perceptions can trick you into believing that what you see is what is going on. Pisces tends to want you to not only step inside this “crazy, chaotic” reality, and see for it as what it symbolizes. We are going back to the unconscious waters, and the unconscious speaks to us through symbols (dreams, meditation, etc.) So, I don’t believe this is chaos. This is just beauty in the form of change, and the disorder in our lives is the symbol!”
“Last night, my co-worker just ended a 9 year on again, off again relationship. He told me that he was tired of the same tricks and attempts of guilt trips. Now, if that isn’t breaking the cycle you’ve spoken of, I don’t know what is! He understands that he has to learn and grow (which my other co-worker and I talked to him about over a couple drinks (Neptune, much?)). The thing about this Pisces cycle is at the end of the swirling, dreaming, and romancing, we all at the end, see, what actual changes we’ve made. Neptune and Pisces both don’t leave us much of a conscious mind to see at first, because we all must look in our unconscious to see the Ultimate Truth.”
Venus enters Pisces on Monday, putting all the personal planets in water for 24 days or more… Venus is exalted in Pisces so we have the opportunity to make good EXALTED choices in our relationships over the next 4 weeks. And a good EXALTED choice may be what Justin’s friend did ~ ending a relationship that isn’t working for you. Or seeing that you need to end it and starting to move towards swimming away from it.
Mercury retrogrades and plays with Mars so you can MIS-HEAR something. Or you can hear it correctly for the first time in your life. My grandmother had a hearing aide which didn’t work. She was deaf as a post. She refused to get a new one ~ she was going to die soon ~ so she lived some 12 years with a bad hearing aide. However, from time to time she would get a burn on about something that she had “heard” someone say. Except she couldn’t HEAR!! We would talk amongst ourselves and whoever she was mad at would have to puzzle out what she had “HEARD” from what they had actually SAID! That is RAMPANT this week. We are all Gramma Smith ~ mishearing what is being said and perhaps getting a burn on about it OR taking action because we misheard!
In honor of the Pope’s last day at work this week: A priest wanted to translate all the words of the bible ~ going back to the original sources and carrying them forward. So he worked for years and years and years on it. He eventually became a very old man. One day, the other priests heard pounding and wailing coming from his office. They opened the door to see what was going on. He looked up from the table and said “It was a MISTAKE!!! They translated it WRONG!!! It was supposed to CELEBRATE not CELIBATE!!!
So double check what you hear and react emotionally to this week. Double check that you weren’t misunderstood or not heard. Make sure you know the email actually went through! Mercury is retrograde AND joining NEPTUNE AND in a sign he hates AND aspecting the Nodes of Fate. So important communication problems can happen. On the other hand, serendipitous things can take place. Take the call. Follow up. Give yourself permission to move toward it. A friend of mine was the 4th piano player called to work on a project ~ he was laying home, feeling miserable and sorry for himself ~ about to give up on his dream of making a living as a musician. He answered the phone to find someone calling him with a request to go work on a project that needed a pianist. He got up, got dressed and went. The project ended up changing his life. Mercury Neptune is invitations in disguise. So answer the mail. Open the door. Return the phone call.
Last and most important, the Sun aspects the Finger of God ~ Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto this week. When Mercury aspected them the Pope quit and lightning struck the Vatican. When Mars aspected them, an asteroid fell to earth and one flew by kind of close! This week the Sun aspects the the Finger of God. As the brightest and biggest light in our solar system, when Sun comes to set Jupiter off on Monday and Saturn and Pluto off, one two, on Friday, we can expect a particularly amazing set of days. I keep talking about evolution and that Finger of God above our heads so THIS week as the Sun squares Jupiter, trines Saturn and sextiles Pluto we actually FIGURE OUT WHERE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO EVOLVE. And maybe even HOW to evolve! And if we don’t figure it out, we are certainly going to see something mighty big and important this week as the Sun lights up the Finger.
Our week ahead features a lovely full Moon in Virgo bringing the story from August 2011 to Full Moon conclusion ~ back in that summer we had a hurricane Irene along the east coast that caused us to evacuate Fire Island a bit earlier that usual. I had a huge leak in my living room, signifying Neptune’s arrival in Pisces. Water, water everywhere. This week we have water, water everywhere too! Lots of emotional water and the story from the end of the summer of 2011 comes to culmination. Notice that little Virgo Moon ALL BY ITSELF on the one side of the chart…. we are each going to be alone in our Virgo house…. the Moon stands alone! That makes this a particularly POTENT FULL MOON as the energy is all focused AT the MOON. Virgo Moon can be a bit thin skinned…. so don’t take the criticism personally. Take it under advisement!
The Sabian Image for the Moon in Virgo is A GIRL TAKES HER FIRST DANCING INSTRUCTION. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the symbol is:
Commentary: ‘A Girl Takes Her First Dancing Instruction’ is a Symbol of youth, innocence and naïveté. The ‘Young Girl’ needs to show respect and reverence for the “teacher”, as this person may hold the key to her future, in some way. The ‘Girl’ must listen to her ‘Instructor’ or teacher; otherwise she may miss the rewards and opportunities available in the lesson she’s taking. She also has to listen to and become one with the music. Along with the need to accept ‘Instruction’ she must pay attention to the steps and the “rules”. How well she gets along with the “teacher” will add to how well the lessons succeed.
Oracle: You may find yourself in a situation that is brand new to you and you need to “learn the ropes”. You have the potential to do well, but initially you may be unsure of what to do or how to act (or react), or what “steps” to take. Even though you may know a lot about many different things, in regard to the situation facing you, you may not have had much experience. There may be a lot to take in, absorb and learn at the moment but one day you’ll probably look back and see that it was actually easy, like learning to ride a bike. After the steps to the “dance” have been learnt, you will be able to display more maturity and grace. Maybe then, people can stop telling you how to perform. However, no matter how much we know, we go on learning throughout our entire life. For now you have to listen, respond and learn – that is, unless you are the teacher. Pay attention to what is being taught and what, indeed, can be learnt, and you will continue to learn and go far in life. Music and ‘Dance’ can lift your life; indeed they can transform it.
Keywords: Practice makes perfect. Higher talents being developed. Learning discipline, self-control and concentration. Taking on something new. Listening to and following instructions. Moving into a new sense of being. Losing innocence. Learning the steps without thinking. Music and dance. Following the rhythm. Progressing from one thing to the next. Instructors and students.
The Caution: Difficulty understanding lessons. Continually returning to the beginning. Not trusting the teacher or “instructor”. Having to learn things against one’s desires. Believing that one knows everything already. Fears of being seen as a beginner or clumsy. Having two left feet. Not paying attention to life’s lessons.
Fine dancing, I believe, like virtue, must be its own reward. Jane Austen
Life’s a dance, you learn as you go, sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow. Don’t worry bout what you don’t know, life’s a dance…. you learn as you go. Katie Schrimsher
I don’t try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself. Mikhail Baryshnikov
Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. Faith Whittlesey
How inimitably graceful children are before they learn to dance. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Will you, won’t you Will you, won’t you Will you join the dance? Lewis Carroll
The Sabian Image for the Sun in Pisces is A GIRL BLOWING A BUGLE. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the symbol is:
Commentary: ‘A Girl Blowing a Bugle’ brings to mind someone performing reveille; the ‘Bugle’ call used in the armed forces announcing that it is time to “rise and shine”. The ‘Bugle’ is a brass-wind instrument, somewhat like a trumpet, but usually without keys or valves. It has been used mostly for military calls and signals, but it’s also sometimes used as a hunting horn. Its chief function is to sound, to summon, to signal by blowing a ‘Bugle’ call. In dream imagery, the ‘Blowing of a Bugle’ foretells fortunate things coming your way.
Oracle: You may need to sound the call to wake up those around you, or perhaps be woken yourself. The situation facing you may be bogged down in irrational complexity, when everybody needs to have a central focus and be rallying and going for the objective. There may be unexpected revelations and something can take you by shock. If somebody is “sounding off” loudly, it can cause irritation and upset. Is it you, or another, that’s making all the noise? There may need to be a balance around exactly how much noise one should make. Having a cause to “trumpet” can make people respond by pulling back or being disinterested. Keeping a balance between excited enthusiasm, forward momentum and just plain making noise will bring rewards of some kind – even if it only wakes up those around you. ‘Blowing the Bugle’ too early, or too forcefully, can put people off, which can be the exact opposite of what’s desired. This can lead to people not listening, indeed even running away, instead of being aroused to their duty. Does everyone around want to hear the message that’s being trumpeted, or are they trying, or fighting, to cover their ears? Using simple, receptive innocence will get the situation on track.
Keywords: Sounding the call. Awakening all to action. Going on and on about something. Loudspeakers, telephones, announcements. Being prepared to state one’s case. Calling attention to one’s self. Blowing your own trumpet. Whistleblowers. Heralding and proclaiming the dawn. Rise and shine! Girls in a man’s world. Leading the charge. Resurrection. Mass announcements. Advertising campaigns. Alarm clocks. Ear plugs. Blind folds. Break the fast.
The Caution: Making unwarranted and disturbing noise. Showing off. Unbalanced messages. Evangelists and politicians. Sounding the call but not making the grade. Being annoying. Trumpeting about one’s achievements. Not listening to people.
If you wish in this world to advance, Your merits you’re bound to enhance; You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, Or trust me, you haven’t a chance. William Gilbert
The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet. Theodore Hesburgh
He seems determined to make a trumpet sound like a tin whistle. Aneurin Bevan
If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle? The Bible
No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently. Agnes George DeMille
Stay we no longer, dreaming of renown, but sound the trumpets, and about our task. William Shakespeare
Spend 24 notes of your life and watch the video below:
Bugle Played at Sunset Every Day
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Non-linear time! Venus changes signs. Full Moon in Virgo/Pisces. Venus dives into Pisces to join all the water. The heavens are swamped with too much water ~ LOTS OF PISCES!!
Scorpios Talking: Michael waxes wise and deep about looking with in to the stillness, the silence. And we laugh.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and I are back from vacation! So much to catch up on!
Access Astrology: Heather, Mark and I talked about the week ahead and take calls from listeners.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt continues to enthrall… Venus arises!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this teaching myth is encoded with the process toward mature Femininity. As the tale unfold Psyche has betrayed Eros (Cupid), been banished from Paradise, destitute and terrified, Suicidal, and clueless. Next (as if this wasn’t enough) Psyche must face the Tyranny of Venus, Complete the four tasks of The Trial of The Seeds, Gathering the Hair of the Golden Fleece, Obtaining Sacred Waters of Styx And
Void Moons This Week
Moon goes void opposite Mars on Tuesday Feb 26 2013 at 01:13:52 pm EST an enters Libra on Wednesday Feb 27 2013 at 08:02:47 am EST.
Moon goes void square to Pluto on Thursday Feb 28 2013 at 03:38:04 am EST and enters Scorpio on Friday March 1 2013 at 12:34:31 pm EST.
Moon is void all Day Thursday
Moon goes void trine to Mars on Sunday March 3 2013 at 04:20:03 am EST an d enters Sagittarius on Sunday March 3 2013 at 04:11:41 pm EST.
Moon is void all day Sunday
Monday Moon’s day February 25, 2013 finds Moon in Virgo moving toward Full at 3:26 Pm EST. Mars gets into a fight with Lilith so watch for dominator/dominated conversations. Part of you doesn’t want to take it any more while another part knows you need to change, fundamentally, what is going on. Your moment of truth is here. Move slowly away from what you no longer want. Venus joins with Saturn by declination so you face some hard truths today around your value, love, money or finance. Sun squares Jupiter offering the opportunity for EGO overdoing, EGO over indulging or EGO pushing the limits. The Moon Squares Jupiter offering the opportunity for EMOTIONAL overdoing. EMOTIONAL overindulging or EMOTIONAL pushing the limits. When the lights aspect Jupiter, we can get carried away with ourselves. Unfortunately, Jupiter is in Gemini, a sign he hates, answering to Mercury in Pisces moving retrograde in a sign Mercury hates so we can over do, over indulge and push the limits right off the cliff, out the window or over the top. So be careful! No one is indispensable. Take a couple of deep breaths before you shoot your mouth off. Be silent and see what comes toward you. You have the advantage of knowing astrology so can ride the waves of OTHER people overdoing, overindulging or pushing the limits. Be very careful with drugs and alcohol under this energy too… it is much more potent that usual. Venus enters Pisces for 25 days of traveling in the sign of her exaltation. That makes the next 25 days an excellent energy to undertake money or love projects.
Tuesday Mars day February 26, 2013 finds Moon still in Virgo and void in the afternoon with a difficult separating opposition to Mars ~ emotionally you want to pull away or push away from someone. Mercury’s union with Mars in the wee small hours of the night makes for a restless sleep. Emotionally people are really feeling very alone and criticized so even if you are TRYING to say the right thing, it can fall on ears that are extra sensitive or which hear it through the filter of fog, their own emotions or as it sets off sensitive parts of their energy. You can react to things that people say to you too. Just take a moment to focus on how you can be kind. Stand in that place and operate from there. Sometimes, it just needs us to give ourselves a hug and say “there, there” as we pat ourselves on our own back. Comfort is in short supply today. Venus trines Hades taking love and desire to a dark and dismal place. Sometimes love hurts. Mars trines the North Node of Fate ~ you face a fated choice right now. What do you want in your life? Time to evolve! Time to move, slowly and gently, toward that new vision….Time to move away, slowly and gently, from what you no longer want.
Wednesday Mercury’s day February 27, 2013 finds Moon in Libra with crappy closing aspects of a power square to Pluto… so while we WANT Love and relationship, right now there can be some call to power over or control called into the mix. Mercury square Lilith says you don’t want to be less than any more. Sun joins with Chiron so your ego can be very wounded by what happens or what is said. Remember that Mercury is in Pisces so double check, triple check, quadruple check that what you heard was what you heard. And once you are crystal clear, sit QUIETLY with it to see what it actually MEANS to you. Tonight Moon opposes Uranus and trines Jupiter so you THINK you get it but hold the energy a bit longer and see what it shape shifts into tomorrow.
Thursday Jupiter’s day February 28, 2013 The Moon is void all day in Libra with crappy closing aspects of a square to Pluto ~ triangle abound. Be clean, be open, include the threesome, open up the power dynamics in your triangles. Venus meets up with Neptune bright and early to help us get clear on relationships, love, dreams and our needs for connection or relationship. Today the Pope steps down ~ the first Pope in 719 years to voluntarily resign. As I said last week, if the Pope can quit his job, changing a 719 year tradition, YOU can change too. Allow the images, the energy of changing the dream of your life to float and flow over you. Health matters are challenging today.
Friday Venus’ day March 1, 2013 Moon in Scorpio forms a psychologically deep but potentially a very dark energetic trine in Black swamp water with all the Pisces energy. Sun trines Poseidon adding extra emotional water to the story. Jupiter quindecile Cupido indicating families or groups are challenged in their authority. Sun is sextile Pluto and trine Saturn today offering our individual souls the opportunity to change and evolve. It is a very profound day in the world as the Finger of God is illuminated by the energy of the Brightest light in our solar system. Mars square Ceres indicating it will be difficult to find things that actually nurture you~ at least in the way you want to be nurtured. You are crabby. They are crabby. The world is crabby. Stay in bed if you can! Ceres is still out of bounds so there is an over the top energy to the events of the day. You see patterns you never saw before. Partnerships want to shift and change under this energy. Invite new partners into your life ~ yes I know, Mercury and Saturn are both retrograde but there is something that needs to shift today. So encourage it to change. Venus parallels Neptune by declination so the dream shifts, skids, moves, changes right before your very eyes. All as it is meant to be.
Saturday Saturn’s day March 2, 2013 finds Moon in Scorpio, still swimming in the dark waters. Moon in Scorpio echoes the aspects the Sun in Pisces made yesterday to Saturn and Pluto. At times like this, there isn’t much you can do but keep on keeping on. Keep on. Mercury’s aspect to Uranus offers you the ability to see around corners today. The realizations or hits just keep on coming. Hold onto what you know is true. And if you don’t know what is true right now, hold on to what is important to you. Words fail you now. Just stand and hold the space. Deep emotions that have trouble being grounded are flowing. Again. All perfect and as it is meant to be.
Sunday Sun’s day March 3, 2013 Moon is void most of the day in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius with a hard closing aspect of a square to Mars. Partnerships end in an easy manner today. Mars escalates with a union to Eris by declination and pushes you to perhaps want to take angry action. Try to get a different perspective on how all this anger and energy relates to helping you move to a new level in your life. Often we move because of or due to difficult matters ~ today might be one of those situations. However, anger or discord does help us get to the next level. Nodes are pushing on us to adjust, adjust, adjust so we can get to the next level. Allow the arguments, irritations, anger, upset or activity to kind of flow over you lightly. Non-linear time… go with the flow of the energy toward a different reality. Mars links with Chiron so unexpected tears or wounds can appear… time to move toward healing. Neptune’s parallel with Juno suggests that what is taking place before us is just a dream, designed to help us dance our way into the next stage of our life. No control. Just float. Let go. Meditate. Connect. Sleep.
Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee
Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013
Manchester, Vermont
Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’. The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.
Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.
The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.
Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.
Weekend will include:
• 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
• Two nights’ accommodations
• Workshop and Course materials
• Individual Time with your Own Hand!
Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information. Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775
Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee
Lynda Hill’s Work appears with her permission. Check her out at www.SabianSymbols.com
Copyright © 2013 A.C. Ortelee