Weekly Weather February 20, 2012



Weekly Weather February 20, 2012

Know that Karma has a MAJOR reverb to it right now.

Pay attention to what you say and do as it is starting or clarifying a major new cycle

It will be an emotionally challenging week for all of us.  Venus is in Aries and feeling quite angry or irritated. The love goddess in the sign of war has oodles of chores for our individual Psyches to do…. Venus is in charge of Saturn and Jupiter so we can find our relationships frustrating and our desires to expand our relationships or connect either thwarted or amplified. We might feel we are heading off in a not so great direction.  So stop. Pause. Wait. Don’t take action. Mercury is in Pisces so he’s not expressing himself too well either…. Mercury rules retrograde Mars in Virgo so you can find yourself frustrated at not being able to find the words to express yourself clearly.

It can feel a bit depressing.  Anne wrote: spiraling downnnn ~ Oh I am feeling like I’m letting this great ‘moment’ slip through my fingers.  Any insights or suggestions on actions I should/could be taking other than rushing to AA and alanon meetings and sobbing hopelessly under the covers?

Actually sobbing hopelessly under the covers and rushing to support meetings is EXACTLY what we DO need right now.  We need to connect. We are in deep feeling states. We are aware of the limitations of our lives and our relationships and our choices.  We live in our own missile silo and are feeling isolated. We need to reach out and find some other warm person to have contact with, to connect with, to share with.

Plus, we are each in a brand new place with Neptune’s shift into Pisces.  This is 164 year old energy so NO ONE on earth knows quite what to do with it or how to work with it. Neptune in Pisces will take a bit of getting used to. And, as is Neptune’s way, we are aware of what our disillusions are.  We are aware of where we are not quite as connected as we might want to be.

So go sob hopelessly under the covers.  There are only so many tears before puffy faced and red eyed, you run out of water and go searching for a wash cloth.  In the meantime, let’s examine Psyche’s tasks and compare them to what YOU have to do while Venus is in Aries.  To win back her beloved, Psyche had to 1) sort out a huge pile of seeds, 2) retrieve the Golden Fleece, 3) fill a flask from the water that fills the River Styx, and 4) go to the Underworld and obtain a box of the beauty ointment of Persephone.  Fortunately, in each of these tasks, Psyche was supported by others, blessed really.  The support she received allowed her to successfully complete all of her tasks. The gods were on her side. As a result, Eros and Psyche- whose names mean Love and Soul- lived happily ever after.

So what is the huge pile of seeds you have to sort out?  What is the task that involves figuring out where it all belongs and putting it in the proper place?  Is there a filing mess that needs attending to? A sorting pile sitting unsorted? What is your equivalent of a huge pile of seeds you have to sort out with a seemingly impossible deadline?  This is the task part of Venus bossing you around. Psyche had ants that helped her. You have someone who can help you too.

The Golden Fleece was on wild sheep which were VERY hard to subdue much less shear.  So Psyche took a different approach. Rather than shearing the sheep, she gathered their wool off the thorns that they passed through.  No confrontation needed.  No skill in shearing required.  No subduing the wild things. Just taking a clever approach to the situation at hand where you want to retrieve something that seems WAY out of your reach. What seems WAY out of your reach and virtually impossible to get?  What different approach can you take to make the impossible attainable?  How can you shear and obtain the Golden Fleece?

In gathering the water from the River Styx, an eagle came to Psyche’s assistance, swooping into the river with a flask and rising back up to bring it to her on the shore.  The River Styx was fire water ~ similar to Venus in Aries and Neptune in Water ~ so wading in wasn’t exactly an option for Psyche.  Or not a pleasant option. So a Scorpio symbolism came to her aid ~ helping her dip into the dangerous waters and return unscathed. What are your dangerous waters that you need help to navigate to fill your flask?  Rivers are about emotions ~ what emotions of yours are on fire and need to be contained in a flask of consciousness?  What eagle or Scorpio can help you see how to fill the flask of emotions and contain them?

Finally,  task four involved descending into the underworld to get beauty cream. The underworld is often used as a symbol of doing the inner work. We need to connect with our inner beauty by consciously going there. And as we descend into the underworld, it allows us to connect to our deeper beauty within. Make time this week to connect with your deeper beauty. And on a mundane level do something FOR YOURSELF that makes you feel beautiful.  In the end, you are all you’ve got…. So take good care of yourself.

Venus in angry Aries will be giving each of us tasks this week that can feel un-doable, unbearable, unattainable or impossible.  Psyche and Eros, the archetypes inside of you, need you to step up to the plate and give it a solid try.  The tasks only feel formidable because they require you to do something you don’t feel you can do.  But help is there ~ right there ~ if you look.  Watch for the ants, the thorn bush, the eagle and your own ability to connect to your deeper being.

We still are in the major Karma Payback reverb that I wrote about a two weeks ago. Karma is fast and furious right now.  Watch your Mars in Virgo retrograde sensitivity to slights and bitterness.  Let the emotions flow but don’t react out of bitchiness or anger. Seek to clarify.  Be silent. If you must react, do so clearly with a straightforward manner.

Try not to go back on your word. Watch for Neptune in emotional Pisces to blow things out of proportion.  Saturn moving retrograde will be asking how you want to shift things up or change things in your life, particularly in the area of relationship. Be pristine in keeping your word and doing the right thing in both your personal and professional life.  If you are not happy about a situation, make an effort to resolve it. Be a grownup.  Look at your patterns in relationships. Saturn is trying to get you clear on how you contribute to the strange yet wonderful dynamics that go on in your relationships to just about everything in the world.

I had a death in my family (expected and welcomed) last week so the week zoomed by without a column. The balance of this week’s column will be posted Tuesday.  And I promised Llorraine and Saturn that I wouldn’t make promises I can’t keep.  Gotta watch out for that Karma reverb….  Tune in for the days Tuesday.

Void Moons This Week
With Neptune’s entry into Pisces, we enter a time period of day long (or longer) void moons. Remember to kick back and DREAM the new dream during the voids!

11:17 am EST February 21, Tuesday to 12:31 pm EST

9:24 pm EST February 22, Wednesday to 9:48 pm EST February 23 Thursday
24 hour and 24 minute Void Moon

7:52 am EST February 26 Sunday to 9:29 am EST


Moon’s day February 20 Moon in Aquarius and President’s day here in the states offer us a day off to rest and recapture our vision.  Sunday’s union of the Sun with Neptune made you see something you had not seen before. Passions or sadness or both rose up, unbidden, to swamp you emotionally. Sun’s 30 day journey in Pisces will close up and initiate the new 14 year season of Neptune.  Connecting to the dreams of the mother and eternity take place ~ it is a profoundly creative spot yet exceptionally sensitive.  If you find yourself feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, take time for yourself to reconnect and center. Venus in warrior goddess mode of  Aries is exceptionally combative and difficult.  Ceres has a harsh aspect to Ademetos suggesting nurturing and caretaking are finished on some level. Mercury in water joins Jupiter by declination so feelings and communications are about taking back your ownership of the situation even if that means you have to end something on your side. Neptune pushes away from Hygeia so health matters need to be addressed sooner rather than later.  You are releasing and ending a 14 year cycle or situation as the last bits of Neptune in Aquarius dissolve before your eyes.

Mars’s Day Tuesday February 21 Moon in Pisces forms a New Moon right on Neptune in Pisces at 4;54 pm EST inaugurating a new 14 year cycle of profound and deep connection.  Take time over the next few days to perform a visioning ritual using salt water as the basis.  I like working with a bowl of salt water and some sea artifacts ~ shells or coral or fish or images of the ocean/sailing. Light some candles and asking your guides to join in with you creatively.  Imagine yourself heading out to swim in the ocean and meeting up with a dolphin or large fish or mermaid who invites you to swim with them. Holding onto their dorsal fin, descend below the sea to a cavern where you meet with the God and Goddess of the Ocean’s depths. Converse with the Neptune rulers about the next 14 years of your life. We can envision backwards as well as forwards to tie the story of your earlier Neptune journeys to this new Neptune journey beginning now in your Pisces house.  In 1998, 1984, 1970, 1956, 1942, and 1928 Neptune changed signs and during each of those years, the dream of your life changed shape or form into a new dream. Tuesday is a busy day for the Moon and it also marks Mardi Gras ~ Fat Tuesday ~ or Carnival as well as the beginning of the 40 days of Lent.  That makes today a particularly powerful day to launch rituals and behavior changes as the next 40 days supports those activity changes.  It also is a New Moon right ON Neptune in Pisces offering an inauguration or initiation of the Neptune journey.  Remember you are still working on Psyche’s chores until Venus gets out of Aries on March 5th even as this new energy arrives and inaugurates in your life. Make a vow about how you are going to work with Neptune going forward.  There is lots of squabbly energy in the heavens today, everyone is just a bit on edge and irritated as oodles of minor aspects of irritation are forming. Take a deep breathe and decide if you want to actually DO something under those aspects or not. Generally if the energy is dark, you probably want to avoid taking action. If the energy is provocative, you might have trouble resisting temptation.  If it is helpful, do it with a clean and clear heart.  Just be aware that the OTHER person is going to react, probably very strongly, to what you say or do.

Wednesday Mercury’s day February 22 Moon in Pisces continues to make us extra sensitive to everything. Vesta has a gift of brilliance with the South Node of Fate so make changes in your home to adjust your fate and your future. Sun asks us to work with our desire for a cohesive family group and connect on a deeper level to the people who we love and feel supported by. Sun’s union with Pallas at 3 Pisces allows you to see things, patterns and people as you had not seen them before ~ the patterns become clearer. Notice them. No judgment ~ just notice them. Observe how they create and connect with the other.  We are at a major karma releasing time. Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, it is taking place. Mercury joins with Uranus by declination ~ while the news is perhaps a bit shocking, there is a part of it that rings true.  Beauty has an adjusting aspect to actions taken as Venus forms an inconjunct aspect with Mars ~  you need to adjust in the situation you find yourself in and take action to fix it.

Thursday Jupiter’s day February 23 Moon is void all day today in Pisces offering us an opportunity to reconnect on a different level with our soul.  Where we have not been completely clean or above board, the energy will swirl around.  Take time and effort to connect or correct that matter.  Mercury is opposite Mars so you might want to pull the covers over your head or have a rather large fight with someone. Try to understand where they are coming from as that understanding might help matters.  If you completely don’t get where they are coming from, you must still respect their point of view and how it affects your life.  Mercury’s union with Neptune suggests things from beyond the realm of natural reality are affecting the current matters before you.   Remember love conquers all things and love or some kind of Venus energy is at the heart of the matter before you.  This unusual union of Mercury, Venus and Neptune from beyond or behind the scenes is part of the solution or the source of the situation.  Sun’s square to Juno suggests partnerships can be compromised or tested today.  It WAS always that way.  Perhaps you never noticed it before but it WAS always there.

Friday Venus’ Day February 24  Moon in Aries is fast moving and gets things accomplished. Moon’s union with Uranus and square to Pluto involves high action and unusual reactions.  Before you go off lighting bon fires and burning things up, take time to sort out the matter first.  It doesn’t NEED a bonfire. It needs an understanding of the deeper issues at work here. Saturn’s inconjunct to Vesta suggests you need to take time to connect the karmic dots.  Things, relationships, people and our reactions to them all have a large dollop of karma in them.  When we do “bad” things, and we know better, it comes back to bite us in the butt. Remember the karma reverb is very strong right now. We are at the degree of the Saturn Pluto union in Libra in 1982-83.  Saturn is attempting to close up that story now.  Pisces Sun joins with Chiron to bring a note of healing to the matter, even if it is a deep wound that seems to resist healing while Sun’s trine to Kronos offers us the opportunity to resolve the matter.

Saturn’s Day Saturday February 25 Moon in Aries has productive aspects today as she joins up with Venus starting a new cycle of love and creativity.  Sun is sextile to Jupiter so notice your dreams upon awakening and pay attention to what they tell you to do.  It is a great day to plant new things and ideas, start new projects or push for a productive shift. There is a releasing energy today with Vesta’s square to Hades and Venus’ sesquiquadrate to Juno ~ while stressful, it does need to be done.  You need to release it. Vesta enters Aries to start a new three year cycle around the home and family.  Mercury’s communications around matters long thought dead and gone are important to pay attention to.  Perhaps it isn’t so dead and gone after all.  Sun has a stimulating energy with Eris the Goddess of Discord ~ jealousy and envy are at work here so you might as well own your side of the situation.  Eris is present in all of us, even if we want to pretend she is not.  She is sitting somewhere in our charts.  Mercury’s square to Cupido suggests adjustments are needed in the family or clan story to have things proceed cleanly.

Sunday Sun’s Day February 26 Moon enters  Taurus bright and early to start the day off deliciously.  Mercury connects with the Nodes of Fate suggesting you have a choice in how  you proceed and what you do.  Sun’s union with Mercury thanks you for the idea or suggestion and decides how it wants to act on it.  Things are much deeper than they seem. And Sedna the Ocean Goddess wants you to understand that what goes around does indeed come back around.  Understanding the fate and purpose of the patterns and relationships before you goes a long way toward healing the situation.  Venus connects with Eris to start a new one year cycle about jealously and discord. Watch for the jealousy situation to appear in your life around 4:57 pm EST.  You have to shift the energy or work with it productively. Jealousy and envy exist in the world to point out to us where we are hooked in on situations or people in non-productive ways. When clients ask me how to work with jealousy or envy, I always advise them to name it.  When it goes unnamed or not acknowledged, envy and jealousy acquires a greater and greater power over our actions. Named and noted, we don’t get into 10 year Trojan Wars over the matter we are envious about. We’ve noted it and named it.  Name it as that will help you take control of it. Jealousy and envy exist for a reason ~ and working with them consciously gets us in touch with our shadow energies so they don’t erupt in out of control manners, forms or situations.  Gotta work with your shadow… consciously or unconsciously, it exists for a reason.  Our shadows help us see our actual form more clearly.


Introduction to Astrology Weekend taught by
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT

The Introduction to Astrology Weekend includes:
16 hours of Astrology Instruction,
Two nights at the Wilburton Inn,
Friday Night Welcome Reception with Light Dinner
Breakfast, Lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday and Sunday
An Astrology Introduction Book for use and reference after the Weekend.
The Opportunity to Understand Your Chart in greater depth by studying with Anne

Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s  workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively,  how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own.   There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne.  Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn.  Lunch, and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests.  Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth.  What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life?  Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet.  Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn.  Lunch and one coffee break is included for all.

Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone:             (802)379-5775

[email protected]
[email protected]