Weekly weather February 20, 2006 to February 26, 2006

Weekly weather February 20, 2006 to February 26, 2006
We have entered a period of extreme mutability where changes, back and forth, various choices or ideas will appear, form, glisten, pop, float, disappear or dance before you. The changes entice you to chase their beauty. The image to hold in your mind is bubbles flowing out from a wand on a breezy, spring day. Bubbles that you attempt to catch and hold in your hands and heart. Keep blowing and catching your bubbles! Yes, many will pop in your hands, in the air, on the grass, or for no apparent reason at all. Yet, EVEN as the bubbles pop, enjoy their rainbow colors as they dance before your eyes.
Think of yourself and your forming dreams as bubbles in the wind. The difference is your bubbles CAN solidify and become beautiful images of your vision for your life. But NOT JUST yet. RIGHT NOW, those fragile dreams of yours are very much like bubbles. You do not get MAD, or ANGRY, or FRUSTRATED when bubbles burst (unless you are a very small child and do not know how bubbles work their magic). Wave your wand and make MORE bubbles. Do NOT JUDGE the bubbles for being delicate, fragile, and gossamer like hopes catching rides on invisible currents of air. Appreciate the bubbles’ beauty, abundance and the very act of joy in their short, sparkly life. Create bubbles by dipping into the colorful magic liquid and waving your wand repeatedly. All different sizes of bubbles flow out from your wand. Most will pop immediately; others will float or come to rest on a blade of grass, and a precious few will last for a long time.
Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Mars have moved into mutable signs, quietly, softly and suddenly the world became flexible, stretchable and changing when you weren‘t paying attention. At the same time, planets in traveling through mutable signs control the signs we find Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn traveling through, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo respectively. As a reader wrote, “I am feeling that push and pull to ‘go’ but I feel as though there is no where to go! Like a rubber band that has been stretched as far as it will go by the hand of god and is about to be let loose but seems to be aimed into the air, the dark night sky…no target in site…maybe the ground is the target once I fly through the air and land after my flight!!”
We still are in the traffic jam but it has eased up quite a bit. Over the next month, Mars is going to try his darnedest to catch up with Sun and Mercury as they zoom along in Pisces. Mars is not going to catch Sun! Soon, as in next week, Mercury will hear Mars shouting for him to slow up, stop, and wait for me! Mercury will turn back to chat and travel for a time with Mars as he retrogrades most of March. At THAT time, the bubbles of your future MIGHT, just might, start to form into more solid images of your new and upcoming path ~ during the month of March. But, then, again, they are merely BUBBLES. You know how fickle, unpredictable and floaty bubbles can be!
Please know that nothing REALLY is going to happen until Saturn goes direct in early April. The rest of February has bubbles of activity forming, floating, burbling and popping. March has oodles of activity coming, most of it bubbles, including a couple of eclipses, and four planets stopping and shifting directions in the sky. Remember most, if not all, of what will go on, is bubbles! Bubbles that form, float and pop before you catch them. Enjoy the bubbles for what they are! Say yes to lots and lots of bubbles! It is a magic time of creation. Do not judge bubbles (or yourself) for being bubbles if they behave like a bubble and disappear in the wind. Know the true nature of bubbles! At the same time, some, maybe a lot, or maybe none (bubbles are teases in the cosmos!) will coalesce into solid form once we get into April. The point is to create bubbles in March. Many bubbles. Every day. Create as many bubbles you can! Bubbles of opportunities. Bubbles of change. Bubbles of your “Future“. Bubbles are a form of creation. Chase bubbles. And please, please, do not be angry or upset if your bubbles pop. Just giggle and make more bubbles. Dip your wand in the liquid and move it slowly to create an extra large super juicy bubble just quivering with potential.
Monday, Saturn opposes Chiron, opening up the old wound of the tribe. Where exactly do you fit? What would happen if you put down THAT definition of who you are, where you came from, or what your story was? What if you decided to make your past beliefs be a bubble today? POP the bubbles of your beliefs on deliberate purpose with a clap of your hands? Yes, it is THAT easy. You do not have to be married to your beliefs any more as Neptune’s trine to Juno promises. Pop them. Pop those beliefs. Ride the all day void moon to imagine what your life would be like if the beliefs left you like bubbles in the wind.
Tuesday, the FEAR comes back! Mercury’s difficult aspect to Saturn and Chiron says, “Uh oh, you are going to get it now! You are in VERY BIG trouble!” See how that Fear thing works? Just go and think about popping your belief bubbles and wowee, Fear comes roaring right back in. Take it to the WORST-case scenario ~ you know how to do it. Write it down on a piece of paper. Unloved, Alone, Homeless, Freezing on the street, your cat in a bag next to you. Oh, dirty, smelly and hungry too. Got that worst-case scenario down on paper? Next, shout to the heavens, “I don’t want these thoughts any more! I banish these thoughts from my heart!” Rip the paper up, burn the fragments into ash flakes and flush the whole mess down the toilet or kitchen sink. Or wave the ashes into the wind. Let the fragments fly off like the bubbles they are.
Wednesday, Venus dances with the North Node as Vesta opposes Hygea. Add beauty to your life today. Do something to make your home or yourself feel loved and adored and glorious. Create bubbles of your future dreams by making phone calls, sending your resume off, asking, sketching, daydreaming or doodling your hopes decorated with flowers and hearts.
Thursday, Vesta stations and goes direct. Focus on creating bubbles. You do not have to DO IT ALL today, tomorrow or even next week! Just create oodles of bubbles of dreams. Send them out into the cosmos. Mercury is pushing off from the node and working with Venus in Capricorn. Mercury and Venus are listening closely to what you say today. And, if any of that silly set of fears from Tuesday shows up again, just write them down, rip the paper up, burn it, flush away the ashes as you banish them from your heart.
Friday, has four stressful aspects. Expect fears again. Big time. Would you please stop going forward into the future with that worrywart imagination of yours? Stop giving those fearful images any more of your time! Live in the moment! Take a positive step or two toward what you want. Do your fear banishing routine again. Create bubbles of your dreams. Many bubbles. Sun is aspecting Pallas Athena so a woman will give you good, practical advice if you pay attention. Put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it every time your mind starts down your fear path! Snap your Mercury into line. Make more bubbles.
Saturday, watch for a terrific idea. On the other hand, it may show up as an argument or disagreement that shocks you into seeing a different point of view from your traditional approach to things. Kind of like a lightening bolt as Uranus is squabbling and spitting at Juno. Again, what would happen if you divorced yourself from those limiting beliefs of yours? Just clapped your hands? Made them pop like bubbles?
Sunday, glorious Sunday, something falls into place by looking at it from an opposite point of view as Sun and Uranus contraparallel dance with asteroids Juno and Pallas. Now, the dance is a complicated tango so watch out for pivoting legs and fast kicks. Tangos are fun. Tangos are NOT easy. Precision and practice are required! Actually, you are better off making bubbles! Create bubbles to the sound of Tango music.
A few of you have written asking what if you were young in 1982 and 1983? If you think back on the situation in your life that has been taking place since last August, it has a corollary to the time when you were younger. It might have been a father/mother story, or a power over story, or a profound or problematic karmic relationship or a deep soul wound that you either witnessed or experienced in the early years of your life. It is clearing now. Hopefully, it popped just like a bubble on a beautiful spring day this week!
Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee