Weekly Weather February 18, 2013
It is not that something different is seen but that one sees differently. – C.G. Jung
Last week the Pope quit and a lightning bolt hit the Vatican when Mercury trined Saturn and sextiled Pluto ~ communication shocks! Then as Mars trined Saturn and sextiled Pluto at the end of the week, an asteroid hit earth in Russia and took out millions of feet of glass as another asteroid passed close by earth ~ Mars attacks! Jupiter in Gemini is two events ~ two shocking communications and two asteroids. Pisces rules Christianity and the Catholic Church (think “fish” as the symbol of the sacrificial Piscean era drawing to a close as we enter the age of Aquarius) and glass….
The world was awash in changes!
So what happened in YOUR world?
If NOTHING happened LAST week, it WILL happen THIS week…. So get ready! Sun moves into Pisces to join up with Neptune. Moon in Cancer will trine Saturn and oppose Pluto ~ you see something you never, EVER noticed before. Expect to receive an illumination of an enormous and unusual situation in your life. Expect Moon to flow productively with Saturn to help you structure it in a new way ~ or Restructure it as Saturn is going retrograde. Expect Moon to argue with Pluto to bring hidden emotional treasures to the surface for you to see them and transform. Moon in sensitive and emotional Cancer forms aspects to Pluto, Saturn and all the Piscean Planets on Wednesday and Thursday so expect emotional outburst or deep emotional releases on those days. Sun opposes Neptune to help you delve deeper into your understanding of how your ego emotionally works.
It is time to evolve.
And IF the POPE can quit, breaking a 600 year tradition weighed down by, carried forward by, supported by literally billions of Christians’ expectations and beliefs for hundreds of years, YOU CAN QUIT too.
Some where in YOUR chart, the authority that rules you is stepping down or changing how he or you deal with each other.
YOU CAN RELEASE the things you no longer want to do.
Somewhere in YOUR chart, a lightning bolt of realizations is taking place.
Somewhere in YOUR chart an asteroid is passing very close to your energy field…
Somewhere in YOUR chart, an asteroid is crashing to earth and breaking the panes of glass in your life.
The asteroid’s light called people to the window to look at it and then it transformed them by breaking the glass and their reality.
Somewhere in YOUR chart, that same process is taking place.
You only have to take the steps do it.
The Pope quit! Over 600 years since a Pope quit! If a Pope can quit, you can change your life. Yes, it IS that easy. It is that easy right now! All the planets in Pisces are calling on you to change your life and release those things that no longer serve you or enhance your life. Let go of what you don’t want to do. Release, release, release….let them swim away and move off into another reality.
With each release we take or make, we allow other, different or new things to arrive and enter our lives. As you release, turn your attention toward what you want to invite INTO your life.
Last week, the Weekly Weather column got away from me as I was swept up into all the Pisces energy flowing through my first house. The imagery of the Glacier breaking into pieces summed up the energy we’d be working with for the week….Popes resigning, asteroids hitting earth and passing us by. Now, as Saturn stations, we can climb aboard a pole floating by and perhaps paddle a bit ~ or not, as the case maybe, perhaps float and ride the current?
It is useless, even futile to resist all this swirling Piscean energy. Think NON-linear time. Just let go. Allow the process to take you over. As a former lifeguard, I know that when you are caught in a riptide, you don’t fight it; you float along and live in the moment. You let the riptide carry you. You don’t struggle. You float. You go with the current. Eventually, the riptide current eases and releases you from its hold. That should be your approach to the energy flying around the heavens right now… Float. Go with the Flow. No struggle. Release. Release. If you must, simply MUST, take SOME action, go sideways. In a riptide, you can swim to the side of it to attempt to escape it ~ but NO struggling AGAINST it. Go with the flow! Go sideways to take a different approach than you usually do. Trust that the universe knows what needs to happen at this moment in time in your life. You are right where you are supposed to be…
We still have the Finger of God with Jupiter as the apex talking to Pluto and Saturn as the legs. Moon triggers the Finger of God’s legs this week, by trine and opposition ~ emotional aspects to hard planets. The hard planets are made to FEEL something! Saturn stations at 11:31 Scorpio to go retrograde. He’s going to return to where he was last November 14, 2012~ 4:49 Scorpio. Saturn will be moving backwards through the heavens over ALL the stuff he’s stirred up and asked you to work with since November 14. Saturn stations retrograde at the same point as the upcoming eclipse on November 3, 2013 so the story from this week will be resolved next fall so pay particular attention to the stories that take place between last Wednesday and this coming Friday as you will be resolving them or coming to some fundamental understanding of them. The five days before and after Saturn stations are when we notice his energy at work in our lives.
Nietzsche famously said, “Battle not monsters, lest ye become one. For when ye gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes.”
This quote perfectly captures the perils of Pisces Planets. Pisces allows one to peer beyond the veil that separates this realm of perception from reality. When we succeed in peering through to our unconscious, we can also be seen by forces more powerful than we are in our normal ego state. Those powerful forces reside, usually unseen, deep in our unconscious. When we look at them, they look at us. In these moments, we must be very careful to have due delicacy and reverence for the normally hidden forces. This week, we will be looking at and feeling the hidden forces in our being. So be gentle with yourself and what you feel and see. Be kind. Approach each other with delicacy and care.
It is good to ask the forces how they want to express themselves. Gain insight into the universal Piscean questions that drive your being: What do you believe? What have you come here for? What are you driven to express? What do you use to ground yourself when the ocean around you feels too unruly? What must you remember? What do you wish to forget? What will you release to have drift away into the Ocean of Pisces energy swirling around you? What do you wish would jump into your boat adrift on the sea of your life?
We enter MORE NON LINEAR time for the next 30 days of Ego expression as the Sun goes into Pisces. We have Mercury, Mars, Chiron and Neptune in Pisces for NON LINEAR Thinking, Acting, Healing and Dreaming. Go with the flow. Imagine each of these planets sailing. Tacking. Adjusting. Fiddling. Fooling. Wiggling. Sailing. Back and Forthing. Virtually the entire heaven answers to Pisces or rolls through Pisces energy on the way to the final dispositor.
On Monday, Sun enters Pisces as Saturn stations and Moon occults Jupiter making for a turbulent and unpredictable day. Sun links up with Neptune on Thursday so expect no clarity until then ~ you are awash in the sea of emotions. You are looking in the abyss and seeing the realm of the unconscious.
Saturday, Mercury stations to go Retrograde at 19:52 Pisces. Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces for 23 days. After he goes direct on March 17, Mercury will be in Pisces for another 28 days. We have Mercury in Pisces for a total of 67 days. Communications will be particularly muddled during this Mercury retrograde as he doesn’t like Pisces. Jupiter as the apex of the Finger of God in Gemini suggests you just resign yourself to doing EVERYTHING TWICE. Ask if you can have it, receive a “no”, ASK AGAIN in a day or so and you will receive a “yes”. Double and triple check everything as stuff will disappear and dissolve before your eyes. Watch the energy keep shifting, back and forth, back and forth until April 13. The planet of communications is busy tacking against the wind and adjusting, fiddling and fussing in Pisces. Adjusting. Shifting. Moving. Communications are completely counter intuitive. Continue to TRUST the process even if it doesn’t work out quite the way you think it should. The mistakes are happening for a reason! Get ready for some wild, seemingly off course adventures, which are exactly where the universe wants to take you.
Okay notice that ALL week the heavens are a muddle, oceanic and confusing. Nothing is clear. And we are STILL working with the Finger of God with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter involved. So do as my student Leslie suggested “Do the responsible thing.” Ask yourself what is the responsible response or responsible thing to do in the situation? Then do THAT ~ even if it seems to involve tacking or an indirect approach to the situation. You know what is responsible. Do the responsible thing. Take the responsible position. Act in the responsible manner ~ even if you want to swim silently away from the other person or the situation. No enabling ~ Pisces can enable. Set boundaries the best you can. Encourage yourself to listen to what your SOUL wants to do. Then behave responsibly for YOUR soul’s greater good.
It is time for each of us to grow up. Time to evolve. Pisces is the END of the zodiac, the last sign. All the planets in Pisces are at the kumbaya moment when they sit around the campfire before they drift back to their beds to go to sleep and dream. The guitar is slowly strumming a hymn; the moon grows a bit bigger each night as she moves towards a Full Moon next week at 7 Virgo/Pisces. The stars are missing ~ gone in a bank of clouds. Darkness, deep emotions and profound connections abound. Pay attention to your dreams! Listen to the planets whisper their stories in your ears about what their dreams were and where they want to go next. Let the planets release what they no longer need.
Into all this swirling crazy Piscean energy, Venus will be an island of relative stability. She’s in Aquarius until next week when she, too, dives into Pisces. But THIS week, she’s still flying high and detached in Aquarius. She’s able to help that South Node in Taurus release, release, release. Venus squares the Nodes and has harsh aspects to Uranus and Pluto so expect relationships to take unexpected turns and detours ~ twists you never anticipated. Choose toward the higher expression of Venusian energy. She’s not in the mood to quite go there but she’s got an opinion on HOW to go there. Allow her space. Do the Venus tasks before you quietly and with gentleness. No FORCING her to do what you want her to do.
Fingers of God are all about living in the moment and doing what is required of you. No more, no less. Do the responsible thing in the moment. Then everything goes forward without a problem. Or with less problems than you might otherwise have. Release expectations. Live in the moment. Do what is required of you.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Saturn stations to go retrograde until July. Mercury goes retrograde. Venus is highly irritated.….LOTS OF STUFF and a new leather coat!!! The rest of the heavens are swamped with too much water ~ LOTS OF PISCES!!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and I talk about dealing with the unpredictable changing situation before you ~ you can’t control it. You can witness it. Be present to it! Here’s how to navigate all that Pisces!
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and I are on vacation until February 23! We live ripe!
Access Astrology: Heather, Mark and I talked about the week ahead and take calls from listeners.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt continues to enthrall… Venus arises!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this teaching myth is encoded with the process toward mature Femininity. As the tale unfold Psyche has betrayed Eros (Cupid), been banished from Paradise, destitute and terrified, Suicidal, and clueless. Next (as if this wasn’t enough) Psyche must face the Tyranny of Venus, Complete the four tasks of The Trial of The Seeds, Gathering the Hair of the Golden Fleece, Obtaining Sacred Waters of Styx And Descend To the Underworld to obtain the beauty ointment from Persephone – Birth of the Divine Child.
Void Moons This Week
Moon goes void Trine to Venus on Tuesday, Feb 19 2013 at 01:48:46 pm EST and enters Cancer on Wednesday, Feb 20 2013 at 05:45:54 am EST.
Moon is Void Tuesday Afternoon
Moon goes void trine to Mercury on Thursday, Feb 21 2013 at 09:09:02 pm EST and enters Leo on Friday Feb 22 2013 at 05:13:05 pm EST.
Moon is Void most of Friday
Moon goes void opposite to Venus on Sunday, Feb 24 2013 at 11:51:21 pm EST and enters Virgo on Monday, Feb 25, 2012 at 1:52 am EST.
Moon is Void most of Sunday.
Monday Moon’s day February 18, 2013 Moon is in Gemini with lovely closing aspects of a trine to Venus in Aquarius. Expect oodles of conversations, chats, and connections today. Today is a holiday in the States when we celebrate our Presidents, past, future and current. We reflect on leadership and what it means to us. Saturn stations retrograde at 11:31 Scorpio on the same point as the upcoming Solar eclipse on November 3. Pay attention to what happens today as it is a critical turning point in the structure of your relationships. Venus is creative with Ceres and the two of them chat and come up with solutions to all sorts of problems. Sun enters Pisces for 30 days of ego immersion in the amniotic fluid of the annual season rebirth…. Get ready for a new season to emerge in 30 days. Mars brings a pattern to surface that you never saw coming. Notice it for what it means. It is what it is. Chiron’s parallel to Eris suggest EXTREME irritation with people or situations that are getting on your last nerve. So be aware of how you can trigger someone’s not so nice behavior. Venus’ square to the Nodes of Fate ~ and she rules the South Node right now ~ asks you to choose how you want to proceed. Be cautious in your choice. It is very fated times right now. Choose carefully. Sun’s union with Pallas and Apollon offers you an informed choice and an ability to see patterns that previously were not so clear to you. Trust what you see as you gaze into the abyss. Stay with the process. Don’t be afraid. It can be a huge breakthrough in your understanding of love and desire.
Tuesday Mars’s day February 19, 2013 finds Moon in Gemini going void mid-day with a productive working trine to Venus. Continue to work on the paper and relationship projects. Venus has a sextile to Eris bright and early offering a bit of drama around relationships. Let go of your old patterns ~ you can do it. Sun is parallel to Neptune so on a fundamental level there is some deception going on. You are SUPPOSED to be deceived when Neptune does this with the Sun. Neptune softens the Sun’s harsh glare and permits it to be gentle and kind and a bit foggy. Foggy is good right now. Allow it to envelope you and soften your edges. Juno connects with Cupido offering a relationship of partnership that is solid and reliable. Make adjustments in how you nuture. Spend some time on your dream today or tonight. Listen to music. Dance, sing, enjoy! Me, I am going to see Barry Manilow on Broadway! Saturn’s station continues to stir up the depths of change within us.
Wednesday Mercury’s Day February 20, 2013 finds Moon in sensitive, emotional and very moody Cancer. She’s going to set off Saturn and Pluto bringing deep and profound emotions to the surface as she forms a grand trine in water in the heavens above our heads ~ linking the Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer houses and planets into a sea of throbbing, pulsing emotions. Oh such emotions today! Sun is approach his conjunction with Neptune so today energy is very foggy and deeply feeling. It feels like time is standing still. Lots and lots of dreams that you need to remember. A great day for visual and inspirational day dreaming too! Moon’s trine to Sun and Neptune bring emotions pouring out of you. A sudden emotional breakthrough is possible tonight with Moon’s square to Uranus ~ allow for the unexpected emotional realization. Saturn’s station continues to stir up the depths of change within us.
Thursday Jupiter’s day February 21, 2013 find Moon in Cancer and Sun merges with Neptune during the night causing some amazing good and bad dreams. Pluto has a sextile to Poseidon amping up the water energy available for you to work with and joins with Astraea suggesting health matters surface again from a deep place. Neptune’s union with Pallas encourages you to look for the deeper meaning in your dreams and their images. The universe is communicating with you in the most profound way it can… emotionally and with depth of feeling. Mercury’s argument with Uranus offers you a glimpse in to the depths of your being… unexpected communications can be shocking mid-day but serve to awaken some part of your depths and encourages you to move towards your best life. Later today, speak your truth or write it down. Emotions are running rather wild and free. We don’t swim against the riptide ~ we go sideways or let it carry us out to sea. No struggling. Health matters start on a new path with Pluto’s union with Astraea… Saturn’s station continues to stir up the depths of change within us. Mercury’s retrograde starts today as Mercury slows to a station.
Friday Venus’ day February 22, 2013 Moon is void all day in Cancer offering deep feeling and the opportunity to process all that has been going on for the past few days. Venus stresses with Pluto about and around the matters she can’t control, much as she would like to. Encourage her to let go of the triangles, power struggles and difficult energies that she’s been rolling around in. Take a detached approach. Ask yourself what is the thing the universe is asking you to learn. Try to find some Joy in the situation. Not happiness ~ that is elusive and hard to pin down… go for the momentary joy. Moon enters Leo later in the day with hard closing aspects to Venus on Sunday night. Allow yourself some play time tonight. Mars links up with Zeus encouraging an expansion of energy and enthusiasm Where do you find your joy these days? Spend time with Joy today! Saturn’s station continues to stir up the depths of change within us. Are you ready to change? Mercury’s retrograde continues today as Mercury slows to a station.
Saturday Saturn’s day February 23, 2013 Moon in Leo us about creativity and has a trine to Uranus and a sextile to Jupiter so you hop out of bed with a list of fun activities planned that make you laught. Venus square Admetos in the early morning hours can bring troubling dreams. Mercury stations retrograde 4:41AM EST at 19Pis52 and moves retrograde for 24 days. Make adjustments to things that come flying toward you. Think whack-a-mole… just respond. Don’t think too much about it. Just go for it. Focus on how you can add more healthful activities into your life. It is time to move forward with partnerships that were challenged or challenging. What do you want to do with them? With BOTH Saturn and Mercury retrograde, old ghosts or situations from your past can resurface for you to deal with them. Take a firm (as firm as you can be in all this swirling water) stand ~ at least articulate what you would like. Home and Hearth has a great deal of abundance right now… enjoy it. Redecorate or shop. Sure it will cost more than you planned but you will love it when you get it home.
Sunday Sun’s day February 24, 2013 finds the Moon in Leo, going void late in the evening with an opposition to Venus asking us to emotionally separate our nurturing needs from our desires. Take time before you go to bed to review the Venus wants us to detach from any it has to be about me or else moments and live with compassionate observation skills. Sun’s semisextile to Uranus mid-day suggests you might find a creative or new approach to how you express your freedom needs.
Palmistry with Anne Ortelee
Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013
Manchester, Vermont
Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’. The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.
Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.
The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.
Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.
Weekend will include:
• 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
• Two nights’ accommodations
• Workshop and Course materials
• Individual Time with your Own Hand!
Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information. Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775
Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee