Weekly Weather December 9, 2013
One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do in a stormy world is stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times…struggling souls catch light from others who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Cooperation, partnership and connection are the keywords for the next eight months of your life in all actions you take! We are moving from ME-ME-ME to WE-WE-WE! Time to sing in harmony. Time to make your own music or write your own song AND the key to your success is working with other people to get it done. To do it, you MUST, MUST, MUST work with others. To do virtually anything, you must be part of a shared vision or goal. Partner contributes their part of the project, their ideas, energy and suddenly the sum of the parts is greater than the whole! Whoosh you are done!
Action taking HAS to be done in partnership with others or the heavens won’t let it happen or be accomplished. Mars in Libra rules Saturn in Scorpio. Mars began an eight month journey last Saturday. You can figure out how to get what you want by talking to others! People will show up and volunteer to help you get where you are going. Accept all offers that seem to move you forward. Offer things to others where you can help them move forward.
On the other hand, IF you know you absolutely don’t want to do something or work with someone, NOW, RIGHT NOW, while Mars is in the early degrees before he gets to his shadow on December 26, put an end to the project(s) you are NOT interested in doing. Actually put an end to them before December 22 before Venus stations to go retrograde. Don’t take the meeting. Write the resignation letter. Let them know you can’t proceed as planned. Give them notice to clear your space for where you want to go.
Saturn, Mars and Venus are all in the same signs for three months… And, even better, the signs are in synchronicity and compatible with each other. The two personal planets of how we get things, Mars, and what we desire, Venus, are traveling in harmony with Saturn and each other. Mars and Venus will be able to swap places and energy with each other. When they swap energy, they enhance each other’s ability to articulate and activate their dreams. We are going to be formulating, building and focusing, with crystal clarity, on what we desire and want from our lives.
The only trick is we have to, absolutely have to, work with others. As we partner with our desires and other people, Saturn will be helping us to build it.
It is full steam ahead for the next two weeks. The universe is turning toward you and shouting “YES! Let’s work together!”
Even if you are the most curmudgeonly person alive, preferring days of solitude to ever having to work with anyone, even YOU will find the Universe inviting you to work forward towards your goals. Just say yes to offers that intrigue or entice you. Say yes!
When Venus goes retrograde in two weeks, there will be a slight shift in how you are going to finance, pay or procure it but the dream(s) remain intact ~ just the how to get it or pay for it or partner with it will shift.
They are NOT Complicated energies. After the turbulence of the last two months, the next passage is surprisingly easy and full of flow. Pay attention. The events of the last two weeks and this week set the stage for the next eleven months of your life.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
Mercury is super busy this week moving close to 2 degrees a day! Flying through the heavens, he’s giving his opinion in a frank and direct manner, whether you want to hear it or not. In Sagittarius, Mercury goes off to play with Jupiter in a bit of a bacchanal. Lots of communications clarify the direction to take. Sometimes TOO much is happening! If overwhelmed with information or feedback, take a break and go for a walk.
Venus in Capricorn wants you to be SERIOUS about your money, finance, love and desire energies until March! Venus and Mars can shift places as they are in mutual reception making them both super powered to help you get what you want.
Mars in Libra is now all about WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME! For the next eight months, Mars is going to be paying attention to how well you partner and play with others. Playground rules ~ kindness, take your turn, wait patiently and no pushing or shoving! Sharing, mutual vision and ability to compromise are essential. Focus on how you can improve communications, relationships and connections with others. State your observations clearly and with a minimum of fuss. Mars rules Saturn so Saturn is all about committing to relationships in whatever house has the degrees 16 to 23 Scorpio.
Saturn is exalted while answering to Mars in Libra ~ so while things will be very intense and complicated emotionally, there will be a deep, profound and expressed desire state. Saturn is in his shadow. Whatever took place the past few weeks, since November 16, is what you are going to be working on and with until the end of October 2014. Make commitments and move forward. Focus on your vision of how to improve or partner (remember WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME until July 25!) Keep in mind, each and every commitment you make can and probably will be revised after March 2, 2014.
Jupiter and Saturn trine each other for the second time on Thursday Dec 12, 2013 at 18:27 Cancer. Revise and change the foundations of your dreams that you started working on last summer, particularly around July 17. The third and final trine will be May 24, 2014 at 18:59 Cancer when both Saturn and Jupiter harvest the work and life projects you began in May of 2000.
Quite a few health aspects this week! Build up your immune system! Going to be a wicked flu season! Lungs are taking it on the chin! Fluid buildup and mucus!
Uranus stations early next week so we start to feel it towards the end of this week ~ expect sudden reversals, outburst and shifts in direction ~ you (or they) want to run away and join the circus. Unhook from the chains that bind! Readdress the sticky and stuck places. Back up your electronic devices! Hang onto your cell phone while near water!
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes void Sextile to Venus on Tuesday Dec 10, 2013 at 01:42:06 am EST and enters Aries at 08:06:35 am EST. Moon is void early Tuesday morning.
Moon goes void square to Venus on Thursday Dec 12, 2013 at 10:38:23 am EST and enters Taurus at 03:41:15 pm EST. Moon is void in the middle of the day on Thursday.
Moon goes void trine to Venus on Saturday Dec 14, 2013 at 09:55:29 pm EST and enters Gemini on Sunday Dec 15, 2013 at 01:41:38 am EST. Moon is void late Saturday night and early Sunday morning.
Moon Day Monday December 9, 2013 Moon is in Pisces and goes void Sextile to Venus so today is very productive. Sun and Moon square each other early resulting in a potential conflict first thing in the morning. Later in the day Moon’s trine Jupiter and Saturn forms a Grand Water Trine~ inviting emotions and fluid to flow. Express yourself ~ and if you start to cry just keep talking! If you get a deep emotional gift or observation from someone, take it and pay attention to it. Mercury’s parallel to Pallas points out old or difficult patterns that are not so productive but very familiar. Trust the process and go forth. Health matters slide backwards a bit today! Take action and talk to your authorities directly ~ break throughs are possible. Eris is stirring the pot and retrieving old envious wounds that you thought you’d outgrown. If envy comes flying at you, acknowledge it and move along. No entertaining it! Mercury’s adjusting aspects to the Nodes of Fate and Karma allows you to see the world or your words in a different manner. Time to change how you’ve been guarding and protecting the old and familiar just because. Why are you doing it exactly? How much energy is going to preserve and maintain rather that letting go and going with the flow. Stand in your own light and let it shine. Mid-day you understand how to embrace that which you’ve been afraid to approach. Tonight there is a bit of a disagreement between what you want and what your authorities want. Find a compromise… where is WE-WE-WE?
Mars Day, Tuesday December 10, 2013 Moon enters Aries at 08:06:35 am EST. Moon goes void square to Venus so there can be overdoing or over spending today and Wednesday. Sun inconjunct to Jupiter forms a health aspect related to overdoing and jumping around. As I write this, I am nursing a very sore knee from too much wine combined with dancing the Lindy and Polka and climbing steps! Jumping around indeed… watch where your enthusiasm for activities without paying heed to the consequences can cause over doing excesses! Can’t make this astrology stuff up! Venus cooperates with a wild and crazy idea that is simply fabulous. Go for it! Quite unlike you! Mercury’s encouraging her to take a risk and try it. Unusual or shocking communications take place mid-day. Tonight health matters call for your attention. Start to change your health life today. Change your house, office or home. Partnerships and relationships merit discussion around what you both want. Words wound tonight so be careful and conscious.
Mercury’s Day Wednesday December 11, 2013 Moon in Aries has overdoing or overspending a distinct option. Pluto’s trine to Pallas offers you the opportunity to see your (or their) patterns and then evolve and change. The grand trine in earth grounds and applies energy to the ability to take or make a new pathway. Establish routines today that you can live with that help you shift your focus, aim forward and move on. Venus lets go of old loves and matters that have bothered her for a while. Love and the deep space in your heart is seeking a new way of connecting and loving. Tonight Mercury’s aspects to Pluto and Pallas emphasize communicating and connecting on deeper levels and shifting patterns of thought and speech. When you say “I am tired” you mean like sit down and have a cup of tea and then go again tired. When they say “I am tired” they mean run over by a truck and down for the count. Expand your vocabulary. Communicate with extra words to make your meaning clearer. Clearer speech helps everyone move forward.
Jupiter’s Day Thursday December 12, 2013 Moon goes void square to Venus on Thursday Dec 12, 2013 at 10:38:23 am EST and enters Taurus at 03:41:15 pm EST. Moon is void in the middle of the day on Thursday. Closing aspect for the afternoon and evening is a trine to Venus so quite productive and profitable things take place the next few days. Lots of dreams last night kept you tossing and turning. Make sure to write them down upon awakening. Today is profound communication day where nothing you say matters but at the same time it matters enormously! Mercury is quite active. Moon is void most of the day ~ HOWEVER Mercury is exceptionally active today too! So think self-talk, think planning, think verbalizing for your own SOUL and LIFE PATH not necessarily what you actually say to the OTHER person or people. It isn’t so important what you say to the others as what you say to yourself or think about yourself and your choices. You can reflect on what has been said over the past few days while Mercury is in Sagittarius and speaking the truth (whether you LIKE what was said or NOT ~ the truth was spoken ~ at least from THEIR perspective!). It is important on days like these to recognize how VERY POWERFUL our own thoughts and words are. Whether we think we can or we think we can’t ~ we are correct…. Focus on where your own ideas about what is possible for you ~ especially as relates to your belief about yourself and your dreams. Venus’s argument with Jupiter is about how to and not about how much. Agree to disagree and find the common spaces. They are there. Sun’s aspect of brilliance to Neptune moves everything forward, quite easily. Parent or nurture creatively ~ it is a BRILLIANT idea! Jealousy motivates mid-day but then Jealousy often does motivate. Proceed with your plans in spite of the harsh energy. Jupiter his second of three trines to Saturn encouraging you to put a foundation under your dreams, build a stable platform that helps them grow tall and strong. You’ll find support in unexpected places tonight. Accept it.
Venus’ Day Friday December 13, 2013 Moon is exalted and very happy in Taurus. Moon goes void trine to Venus so earth solid productivity takes place today! Moon’s trine to Pluto encourages you to speak truth to power, clearly, concisely and precisely. Dreams are quite active last night and helped you clarify your focus, even if you were fighting off dragons or swimming in the ocean. Mercury’s aspect to the Nodes of Fate speak to the power of words to make a difference. Sun’s trine to Eris points to the effectiveness of discord in getting things moving… Eris inspires us to complain and get what we want. Or to go out and do it by ourselves. Sun’s stressful aspect to the Nodes of Fate encourage clear expression even if you don’t want to say it or do it. End of day offers a retreat into the old and familiar, the historical or the past. Escape graciously.
Saturn’s Day Saturday December 14, 2013 Moon goes void trine to Venus on Saturday Dec 14, 2013 at 09:55:29 pm EST. Another profoundly productive day! Probably the best shopping day of the year! Everything seems to cooperate and shift in positive directions as you move toward partnering productively and with the greatest expression of your best humanitarian energy. Time spent with family and friends sis particularly productive, especially early in the day. Tonight is good for romance and connections with people you love or want to spend more time with. As you get to the end of the day, Mars’ semi-square to Saturn adds a touch of sadness to an otherwise lovely day.
Sun’s day Sunday December 15, 2013 at Moon enters Gemini on Sunday Dec 15, 2013 at 01:41:38 am EST. Moon has a closing opposition to the Sun culminating the story from June 2012 and allowing you to make choices. Another busy night of dreaming or maybe tossing and turning. Mercury wants to talk to you via your unconscious or via dreams. His vibrant imagery helps you see where you are going. Hold the dreams in your hands as you wake up. Record them, draw them, tell them to other people. Hold the dreams in your heart. Nurturing gets a huge boost of energy. Lots of things to do today and you can get them all done if you divide and conquer or split the tasks or do them with a friend. Gemini Moon just dances through the task list. Oodles of Mercury makes today great for errands, shopping, card writing, tree decorating, parties, connecting with long lost folks, laughter and joy. A fun, fine, full day. Sibling energy is strong today so connect with real or chosen sibling people. Lots of chatter, laughter and connections that are fun and full of frolic. A surprise guest or unexpected message brightens the end of the day. People think they are right so avoid conversations about dogmatic issues. Focus on the local, light and connection places.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Forward full steam ahead! Everyone is rocking and rolling this week ~ work on putting foundations under your dreams.
Scorpios Talking: We talked about how to connect with our inner wisdom.
The Mary Anne Show: Back again, just in time for holiday laughter!
Access Astrology: Heather and Mark talked about Astrology and took calls from listeners as Anne was off making Malas!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
CG Jung Speaks! Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung. Working on individuating? Listen in!
Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.” Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/
Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC. Discounted Rate through December 31, 2013 is $199. Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504
Anne will be teaching, with Access Astrology, a Chart Reading A to Z Weekend Workshop on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 in NYC. Discounted Rates through Jan 31, 2014 is $220. Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop at: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139006705
Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 19, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!” To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry For Information: http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014
Anne will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014. Limited in-person consultations are available in Michigan. To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/
Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee