Weekly Weather December 5, 2011
The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here! This week we have a Lunar Eclipse, wiping the Full Moon’s light from the heavens for all of Asia and Australia. It will be visible in the Western States at Moonset.
The eclipse is tied back to June 10, 2010’s New Moon at 18 Gemini when the story culminating now began. Eclipse’s make us feel an URGENCY to take action and DO SOMETHING (anything?!) to make the energy abate, go away and leave you alone. That is NOT a good idea. The situation has been going on for a while. You are learning about it now ~ or perhaps seeing it in a different light or maybe only getting clear on how you want to handle it.
This eclipse will be particularly charged emotionally and with a call to action as Mars squares the Nodes, Sun and Moon. Mars is going to make us want to “take action” more than we usually do. He answers to retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius, one place where Mercury feels overwhelmed and unable to cope.
While the Air Gemini Moon dives into the South Node of addiction, sadness and clarity, we will need a new or different kind of nurturing. It is hard to nurture an Air Moon. Air is about chatting, talking, connecting and communication. Moons rule the parts of us that are primal, pre-verbal emotional and chthonic ~rolling deep, deep, down below the place of words in the unconscious depths. Eclipses are wordless and intense energy systems that conjure up the deep energy that normally obeys the lights above and only comes out when permitted.
NO words for this baby!
We WILL, however, be offered a choice of how to proceed. Fortunately, Mercury, Mar’s ruler is back in bounds so we won’t be completely crazy crazed. That said, Mercury is still in a sign he doesn’t much care for, Sagittarius, implying there is TOO much to choose from or TOO much to do and it all feels a bit overwhelming. Plus Mercury is going backwards so we will feel a bit regressive ourselves.
Finally, Mars and the North Node are in a Hammer of Thor with retrograde Jupiter in Taurus as the handle. As Jupiter also RULES the North Node of Fate, the eclipse will act like a croquet mallet when your opponent‘s ball hits your ball. They put their foot firmly on top of THEIR ball, nestled against YOUR ball. Then they WHACK their ball with the mallet. The Whack sends your ball spinning and sprawling in a new direction. Admittedly the new direction IS part of our path as we ARE having a eclipse in our chart and supposed to get hit by the mallet! But… when that mallet sends your ball spinning out of the croquet court, you feel mighty BAD! And it takes a few plays to get back to where you were.
As the Moon is in Gemini, the sign of Siblings, connections, communications, cars and the early grade school ages of our lives, we can expect the expressive energy of the eclipse to affect those areas. As Mercury is retrograde, we can expect to FEEL like we are back in grade school. We are energetically about age 8 ~ going to be a fun week!
The Moon in Gemini ~ never the most stable emotional energy ~ is dropping into the South Node of releasing and letting go. You may find you are extra emotional this week and next as plans that you made shift and change before your eyes under the Mercury retrograde and the Gemini Moon. Additionally, we can drop into oblivion or addiction or obsession under this energy as the Moon seeks to release her feelings.
The other feature of the week is explosive, crazy and unpredictable Uranus stationing at the SAME time as the eclipse takes place. Uranus is stopped in the heavens and turning retrograde. He is on what is called the WORLD AXIS so the events of this eclipse will be VERY PUBLIC and there for all to see. Uranus is in the sign of Aries so he is about violence, war and the military.
Last week, the US Senate voted 61 to 37 for a provision which creates a federal statute saying the government has the legal authority to keep people suspected of terrorism in military custody, indefinitely and without trial. It contains no exception for American citizens. It has been widely denounced as the end of the constitution. After watching the pepper spraying, dark of night raids, reporter bans and the arrests of peaceful protestors in the Occupy Wall Street movement, one has to wonder about the timing of the bill. And if the OWS movement will be declared a “terrorist” organization down the road a piece. The battle lines are getting drawn for Uranus and Pluto seven squares over the next four years. Change is coming!
The station of Uranus builds for the five days before Saturday and releases the five days after Saturday. So we are going to be under major tensions, pressures and agitations this week.
All of the energy swirling around us is designed to get us to MOVE FORWARD ~ by hook or by crook. And move we will. But carefully and after some considerations. The universe is pushing you to move toward that North Node in Sagittarius ~ move towards the light! Release in the Gemini area of your life ~ let it go. Let it drop away like brittle falling leaves.
Void Moons for Next Two Weeks
6:27 am EST Dec 1, Thursday to 9:45 am EST
1:06 pm EST Dec 2, Friday to 8:51 pm EST Dec 3, Saturday ~ All Day Void Moon Friday and Saturday
6:13 am EST Dec 6, Tuesday to 9:34 am EST
6:40 pm EST Dec 8 Thursday to 9:52 pm EST
5:25 am EST Dec 11 Sunday to 8:26 am EST
11:05 am EST Dec 13 Tuesday to 4:48 pm EST
8:20 pm EST Dec 15, Thursday to 10:58 pm EST
9:29 pm EST Dec 17, Saturday to 3:06 am EST Dec 18, Sunday
More to come…
Copyright © 2011 A. C. Ortelee