Weekly Weather December 31, 2012

Weekly Weather December 30, 2012


Let me be in the present tense.   Lynn Singer.


It is time for those New Year’s Resolutions. And THIS year, with the Finger of God poking you in your ribs, you ARE going to be able to keep the things you resolve to do. I love the word resolve ~ it implies there is a solution, an answer, a way to change things or work things out because ‘solve’ is part of the word.










Solutions! Solution is part of reSOLUTIONS. RE implies we knew it once and are getting a do-over to learn to do it again. Gotta love the do-overs. What would we imperfect people do without a do-over every now and then?

So what are you trying to Solve? What or where do you want a do over? What does that Finger of God ask you to change? Where is your attention being focused? Where is the cosmic energy directing your focus ~ asking you to live in the moment, pay attention and do it now? What did you figure out over the past nine days as the Sun in Capricorn rolled through the early degrees and triggered the Finger of God in the sky? You saw something you had not seen before. Sun woke up a younger version of you ~ between ages 3 and 9. Sun asked you to reframe, focus anew or see the story, your story, through new eyes, with a different perspective, a changed understanding.


This week, Mercury enters Capricorn. Mercury is following the Sun. Mercury will put words, concrete, solid, rocky, mountainous earth, darn it I figured it out words to explain what Sun saw or noticed over the holiday season, over the past nine days.

The Finger of God assumes a more directed quality with the shift of Mercury into Capricorn. Mercury is ruling the apex planet, Jupiter in Gemini, so the Finger’s direction will be less chaotic, more focused, less wild and wooly, more direct, on point and disciplined. The Finger gets set off on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Make wise choices.




Mars in Aquarius also sets off the Finger of God in a detached, cold and rather chilly way. Actions have consequences. Appeal if you must but it doesn’t bode well for changes to the consequences of your actions. The heavens are trying to teach you that you have to choose different actions going forward to have a different outcome. But you knew that. You do know that. The time is now. Gotta change it to get different results.

Go see “The Old Man and the Old Moon” in New York City. It is about a man who fills up the Moon each night, until he doesn’t. He has, quite literally a Finger of God come and interrupt him. The music is haunting. Here is a clip. It closes on January 6, 2013. Kind of describes where we all are this week.



Anne’s Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via Itunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Mercury being Out of Bounds and In Capricorn focusing the Finger of God or Yod’s energy.  Mercury in Capricorn rules the Apex Planet, Jupiter in Gemini.  NOW we can get clear and get things DONE!

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and I talked about how to stay present and true to your evolving self while dealing with relatives and people in your life.  Holiday post mortem!  Is it okay to be a “bad son” or “bad daughter”?

The Mary Anne Show is on Vacation.

Access Astrology is on Vacation.



Void Moons This Week

Moon goes void with a trine to Venus on Monday Dec 31 2012 at 04:52:44 pm EST and enters Virgo on Tuesday Jan 1 2013 at 12:35:51 pm EST.


Moon goes void square to Venus on Thursday Jan 3 2013 at 07:16:17 am EST and enters Libra on Jan 3 2013 at 08:11:43 pm EST.

Moon is Void All Day Thursday


Moon goes void with a sextile to Venus on Saturday Jan 5 2013 at 06:13:57 pm EST and enters Scorpio on Sunday Jan 6 2013 at 01:10:00 am EST.


Moon Day, Monday December 31 finds the Moon in Leo with a lovely trine to Venus suggesting New Year’s will be fun. Begin your official New Year’s Resolutions on January 1, AFTER 12:35 pm… take advantage of that hard working Virgo Moon.  Sun has harsh aspects to the Nodes of Fate so you might have some struggle or difficulty with a man or your ego energy today.  Know that the past is the past and the future is created by your actions and choices today and the next day and the next.  Venus has a gift of brilliance to Neptune suggesting dreams or ideas are inspired.  Mercury, still out of bounds, enters Capricorn, bringing focus to Jupiter in Gemini as the Apex of the Finger of God for the next 20 days.  Delve into writing and planning projects.  Outline stuff. Get it down in some format you can work with over the next few days.   See where patterns don’t help you be subservient .  Notice where you self banish yourself.  Do you STILL want to do that?  Understand the angry feminine within you.  Venus IS semi-square to Mars so arguments can quickly escalate into full blown fights.  There is an inherent stress between the polarities of Masculine and Feminine.  Find the place where you can appreciate each other instead of stressing each other out.  Mars sextile to Uranus is either a fabulous night or a fight filled night. Or perhaps a bit of both.  Mars does like to mix it up and he’s quite active right now.  Uranus’ square to Juno at a few minutes after 11 pm asks you to revise your partnership visions.  What IS it you want to partner with.  How can it change to accommodate and support the higher vision your soul has for your life? Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions. Focus! Make a List!  Do it!


Mars Day, Tuesday January 1 finds the Moon void in the morning, encouraging us to sleep in.  She enters Virgo at 12:35 pm for three days of relatively over the top stuff in the emotional, nurturing and love, money, desire areas with her square to Venus in Sagittarius.  Watch over the top credit card expenditures too.  Mercury releases some great idea into the South Node of destiny to inspires you to take on a writing or communication project.  Mercury’s sextile to Neptune is perfect for the end of an  inspired dream or drunken party!  Sun’s semi-square to Admetos offers an ending to a story you want to put behind you.  Move forward.  Venus meets up with Astraea so take a quick tour of your health matters.  Is it time to go see the doctor?  Or exercise? Or change your eating habits?  Venus is over the top Sagittarius, answering to Jupiter in Gemini wants to settle down and focus on taking care of her body and self.  Maybe time for a cleanse?  Mercury’s out of bounds in Capricorn and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions. Focus!  Tackle the piles of paper!  Organize the books!  My organizer Thea makes me do ½ hour of paper work a day.  Buy her book  http://www.amazon.com/Emotional-Imprint-Clutter-Thea-Maii/dp/0984511873/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357061266&sr=1-1&keywords=the+emotional+imprint+of+clutter   You can also get to the Amazon link by putting in the name Thea Maii.  It is AMAZING what that short focused time accomplishes.


Mercury’s Day Wednesday January 2 finds Moon in highly productive Virgo answering to an out of bounds Mercury in Capricorn.  You come ROARING back into the New Year.  Stay in the present tense!  Dreams are a bit restless and tumultuous ~ possibly about saving children or some early childhood story that remains unresolved in your life.  You awaken with a new clarity about it, some way to reframe it or put it to rest.  If it HADN’T happened, what would your life be like?  Because it happened, what IS your life like because of it?   Venus’ trine to Eris upon awakening can focus your intention clearly ~ Eris causes discord to HELP us clarify things.  Discord is a great awakener!  Jupiter’s square to Hygeia offers us a focus to our health matters. Make those doctors’ appointments and get clear on what you need to improve your PHYSICAL body ~ or schedule some time with a nutritionist, trainer,  Weight Watchers or a good tracking website like Sparkpeople or MyFitnessPal.  Time to live in the present!  And don’t go too fast either as Mars’ semi-sextile can provoke foot or ankle problems.  Remember you didn’t get into this shape overnight.  It has been a downward health spiral since Hurricane Sandy and the fall eclipses hit in early November and blew up your schedule.  Incremental, live in the moment changes.  Slow and steady.  Mercury is out of bounds so your imagination of what you can do is actually a bit bigger than what you can actually accomplish. Mars parallel to Pluto causes a bit of anger late at night. It isn’t great news but on some level you knew it was coming. Classic power play. The consequences start now. Mercury’s out of bounds and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions. It can’t be helped but it can be managed.



Jupiter’s Day Thursday January 3 Moon is void most of the working day in Virgo with over the top aspects so you get a lot accomplished provided it is on existing projects rather than new ones.  Follow up, finish up, get it out the door.  Plus Mercury out of Bounds ruling that Moon just pushes, pushes, pushes.  Such energy!  The Finger of God is pushy too…. Feels like the wind is in your sails and you are flying along!  I know sailing in winter’s ocean is a bad metaphor but imagine a tropic island some place instead!  We are imagining our future ~ in practical terms, thank you very much.  So go for a warm place!  Mercury squares Uranus around 11:30 am bringing an AH HA!!! Moment.  Or maybe shocking news?  At any rate, it is what it is.  You have to deal with it.  Venus is opposite Ceres pushing at you to shift out of caretaking mode and do more around your money making, desire nature.  Or to shift out of making money into taking better care of yourself.  You know which side needs work.  So take care of it!  Sun has a terrific idea about how to expand into the outer world and create things with his aspect to Jupiter ~ no it is not fully formed yet but it is a good idea to start working on. Mars inconjunct to Kronos says there is nothing to do but adjust to the new reality ~ at least for the time being.  Accept it and move forward.  Sun’s union with Venus by declination encourages you to make the best of the situation.  Things are constantly in flux right now so check back in after a bit. In the meantime, say yes to what is in front of you.  No unnecessary power struggles please. Take the high road.  Mercury’s out of bounds and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.








Venus’ Day Friday January 4 finds Moon in Libra with OODLES of aspects.  Today is one of the super busy days as Mercury sets off the Finger of God over the next few days.  Lots of fated and very important choices need to be made.  You are at a critical turning point in your life’s journey.  Mercury in Capricorn delivers messages that you may not want to hear but you need to know.   Partnerships, relationships, all of it, under the microscope.  Focus, clearly focus, to help get clear on what your options are. Mars has a trine to Jupiter offering unexpected actions.  Allow them to go forward, especially if it is something you find surprising.  Venus’ connection with Chiron offers an unexpected opportunity to take steps and get what you want or need financially or via sensitively allowing a situation to play out the way it needs to.  Words can be very wounding too~ think before you speak.    Mars pushes against Admetos suggesting a situation needs to end or change.  Venus works with the Nodes of Fate and encourages you to make the needed adjustments around your desire or the fated nature of an important relationship in your life.  Mars sesquiquadrates Ceres pushing a story forward with stress that needs you to take action even if your mother would tell you not to.  Ignore any fear flooding you. Step up and address  the situation.  Take responsibility.  Moon’s hard aspect to Pluto  suggests power struggles.  Open up the triangles. Tonight is not a great date night as Venus’ hard aspect to Saturn brings a shot of reality into the mix.  Mercury’s opposition to Kronos suggests you say enough is enough.  Hard perhaps but necessary.  Chirons’ sextile to Juno suggests partnerships and connections are the way out of the situation.  Mercury’s out of bounds and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions. Again remember to live in the Moment ~ it is a Finger of God for heaven’s sake. Listen to what you are being told to do…. By your HIGHER self, not your LOWER self. Take actions via the HIGHER self’s guidance.


Saturn’s Day Saturday January 5 finds Moon in Libra, going void with a lovely sextile to Venus.  It will all work out if you sit in the place of Love not Fear.   Mercury’s hard aspect to Jupiter sets off the Finger of God’s apex.  You need to  write down that dream that just woke you up out of a sound sleep.  Sedna the newly discovered Ocean Goddess is highly active today… watch for emotions to swell around ocean matters.  Deep feelings surface. Avoid abusive people or situations.  Take time to pamper yourself…. The Inuit Shamans would descend to the ocean depths to comb her hair and massage her severed fingers before they went out for an arctic hunt.  No shaman is going to massage your fingers or comb your hair so you have to do it yourself.  Spa day?  Take a pampering run for a mani-pedi?  Just connect with someone you love and have a cup of tea?  Plan a party?  Enjoy your life?  Nurture your relationships? Nurture yourself?  Mercury’s out of bounds and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.








Sun’s day Sunday January 6 finds Moon in Scorpio with a lovely closing aspect of a sextile to Sun.  You need to allow the currents of the day to carry you where they will  ~ and they will carry you MIGHTY DEEP indeed.  Moon and Mercury both make aspects to the Finger of God formed by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.  Expect unexpected communications that are particularly important.  Expect emotions that are amazingly deep and profound.  The information and events of today are going to shape your choices over the next few months and quite possibility the next few years.  CHOOSE WISELY!!!  Sun’s aspect with Hades suggests permanent endings to a dream or hope.  Venus argues with the whole idea of things coming to an end, but end they must.  In each ending, there lies a new beginning.  Live in the present tense.  There is NO past.  There is NO future.  There is only now.  Focus on NOW…. What is the best choice for NOW!?!?   Mercury aspects Pluto at 11:43 am EST setting off the power struggle. Open it up to a wider vision, include the outskirts of the triangle, ask all the legs to be present.  Feel the power of transformation take over your being.  No fear. This is the evolutionary moment!  Mercury aspects the Nodes of Fate mid-afternoon at 3:02 pm EST ~ communications are particularly important right now. And they mean a great deal!  At 6:44 pm, EST Mercury sets off the Saturn leg of the Finger of God, bringing forward the consequences for all the choices made.  Make sure to adjust for your time zone ~ the energy will roll across in a profound way.   Next up Mars stimulates Pluto and the Nodes tonight~ bring the action to the consciousness that Mercury stimulated into your awareness today.  Mars meets up with the Nodes of Fate tonight around 11:46 pm EST.  Sometimes evolution hurts but it certainly is happening.  Mercury is out of bounds and causing communications and all things ruled by Mercury to go to extremes of reactions.


SAVE THE DATE!  Venus Star Point Workshop:  On February 8, 9 or 10, 2013, Access Astrology (Heather Roan Robbins, Mark Wolz and Me) is sponsoring Arielle Guttman in a special evening and day long workshop in New York City. The workshop is very hands on and space is quite limited. You can simply attend Friday night’s Lecture for $35.  Or you can participate in the very hands on Day Long Workshop, using your own charts, EITHER Saturday or Sunday.  The Day Long Workshop cost of $134 includes Friday night’s lecture.


Arielle developed the Venus Star Point Workshop to support her recently published book Venus Star Rising.




Arielle introduces a new concept, Venus Star Point, to astrology that explores the pentagram of Venus in great detail as the celestial heartbeat of humanity.  Venus pulses with energy that human beings receive as either love or war. Relationships are analyzed from an exciting new perspective and angle via her work. If you are interested in a wonderful new tool to help your clients OR only want to delve deeper into your OWN language of your heart and love, this Workshop is for you.  Learn how to connect personally to how you channel the energy from Venus into your life.   Venus Star Rising delivers. Arielle will be selling her book at the both the lectures and workshop.  Workshop participants will be asked to provide their birth data prior to the Workshop so Arielle can prepare their charts using the Star Point approach.




Announcements: My rates are going up for the first time in 5 years in January 2013.  They were $130 an hour.  They will become $152 per hour.


To say thank you to loyal clients and readers, you can book your 2013 reading(s) at the former old rate until the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2013.  So, IF you traditionally come in August, book your August Appointment NOW using the online system.  Choose Pay Later as the payment option.  We’ll bill you in August.  Enter “OldRateGift” at the discount box when you are prompted.  You can always cancel the appointment if you don’t use it.


If you come MORE OFTEN than once a year, you can apply the discount to ALL of your planned readings for 2013.  Just make sure to schedule ALL OF THEM before the New Moon on January 11, 2013.  Choose Pay Later as the payment option. Enter “OldRateGift” at the discount box when you are prompted.  We’ll bill you before your readings. You can always cancel the appointments if you don’t use them.


If you have been thinking about scheduling as a New Client for a while, you can take advantage of the OldRateGift even though you have never been here.  You can give a reading as a gift to a friend ~ just make sure to book and hold the appointment time BEFORE January 11, 2013.  The same process described above applies.


It is my way of thanking each of you, known and unknown, for supporting my work.  Consider it my late Hanukkah, Solstice, Christmas, Kwanza or New Year’s present to you!  Thank you again!  Here’s to a Merry and Bright 2013!   Evolution here we come!


Buzz News Horoscopes: Katie Quinn and I collaborated again on horoscopes for each sign for 2013.  Made me realize I need to evolve and go on a diet!  Woo-hoo.  Just saying.  Enjoy!    Evolution Here I COME!


Copyright © 2012-2013  A.C. Ortelee