Weekly Weather December 30, 2013

Weekly Weather December 30, 2013 


Need surgery? Look at your surgeon’s hands to discover if they are good at what they do!  Interviewing for a new job?  Look at your potential boss’s hands to see if they are a control freak or generous with employees!  Dating a new person?  Find out if they are a crooked thief or a straight shooter from their hands.  Palmistry is a portable assessment tool ~ you can’t always get their natal chart but you CAN look at their hands.  Learn Basic Palmistry in two days!  It is a wonderful complement to Astrology and a helpful tool in life.

Palmistry Weekend Workshop January 11 & 12, 2014.  Discount Rate $199 through January 5, 2014.   Register:  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504

Give a Gift Certificate for an Astrology Consultation!  Gift Certificates Available in the Consultations Tab!  Gift a Full or Partial Consultation!  It’s a quick, easy, fun and welcome gift.  Give your beloved a New Year’s reading to see what is in their year ahead!







Happy New Year! 


Holidays bring out the best and worst.  This week, the planets are in very dramatic relationships with each other in very action oriented signs.  Plus, we have an amazingly powerful New Moon with 5 planets in Capricorn, which are part of a Cardinal Cross in the heavens.  Crosses are action packed energy systems ~ we can feel super charged OR very blocked ~ or swing back and forth between those two extremes.  Cardinal signs NEED to take action to complete their purpose and serve their energetic functions.  Focus on where and when you can have an impact!

My friend Chuck posted on Facebook how his mother gave him very convoluted directions when he would run errands for her.  At one point, he asked why the directions were so complicated. His mother replied “There are no left turns… left turns are dangerous!”  Three rights turns replace a left turn.  Chuck mused that he wondered how often he’s avoided making left turns and what his life would have been like had he made MORE left turns.  Last night, at “700 Sundays”, Billy Crystal told a story about his family car that could NOT turn right so you had to make three left turns to replace the recalcitrant inability to turn right.  Take time at the beginning of the week to think about the turns in your life ~ the turns you’ve taken and the turns you’ve avoided (for one reason or another).

In my internet travels this week, I ran across the following posting:

WHAT IF….by Victoria Song

I just had a wonderful “what if…” thought this morning.  What if today was our last day on earth and we knew we could do nothing about it.  What would we do?

I certainly wouldn’t waste time on counting regrets or hurts from the past.  I wouldn’t have a future to worry about.  I wouldn’t waste my words on lamenting my traumas and dramas, pain and suffering. Time would be too precious for any of that. 

With minutes ticking by I would begin by letting people know that I loved them and to thank them for their contribution to my life.  I would fill the seconds with gratitude and take a few moments to reflect on all the great things about being in a body and being alive.  

Think about it.  We live with so many “what ifs” that are focused on fear, pain, suffering, struggle, hardships and worries.  What if we lived as if this was our last day?  What if we treated time so precious that we only took time for loving kindness, generosity and appreciation?  What if we lived each precious moment in a rampage of gratitude because time was passing too quickly to waste on anything else?

What if this way of living was so contagious that it spread like a wild fire and a great wellness swept the world…..























Please keep Handsome, my cat, in your prayers.  Handsome’s a rescue cat, already geriatric when he arrived on Halloween 2007.  A definite Pirate by trade, skill and craft, he was diagnosed with a GI tumor in October 2012.  Over the Christmas Holidays, his cancer appears to have “bloomed” and is now affecting his eye sight and draining his energy ~ an anticipated eventual progression but quite distressing to the rest of this family: Max, Remoh and me, his “wench”.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and joyous holiday season!


The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun is very busy with the various planets in the Cardinal Cross ~ The week is a highly stimulated ego development time. You can feel quite up/ enthusiastic or very blue ~ Capricorn makes you review your past.  You can swing between those stages! Stand back and watch where the ego energy takes you.  Be GENTLE with yourself about your past. Continuing to do the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.  The time to change is now!

Mercury is super busy too. He is out of bounds, speaking directly and clearly.  He, too , goes through the Cardinal Cross.  Ideas surface, swing through, dance off and inspire. Mercury is somber and sober in Capricorn  learning how to heal, working with power dynamics, arguing just because he can, working with you to get you conscious of your patterns and feeling quite full of himself and his intelligence.

Venus in Capricorn is retrograde until January 31. SERIOUS times about money, finance, love and desire energies!  Old loves, relationships, and desires can reappear for you to connect with.

Mars in Libra is about WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME!  Mars continues to move through the Cardinal Cross of Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter this week.  Mars he squares Pluto, contraparallels Uranus and links up with Chiron.  Mars has a psychological aspect with the area where you feel deeply emotionally wounded ~ this week presents another great opportunity to clear it out or be wounded  again(or both)

Juno enters Pisces until March 3 making us see our relationships with Rose colored glasses.

Ceres fights with Eris ~ The maternal principle about nurturing is completely getting on your nerves. A fight can ensue with your mother.  It will be okay eventually. Agree to disagree.

Saturn is exalted while answering to Mars in Libra ~ things will be very intense and complicated emotionally, there will be a deep, profound and expressed desire state. Saturn is receiving a retrograde sextile from Venus in Capricorn ~ encourage him to go deeper into his relationship energies. Focus on your vision of how to improve or partner (remember WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME until July 25!) Every commitment you make can and probably will be revised or changed after March 2, 2014.

Neptune links up with Juno by declination ~ we are going to lose our minds over relationships.  No you are NOT seeing the situation clearly. That said, you are still going to want to do it so be it. Neptune exists to get you to do things you would not normally do!


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes Void Sextile to Mars on Monday Dec 30 2013 at 06:37:16 am EST and enters Capricorn on Tuesday December 31, 2013 at 01:02:11 pm EST.  Moon is void all day Monday and Tuesday Morning.

Moon goes void joined to Venus on Thursday Jan 2, 2014 at 06:12:49 am EST and enters Aquarius on Jan 2, 2014 at 12:04:02 pm.  Moon is void Thursday morning.

Moon goes void square to Saturn on Friday Jan 3, 2014 at 08:47:40 pm and enters Pisces on Saturday Jan 4, 2014 at 11:59:14 am EST.  Moon is void Friday night and Saturday Morning.



“There is an old saying that the master does nothing and nothing goes undone. A busy mind compresses and fragments times and little gets accomplished.  No-mind, a state of mind that is quiet and at peace, neither visiting the past nor racing off to the future, expands time.  In this no-mind state, inspiration enters, time expands; the body goes into a state of Zen-doing.  In this expansion of time there is energy enough to accomplish great feats in a short amount of time.  No-thing goes undone.”  ~ Victoria Song.

Our New Moon is this week takes place on January 1, 2014, right before sun rise on the east coast of the USA.  It features a stellium in Capricorn in the first quadrant of action taking, me myself and I.  Mercury is Out of Bounds and just past his conjunction with Pluto, ruling the 7th house of how you are perceived as well as where you are going to end up.  The Cardinal Cross makes it a particularly energetic and very potent New Moon. The Cardinal Cross falls in the angular houses ~ 1 and 7 ~ of how you appear in the world to others and what you can accomplish. The other arms of the cross fall in the 3rd and 9th houses of how you think and what your beliefs are…. Action oriented mutable houses.

With Mercury out of bounds, in practical, manifesting and gonna get it done Capricorn and the emphasis on the belief and thought houses, it is a chart that says If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can’t, you can’t.  So suspend all disbelief.  Don’t worry about HOW you are going to do it.  Just focus that out of bounds Mercury on WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  WHAT YOU WANT TO THINK.  No focus on HOW ~ just focus on the DREAM.  Articulate it. Write it. Dance it. Vow it. Sing to it. Walz with it. Drive it. Push it.

Back when I was first learning astrology, my teacher, John Marchesella said “Don’t make Resolutions on New Year’s day ~ pick a day when the heavens support you so that you actually will DO IT!”  It struck me as a great idea!  Of course the aspects on the first of the year might not be conducive to actually resolving things!  THIS NEW YEAR, with the action oriented, fabulous New Moon in the Cardinal Cross in Capricorn, assisted by Mercury, Pluto and Venus is an AMAZINGLY GREAT NEW YEAR NEW MOON to resolve to whatever you want to resolve!  Saturn is in the 11th house of hopes and dreams.  Closing aspect invokes Venus ~ you are going to  GET what you resolve for!  So take time to figure it out.  Make a BIG LIST ~ Saturn is involved of course. The next time we have a New Moon on New Years day at this degree will be in 19 years.  So use the New Moon wisely, deeply and to your heart’s content.

Take time for a New Moon ritual on this potent New Moon.  It is mighty powerful and the Part of Fortune is out of bounds.  If you want to conceive a child, this is an excellent New Moon for that too!  A daughter!


new moon dec 29















Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:

Commentary: ‘Pheasants Display Their Brilliant Colors on a Private Estate’ is an image of beauty, color and wealth. It pictures a situation of the enjoyment of life’s luxuries. The ‘Pheasants’ are beautiful as they ‘Display Their Brilliant Colors’. They have long tails and brilliantly colored plumage. People are drawn to their beauty and can be awed by their presence. That they are on ‘A Private Estate’ shows an environment of privilege and security.

Oracle: This can picture going after one’s life goals. Riches, refinement and abundance are everywhere. However, just take care: ‘Pheasants’ can be game birds, so there may be an element of underlying danger. Displays of wealth and beauty can inspire others, but they can also lead to jealousy and begrudging acknowledgments. That this place is pictured as a ‘Private Estate’ signifies that it may need to be protected, and kept ‘Private’. People who don’t belong there may be able to come and visit, but it may be that they’re really invading someone else’s space or privacy. The visitors need to show respect and courtesy and not presume that they can move in and take over. On the other hand, being ‘Private’, this place may not be truly welcoming to people; they may find it unwelcoming and forbidding in some way. There may be difficulty in keeping up with the amount of work that goes into the maintenance of this ‘Private Estate’ it may take a lot of time to look after the house and grounds. Who does the work and who appreciates the luxury? Looking after the lawn and the garden can bring a feeling of improved well-being. Regardless of whether you’re a visitor or an occupant, just going out and looking at the beauty of the place, the plants and the wildlife can heighten your day.

Keywords: Glorious houses and estates. Lawns and gardens. Statues and birdbaths. Peacocks, pheasants, swans, etc. Enjoying the riches the environment offers. Large plots of land. Nature reserves. Game birds. Aristocracy and the ruling elite. Beauty, elegance and grace. Fabulous displays of color. Parks.

The Caution: Foolish disregard of pending danger. Feeling that one has to be “on parade” or else they will be overlooked. Issues of standing out from the crowd. Jealousy and envy through things on display. Luxury and beauty or snobbery that excludes. Showing off. “Do not enter” signs

Fine feathers make fine birds. Traditional Proverb

It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds. Aesop

It is not that the French are not profound, but they all express themselves so well that we are led to take their geese for swans. Van Wyck Brooks

Few rich men own their own property. The property owns them. Robert Greene Ingersoll

The more things accumulate the more life is wasted because they have to be purchased at the cost of life. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (a man with some 90 Rolls Royces).


Moon Day Monday December 30, 2013 Moon is in Sagittarius and goes Void Sextile to Mars on at 06:37:16 am EST Moon is void all day Monday.  Lovely all day long void moons are designed for us to play and have a good old time. Today’s Moon has a sextile to Mars so it is actually a productive void moon too!  Productive for clearing out, cleaning out, dancing, singing and imagining your next chapter.  Sun’s square to Uranus last night brought a surprising situation to your attention. Most of today will be spent handling that surprise. The Moon in fire Sadge works productively with Mars inspiring lots of action and accomplishing of tasks.  At the end of the day, Mars and Pluto square each other and have an argument about power dynamics. Traditionally, Mars Pluto is a war aspect, inspiring active conflict and combat.  Direct the energy toward the things you CAN change rather than the ones you struggle with or bat your head against the wall with. You hear serious words around illness or difficult matters that will be something you have to deal with in the near future.  Venus’ retrograde trine to Admetos says it is a recurrence rather than a new story but it is a story you are going to have to work with NOW and mid-April.  There is an incredibly powerful New Moon bright and early on January 1, 2014.  Between now and then, focus, focus, focus on what you want to create.  Build your list, gather your visions, collect your notes.  Today and Tuesday are equally powerful days to RELEASE old habits, routines, and situations that no longer serve you.  Release, release, release.  Detoxify.  Go on a system cleanse ~ juice, water, etc.   Lots of ending energy.

Mars Day Tuesday December 31, 2013 Moon enters Capricorn at 01:02:11 pm EST.  Moon is void Tuesday Morning in Sagittarius.   Moon in Capricorn has excellent closing aspects of a conjunction to Venus inviting your dreams to come true!  Today is a busy day with Mercury in Capricorn dancing with Pluto and Mars…be plain spoken in your communications with people and watch out for their reactions to what you say or do.  You may find YOU are reactive to what they say and do.  A new cycle of communication begins today as Mercury, out of bounds, links up with Pluto.  Sun invites a healing opportunity into your life this morning. Take advantage of it.  It will be easy to argue with what is “right” versus what is “good for you”  ~ people telling you that something is “good for you” will probably get on your last nerve.  AS it should be!  It is not their business.  That said, they are probably correct in their commentary.  Just explore the possibility rather than rejecting it outright. Left turns? Right turns?  Three right turns to make a Left? Three left turns to make a right?  Explore the options before you and try a different approach.  Drive carefully as Neptune is quite active this evening indicating black ice or watery conditions or lots of drunk people.  Firm decisions are made right before mid-night ~ they are going forward with the plan they announced today, like it or not.  Happy New Year!  There is an incredibly powerful New Moon bright and early on January 1, 2014.  Between now and then, focus, focus, focus on what you want to create.  Build your list, gather your visions, collect your notes.  Tuesday is a powerful days to RELEASE old habits, routines, and situations that no longer serve you.  Release, release, release.  Detoxify.  Go on a system cleanse ~ juice, water, etc.   Lots of ending energy.

Mercury’s day Wednesday January 1, 2014  Moon is in Capricorn and goes void joined to Venus. Today, this morning, has one of the most powerful New Moons of the upcoming year.  Five planets in Capricorn square Uranus and Mars and oppose Jupiter.  Take time today or over the next few days to dedicate yourself and your life toward your dream. Juno enters Pisces today until March 3, pushing the partnership energy into the land of dreams and inspiration.  Focus on the dream in your heart. Juno’s trine to super Jupiter, Apollon, encourages you to think big, aim for the stars, shoot for the passion and vision. Venus quintile to Uranus encourages you NOT to worry about how.  Focus instead on the passion inspiring the dream.  Animate it, dance with it, envision it, taste it.  Sun’s conjunction to Pluto starts a new one year cycle around ego transformation and evolution. Mercury’s cooperative action with Pallas encourages you to ground the dream and energize it to make it real.

Jupiter’s Day Thursday January 2, 2014  Moon in Capricorn goes void joined to Venus at 06:12:49 am EST and enters Aquarius at 12:04:02 pm.  Moon is void Thursday morning and in Aquarius with a stressful closing aspect in the afternoon.  Continue to work on projects in the morning. The afternoon offers an expansion energy around groups of people and more collective or community based projects. Mars and Uranus get into a fight so you might find yourself waking up out of dream state in a state of anxiety.  It’s an anxious kind of day.  Watch for tones of voice that communicate a 1,000 emotions in a flash. Sun’s square to Mars tonight offers a fight or argument of some sort.  Flip the energy toward what you want to move to.  Very potent energy with the Cardinal Cross… redirect it rather than wasting it or arguing about things.  Arguments can be quite permanent today ~ causing permanent rifts in relationships if you are not careful as Admetos is involved. It is the kind of energy where you KNOW you should stop but you don’t want to stop ~ so you slide down the slippery slide into a full blown eruption. Walk away if you can. Be conscious around triangle energy and avoid the lower forms ~ two against one or sneaking around. Open the triangle up to the transformative nature of life.

Venus’ Day Friday January 3, 2014  Moon goes void square to Saturn at 08:47:40 pm. Moon is void Friday night.  Moon in Aquarius is detached and a bit chilly ~ figure out what needs to be shifted or changed up to support your vision of the New Moon.  Group activities are featured but people are tired of the same old/same old so switch it up. A bit of excitement. Quick arguments can appear out of nowhere ~ actually they’ve been meaning to talk to you about this. Sibling rivalry is part of the energy of the day too… invoking that rivalry with someone would be very easy to do.  Pluto is pushing the transformation energy.  Clarify and repeat what you need or want several times ~ they probably won’t be able to give it to you BUT at least you said d it. Colds and  flu can take off today. Watch who you meet this evening ~ they have  potential to help your life move forward. Congratulate yourself on focusing on and acting on your new resolutions.  Dreams from last night actually seem to show up or echo throughout the day. Look for the symbolism.  Have you been turning left or right.  When are you going to change your pattern ?  Time for a different route home?  Emotional difficulties with boundares.

Saturn’s day Saturday January 4, 2014 Moon enters Pisces at 11:59:14 am EST.  Moon is void Saturday Morning in Aquarius with a separating aspect making the morning until noon a good time to release the no longer wanted or needed items in your life. The sensitive Moon in Pisces in the afternoon and tomorrow is much supported and contained by all the earth in the heavens. Allow yourself to dream and expand your vision of possible. Tonight, Moon connects with dreamy Neptune offering a snowy or watery environment so drive carefully and be careful with alcohol and drugs. They will hit your system more potently than usual.  The Sun’s declination aspect to Jupiter indicates you might not be able to say no or have good judgment about driving.  Turn your attention to the various dreams you want to build or focus on this year by coming up with a plan on how you are going to partner with them.  A friend of mine dedicated Fridays to building her creative art a few years back as a complement to her regular work with great results. Slow and steady gets you there if you have a plan and work it.  Dedicate yourself and schedule your time towards slow and steady progress. Neptune’s union with Juno indicates a profound inspiration and calling to move toward an equal and balanced partnership (with yourself or others) that moves you toward your dreams. Watch for wounding words or actions and flip the energy to move it toward your new direction rather than mulling or feeling sorry for yourself.  That story is SO OLD!

Sun’s Day Sunday January 5, 2014  Moon is in Pisces with positive closing aspects of a sextile to Venus.  Sextiles encourage us to focus on making our dreams come true. We find a new sense of connection and abundance today and Monday.  Moon has lovely, productive and very fruitful aspects with all the earth planets in Capricorn ~ opening sextiles are very fertile ~ we see things start to sprout and grow  under this energy of fertile, stable earth nurtured by the abundant water of emotions and deep feelings.  Sun’s opposition to exalted Jupiter in Cancer implies a bit of grandiosity  but a good kind of generous grandiosity: optimistic, enthusiastic and joyful openness.  Dreams offer some guidance especially around circumstances where you feel you have to be less than you want to be.  Mercury’s square to Vesta encourages connections with people that make you feel heard and partnered with.  Clear out the last of the Holiday decorations and settle into 2014.  Old patterns die hard ~ take time tonight to focus on planning your New Year’s resolutions into being ~ book them in your calendar.  More time to write? Exercise? Health eating?  Marketing your business?  Dating?  Developing your intuition? Hard and fast dates and times please.  The year is going to get off to a fast, fast start… put those New Year’s commitments in WRITING in your book, calendar and cell phone.  Set alarms to remind yourself!! Time for you to focus on YOU!



Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  I’ll be rerecording the show on December 31 ~ lots of crackling and pops thanks to Verizon cables becoming wet.  Fabulous, simply fabulous New Moon for creating, initiating and manifesting the next chapter of your life. Stellium in Capricorn with Mercury out of bounds and connected with Pluto and Mars.  Powerful energy for good…. Push your edges gently.

Scorpios Talking:  We are on vacation this week. We return on January 9, 2014

The Mary Anne Show: We are on vacation this week. We return on January 6, 2014

Access Astrology: We are on vacation this week.  We return on January 8, 2014

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!



Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.”  Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/


Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Discounted Rate through January 5, 2014 is $199.  At Door Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504


Anne will be teaching, with Access Astrology, a Chart Reading A to Z Weekend Workshop on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 in NYC. Discounted Rates through Jan 31, 2014 is $220. Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop at:  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139006705


Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 19, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!”  To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry    For Information:  http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014



Anne will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  Limited in-person consultations are available in Michigan.  To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission.  Check her out at Sabian Symbols.com.


Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee