Weekly Weather December 26, 2011

Weekly Weather December 26, 2011

Our week ahead continues to vibrate with Jupiter’s Christmas day station at 0 Taurus aspecting a number of planets located at or near zero degrees. Jupiter is the planet of relationships, community, abundance and all sorts of good things. Having him stop for 10 days ~ five before and five after Christmas ~ makes folks appreciate his energy and purpose.

Jupiter is where we are supposed to expand our lives, in a good way. His stopping can make us acutely aware of where we are either NOT expanding or where we are grateful for having expansive joy in our lives ~ or both. Jupiter makes us appreciate the good times. He helps us remember and focus on the important connections in our lives.

This Jupiter and Saturn mix also takes us back to Christmas 1982. In my family, my stepmother Peggy lost her husband on Christmas morning, 29 years ago. We hadn’t met her yet. She met my dad after they were both widowed. Twenty nine years ago, we were celebrating my mother’s last Christmas on earth. As an astrologer, the good and bad news, is you are hyper aware of the returning cycles ~ I was waiting. And sure enough, this morning about 8 minutes after Peggy’s husband died, 29 years later, her husband’s best childhood friend died. A third friend of her husband passed on December 26 about 14 (see half a Saturn cycle) years ago ~ after announcing to his wife that he DIDN’T want to die on Christmas ~ so he left the day after. We have more control over these things than we realize… and we have less control than we realize too. Suffice to say, there were tears at my Christmas. But there was much laughter too as we appreciated the early years of memories and our current lives.

Jupiter and Saturn are about to separate and go their different ways ~ Saturn is back where he was in 1982. Jupiter and Saturn last met in May of 2000 when they started their current journey. Jupiter repeats this Taurus phase of his every 12 years so perhaps 1988 or 1976 ring more true to your memory of structural changes in the relationships you value in your life.

So back to now ~ where are the story from 1982 and 2000 recreating a closing and new opening cycle energy in relationships for you to move forward?

Jupiter asks us to focus on the productive and constructive ~ the GOOD relationships to authority, community and the general well being of others that we have in our lives. Pay attention to whom and what you are grateful for this week. Focus on the gratitude part of the equation of your life.

As I mentioned earlier, Jupiter stopped in the sky is aspecting a number of planets located on or near zero. Included in the belt of energy linked up and talking to Jupiter are Saturn, Sun, Neptune, Chiron, Vesta and Uranus. Pluto is close enough to count as a trine to Jupiter. Plus stationed Jupiter is square to Pallas Athena and sesquiquadrate to the Nodes of Fate and Mercury. So that is quite a bit of cosmic communication taking place above our heads and inside our beings. It is a party of planets chatting and talking about the new things arriving as the last few old things (Saturn and Neptune) get ready to leave their signs to start a new chapter.

So who is the Lord of Good things talking to and what kind of conversation is he having? With Saturn, he is reminding you of time and taking you back to 1982 when your relationships were changed permanently by Pluto and Saturn’s union at the last degrees of Libra. When planets form a significant picture and start a new cycle, as in a conjunction, the degrees remain “hot” until they start a new picture and another cycle some years down the road. Jupiter standing across the sky points out NEW relationships that have arrived in your life since 1982.  What are the relationships that arrived in your life  based on the changes made in 1982?

Jupiter’s conversation with the Sun and Pluto is a trine ~ productive, hardworking and results oriented. It asks you to settle in and focus on creating some new ways to express yourself and to sign up for a serious transformation ~ which will be completely supported by Jupiter in solid earth. You can work wonders with this energy ~ it is obsessive but in a good way.  And obsessions can be good and productive.

Jupiter and Neptune are sextile to each other ~ another productive visionary placement. Neptune finishes up a 14 year journey through Aquarius in the first week of February. It is time to focus on HOW to use the dream that you have created over the past 14 years. How do you want to work productively with the abundance of relationships in your life? What inspires your heart? Where do you feel connected with the divine child within you? The rebirth of the Sun at the Winter solstice, the Festival of Lights of Hanukkah and the birth of the innocent Christ child in rather squalid conditions reminds us that rebirth takes place each and every day as the sun rises. Each day, we have an opportunity to rise up and leave behind where we find ourselves stuck, squalid or less than connected to our life purpose.  We only need to let ourselves be born anew.

We can continually sign up for rebirth if we focus on where and how we want to be reborn. Similar to the Sun rising on a daily basis and the rebirth of the growing cycle on an annual basis with the Winter Solstice, we turn to the Sun in the sky and in our charts for inspiration.

We are the Sun in our own lives. We are the hero of our own life journey. We are the divine spark of life incarnated into a physical body that lives a short number of years on earth. How are you doing with your own hero’s journey? Jupiter and Pluto both talk to the Sun this week and encourage the Sun in your life to start to shine the way you want to shine. It is your life after all.  Why are you doing or living a less than authentic version of your life?

Jupiter is talking to Chiron and Vesta ~ our wounds often shape us ~ the way our soul wants to be shaped to learn in this incarnation. Similar to a Bonsai tree (which my friend Jane calls “tortured trees”), we are pruned, twisted, stunted and shaped by the wounds (Chiron) and the home (Vesta) we spent our early years in. But we are here. We are alive. Jupiter’s sextile to Chiron and Vesta suggests we THANK those early wounds and home situations for what they gave us, and for what they didn’t give us.  Apply a bit of consciousness to seeing how those early life experiences taught us, formed us, guided us.  We want to use that wisdom and consciousness to fuel our next chapter.  And use the POSITIVE version of the wisdom and consciousness of those early experiences. For example, if you always took care of your mother and tried to fix your family and yet they still are not changing, where does that stuck in care taking mode prevent you from living the fullest expression of your own life? Time to take those early wounds and home experiences and use them to fuel your own dreams.

I have Saturn going through my eighth house of death, sex and taxes so I decided to work with Saturn consciously and took a class on “Death and Immortality” this fall. In the last class last week, the teacher asked each of us to think of 5 people who died and what they taught us. In a darkened candle lit room, we each shared the person’s name, relationship and what we’d learned from them. It made me think of the other people in my life who’ve left not by death but by changes in life circumstances. As Jupiter stations, the planet of the wise teacher, perform that exercise in your life. Who are the people who’ve taught you valuable lessons that guide and shape your life?  Reflect on those teachings and the wisdom gained.

Uranus is in Jupiter’s blind spot ~ so expect revelations that help you see where you might be not seeing too clearly. Look at where you are struggling or rebelling or fighting with someone to see the hidden authority issue at work below the surface of your life. If you are struggling with someone over money, what did your parents or early childhood teach you about money? How is THAT teaching playing out in your life now? Who are you struggling with? Is that person an authority you need or want to separate from? Does that authority have a similar struggle over money in their chart? We pull in people who perfectly reflect what we need to learn to progress in our lives and continue to grow.

Jupiter is also talking to the Nodes of Fate and Mercury by sesquiquadrate suggesting a stress and a resolution by taking appropriate action. Take the action you know you need to take. Jupiter is squaring Pallas Athena~ take time to look at the patterns in your life. Say you struggle with money issues ~ do you get into strange financial arrangements with people time after time? Feel free to use any kind of Taurus issues ~ let’s not limit it just to money but include all the things you possess, value, love, including jewelry, your skills, music, your body, your beauty and portable possessions. And look at your Taurus house to see where the probable issue is taking place. All this effort and struggle is to help you get clear. And the reason we are using Taurus is Jupiter’s stopped there to ask us to focus on our relationships to all things Taurus ~ good, bad or neutral.

Our week reminds me of Stevie Nicks’ song, “Landslide”. Jupiter is Taurus stationing is a landslide not happening but that semi-sextile to the blind spot in our chart is the Landslide.  Focus on your heart.


Landslide by Stevie Nicks.


I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
Till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Mmm, mmm, mmm

Well, I’ve been afraid of changing
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older and I’m getting older too

Well, I’ve been afraid of changing
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older and I’m getting older too
Oh, I’m getting older too

Awh, take my love, take it down
Awh, climb a mountain and turn around
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well, the landslide bring it down

And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well, the landslide bring it down
Oh, the landslide bring it down



Jupiter is stopped at 0 for a bit so you might have the connection revelation or the landslide revealed a bit later in the week. Take time to meditate on your life and your path so far over the week ahead.

Sun and Pluto are meeting up asking us to take things seriously and focus on how we want to transform things in our lives. We also have a good solid working trine in earth encouraging our productive, concrete expression in the world.

The rest of the week is fairly quiet. Mercury and Venus both talk to the Nodes bringing people or ideas into your life. Mercury squares Mars and thus offers us an opportunity to take action on our words. We have a great walk your talk energy. And it is a fabulous energy for making New Year’s resolutions that actually “stick” as you will be able to “take action ~ Mars~ on your words ~ Mercury”. New Year’s Eve and Day are lovely too. And then we enter 2012 ~ a numerological 5 ~ a year of change ahead of us!

More to come ~ traveling home from Florida.

Copyright © 2011 A.C. Ortelee