Weekly Weather December 26, 2005 to January 1, 2006
The energy starts to move again. EMS, the police, the Jaws of Life and even a helicopter piloted by a Cosmic Path Reader have arrived and leave for the hospital on Tuesday with all who can be saved. We do not know if the folks in the accident are going to survive OR HOW the situation in your life is going to turn out. They are, hopefully, in GREAT hands being treated by trained professionals. However, they MAY DIE, on the way to the hospital, before January 1. We can work with and do something about your situation.
I have not directly talked much about Saturn and Pluto’s sesquiquadrate aspect. It has been going on all fall under the entire drama you have been living out in your life. Like a bass line in a rock song, it is the thrum, thrum, thrum that has been SO hard NOT to dance to as you have attempted to get conscious. It is a tremendous battle between the evolutionary drive and the instinct for preservation. A sesquiquadrate is a difficult yet exceptionally constructive energy. It is the symbol with a square and a semi-square combined, a square with a tail, implying a need to take action (square) under incredible duress and stress (semi-square). All 135 degrees of it add up to a 9. It speaks to us about the evolutionary conclusion, the outcome, and the karma so to speak, of a situation. We KNOW that we need to take action, while incredibly stressed, to evolve. Alternatively, perhaps we would rather die. Let them do what they will. You decide YOUR fate.
The first sesquiquadrate between Saturn and Pluto was Sept 9 when we all processed the debacle in New Orleans. Sesquiquadrate 2 is perfected on January 1. Mars squares and triggers the aspect as he completes his square to Saturn on Tuesday, December 27. Finally, Mars in Taurus is free! Like a giant pinball in the cosmos, Mars is going to give Saturn a solid kick in the balls as he goes by OR turn to gore the matador OR Medusa is going to move to turn you to stone. Remember your “opponent” has goals too! Neither Medusa nor Bull plan to die! They are going to fight like hell all week. You have to pay attention, be smart, strong, wise and clever. You will have to use ALL your skills to survive. Saturn, never one to change easily, will fall like a frozen stone into Pluto’s hellish depths in Sagittarius if you are NOT paying CLOSE attention. On the other hand, Saturn can evolve and live. All the crap you have been dealing with ALL fall comes down to the choices you make NOW! And you thought it was going to be a quiet week! Not a chance.
On a very deep level, you are going to have to go against your ingrained instincts to survive what is about to occur. Whatever happens, please, please, please work hard, including on a symbolic level, to go for what you want, for your dream, and for your very life.You have NO control over the other person’s life and choices. However, you control your life and choices.
I would love to give you details about when, exactly, the duel between Bull and Matador or Perseus and Medusa is going to happen between now and January 2. However, I do not want to lull you into a false sense of security. It will happen sometime as Moon goes through Scorpio and Saggitarius. I want you paying attention to what is going on! No sleeping in the foxhole. That is one smart bull! Medusa killed many brave warriors before you showed up on her doorstep.
Butterflies have to struggle and go through breaking out of the cocoon to live, straighten out and fly right. If you help a butterfly hatch, they die. Butterflies have to go through the struggle themselves. Go for the light. Watch your instincts. Know your opponent. Know yourself. Remember, they will show up with something you are incredibly afraid or anxious about to try and trick or kill you. Medusa is your fear. Bull is your instinct. Face your fears (using a mirror to NOT be turned to stone). Go against your instincts to survive ~ think before you act. Be aware there WILL be SOMETHING that tries to fake you out and pull a wrong response from you, as Mars is aspecting Neptune by declination. That is being blindsided. Be careful out there.Get out your bulletproof vest too!
For the past 25 years, St. John the Divine Cathedral celebrated Winter Solstice with a magnificent concert. As music soars in a darkened cathedral, the Sun returns, as a giant copper gong rises, ringing and clanging, in the East. Orange lights gently bathe the church columns with the rising gong’s symbolic sunrise. It feels like you are standing out on Mars, looking in at Mother Earth spin above the altar as the Sun rises behind her at the head of the church. Every year, my Pisces Moon quivers and my eyes fill with tears.
After I emailed my column last week drawing the point of view connection between Bull/ Medusa and Matador/Perseus, I zipped off to the Solstice concert. And, guess what happened? THE SUN ROSE IN THE WEST!! For the first time in 25 years, instead of standing on Mars, we, the audience were captured, between Sun and Earth. An eclipse was cast by spinning earth on a green expanse where the Sun USED to rise in the east. The sun was rising behind us, IN THE WEST!! As my head pivoted back and forth between the Sun gong and Earth‘s globe, watching the musicians “walk into the Sun rise in the West”, I was struck by the change in perspective, marveling at how the solstice ceremony reflected the current cosmic energy demanding we evolve and change.
Now, IF the Sun can rise in the West, you can change! If SUN changes, you change. Go for it. Evolve. Change. You have done SO much work ALL fall. You have practiced. You have shown up. You have done it. You have learned. You have evolved. You have faced it, even though you are totally exhausted, worn and weary. I am SO very proud of you! During the week ahead, you will hatch. All fall was for the week ahead of us. I cannot help you hatch or you may die. YOU CAN DO IT! You are so READY! So prepared! See you next week as your wings are drying in the air and your former cocoon lies in a messy shambles below you. You will be an absolutely beautiful glorious butterfly! In the meantime, I wish you all that is Merry and Bright! Oh, almost forgot, there, under the tree are your mirror shield, red cape, and sword. I am rooting for you!
Mundane: Evolve and change to What? Time to decide how we evolve and change. We learned the Bush Administration secretly wiretapped citizens in direct violation of the fourth Amendment of the Constitution. We watched the President say he committed a felony. He did it AND he said he is going to do it again. He did it after the Senate specifically said NO, in the Patriot Act. He has been mining data from communications companies about our phone calls and emails. He did not go to a court set up to approve secret wiretaps. That court approved over 19,000 wiretaps and denied five. So WHOM are they spying on that they ducked the court? Why wouldn’t they ask permission from a court with THAT kind of record? Time to evolve and change.
Evolve and change to What? We watched a transit strike in NYC. Workers have one right ~ to refuse to work. Bosses have many rights about our working conditions ~ who, where, why, how, when and what. A last minute pension plan proposal caused the union to walk out. In 1980, 35% of the American work forces were union members. That meant another 35% of American workers were in non-union companies who matched unions to keep their employees happy and the unions out. Essentially over 70% of our population had union “rights” to create our vast middle class. Now, 25 years later, 8% of the American work force is union members, 12% if you count public employees. That means 16% to 24% of the American workforce has union “rights”. It used to be over 70%! Those numbers mean 22.5 to 33.8 million workers instead of 98.6 million with union “rights”. Did you read that state pension fund managers are starting to invest in hedge funds? Time to evolve and change.
Evolve and change to What? The Patriot Act extended for a month to permit more debate. When the Patriot Act was first considered, Congressional Leaders received anthrax in the mail. It passed. Fear of terrorists made us give up our rights. I know, I know, for our own good and all that rot. Go read Alice Miller’s “For Your Own Good” and let me know if you feel the same way about the phrase “for your own good.” Time for us to evolve and change.
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee