Weekly Weather December 2, 2013

Weekly Weather November 25, 2013 

We are making adjustments to my website. We added keyword hyperlinks so you can look up what the astrological terms mean. Blend the keywords with the energies appearing in the world for a deeper understanding of the world around you.

Don’t LIKE the keyword hyperlinks?  Scroll down to the NEW printing option at the bottom of the site to turn them off. No more need to copy, cut and paste the column into a word document. 

Watch your email box (if we have your email) and this site for a survey of readers, listeners and clients.

After 19 years of studying astrology, 12 years of being a fulltime astrologer and 9 years of writing the column, I’d like your feedback on what else you would like to see, read, experience or learn about astrology.  Together, as we move forward in these evolutionary, chaotic, profound and transformative times, how can astrology assist, guide and further enhance your life?

Stay tuned for the exciting changes!  Watch for your opportunity to express what else you would like.

This is the last week for the Early Bird Price for next year’s workshops: Palmistry and Chart Reading A to Z.   They make GREAT Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanza presents.  As  my student Kristina enthusiastically says “I LOVE TO GIVE MYSELF Metaphysical presents!”   Register using the links at the end of the column.  And consider bringing a friend, sibling or child… it is a fun way to spend a weekend ~ learning together.  You give it to them. They give it to you.  Shopping is finished!









“Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Samuel Beckett.



Engaging the Infinite ~ Kelly Lee Phipps

Above the wavering sea stars await your return
mirrored across the deep span stretching within
The curving space between here and there is endless
Yet it seems like you’ve been abandoned in the emptiness

You can never stop the flow of dark imagery
coursing through your heart
Those chambers of guilt and fear always struggle
to contain the tingling fire dancing as your soul

It hurts to be free.
But when you step into your passion
the whole universe opens within…
And others may wander with black holes for hearts
devouring your visions with their fears

But tell me. How old are you?
That’s not your age.
It’s simply the number of orbits you’ve made around this star
You’ve made many orbits around other stars like
a timeless electron zipping around an atomic nucleus
You are infinite!

And if you argue for your limitations,
you have to fight them.
But if you discover your possibilities,
you get to create them

So stand still, gaze at the sky
Sense the reverence rising inside
And know that your being
Is an extension of eternity.


The first part of the week is very task oriented ~ Mars in late Virgo with productive Moon energy ~ first to finish things off ~ wrap up old projects and clear the decks on Monday and Tuesday.  Then we are able to power through our to-do list as well as get lots of repairs, set ups, or beginnings of new productive work or projects completed on Wednesday and Thursday. If they aren’t completed, you will get large swaths of them completed.

Finally, we enter a period on Saturday where Saturn, Mars and Venus are all in the same signs for three months… And, even better, the signs are in synchronicity with each other. The two personal planets of how we get things, Mars, and what we desire, Venus, are traveling in harmony with Saturn and each other. Mars and Venus will be in mutual reception, able to swap places and energy with each other ~ to enhance each planet’s ability to articulate and activate their dreams. We are going to be formulating, building and focusing, with crystal clarity, on what we desire and want from our lives.  And as that happens, Saturn will be helping to build it, as we dream and design it.


From the internet:  TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN DESTINY. Of course there are many obstacles to assuming a lifestyle that nobody in your past or present entourage approves of. Of course people will taunt and make fun. Many will poke sticks in your spokes and some will reject you – call you selfish. Never mind them. Instead, scoff back. Laugh in the faces of those who try to convince you not to choose the path of your dreams. Don’t cower or apologize. Choose your dream path anyway. You may stumble. And you may even fail. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off…

Complicated energies I know.  Pay attention. The events of this week, last week and next week set the stage for the next eleven months of your life. Try and figure out who all the players are in your life.  You are going to be working with them or the concepts they represent in the months ahead.

Settle in for a long road ahead.  We are going to be working with the stories that start up right now through the end of July 2014. Pace yourself.  And pay attention. The movie trailer of your life is unfolding.  The Movie of your Life actually starts on Saturday!








The Week’s Planetary Highlights 

Sun works with Jupiter and Ceres to create a new definition of family and tribe for your near future.

Mercury is outta here.  Last week, Mercury was very as he connected “busy, busy” all the planets and delivering messages from one to the other. This week, he changes signs, enters Sagittarius and goes off to play with Jupiter in a bit of a bacchanal. Lots of communications clarify the direction to take. Sometimes TOO much conversation!

Venus in Capricorn comes back in bounds by the week’s end. She wants you to be SERIOUS about your money, finance, love and desire energies until March! As of Saturday, when Mars enters Libra, Venus and Mars can shift places as they are in mutual reception.

Mars offers us a surprise at the beginning of the week with unexpected chaos and confusion about how to move forward. Most of the week, Mars is incredibly productive as he enters the last degrees of Virgo. Push on your to-do list. On Saturday Mars enters Libra for 8 long months. He’s got a big retrograde while in Libra…He’s going to push Saturn to COMMIT to going deeper in the pursuit of the path of life. Mars rules Saturn while Saturn is in Scorpio. And remember Saturn is exalted in Libra ~ so while this will be very intense and complicated emotionally, there will be a deep, profound and expressed desire.

Saturn is in his shadow.  Make commitments and move forward.  Keep in mind, each and every commitment you make can be revised after March 2, 2014.

Uranus creates chaos on the home front. Invite chaos in… it helps you get clear on what you want as well as which patterns are counterproductive to getting what you desire.

Chiron fights with the way it has always been and pitches a new reality to Ceres.  Once they figure out how they can work together or divide and conquer separately, stand back world!

Health issues move to the lungs and circulation.  Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze because you are liable to spread disease.  Build up your immune system! Going to be a wicked flue season!

Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon in Sagittarius goes Void square to Mars on Tuesday Dec 3, 2013 at 10:46:20 pm EST and enters Capricorn on Wednesday Dec 4, 2013 at 01:50:29 am EST.

Moon in Capricorn goes void trine to Mars on Friday Dec 6, 2013 at 00:32:30 am EST and enters Aquarius on Dec 6, 2013at 01:54:26 am EST.

Moon in Aquarius goes void square to Saturn on Saturday Dec 7, 2013 at 07:12:09 am EST and enters Pisces on Sunday Dec 8, 2013 at 03:35:21 am EST. Moon is void all Saturday.


Our lovely New Moon in Sagittarius falls in the creative house in the chart cast for Washington, D.C. Zero Aries falls on the Midheaven, saying the New Moon begun now will result in very public perceptions of who you are and what you are doing. Uranus, Jupiter and Venus are angular activating their energies… how we change our direction and career or relationship to authorities is tied to how we are recognized for our creative energies and daring do!  Venus in Capricorn in the 7th house, also on a World Axis degree, invites us to focus our attention on how we are connecting with the world. There is NO AIR in the chart. Actions speak louder than words.  Don’t say what you are going to do, just DO IT!  The time for talk is over. Do it!
















Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbol is:

Commentary: ‘In the Left Section of an Archaic Temple, a Lamp Burns in a Container Shaped Like a Human Body’ pictures a need for linking the spirit and the ‘Body’. Sometimes we need to remember to be “in our bodies” and this Symbol shows the reward that can come from regarding our body as our ‘Temple’. Logic is not always involved in this equation; it speaks more of emotions, spirit and physicality.

Oracle: Watching bodily rhythms can teach us something about the timing of our biology. There’s a need to eat when we need to, to sleep and exercise when we need to; to be alive and happy. The spirit within us can shine out to enliven the spirits in others. We can somehow amplify light ourselves, like the ‘Lamp that Burns’, shining outwards, projecting our spirit and personality. To provide clues to your current situation, it may be a good idea to light a ‘Lamp’ or a candle and place it to ‘The Left’ of where you’re sleeping, working, eating or exercising. The ‘Temple’ of this Symbol implies that there may be a need for peace and quiet and respect. There may be a feeling that one somehow doesn’t “belong” in their body. Is someone losing the plot and “leaving their body” in this situation? Is there a need for grounding your physical energy? How are you regarding your body and feeding yourself? Having faith and belief in one’s self can lead to knowledge and enlightenment. Rituals of many kinds can help link mind and body so that a healthier you can result. This period may mark an incredible leap forward in understanding and consciousness.

Keywords: Connecting the left and right sides. Working out, physical fitness and exercise. Yoga. Grounding reality. Sexuality. Realizing that body is the same as spirit. Remembering to be in the body. Light workers. The acceptance of the body and its functions. Sport and its physical rewards. Metabolic rates.

The Caution: Worshiping the body at the expense of the psyche or spirit. Concentrating exclusively on physical desires and needs. Rationalizing intuitive thought until it is rejected. Needing actual physical evidence to accept anything. Being caught up in the illusion of the body, the “physical self”.

Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Henry David Thoreau

A bodily disease may be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual past. Nathaniel Hawthorne

He who knoweth the precepts by heart, but faileth to practice them, Is like unto one who lighteth a lamp and then shutteth his eyes. Nagarjuna

If anything is sacred the human body is sacred. Walt Whitman

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light. Albert Schweitzer

For this is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body. That physicians first separate the soul from the body. Plato


Moon’s Day Monday December 2, 2013 Moon in Sagittarius goes Void square to Mars bringing problems with women and arguments about who did what to whom.  No winners here.  Go to your separate corners. Agree to disagree. There is a New Moon today at 7:22 pm EST. Dreams last night had an overdoing quality to them that allowed you to psychically let go of a situation that has been troubling you. Mars parallel to Uranus causes unexpected problems and upsets but at least you are aware of the situation. Speed causes problems and chaos so go slowly. See the patterns in your family or from your past that are creeping into this situation. If you don’t like them, let them go or change them.  Juno says you don’t have to if you don’t want to…. Even if they want you to and start to have a bit of a temper tantrum. You are a free agent in every relationship you are in. Actions have consequences. Sun’s contraparallel to Jupiter indicates there is overdoing around ego matters ~ everyone’s narcissistic wound is up and roaming around the room. Own your wound~ let them own their wound. We all have them.  They are part of us.  It comes from realizing we are not able to be all that to the other person.  We can only be ourselves. Be yourself today. No excuses. No apologies. Be yourself.

Mars’ Day Tuesday December 3, 2013 Moon in Sagittarius goes void square to Mars at 10:46:20 pm EST.  Problems with Women and arguments with the maternal energies continue to move along in your world. Vesta quincunx aspects the South Node removing an opportunity to try again to get it right. They are not listening now. Let it be.  Mars trine to Admetos at the last degrees of earth lets the ending be an easy one. Mercury’s opposition to Admetos means you don’t actually have to SAY anything. Just shift how you respond or are going to respond to them going forward. Mercury’s sextile to Mars kicks up the energy and allows you to get a great deal accomplished today. Use the harsh or comparative energy that you feel ~ everyone else gets what you want ~ or the “uh-huh!” energy to move and motivate yourself. They are not responsible for giving you your own life. You are responsible for your life. The day ends with an argument.

Wednesday Mercury’s Day December 4, 2013 Moon enters Capricorn at 01:50:29 am EST with an extremely productive trine to Mars in Virgo.  Power through your to-do list! Uranus inconjunct to Pallas wakes you up out of a sound sleep to move forward in a new direction. Think Ah-ha! Moment!  There is some kind of break through today that allows you to get it on a different level.  Sun’s sextile to Ceres suggest you begin the new diet regime or health care program today. Nurture yourself and care for you today. Venus in sesquiquadrate to Pallas in Virgo pushes you (or them) to shift and make a firm decision today about how to proceed. Expect pronouncements, layoffs, and shifts in direction ~ not without a bit of stress ~ but still good changes (ultimately) once the dust settles. Discard the old and out worn. Same old argument AGAIN?  Aren’t you tired of it? So change…. You can do it. It will actually help everyone heal! Mercury enters Sagittarius, leaving behind the deep, probing intensity of Scorpio. Mentally you are healing even if your body is not doing so good.

Jupiter’s Day Thursday December 5, 2013 Moon is in Capricorn and goes void with a productive trine to Mars in Virgo. Power through your to-do list. Dreams from last night are particularly inspiring ~ make sure to write them down so you remember them!  Sun’s biquintile to South Node offers a gift of wisdom or understanding.  Recognizing the source of the connection (and perhaps the fear place of letting go) always helps ground your energy.  Focus on your own ego needs today and as Mars in Virgo at the last degrees helps you understand the process before you. Sun’s contraparallel to Hades offers opportunities to separate from situations that you find rather difficult or, frankly, hellish.  There is a new group arriving with Sun’s parallel to Cupido ~ look for your new tribe.  Envy can come flying at you from someone who used to nurture or take care of you.  Stand back and prepare to duck. Who knew that they were keeping track of what all they did for you?  But apparently they were! Mercury’s contraparallel to Admetos allows things to separate and come to an end.  It is time it ended.  Pleasantly, nicely but firmly end the connection or communication. Jupiter inconjunct to Juno offers a deeper understanding of WHY you were in that bizarre partner situation in the first place. No judgment or negative criticism.  Just go forth and vow to not repeat the same mistake. You learned. You got smarter.  So if you try again, you will be wiser. And DO try again! As Beckett said at the beginning of the column: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”  Don’t judge the failure harshly.  Just move on. Waste no more energy on it. Venus semi square to Chiron suggests love or relationships can hurt today. They always hurt because we care. And don’t give up on caring. Or on your relationships.  You can take some time out though. Time outs or pauses are perfectly okay. Decide not to decide.

Venus’ Day Friday December 6, 2013 Moon enters Aquarius at 01:54:26 am EST with harsh, struggling closing square aspect to Saturn. Today emotional matters do not work out well.  Moon in Aquarius is feeling up against it. Dreams are full of tossing and turning ~ including some funky house or home dreams.  Note well what they are as they speak to the next chapter of your life. Clear your body ~ today is a good day for a juice or water fast to allow the blockages and build up to release. Health matters improve. Chiron’s opposition to Pallas suggests you are not getting understanding from the other person particularly in explaining why you don’t want to do what they want you to do. Mercury’s square to Neptune complicates the matter as people are quite emotional today.  There is a feeling of separation from what make you feel safe and secure. Kind of existential but at the same time not quite clear where the unease or unstable is coming from.  Mercury’s Scorpio shaped inconjunct to Hades offers an opportunity to have a deeper conversation about what is important.  Make sure to listen twice as much as you speak.  Listen ~ really listen. So few people actually listen ~ we do have two ears to one mouth. Listen ~ not defensively but quietly with your heart open.

Saturday Saturn’s day December 7, 2013 Moon in Aquarius goes void square to Saturn 07:12:09 am EST. Emotional relationships are a bit strained by the Square from detached Aquarius Moon to passionate Scorpio Saturn. Moon is void all Saturday. Mercury in Sagittarius has a squabble with Jupiter today ~ the communications are NOT flowing too well.  Back off and try again!  Venus comes in from out of bounds! She’s not so over the top any more.  Mars enters Libra for 8, count them, 8 MONTHS!  Mars leaves Libra on July 25, 2014.  Or perhaps you like days?  231 DAYS of Mars in Libra!  Or hours?  5,544 hours of Mars in Libra.  Minutes Maybe?  332,640 Minutes of Mars in Libra. Lots and lots and lots of Mars in Libra time!  Mars answers to Venus in Capricorn until early March as SHE is going to be going retrograde in Saturn’s sign and spending the winter in Capricorn.  Today, after Mars changes signs, Saturn in Scorpio is now going to be reporting to Mars in Libra answering to Venus in Capricorn ~ Saturn’s sign!  Suddenly Saturn is going to be all about RELATIONSHIPS that are SERIOUS! Or you will be serious! Or they will be serious!  Time to serious up about commitment. No more wasting time or energy. Get serious or get out of there!

Sun’s Day Sunday December 8, 2013 Moon enters Pisces at 03:35:21 am EST. Positive closing aspects of a sextile to Venus makes the next few days quite productive.  Moon works hard at expressing herself today ~ make time or take time to listen to what is going on with other people. There is an ending energy as Saturn sesquiquadrates Hades pushing hard at stressfully taking action around the structures in your life. Don’t suggest the other person become subservient… there is extreme resistance to power over… try instead to find a compromise position you can both agree to.  Mars links up with Vesta offering lots of action around home and hearth ~ time to decorate the Christmas tree?  Moon’s sextile to Pluto late in the day offers creative solutions to difficult problems around family members.

Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  New Moon in Sagittarius!  Mercury enters Sagittarius.  Mars enters Libra for the next 8, count them, 8 months!  Mars is in Libra until July 25, 2014!  Forward we go into Saturn’s new territory. Venus comes in from out of bounds and calms down!

Scorpios Talking: We were off for Thanksgiving!

The Mary Anne Show: We were off for Thanksgiving!  Mary’s mother in law died so we will be off this week too while she’s at the funeral.

Access Astrology: Heather was on her own as Mark and Anne were off for Thanksgiving!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!



Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.”  Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/

Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Early Bird Rates through December 6, 2013 are $150.  Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504

Anne will be teaching, with Access Astrology, a Chart Reading A to Z Weekend Workshop on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 in NYC. Early Bird Rates through December 5 are $165. Full Rate is $225. Register for the Workshop at:  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139006705

Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 19, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!”  To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry  For Information:  http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014

Anne will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  Limited in-person consultations are available in Michigan.  To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/


Lynda Hill’s work on Sabian Symbols appears with her permission.  Check her out at SabianSymbols.com


Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee