Weekly Weather December 19, 2005 to December 25, 2005

Weekly Weather December 19, 2005 to December 25, 2005
Happy Winter’s Solstice! Wednesday, Sol, our Sun, reaches the Tropic of Capricorn, heralding Winter‘s ingress in the North (and Summer‘s ingress in the South). After standing still for three days, Sun begins his migration up towards the equator. Our days will begin to lengthen even as Winter‘s chill is shivering our bones. Venus stations to go retrograde on Christmas Eve, after joining with Chiron at 0:56 in Aquarius. Saturn and Jupiter begin to separate from their first of three squares, suggesting we‘ve reached a crisis opportunity to change, redo or move firmly towards things planted or begun in May/June of 2000. Venus and Chiron wrapped in each other’s arms ask us to appreciate the woundedness of the other’s and our own soul. Venus stationing on Chiron all week reminds us scars are totems, our heart’s reminder of bravery, and marks of white tattoo on our body and soul of battles won. If you have a scar you can look at, it means you SURVIVED even if you think you lost. Of course, there are scars are on our souls and in our hearts. The soul and heart scars are harder to see than the ones on your skin. Those scars means you survived! You will survive this!
Monday, Venus joins with Chiron as Mercury joins with Venus by parallel. Sit down to write or tell the story of your scars. See how the situation in your life right now, the one that you faced the last few weeks and way back in 1982/83 echoes and mirrors that scar, that battle, that wound on your soul or heart. You survived the last few weeks. Forward we go. Moon in Leo joins Saturn and aspects our fixed cross planets. Moon of Brave Fire reminds us that folks used to sit around the fires telling stories of bravery, tales of valor, hunts and enemies vanquished. We’ve largely lost fire side story telling. We still need to tell the story of our souls to someone else. In the crackling, moving light of a bonfire, (or maybe a dozen candles J ) recount your own tale of bravery, out loud, to the stars or a dear friend, complete with dramatic effects.
Tuesday Mercury’s inconjunct to Mars suggests due to the telling of your story, you learned a new Scorpio trick about how to battle against fear and over reactive instincts. Perhaps it’s a technique for pulling the lion’s tail; hitting the ground as they fire guns knowing to attack again as they pause to reload or how to transform, nurture, expand and heal the scars of your relationship battlefields. Listen well to wise words. Pallas Athena and Mercury dance together and aspect the karmic nodes to imply the strategy, the Virgo Moon tricks or techniques you hear or learn can become your new talents and adjusted instincts. Practice, practice, practice. Moon aspects Mars and Jupiter integrating the new skills. Make sure to ask questions if you don’t understand exactly HOW to do it.
Wednesday, Mercury joins Pallas Athena. Both make trine aspects to Saturn in Leo and are finishing a harsh aspect to Mars. On the same day, Sun enters Capricorn marking and describing the energy for the next season. You might not get what you want from the first person or the first 10 people you ask. So what? If you know what you want, ask again. Figure out how you can get it. Or start to go and do it for and by yourself. Mercury and Athena in aspect to Mars and Saturn know that sooner or later, with a bit of work and strategy, you CAN get what you want. Remember it is a CHANGE in what you THINK has to happen because you figured out something. The bull doesn’t have to die and Peruses doesn’t have to be turned into stone.
Thursday has a frustrating, cranky energy to it as the Sun makes difficult aspects to Venus, Chiron and Neptune. Mars argues with Pluto. Mercury stresses out with Jupiter. The only consolation is to know you just passed your parents, or authority figures or previous limitations. If you look carefully, Saturn is standing in the corner, watching and smiling at you. Look around. Notice him. That frustrating, cranky energy is actually a growth spurt of your soul‘s new roots. Sometimes roots have to push through a bit of concrete or grow around a pebble to get a firm toehold in the soil. Plants don’t complain (well maybe they do but we can’t hear them) about concrete or pebbles. They just look for some dirt they can get their roots into. Do the same. The pot you are in doesn’t fit. You are root bound. You need a bigger pot (or a few smaller pots if you are splitting up plants), dirt and a bit of water. REPOT yourself today.
Friday you understand the partnerships that used to work for you have to change. It is time. The tides are shifting. Venus stopped in the sky prior to stationing tomorrow wants to revise relationships. Old wounded Chiron chatting with Venus reminds you that you deserve more, better, and to dump those limiting beliefs about what you can have. Time to think about what your new tribe will be like.
Saturday, Venus stations going retrograde. Venus retrograde brings old loves and previously desired objects jumping back into your life again, whether you want them or not. If they call and ask if you will take them back if they sober up, change, promise to never ever, or modify difficult, bad old behaviors, consider saying yes. Put a time frame on it of April 30, 2006 as the trial or test period, before you commit. Between now and April is the test!! Give them a LONG list of your conditions. Ask them for a list of their conditions for you (only fair). IF they can modify their bad old behaviors until April, they actually CAN and WILL change, even if you thought it would take hell freezing over for them to change. You will know what is going to happen with them before the end of January 2006. Remember hell is freezing over this winter! And, IF they can’t manage to keep up the behavior changes, you are going to be stuck in traffic with them until March 2006 anyway. You might as well play a car game or practice asking for what you want until you can dump them at the gas station down the road.
Sunday, Venus rejoins Chiron today as Mars and Mercury make stressful aspects to a bunch of stuff. The point of agreeing to a second chance this Christmas is to know in the very deepest cells of your being that NEXT Christmas will be different. You are creating your new life, even as you toast with egg nog to your old life. Evolution. The opposite of war isn’t peace, its creation. Merry Christmas!
Reflections on Bullfights: Not gory this week. In amazing synchronicity, the New York Times had an article about bullfighting clubs in New York City. They gather monthly to eat tapas and watch tapes of famous bullfights. Several members have gone to bull fighting camps (yes, they do exist) to fight baby bulls or bigger bulls. Two comments struck me. First, how they think the angry bull is staring right at THEM instead of the red cape and how much fear the bull’s stare produces. Second, you have to fight your instincts to pull away or pull back as the bull charges at you. You have to stay stationary and lean in, towards the bull. If you flinch, pull back or move, the bull will change direction to charge you instead of the red cape.
I thought about other sports where you go against your natural instincts to be successful ~ skiing (bend your knees when you feel tippy), golf (don’t look at where the ball goes as you swing), bicycle (pedal fast enough and it works), and karate (use the other guy’s momentum against him to flip him). Once you learn the technique or trick of a sport, it becomes much, much easier. And, in every sport I could think of, there was a trick or technique that went against what your instincts want to do.
In the dictionary, Sport’s definition includes an organism that shows a marked change from the parent stock, a mutation AS WELL AS a person known for the manner of his acceptance of the rules of the game or a difficult situation. Caught in this moment of time, we are being asked to mutate, change and deviate from our usual behavior and the accepted rules of the game. The matador is told to feel the fear and do it anyway ~ no that bloody, angry beast isn’t looking at you. Bull’s eyes are actually fixed on your red cape. You just think it is about you. Don’t flinch, lean in, and be conscious of going against every instinct in your entire body to take off for the nearest exit as the bull starts to charge, kicking up dust clouds, shedding blood droplets, snorting and bellowing. Matadors rely on bull‘s instincts to charge what is moving. Matadors stand firm, fighting their own instincts to move and trust in Bull to ONLY follow his instincts. Matadors are a clear mutation from fight or flight. Matador survives. Bull doesn’t mutate. Bull follows bull rules like a good sport. Bull dies.
In the situation facing you, do you feel like the matador or the bull? You’ve picked one side of the fight, perhaps identifying with the bull. Have you felt fear? Our matador feels fear. If you are afraid, you are the matador!! You have to fight your instincts to pull away to survive your struggle. You have to lean into it, not flinch, bend your knees to lower your center of gravity, follow through without worrying about where it goes and pedal furiously to use the energy of the charging Bull in front of you to flip the situation, mutate and make a marked change from the parental stock that came before you.
The beauty of astrology is the reflection in the mirror it makes if we are willing to see. We are always BOTH: the matador AND the bull. If we understand the rules of the game, we can decide how we want to play. Or not play. Or rewrite the game’s rules. Or create a brand new game. We have choice! So use your shield as a mirror to go slay your personal Medusa. Do you wonder what Medusa’s Saturn looks like? Her Saturn is your Saturn! That is why Medusa is so damned scary! Ah, I think I forgot to mention that YOU are Medusa too! Did you think you were Perseus? Matador and Bull. Perseus and Medusa. Shield or Cape. Same story, just different points of view. The heavens spin, waiting for your choice. Take and roll the dice. It is your turn.
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee