Weekly Weather December 17, 2012
“In the velvet of the darkness
by the silhouette of silent trees
they are watching, they are waiting
they are witnessing life’s mysteries.
Cascading stars on the slumbering hills
They are dancing as far as the sea
Riding o’er the land, you can feel its gentle hand
Leading on to its destiny”
Loreena McKennitt
Weeks like last week are certainly hard on a soul. Evolution isn’t easy. Maybe we are ready to change? Certainly, the New York Times changed….
Expect more evolution and action this week as the Finger of God formed in the sky by Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter perfects on the Winter Solstice, December 21…
Carrie wrote “You’re practically the only person I can say this to: God forbid you tell people the astrological “why’s” of the recent shootings we’ve seen, lest you be branded “insensitive”. Astrology works even when you don’t want it to.”
Skip the next two paragraphs if you don’t want to read about the astrology of the Newtown, CT shooting:
Last week, the Finger of God formed by Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter was stimulated by stationing, explosive, fiery Aries Uranus on Thursday as Uranus turned to go direct and catch up with his buddies. The five days before and after an outer planet stations are “hot”… literally and figuratively. Friday morning, bright and early at 6:25 am, Mercury stimulated Uranus and at 6:30 am Moon was occulted or eclipsed by Pluto… the Mother (Moon) was removed (occulted) by death (Pluto). Probably that is the time when Adam Lanza shot his mother in the face several times, removing her head as described by the South Node in Taurus on Algol, the fixed star of beheading and piles of corpses. Adam Lanza’s (April 22, 1992, Kingston, NH) natal Mercury was 5 Aries, receiving the direct effect of the stationing Uranus and his natal Moon in Capricorn was stimulated.
At the time of the shooting, December 14, 2012, 9:35 am EST in Newtown, CT, there was another Finger of God formed by the Ascendant sextile to Venus in Scorpio riding on the Dragon’s Head with the Apex being the out of bounds Ceres in Gemini. Ceres is a maternal planet. Gemini is children. The principal and the school guidance counselor tried to tackle the shooter to save the children ~ certainly out of bounds nurturing if you were looking for a description of same. The first grade teacher successfully hid her children and died having saved them. Women and children died. Uranus is opposite the Arabic Part of Treachery when the shootings started and opposite the Part of Death when they ended. The Midheaven is stimulating the recent New Moon eclipse degree of 21:56 Scorpio. Adam Lanza’s Pluto was 22 Scorpio, on the Shooting chart’s Midheaven ~ he brought Pluto into the Sandy Hook School.
We began the eclipse season with Sandy the Storm. We end the eclipse season with the Sandy Hook School shooting.
In each of OUR charts, we’ve had a Finger of God form and ask us to evolve. Time to change. It is time NOW. The Finger of God moves towards perfection this week. Perfection means the aspect will complete its pulse of energy and shift outward into the world, rippling across our lives and the lives of the people in our world. Uranus and Pluto’s evolutionary dance with each other continues, with an assist from Pluto, Neptune and Jupiter.
Right now, for the NEXT TWO MONTHS, do as MUCH AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN to plant the seeds of what you want for your next chapter of life. Say YES to EVERYTHING that appeals to you. The big boys are all moving in forward motion… zipping along. Hop on their coattails! Like you did last year, say yes to everything you want to do. Don’t worry about HOW you are going to do it. Just say YES you would LIKE to do it. Again, don’t worry about the details. Some of the stuff is going to fall out of the pile of work or your life as we get further along with Saturn in Scorpio. Some of the people walking with you won’t be able to go the full distance and will take a different path. No worries. Just SAY YES. If you aren’t sure you want to do it, just nod and smile at Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. They may not know that a smile can mean no.
First, on a fundamental level, you are being asked to step up and make some choices about your life and its direction.
You CAN make “partial” choices or “conditional” agreements… as long as you move yourself and your life forward. Jupiter is still retrograde in a sign it is not thrilled with so you can say “For now, this is what I want”. Express your vision or idea of what you’d like to have happen. Once Jupiter shifts direction on January 30, 2013, you can renegotiate the terms of the deals that have been put in place since July 11, 2012. In the meantime, say what your CURRENT vision is of what you would like to have happen. Express it as options if need be… Plan A and Plan B so to speak. Jupiter is in Gemini after all.
You can return to renegotiate the various deals when the various planetary retrogrades take place. Saturn goes retrograde on February 18. Between now and February 18, say YES to the structures, authorities and work opportunities in your life. Face your fears and shoulds. Say YES to Saturn that you will tackle them or take them on. Pluto goes retrograde on April 12. Between now and April 12, say YES to the transformations, renovations, and power opportunities offered. Know on a fundamental level the terror or power you crave, fear or need to face wants you to step up and just do it. Even if you don’t think you can. Uranus goes retrograde on July 17. Between now and July 17, say YES to the parts that want to change, run away and join the circus or break free. You don’t actually have to blow up your life but you need to know where the cracks, fissures and sections are that need, absolutely NEED to change or else they (or you) will die.
Think back to the story that was going on in your life March 26, 2012 and July 13, 2012. It is back and active in your life. It wants to evolve, change, break free and be independent between now and March 30, 2013. Give it permission to rock and roll…Forward you go!
Second, just about everyone is resonating and reacting to between ages 4 and 9. We either ARE emotionally handling things like a 4 to 9 year old OR we are dealing with someone (or a few people) who are reacting like a child between 4 to 9 years old. They might be walking around in a grownup, 54 year old body or 83 year old body or 25 year old body … but INSIDE they are 4 to 9 years old. Think about tired, cranky, irritable or angry 4 to 9 year olds. Think about emotional, scared, sensitive, wow- the world is a not safe place 4 to 9 year olds. Our grownup processing skills have collapsed into the mental, emotional or logical reactions of a 4 to 9 year old. Or the person before you who seems to be grown up is actually behaving or feeling like a 4 to 9 year old. The big boys, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are at 8 and change. Uranus is 4 and an half. Venus and Chiron are 5/6. With this many important planets at 4 to 9 degrees ~ it corresponds to years of age ~ we are each bound to have our own or work with someone else whose planets are being stimulated by these mighty powerful energies of structure, evolution, transformation, chaos and change. When you are 4 to 9 years old INSIDE, expect your OUTSIDE to do some pretty regressive behaviors. Unless, of course, you COMFORT your inner 4 to 9 year old and tell it that you will take care of it. And then ASK FOR SOME HELP!! You DON’T have to do this all alone.
When we are exceptionally stimulated by the events in the outer world as this eclipse season did opening with Sandy the Storm and ending with the Sandy Hook School shootings, we go back to those early comfort, seek support and experience very, deep and profound emotional needs. We need to be held, comforted and yearn to be taken care of. Even if we live in an all grown up body. So take very good care of yourself this week. Be kind to your inner spaces that are resonating or vibrating away. Watch where the Finger of God perfects in your chart.
The season of change is upon us. Ready or not, here we go! You ARE ready. You CAN do it. It is going to be great! If it is in your chart, it is in your heart.
Void Moons This Week
Moon goes void sextile the Sun on Monday Dec 17 2012 at 01:12:34 pm EST and enters Pisces on Dec 17 2012 at 07:49:29 pm EST
Moon goes void square to the Sun on Thursday Dec 20 2012 at 00:20:11 am EST and enter Aries on Dec 20 2012 at 02:44:25 am EST
Moon goes void Square to Mars on Saturday Dec 22 2012 at 07:58:06 am EST and enters Taurus on Dec 22 2012 at 01:26:10 pm EST.
Moon’s day Monday December 17 finds Moon in Aquarius with a lovely connected closing aspect of community and tribal unity. Sun has stressful aspects to the Nodes of Fate so you can feel at cross purposes today. Dreams are profound but troubling. Make sure to record your dreams. So much is going on at so many levels, your unconscious is trying to support you with your dreams, even if they feel stressful or out of control or scary. Venus has an adjusting aspect to Hades finding hell on earth needs to be shifted and repositioned. Venus at 1 Sagittarius just left her square to Neptune so the weekend allowed you to see something or deal with something emotional that was profound. Now there is a part of you that is simply angry. Feel the anger and allow it to express itself. Mercury’s opposition to Jupiter offers the opportunity for a spirited discussion or exploration of the options being presented. Express yourself. Even if the vision isn’t 100% clear, offer a current snapshot of your vision for the immediate future. You can revise it. You can change the deal down the road. Gentlemen’s agreements, handshake deals, word of honor, side bets ~ all happening and hopping today. There is an end to the Mother with the sextile of Ceres to Admetos ~ today is good for shifting your diet or food plan as well as releasing things or habits you want to let go of.
Mars day Tuesday December 18 find Moon in Pisces with a harsh closing aspect of an opening square to Sun in Sagittarius ~ deep sadness and emotional endings. Sun opposes Ceres offering very vibrant dreams that awaken you. Mercury’s aspect to Cupido suggests the family or tribe that you belong to loves you and wants to connect with you in a deeper way. Sun’s adjustment aspect to Admetos suggests the vision or the idea is shaped by loss ~ Admetos is traveling with the South Node and sitting on the Fixed Star Algol. The loss can be extra painful but it so needs to move out of you and your body to go away. Mars and Mercury both connect with Jupiter in stressful manners ~ you may completely NOT feel up to it. Deep breathe. Another one. It is all part of the evolutionary process. We each were born way back when. Most of us don’t remember what went on at all. However, our BODY remembers. So you are being reborn at the same time. Happy birthday to you?! Mars and Mercury can feel a bit overwhelmed with emotions or energy or words. Be kind and comfort the newborn or younger version of you. Health matters can kick up today as Venus and Vesta aspect health planets. Sometimes you need to stay home and rest. Today might be such a day. Or go home early. Mercury’s contraparallel to Uranus offers you an amazing break through around 8 pm tonight. Juno enters Capricorn for over two months of commitment to SERIOUS partnerships as she’s answering to Saturn. Partner seriously with your work, your future, your heart’s desire, your greatest fear and your dream. Give yourself permission to say yes! Don’t worry about how! Just say “yes, count me in!”
Mercury’s day, December 19 finds Moon in Pisces with a harsh closing aspect of an opening square to Sun in Sagittarius ~ deep sadness and emotional endings. Mercury has a quindecile to both Out of Bounds Ceres and Admetos suggesting the mothering and nurturing principles are deeply wounded and hurting, coming to an final and conclusive end today. Quindeciles are also health aspects so no fooling around if you are sick, ill or otherwise indisposed… get thee to a doctor immediately. Mars, exalted in hardworking Capricorn connecting with Pallas helps you see the patterns to make needed or desired changes. Pallas is deeply emotional as she travels through the backend degrees of Pisces. Mercury’s argument with Neptune by declination suggests they are lying liars and you want nothing more to do with them. Be careful of the shadow here. It often arises when Neptune is present… how truthful have YOU been? Our outer reality is a reflection of our inner life. And as Venus argues with Mars, relationships and expectations that are not drama filled are not doing very well right now either. Examine your expectations. Venus’ productive and juicy aspect with Uranus moves you closer to figuring out what your future path will be.
Jupiter’s day, Thursday December 20 finds Moon in Aries is assertive, bold and very, very annoyed. The first leg of the Finger of God perfects today so adjustments to future paths and life direction is important. Venus squares Chiron offering a wounding around love, values and/or money. The underlying message is what is important here. Look beyond the words or feelings to see the deeper story unfolding about your value or what you value. Mars aspects the Nodes of Fate in a productive manner… he’s perfecting the temporary Finger of God from the Newtown shootings as he stresses out the nurturing principle in each of us. Sometimes you just don’t feel the love or the nurturing. Inconsolable. Lost. Abandoned. Support your inner child, the little you that is between 4 and 9. Clear out old and unwanted things from your home to help move any energy that can feel stuck. Jupiter perfects his leg of the Finger of God with Pluto… that big Finger of God is vibrating away between today and Saturday. You will face or encounter a Fated event in your life. Choose wisely and with an open heart. Mars struggles a bit with independence versus feeling subservient… there is a middle path.
Venus’ Day Friday December 21 finds Moon in Aries very aggressive and assertive. Bold and brassy energy pushes us forward. Dreams are rocking and rolling again last night asking you to clear and release old energies. The Winter Solstice takes place at 6:12 AM. Some folks use this Solstice chart as a descriptive of the energy for the year; others use it for the season of winter and prefer the Aries Ingress as the year chart. Regardless, it is a MIGHTY POWERFUL and VERY ENERGETIC chart. We are moving FULL STEAM AHEAD this week, starting now. Get your vision and grab your bags. Off we go. No not doing something out of spite. Do it because YOU want to and because it is GOOD FOR YOU to do it. Think Spinach. Gotta eat your spinach to grow big and strong. Mars trine to Admetos marks the end of a major cycle. It is finished and done when you are ready to let it go. Let it go.
Saturn’s day, Saturday December 22 finds Moon void in the Morning in Aries and entering Taurus mid-afternoon. Taurus Moon has powerful aspect of accomplishing things. Allow yourself to sit down and go for the bigger plan. Sun has a sextile to Neptune asking you to start to Sing Your Dream. My client Alisa says you need to Sing for Your Soul… your soul HAS a dream… she teaches people how to find their heart’s dream. How to sing for their soul. Let your soul’s song talk to you. Listen to your heart’s dream. Back to between ages 4 and 9… what was your dream back then. What were you interested in? What called your heart then? What calls your heart now? The Finger of God perfects today with Jupiter aspecting Saturn. Adjust your life so you are moving toward your heart’s song. Allow your heart to speak. Sun joins with Juno asking you how you want to partner with your life going forward. Practical, down to earth, plain speaking, heart felt partnering. Mercury links up with Astreae so the cold lingering near your lungs wants to surface and come out. Pallas connects with the Nodes of Fate. Take time today to see how everything in your life, good, bad, or indifferent, has brought you to where you are now. Applying consciousness to the location where you are now, look to see what you’d like to include going forward. Figure out what you want to let go of going forward. Make a plan. Fingers of God part the seas of our life like Moses did the Dead Sea…. Get ready to walk through to the other side! What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Do that. Start today. Sing the song of your life… Sing it out. When you get to the end of your days will you be happy with the choices you’ve made?
Sun’s day Sunday December 23 finds Moon in Taurus ending with a trine to Mars. Pallas is square to Ceres. Your life is NOT your mother’s life. It is not your husband’s or wife’s or children’s life. It is all about being YOUR life. So rock it. Push it. Enjoy it. Sing it out. Stop lying around hoping for someone to come make your life happen for you. You are in charge of YOU. You are in charge of YOUR LIFE. No blaming anyone else for where you are either. Again… all your choices. Ceres has an adjusting aspect to the Nodes of Fate. Adjust your dream and how you nurture yourself so your dream matches the behaviors in your life. Venus is semi-sextile Pluto ~ if you don’t have a dream how you going to have your dream come true?
copyright (c) 2012 A. C. Ortelee