Weekly Weather December 16, 2013

Weekly Weather December 16, 2013 

 fire in winter

A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results.  Socrates






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winter in mendon ponds ny 

 Julie Wynne

 Mendon Ponds Park









The deepest and darkest part of Winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere on Saturday.  The longest night and the shortest day mark Winter’s arrival.  The season changes from Fall to Winter with the Sun’s Ingress into Capricorn.  The Sun stations for three days at the Winter solstice on the Tropic of Capricorn.  Stars spin above our heads, marking the passage of yet another year as the Sun reaches his nadir on earth’s face and begins his next upward climb toward the equator.

For eons, people would dance and celebrate the end of the growing season while they prayed the Sun would return to start another year of life on Planet Earth. We join them this week as the Winter Solstice arrives in the middle of the Holiday season. Celebrate the Saturnalia and the cycle of life!

For many people, the holiday season is bittersweet and holds distinct moments of happiness with touches of sadness. Swirling memories of previous holidays, family members long gone, and a sense that time is inevitably and irrevocably marching forward ~ with or without you! New moments and memories formed and framed by sparkling lights.

Our holiday season has a very loose Cardinal Cross forming above our heads with potent and action taking planets taking positions on the four legs of the cross. The events of the next two weeks will clarify and culminate during the tight Cardinal Cross mid-April during the next eclipse season. So pay attention to the dynamics, actions taken, comments made, as well as any cross purposes or conflicts or tensions that emerge.

fire in winter1




The Week’s Planetary Highlights 




Mercury continues to be super busy this week moving close to 2 degrees a day!  Flying through the heavens, he’s giving his opinion in a frank and direct manner, whether you want to hear it or not. As he gets closer to Sun, he become combust… not interested in the OTHER person’s opinion.  He knows what he knows and he’s not listening particularly well. Sometimes TOO much is happening!  If overwhelmed, take a break and go for a walk. Don’t explain. Your friends won’t need it, your enemies won’t believe it. Mercury goes Out of Bounds so he’s going to be saying things that seem even more over the top than the usual “Frankly, do you want to know what I think?” Sagittarian comments!

Venus in Capricorn stations on Saturday and goes retrograde until January 31.  She links up with Pluto by declination so triangles are the theme story for the week!  Open them up to higher and wiser folks!  SERIOUS times about money, finance, love and desire energies!

Mars in Libra continues to be all about WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME!  However, this week he starts to assert himself and get into power struggles and dynamics with others are he moves into the Cardinal Cross ~ opposite to Uranus and square to Pluto.  For the next eight months, Mars is going to be paying attention to how well you partner and play with others.   This week and next, there might be some fighting on the playground.  A bit of shoving and even tears perhaps. Focus on how you can improve communications, relationships and connections with others. Mars rules Saturn so Saturn is all about committing to relationships with any planets in your chart between 16 and 23!

Jupiter squares Ceres ~ the first of three squares~ To help Exalted Jupiter in Cancer really reach his potential, he has to work with Ceres the Goddess of nurturing, creation and abundance.  Jupiter goes back to old projects to finish them up or release them so he can go forward. Ceres will help him get them done by partnering with him proactively. Squares two and three are May 23, 2014 and September 13, 2014.  Claim your potential.

Saturn is exalted while answering to Mars in Libra ~ so while things will be very intense and complicated emotionally, there will be a deep, profound and expressed desire state. Saturn is in his shadow. Whatever took place the last few weeks, since November 16, is what you are going to be working on and with until the end of October 2014.  Make commitments and move forward.  Focus on your vision of how to improve or partner (remember WE-WE-WE not ME-ME-ME until July 25!) Keep in mind, each and every commitment you make can and probably will be revised after March 2, 2014.

The Full Moon on Tuesday is at 25:36 Gemini/Sagittarius.  It harkens back to the New Moon on June 19, 2012 and the Opening Quarter on March 19, 2013.  The closing quarter is September 15, 2014.  Culminate projects begun now.  Get that publishing or writing project out the door!

Quite a few health aspects this week! Build up your immune system! Going to be a wicked flu season!  Lungs are taking it on the chin!  Fluid buildup and mucus!

Uranus stations and turns direct on Tuesday at 8:35 Aries.  We feel his stopping energy until Next Sunday.  Expect sudden reversals, outburst and shifts in direction. He went retrograde on July 18, 2013 so the story from then is back and dancing around the room. Unhook the chains that bind! Release the blocks, sticky or stuck places. Back up your electronic devices! Hang onto your cell phone while near water!


Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.

Moon goes void Opposite the Sun on Tuesday Dec 17 2013 at 04:29:11 am EST and enters Cancer on Dec 17, 2013 at 01:17:51 pm EST.  Moon is void in the morning on Tuesday.

Moon goes void opposite Venus on Thursday Dec 19 2013 at 11:37:57 pm EST and enters Leo on Friday  Dec 20 2013 at 01:48:47 am EST.

Moon goes void trine to Mercury on Sunday Dec 22 2013 at 08:26:32 am EST  and enters Virgo on  Sunday Dec 22 2013 02:19:59 pm EST. Moon is void Sunday morning and early afternoon.



Venus slows down and begins her retrograde journey this week.  She slows to stop on Saturday and turns retrograde until January 31.  Venus retrograde is one of the rarest of retrogrades.  She’s shifting direction while still in charge of Mars in Libra.  Our definition of we-we-we instead of me-me-me will shift as Venus changes directions.  Old loves, passions, and beloveds return. It is rerun time for the exes in our lives. We dig out family albums and reflect on what was happening back then compared to now. We feel the need to get our finances in order. Write the will. Change the beneficiaries on the mutual funds. In fact, you could have been hearing from old loves (or thinking about them and researching them on facebook or the internet) since Venus entered her shadow on November 19 at 13:33 Capricorn.  We reflect on the choices not taken because we weren’t old enough, young enough and ready or not ready.  Now with the passage of time, as defined by Saturn, we wonder what it would have been like had we taken that road not traveled. What difference would it have made in our lives?  What would our life be like had we said “Yes” back then instead of “No”?  Or maybe we DID say “Yes” and now we wonder what would have happened had we said “No” instead.

Venus retrograde asks us to remember the last loves, financial gains or follies, missed passions and deeply expressed desires.  So for the next 42 days, stroll down memory lane.  Roll around in Venus retrograde.  Finish up old undone projects (or dump them) that you once loved or desired.  Venus is giving you one last opportunity to clear the situation and move it along.  Melancholy? Perhaps. The point to hold in your heart as Venus moves from an evening Goddess to a morning Warrior is the choices made the life you have now.  Do you want a different life?  This stroll down memory lane will help you clarify why you are where you are on your path.  Venus in Saturn’s sign will help you understand and learn to love the fated choices you made in your life. We all make fated choices.  We don’t always realize it at the time. We’ll explore those fated choices in the 42 days ahead of us. Then, we’ll take them forward for the rest of Winter.

Winter starts officially on the day that Venus stations. So our first season of 2014 has Venus stopped in the sky ~ we aren’t doing just 42 days of stopped Venus ~ we have Venus stopped for the whole winter season!  Be prepared for deeper and more profound emotional experiences that include the passage of time and intense reflection on where we are in our own life journey.  Venus stopped in Capricorn is a somber Venus. The Capricorn Ingress is a highly charged chart with the loose Cardinal Cross lying across the angular houses.  I’ll talk about it more next week.

Mars is building in intensity as he moves into the Cardinal Cross.  He perfects his opposition to Uranus on Christmas morning.  Going to be a mighty exciting holiday season full of surprises, upsets, shocks and ta-das!   We get a bit of a taste of it on Wednesday when the Moon in Cancer links up the separate elements of the Cardinal Cross.  That is the story that you’ll be working with over the holidays and in a very intense way in April during the spring Eclipse season.  Notice the recurring themes that appear.

There is a juicy Full Moon on the day that Uranus stations on Tuesday.  The Full Moon, in the chart cast for the East Coast has Saturn Angular in the first house indicating an ending or final statement on a matter.  The chart holds the  Cardinal Cross in the Fixed houses of assets and what we value.  We’ll be working out key components of how we are valued relative to the various people and situations in our lives.  Speak up about your value!

full moon dec 17 2013












The Sabian Image of the Sagittarius Sun is A FLAG-BEARER IN A BATTLE

Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Image is:    flag bearer

Commentary: ‘A Flag Bearer in Battle’ is seen. ‘Flag-Bearers’ in ‘Battle’, in the old days, were the ones who were up at the front of an advancing troop of soldiers, ‘Bearing’ the ‘Flag’ of their country or regiment. They were unarmed, therefore defenseless, and they were “upfront” and obvious, and as such, were an easy target for those “on the other side”. The enemy taking the other’s ‘Flag’ was seen as a trophy; hence the ‘Flag-Bearer’ was particularly vulnerable to attack. Having the responsibility of being the ‘Flag Bearer’ was seen as an honored and well respected position.

Oracle: Nowadays, the ‘Flag-Bearer’ can be anybody with an issue to stand up for, to represent or to promote. This issue can be anything from a cause, such as the homeless, to political issues right through to wanting to promote or advertise something. All of these may attract some flack from outside pressure. You may feel that achievements have been, or need to be, made that should be acknowledged, or respected, in some way. It could be that responsibilities have been piling up on you lately, and the struggle has not been easy. Don’t worry, though, although the people around you are probably busy, they are most likely noticing your leadership abilities. You, or your situation, could represent the linchpin of the whole situation It takes guts to get out front, putting yourself directly in the firing line, and it may be time for you, or somebody near you, to go for it and stand up for what you believe. Being willing to be upfront and “out there” in the line of fire can bring its own kind of rewards. However, it may be that you are more familiar with being the one “up front”, rather than being an actual fighter or warrior and one day you may have to drop your standard (your ‘Flag’) and pick up a tool or a weapon. Look to any consequences of what it is that you’re taking on and see how they stack up.

Keywords: Having the courage of convictions. Standing up for ideals. Representing one’s collective in a worthy cause. Carrying the standard or the ‘Flag’. David and Goliath. Being the messenger. Advocates. Ensigns. Leadership. Self sacrifice. Fighting for political ideals. Flag waving.

The Caution: The sacrificial lamb. Overzealous idealism. Empty shows of courage. The scapegoat. Always being ready to go into battle. Violence. Fanaticism. Stepping out of line. An inability to keep quiet. Not knowing when to back off.

flag bearer1








It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Euripides



Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change. Malcolm X

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear-not absence of fear. Mark Twain

Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. Harper Lee

Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, but rather the hero’s heart. Proverb

One man with courage makes a majority. Andrew Jackson

Those who are prepared to die for any cause are seldom defeated. Jawaharlal Nehru

‘Dying for an idea,’ again, sounds well enough, but why not let the idea die instead of you? Wyndham Lewis

If there’s one guy, just one guy Who’d lay down his life for you and die It’s hard to say it–It’s hard to say it, but it’s probably me. Sting


The Sabian Image for the Gemini Moon is WINTER FROST IN THE WOODS.





Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:

Commentary: ‘Winter Frost in the Woods’ shows things in a dormant stage. ‘In the Woods Winter’ is a time when energy is being used to reinforce the roots, to strengthen the support system and to build up the nourishment that’s needed for the coming seasonal growth and the fruits of spring and summer. There is no point trying to force growth now, it is not possible, nor is it useful. This is not to say that this is not a valuable time. It is. It can be very easy to lose sight of the importance of each “season”.

Oracle: In the situation facing you, it may be wise to prepare for more vibrant and expansive times by using this period to ensure that you get rest and recharge your batteries – on every level. Plans you’ve got for accomplishing things now may not work. There may be delays, equipment failures, etc. This can be frustrating. This Symbol says three things: there has been a time of fruitfulness which has passed; this is a time of withdrawal and inner growth; and that a time of new beginnings or fresh developments is surely coming. Patience is needed for the time being. The ‘Frost’ slows everything down as the temperature drops. Emotions can become dull and you may feel or be less responsive, decisions may be difficult to make because the future seems less certain. You may feel sluggish or find it difficult to get going because your emotions or your body are in need of a recharge. Use this time to make plans for the future and to test possibilities. It is a good time to pull back and observe how others are coping and consider how to help them or have them help you. Imagine spring coming, with all its warmth and growth – this will give you a sense of hope and confidence in the future.

Keywords: The calm before the dawn. The silence inherent when making a connection with nature in cold, barren times. Barren and cold feelings. Refrigeration and freezing. Serenity. Surviving cold conditions. Feeling like one’s on the outside, freezing. Being lost in the wilderness. Beautiful surrounds. Lack of fertility. Things freezing up. The need to rug up.

The Caution: Denying the natural flow of the season by trying to rush things. Feeling “frozen out”, lost and neglected. Feeling dead lost and buried. Chills in the air. Keeping one’s feelings on ice. Immobility.


Lord, how the day passes! It is like a life, so quickly when we don’t watch it, and so slowly if we do. John Steinbeck

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn. Hal Borland

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant, if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. Anne Bradstreet

I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape-the loneliness of it-the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it-the whole story doesn’t show. Andrew Wyeth

Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare, and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruit. Peter Sellers











Moon Day Monday December 16, 2013 Moon in Gemini goes void Opposite the Sun offering a great opportunity to separate from whatever you need to separate from.  Moon is opposite out of bounds Mercury so people are speaking and saying over the top things.  Gemini Moon wants to explore all the angles even if Mercury in out of bound Sagittarius is dogmatically sticking to its viewpoint.  Mercury’s adjusting aspect with Jupiter encourages each of us to look at where we are extra comfortable or perhaps not challenging ourselves enough. What would it look like if you challenged yourself to go for it? What if you fanned your weak flame?  The station energy from Uranus continues to build as he is dead stopped today.  Where do you want to run away and join the circus?  Where do you find yourself reacting and wanting to pull away from or sever the ties that bind?  Lean forward gently.  Unhook yourself from that space where you are caught. Whether it is rephrasing, shifting or simply changing how you traditionally react to the situation ~ adjust.  Adjust ~ with not a lot of stress or drama.  Adjust ~ how you are “hooked” into the story.  It is an old hook.  There is talk of permanent change when you unhook and change your approach to situations that drain your energy or life force. It is a good day to RESEARCH how to approach something. Make a plan.

Mars Day Tuesday December 17, 2013 Moon goes void opposite the Sun at 04:29:11 am EST and enters Cancer at 01:17:51 pm EST.  Moon is void in the morning on Tuesday.  The Full Moon takes place today, culminating the New Moon from June 19, 2012 and the opening quarter on March 19, 2013.  The closing quarter takes place on September 15, 2014.  Larger projects seek fulfillment and the completion energy of the Full Moon.  Additionally Uranus stations and starts to move in a forward direction today, activating his retrograde station on July 18, 2013 and his shadow degree on March 31, 2013.  Blend the stories from then with the events of today and the Lunation’s energy. The Full Moon initiates a strong but “loose” in orb cardinal cross forming over the next two weeks. The story from the holiday season will be what we work with during the Spring eclipse season in April 2014. Pay attention to the family and friend dynamics at work to see the Spring Story preview so to speak.  Jupiter catches up with Neptune to discuss the dream from the past summer.  All summer Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune partied together and planned a new series of adventures for  you.  Now that Neptune and Jupiter connect again, Neptune has a moment of forgetfulness about what that dream was… remind him.  It is time to get cracking on that next chapter with Uranus’ switch in direction. Partnership energy is especially supportive today. Notice who wants to work with you.  And if NO ONE shows up in physical form today, sit down and have a chat with your higher self and see what Higher Self wants to partner with you about.  Lots of messages from the dream, image and unconscious.  Moon squares Mars at night pushing the energy for a big fight or great sex or both! Give in and rock that mattress! You’ve got the power of Uranus riding with Mars! Time for a booty call and you are FREE!

Mercury’s Day, Wednesday December 18, 2013 Moon is in Cancer and goes void opposite Venus so there is a mismatch between how we feel nurtured and what we value.  Venus is telling us to buck up and put on our big girl panties or big boy tighty whites ~ no whining, crying or wailing even if you want to.  Moon rolls through the Uranus and Pluto parts of the Cardinal Cross ~ emotionally you want to take action ~ maybe  run away to join the circus?  BUT you have to face the power dynamic or situation before you.  You can do it. All of last year got you ready for this next patch of your life. You have to commit to what your dream of your life can be.  Before you continue to stay in a situation that isn’t quite what you want, at least, at the very least, get up and go forward toward your dream. The heavens have your back!  Mercury’s conversations with various and sundry today all push you forward. Listen for encouragement from Neptune about pursuing your dream. Notice what well intentioned folks who love you say about your situation.  Dig around in your innards and see what feels real and true for you. Mercury has a stressful aspect to the Nodes so even if you know what you want, finding the words to express it can be difficult.  Listen to your heart place and come from a place of kindness.  Jupiter’s square to Ceres encourages a new kind of partnership to help nurture the dream that surrounds your heart.  Plenty of time to do it!

Jupiter’s Day Thursday December 19, 2013  Moon is in Cancer and goes void opposite Venus on at 11:37:57 pm EST. Another day with deep emotions and separating aspects.  Sun’s inconjunct to Admetos marks the endings of things so you can move forward. Mercury’s trine to Eris encourages over the top and very passionate dreams.  Allow the dreams through and harvest the energy to inspire you to follow their guidance. Another toss and turn night, as oodles of aspects keep you up and busy.  It feels like you are solving the problems of the world. Neptune’s sesquiquadrate to Ceres encourages you to dream of a better, brighter world for yourself and your loved ones. Commit to joining a group mid-day which encourages you to expand your horizons. Health matters take a turn for the worst tonight.

Venus’ Day Friday December 20, 2013 Moon enters Leo at 01:48:47 am EST and has a productive closing trine so today and Saturday you get lots of things accomplished. Mars in early Libra aspects the Nodes of Destiny. Pay attention to the young men or gallant warriors that you meet today.  They are able to inspire you by their attention to detail, relatedness and action taking. Health matters require immediate attention especially when concerning the reproductive or elimination system or the throat, voice and neck. Emotionally you are able to leap tall mountains and ford streams… it’s a wonderful day for deep and profound connections.  You will be friends or partners for life!!  Great day for a first date or a proposal of working together.

Saturn’s day Saturday December 21, 2013 Moon is in Leo and goes void trine to Mercury and is amazingly productive.  Sun enters Capricorn for the next 30 days of sobriety, responsibility and NO drama.  Who needs drama any way!?  Venus stations at 28:58 Capricorn to go backwards for 62 days.  She switches direction again on January 31.  Venus is shifting from an evening star to a morning star.  AS an evening star, she’s all about relationships, partnerships and deep connections. As a Morning start, she’s much more assertive, aggressive, direct and boss like. Venus parallel Pluto brings some kind of triangle energy into the mix. Notice the three of you get along fine as long as the boundaries are respected. Mercury’s aspect with Juno says every one’s heart is the right place. Watch for old lovers, beloveds and lost loves to return or to right what was wrong.  There is a fast moving health opening up especially around the lungs, kidneys or other filtering devices.  Watch for the energy to strike suddenly and without warning.  A great kidney stone aspect.

Sun’s day Sunday December 22, 2013 Moon in Leo goes void trine to Mercury at 08:26:32 am EST and enters Virgo at 02:19:59 pm EST. Moon is void Sunday morning and early afternoon.  Moon in Virgo has a closing aspect of a trine to Retrograde Venus offering the opportunity for a do-over. If something didn’t go the way you liked the last few weeks, ask for a do-over.  Moon in Virgo is particularly productive at getting last minute Christmas things accomplished. There is a lovely creative aspect that encourages you to try something you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t done yet.  The to-do list clears with amazing speed as Mercury in Fire power shops, cooks, wraps, cleans or whatever… Lots of volatile directed energy.  Hang out and talk to the old folks today.  They want to share memories of their past and history. Invite new ideas.  Suggest changes that are easily made.  It is a big day for small animals to cross over with Mercury inconjunct to Admetos or for health matters to swell within the animal and cause health problems.  Too much snack food?  Too much holiday excitement? Small children can fall sick with tummy aches or a fast acting virus from overdoses on holiday snacks. Take time to be silent and connect with the pets or children. Quiet time spent lying down is often the best solution to the situation. Mercury’s connection to Chiron encourages a gentle touch and  kind heart. It is the most wonderful time of the year…


Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Forward full steam ahead!  Winter Solstice.  Venus goes Retrograde! Uranus stations!  Pay attention to the stories that emerge ~ you’ll be working with them during the Eclipse in April!

Scorpios Talking:  We talked about how to connect with our inner wisdom.

The Mary Anne Show: Nelson Mandela and the people that change the world.

Access Astrology: Anne and Mark talked about Astrology and took calls from listeners as Heather was out of range in Taos!!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!



Anne will be speaking at the Long Island NCGR Chapter on January 10, 2014. Her topic is “Planetary Returns.”  Meetings are open to the public: http://www.lincgr.com/

Anne will be teaching a Palmistry Weekend Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2014 in NYC.  Discounted Rate through December 31, 2013 is $199.  Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop: http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139009504

Anne will be teaching, with Access Astrology, a Chart Reading A to Z Weekend Workshop on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 in NYC. Discounted Rates through Jan 31, 2014 is $220. Full Rate is $250. Register for the Workshop at:  http://www.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2139006705

Anne will be teaching an ISAR Internet Webinar on Relationships on January 19, 2014. Her topic is “Planets as People!”  To register: http://www.isarastrology.com/etapestry    

For Information:  http://www.isarastrology.com/Astrology-World-2014

Anne will be speaking on “Tertiary Progressions” at The Great Lakes Astrology Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan on April 11 to 13, 2014.  Limited in-person consultations are available in Michigan.  To register: http://greatlakesastrology.com/


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com.

Copyright© 2013 A.C. Ortelee