Weekly Weather December 12, 2011

Weekly Weather December 12, 2011

The eclipses are leaving!  The eclipses are leaving!

We will still be emotionally processing the information received for the next two weeks!  We have until Jupiter goes direct on December 25th.  Jupiter is the ruler of the eclipse Sun, and North Node of Our Future as well as Mercury.  Mercury in Sagittarius is in charge of the Moon, Mars and South Node’s ruler ~ the other side of the eclipse.  The South Node is where we are releasing our past and using that releasing energy to propel ourselves and leap forward.

Jupiter, our profound vision of our future and teaching guide for the path opening before us, is in charge of the whole mess of information we’ve been getting since the first week of November. Mercury and Mars are both stationing at 3 mutable aspecting the Solar eclipse’s Sun and Moon. The next five new Moons are at 2 or 3 ~ also aspecting the Solar eclipse’s Sun and Moon. Add Uranus stationing at 0 and turning direct on the world axis during the lunar eclipse as well as aspecting the sensitive degrees of both Mercury’s station and Mars’ upcoming station, 3 Sagittarius and Virgo respectively. We find the Lord of Cosmic Lightning Bolts yelling at us “Did you SEE THAT?” We have a set up for major, major tweaks to our consciousness as well as our live path. Plus Gemini and Sagittarius are unstable signs ~ rapidly switching back and forth between apparent dichotomies and linking them up for us to see how the magic works in our lives.

The universe is ordering us to enlighten ourselves!

Jupiter is going backwards, in fixed Earth Taurus, so when he finally turns direct on Christmas, this eclipse will hit us (at least) one more time like the proverbial ton of bricks. Truth be told, we probably will get five or six more wake up calls as the next five New Moons and Mars’s station are zapping the Solar eclipse degree through mid-April. So watch the Thanksgiving story open up like a flower and recur in your life, again and again and again.

Draw the links between the Thanksgivings or fall seasons of 1992, 1982 and 1973 ~ connect the path with a woven cosmic thread. I received another link of information this week when a client connected me back to fall 1973 in a whoosh of highly emotional energy. It was an amazing parallel and quite profound for me.  Plus I was able to see how much I had grown and changed since my sophomore year in college.  You don’t have to DO anything with the information you are receiving except let it bath you in remembering energy. Sit and let it pour over your head.

I had my reaction and flashback to 1973 when I thought about the reading afterwards ~ suddenly I was 19 years old again and trying to figure out what to do.  Yet here in the current time, at age 57, I am saying “wow! AMAZING!”  That is the beauty of eclipses and the Nodes of Karma and Fate ~ they open these portals to our past and suddenly we are time transported back again. OR sometimes eclipses open portals to our future in the form of dreams (haven’t your dreams been amazing lately?) or by granting us a sense of deja vu.  Ride the portal energy forward and backward at will ~ lasso the memories and look for patterns in them.

I have a fairly addictive chart ~ so I watch out for addictions to occur and insert themselves in my life. Lately, I’ve been getting into online puzzles and it qualifies as a new addiction! It started innocently enough ~ a client emailed me a Jacqui Lawson Advent Calendar. As the calendar arrived early, there was a puzzle to play with before Advent began. Each puzzle piece fell into place with a satisfying click sound. Suddenly, I am a puzzle addict. Do you know how many online puzzles there are? Admittedly, some of my fondest childhood memories are of sitting over a puzzle spread out on a card table, solving it as it rained outside while chatting with my companion puzzle solver.

The puzzle symbolism is not lost on me either ~ we are at a puzzle assembling cosmic time as Mars is in Virgo ~ little pieces of our life will come together in surprising ways over the next 8 months. We’ll discover what that gadget that we got is actually GOOD for and obsessively play with it. Or, like Alec Baldwin, we’ll refuse to put down our addictive word game and get kicked off the airplane. Gather your various puzzle pieces together, combine them and start twisting the pieces around to see how they interlock with each other.  What addictive thing did the Universe bring into your life with the eclipse to get you twirling your hair and going a bit mad trying to solve it?  Sit in the energy and obsess a bit.

Venus squares Saturn in an opening square offering us a test of what we want. She joined with Saturn on Rosh Hashanah, September 29th, starting the story we are testing now. Think back to that last week of September to see part two taking place this week. Venus, the principle of desire, fascination and love is running into challenges and roadblocks from the big ringed fellow. Saturn is saying “No, not so fast…. You have to work a bit harder to get this dream of yours to take root.

Mercury stations to turn and go direct this week at 3 Sagittarius offering us a bit of escape energy. It has been a strong and solid Mercury retrograde with many people reporting all sorts of backwards motions and odd occurrences. Pay attention to the people who have appeared in your life. You still have until January 1st for Mercury to leave his shadow and shift out of the retrograde story so Christmas will have Mercury retrograde stories to report.

Mercury stopping in Sagittarius asks us to focus on the duality that is inherent in our lives and philosophize a bit.  He notices the way we talk to ourselves, the way we think about our lives and our inner self talk ~ cheerleading and positive or negative and down beat. There is a tendency to go “negative” rather than towards the positive focus.  But IF we focus negative, we spiral down into the abyss.

“The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.



More to come

Copyright © 2011 A.C. Ortelee

Sometimes it’s worth getting up at 3:30am and driving over to San Francisco just to make a photograph”, says Howard Brainen, creator of Two Cat Digital in San Leandro, CA.  This is a “stacked” image made up of 13 different exposures done over a one hour period. Howard and his wife, Marsha, spent a lot of time planning this out in terms of where to be in order to get the eclipsing moon over the bridge. They ended up against the seawall just west of the St. Francis Yacht Club. This is next to the Crissy Field center on the San Francisco bay.  Enjoy!