Weekly Weather December 12, 2005 to December 18, 2005
Mars starts to move forward, slowly, very slowly, but finally he’s moving again. Mars moves towards a square with retrograde Saturn in Leo on December 27, 2005, catches Jupiter on January 14, 2006 and makes a loose fixed cross with Neptune. The tension caused by Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will continue to build AND we’ll start to feel less blocked. Mars is moving again, even if still trapped in a traffic jam. Remember those lurches when you first learned to drive a car with a clutch? You had to figure out how to move your feet properly after a full stop and how to NOT roll backwards on a hill into the car behind you? You stalled out. You revved the engine. You popped the clutch. You lurched. You stopped. You started again. But at least you were moving! While you may not LIKE the events in the week ahead, I predict you’ll feel you are moving.
Our week features oodles of planetary activity. If the aspects were better we might actually enjoy it. J We certainly won’t be bored! Mercury re-enters the sign of his fall, Sagittarius, contraparallels Saturn, sextiles Chiron, quintiles Neptune, and squares Uranus, repeating his aspects from early last month to flesh out the balance of the story. Venus sashays into Aquarius, changing our karmic south node’s energy from conservative, grounded, hang on forever, practical earth to cold hearted, detached, know it all, chatty air as she approaches Chiron in Aquarius. Venus starts to slow down, grinding her considerable energy like a spiked heel into Chiron’s ankle, stimulating his wound when he jumps away as she prepares for her retrograde station Christmas Eve. There is a fairly ominous full moon with pretty icky aspects, including another Finger of God, a grand trine in fire, and our continuing traffic jam in the fixed signs on Thursday. Sun joins his fire energy with Pluto 12 hours after the full moon. Saturn and Jupiter, involved in the Yod, aspect the karmic nodes AND perfect their square to each other on Friday.
So think of the week ahead as either one of those giant, bright red, juicy, achy pimples on your nose, a festering boil on your neck, an enormous blister on your heel or a polynodal cyst coming to a head. We can pop it. We can lance it. We can put hot compresses on to urge it along. We can let nature take her slow, inevitable course. We know the fluid pressure will release before our healing can begin. Get ready. It’ll come to a head this week, probably near the full moon. But maybe earlier if you start poking or picking.
Monday, Moon in Taurus has harsh aspects to Saturn and Neptune as Mercury changes signs into Sagittarius. People will have a tendency to say too much today or let slip what is going to happen later in the week. Ceres receives difficult aspects from Neptune and Chiron, suggesting we feel like homeless, motherless orphans. TODAY WE ARE ORPHANS. We have to take care of ourselves today. You haven’t done all this work on yourself to go back sliding now! Stand up straight. Be still. Go to a 12 step meeting. Read inspirational verse. Take to your bed. Go for a run. You are allowed a mental health day! You MUST nurture yourself. No one else will.
Tuesday, Mercury is busy so yesterday’s Saturn blues seem a bit abated. Not gone, just less. Venus quintiles the North node right at the penultimate degree of Capricorn suggesting an up tick in the alone energy as you soldier on. That pimple is starting to hurt. Uranus squaring Pallas suggests a sudden argument with a smart woman or legal matter resurfacing. Be careful of being blindsided.
Wednesday, the skin on the blister moves when you poke at it. The white part of the boil starts to appear. You remember your mother saying “Leave it alone or you’ll have a scar.” Moon in Gemini just can’t leave it alone. Pick, pick, pick. Worry, worry, worry. Obsess, obsess, obsess.
Thursday, Venus moves into Aquarius and kicks Chiron with her spiky heel. The full moon occurs near Pluto and an hour later, Moon opposes Pluto before going void for the rest of the day. The last aspect of the day is Sun joined to Pluto. A new cycle begins as the old cycle ends. Saturn says to hell with the scar and goes to the bathroom to pick in the mirror under good light. It pops. A bit of blood appears. As Saturn rides the energy of the north node in Aries, with Mars in Taurus moving forward, please know the old karma releases just like that pimple, boil, or cyst ruptured. Once karma ruptures, you heal.
Friday, Moon in Cancer makes easy aspects to Uranus, Mars and Neptune suggesting you are on your way, even if you are feeling rather emotional about the whole matter. Jupiter makes cranky aspects to the nodes, suggesting over the top emotions that have trouble making up their mind. Yep, it sure is UGLY. Now, what are you going to do if you have a scar because you picked at it? So, you’ll have a scar! Think of it as a war wound. You made it!
Saturday, if possible, it is even uglier. You are definitely going to have a scar. But it feels better. Rub ointment on it. There is good news and bad news as Jupiter leaves his square to Saturn. Way back in May 28, 2000, Jupiter joined with Saturn at, yep, you guessed it, 22 Taurus. Now, we have the first of three opening squares to that 2000 Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. Square two is June 22, 2006 and Square three is October 25, 2006. It’s an interesting square as Saturn is retrograde now. Jupiter will be retrograde for the June square. Both Saturn and Jupiter will be direct, at yep, you guessed it 23 Scorpio/Leo, for the October 25 square.
Hopefully, the karma dissolved and clears for you at THIS square. But if it doesn’t clear, you still have June 22 and October 25 next year. No whining. I know I’ve been saying you had to wait until March. However, Saturn says March will ONLY happen if you work hard now. Saturn is the boss. Did you do your date and calendar homework last week? If not, do it now! There is still time. The whole point of studying the heavens is to use energy consciously to help your evolution. Make sure to tie in 1982/83‘s story. The Sun makes helpful aspects to Saturn and Jupiter to light up your karmic growth point with a giant strobe light IF you do your homework. And no, it doesn’t matter that the moon is void all day long. Actually, the void moon will probably help. Do your homework.
Sunday, Mercury squares Uranus. Perhaps your eureka moment? If not, reread your dates and calendar. Then take yourself out for a Leo moon adventure. Do something that makes your heart sing happily and your sun shine. Engaging the Leo moon will push her opposition aspect to Aquarius Venus to get that Libra South Node going. Venus sitting on Chiron should pop that old wound right to the surface for healing. See? It wasn’t so hard. Now you have to heal. And, it won’t scar either!
The bullfight continues: Heart pounding in his ears, the weary, dusty, battered BULL turns slowly, as Mars starts to go direct in Taurus. Once more, BULL faces his tormentors. His flesh, cut and bleeding, cries out with each step he takes. Small knives stabbed into his shoulders, flank and chest, rustle and move with each labored breath. The knives sting with singing, searing pain and remind him of ALL his previous FAILURES. He’s failed. He failed to impale that strange red creature wiggling and waving in front of him. That snapping RED is SO skilled, and so fast. BULL hasn’t been able to catch or stop RED. And, with every step, BULL feels RED’s arrows piercing deeper into his wounded flesh, sending rage and adrenalin through his muscles. His ears hurt from the sound of the crowd roaring and shouting for death. He’s been trying to kill RED. BULL wishes the noise would stop. A streamlet of his blood breaks free from an eyebrow dam and flows into his right eye. Temporarily blinded by his own life force, BULL shakes his head, attempting to clear his diminishing, clouded, red washed vision. The sweet iron scent of blood enters his nostrils. He bellows. He moves his head left and right. Below BULL’s tired body, his blood drips, pools, congeals and forms eddies in the loose dust, creating valleys and hills of bloody anguish. BULL JUST wants to go back to his field, eat sweet clover and bask in the sunshine. How the hell did he get here?
Some how, some way BULL’s stuck in the middle of a dirty, death smelling, place, surrounded on all sides by loud, strange, screaming faces. DEATH, DEATH, DEATH they chant. As BULL pauses, he notices, for the first time, a small dancing demon that glitters and sparkles, standing next to his enemy, RED. It must be an optical illusion. BULL never noticed the dancing demon before. BULL is losing his mind! Where is his shade tree, stream, and beloved fence post to scratch against? BULL keeps charging at RED and missing, charging and missing. Where have his fighting skills gone? RED should be dead already! Except RED seems to be winning. RED is still snapping in the wind just like when they started fighting. RED isn’t winded or tired. BULL is SO tired! Exhausted! Enemy RED keeps sticking him with knives of pain every time he gets near RED. Does RED feel pain the way BULL feels pain? Is BULL’s blood like RED’s blood? It looks like RED is completely covered with blood yet RED seems so happy, perky, not tired and free of pain. How can RED feel no pain?! A fleeting memory of an old pig in the barnyard of his youth comes, unbidden, to his mind. Why would he think of that smelly, old pig now? The pig told a story about a woman with snakes in her hair. Pig heard the story from a wise spider named Charlotte. The snake lady turned warriors to stone if they charged at her directly. The warrior who took a different approach, well, HE didn’t get killed or turned into stone. Wasn’t that the story? Perhaps BULL should try a DIFFERENT approach on his next charge? Maybe take out that small dancing demon who seems to be RED’s friend? Show RED he means business! Might work. Might not. BULL has nothing to lose by trying a new tactic or another strategy. The old way isn‘t working too well. BULL paws the ground, shakes his head, snorts, and squares his shoulders, preparing to charge again. Blood droplets arc away from his aching body, spattering the earth below him. BULL’s blood forms a reflection, a constellation of red blood stars in a dust sky of a strange, brown earthen Milky Way. What advice do the blood droplet stars whisper to BULL just before he begins to move again toward RED and the dancing demon?
We each have a unique opportunity for our stories to have different endings. What do you want? How do you want your story to end? Do your homework.
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee