Weekly Weather August 25, 2014

Weekly Weather August 25, 2014

starting gun 

















A very powerful week, with profound energies, awaits us.  A New Moon combined with Mars and Saturn meeting to start a new two year cycle starts the week off with a bang of “gotta get it done NOW” energy!!  No time to waste!  The heavens hold three Fingers of God, two Grand Trines in Water, a passel of action oriented t-squares, 4 kites, a mystic rectangle, a focused Yod,  a double Yod key and a square key.  That much “stuff” going on over our head, sets the New Moon and Mars/Saturn conjunction off with a starting gun “BANG”!  We are off and moving!


The New Moon at 2 :18 Virgo and the Mars/Saturn union at 17:40 Scorpio are incredibly active configurations taking place at 10:13 am EDT and 3:30 pm EDT respectively.  We start 30 day, 2 ½ year (both New Moon) and 2 year (Mars/Saturn) and 29 year (Saturn) cycles respectively.  The initiating charts describe the energy we’ll be working with for the next period as the charts’ “promise” and “potential” unfolds in our life.  Take this energy and use it wisely as it wants to create, expand and change the world.  In astrological event charts, I leave the angles out as the aspects patterns with angles don’t apply to other places in the world.  These charts have powerful energies without involving angles suggesting the events that take place starting this week are going to affect broad swaths of human lives and history, including yours.











Helpfully, the Sabian Image for the New Moon is TWO GUARDIAN ANGELS BRINGING PROTECTION.  That means to remember there is HELP available if you ASK for it.  I do quite a bit of work with the angelic realms, especially with clients having trouble with their world and needing non-physical support to get through difficult passages.  Each day of the week and area of life has an angel assigned to take care of matters in that realm. There is an angel assigned to every degree of the zodiac.  Requesting help from the angelic realm is a very, very clean and safe form of astrological magic ~ angels don’t do anything that hurts the other guy or causes bad karma or back spill on the person asking for help. Angels can step in and help us, in very surprising ways.  We all have them ~ starting with our guardian angel ~ and moving on up through the Nine levels (Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels).  Archangels and angels are specifically assigned to help humans.  They can help you if you ask. They can’t help UNLESS we ask (or if it is a life threatening situation) due to Free Will.  I particularly like David Goddard’s book, The Sacred Magic of the Angels, with clean, easy to follow instructions on invoking their assistance.

This week, with the powerful energies afoot, I encourage you to take time for a quiet ritual on Monday (after 3:30 pm EDT) or Tuesday to invoke the angelic energies around Virgo Matters and on Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday Morning to invoke the angelic energies around Libra matters.


Virgo matters include: Work attitudes, health, habits, employment, employees, tenants, servants, co-workers, pets, dependents, service given to others, routine matters, clothes & how you wear clothes, hygiene, interest in food & diet, sickness, conditions affecting your health, aunts uncles, unconscious mind, high school years, apprenticeships, food, small animals, solar plexus, bowels, productivity, illness, healing, nutrition, food preparation, food served, tools, analysis, coping with stress, chores, duties, your feelings about employment, work output, applied discipline to self improvement, dedication, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, body functions, discipline, body cleansing, celibacy, bread, magic, harvest, criteria, and skills.


Libra matters include: Business and marital partners, marriage, divorce, contracts, lawsuits, bargains, agreements, dealings with the public, public’s response to you, open enemies, cooperation with others, lack of cooperation, what you most lack in your self, attitudes towards marriage, your mate, kind and quality of your marriages, how many marriages, grandparents, people who act as your agent or on your behalf, public relations, unions, kidneys, ovaries, lower half of back, participation, interaction, oppositions, sharing, competition, compromise, fairness, others return what they feel you deserve,  reconciliation, equality, alternatives, obstruction, blockages, withdrawal, behavior, manners, etiquette, social skills, how others help you or fight you, peace, harmony, tolerating differences, virtues, bitchiness, and law suits

As we are starting Major cycles around the Virgo and Libra areas of our lives, it is always helpful to focus your intentions and thoughts.  All creation begins with the idea ~ the thought ~ the vibration.  All a ritual does is focus your intention toward what you want to create in your life.   (Libra area is wrapping up a 2 year cycle that began on August 15, 2012 and thus transferring that story into the next conjunction)

A quiet angel ritual is quite easy to do… it happens in front of you at every mass, service, funeral or christening you attend.  Light a candle.  Sit quietly.  I like to light 4 extra candles for each direction and invite the directions and the elements to join in a peaceful and supportive manner~ East/Air, South/Fire, West/Water, and North/Earth.  Start with your own guardian angel.  Ask Archangel Raphael to come.  Make your request for assistance ~ with your move, your job search, your novel getting published, your whatever you are moving towards…  Raphael is the messenger angel ~ good Virgo/Gemini energy ~ and he’ll deliver your request to the appropriate angel(s) needed.  You’ll feel the energy shift, the candle will change, something will happen to let you know that you’ve been heard. Thank the angels, the elements and directions for helping you, close the circle and blow out the candles.



Planetary Highlights


Sun goes from 1:15 degrees Virgo to 8:55 degrees Virgo.  Sun is in Virgo bringing dedicated, focused, detailed and harvest oriented work.  Pay attention to all the new energy swirling around your world this week. A New Moon takes place on Monday morning, starting a 30 day and 2 ½ year cycle connecting to May 25, 2015, February 22, 2016, and November 21, 2016 for longer plans and projects. Clarity comes when Sun clears Neptune ~ as well as a new focus on dreams. Sun’s aspect to the Nodes Thursday invites a stressful choice that needs to be made.  Virgo runs on nervous energy ~ when stressed out, hum or sing a song ~ it makes the stress go away.


Mercury goes from 15:56 degrees Virgo to 27:20 degrees Virgo.  Mercury is flying through Virgo at a quick pace, almost two degrees per day.  He makes LOTS of aspects this week that encourage you to take copious notes and make detailed plans.  He forms a fast-moving Finger of God with Uranus, Saturn and Mars.  Expect to have an ah-moment.  Or a wow! Wow! WOW! Wowsa Experience!  Stressful choices on Tuesday about how to proceed… once made, you are golden. Partnerships and relationships adjust on Thursday tied to jealousy.


Venus goes from 14:56 degrees Leo to 23:34 degrees Leo.  Venus finishes her Finger of God with Chiron and the Nodes of Destiny ~ relationships are shifting, shifting, shifting. Her trine to Uranus helps you see the freedom found in love while her square to Saturn encourages you to set boundaries on love, money and relationships.  Things have to change.  Her square to Mars sets a bit of squabble energy into the heavens but permits clarity.  Her trine to the South Node invites you back into bad old habits… you’ve worked too hard to slip backwards now.  Make it a one day event if you MUST, then back on the new track.  She’s setting boundaries at the end of  the week and changing patterns/ work habits to allow more of what she wants.


Mars goes from 16:52 degrees Scorpio to 21:15 degrees Scorpio.  Mars finishes the Finger of  God and starts a New Two year cycle when he joins with Saturn at 3:30 EDT Monday. He knows where he wants to go and he has a plan, even if he’s not sure how to actually go about the plan.


Jupiter goes from 8:35 degrees Leo to 10:03 degrees Leo.  Jupiter heals an old wound ~ or at least helps you understand what it is for.  Scars are wounds with interesting stories….


Saturn goes from 17:36 degrees Scorpio to 18:01 degrees Scorpio.  Saturn is still quiet this week, separating from Uranus.  Their orb separation is 2 degrees and 8 minutes.  After Mars and Mercury set off their inconjunct by forming a Finger of God on Monday, the energy starts to abate.


Uranus goes from 16:04 degrees Aries to 15:53 degrees Aries (retrograde).  Uranus is the apex of a fast-moving Finger of God between Mercury in Virgo and Mars and Saturn in Scorpio.  Uranus gets a solid hit of energy on Monday when Mars and Mercury set off the Finger of God with Uranus getting the smack. He’s also receiving a lot of energy from his inconjunct to Saturn.


Neptune goes from 6:20 degrees Pisces to 6:08 degrees Pisces (retrograde).  Neptune receives the energetic hit of his Finger of God from Pallas (and Jupiter last week).  Time to see the patterns in your dreams and work on them.  Creative projects take off on this week… say yes even if you aren’t sure how to do them.  Health matters proceed and take a positive turn.


Pluto goes from 11:12 degrees Capricorn to 11:07 degrees Capricorn (retrograde).  Pluto is quiet this week but may make some supported and gentle changes around the home and hearth on Wednesday.  Partnerships experience triangles on Friday… open it up to a higher version of power. No keeping secrets.  You’ve come too far.


Chiron is quiet this week.


Vesta works on physical or emotional healing around the home.


Pallas Athena separates from how she is nurtured. You have to take a new approach to food, family and home to get things to change. .. Embrace the patterns you’ve noticed and shift away…


Ceres argues with Pallas Athena ~ you have to change your patterns to get a different result. But you knew that. Time to change it up!


Juno is quiet this week.


Hygeia is out of bounds and working with envy this week… envy around illness… should be an interesting manifestation.


Admetos stations to go retrograde on Aug 28, 2014 at 29°Ta03′.  Expect beheadings and permanent endings. 


Sedna stations to go retrograde on Aug 25, 2014 at 24°Ta56′.  Deep and profound emotions surface. You aren’t in the mood to be subservient any more.  




Void Moons in the Week Ahead:  When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.  Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns.  Kick back, let life flow, and center yourself.  Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.


Moon enters Virgo at 5:53 am EDT on Monday, August 25.  New Moon in Virgo at 10:13 am EDT on Monday.  The Virgo Moon goes void on Tuesday, August 26 at 10:29 pm EDT, with a closing conjunction to Mercury.  Moon is void Tuesday night and during the day on Wednesday.


Moon enters Libra at 5:54 pm EDT on Wednesday, August 27.  The Libra Moon goes void Friday, August 29 at 12:00 noon EDT, with a closing sextile to Venus.  Moon is void Friday afternoon and Friday night.


Moon enters Scorpio at 4:53 am EDT on Saturday, August 30.  The Scorpio Moon goes void on Monday, September 1 at 12:00 pm Noon EDT, with a closing sextile to Mercury.



For those of you feeling at the end of your rope, unclear where to go or what to do but knowing a major change is required of you, the song below holds a message.  You can stand still and wait for clarity~ it comes. It will come.  Neptune clears the Sun after the end of this week.  Don’t give up!


In this proud land we grew up strong
We were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail

No fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I’ve changed my face, I’ve changed my name
But no-one wants you when you lose

Don’t give up
‘cos you have friends
Don’t give up
You’re not beaten yet
Don’t give up
I know you can make it good

Though I saw it all around
Never thought that I could be affected
Thought that we’d be last to go
It is so strange the way things turn

Drove the night toward my home
The place that I was born, on the lakeside
As daylight broke, I saw the earth
The trees had burned down to the ground

Don’t give up
You still have us
Don’t give up
We don’t need much of anything
Don’t give up
’cause somewhere there’s a place
Where we belong
Rest your head
You worry too much
It’s going to be alright
When times get rough
You can fall back on us
Don’t give up
Please don’t give up

Got to walk out of here
I can’t take any more
Going to stand on that bridge
Keep my eyes down below
Whatever may come
And whatever may go
That river’s flowing
That river’s flowing

Moved on to another town
Tried hard to settle down
For every job, so many men
So many men no-one needs

Don’t give up
’cause you have friends
Don’t give up
You’re not the only one
Don’t give up
No reason to be ashamed
Don’t give up
You still have us
Don’t give up now
We’re proud of who you are
Don’t give up
You know its never been easy
Don’t give up
’cause I believe there’s a place
There’s a place where we belong


new moon aug beg 2014

















archangel raphael










Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:

Commentary: ‘Two Guardian Angels Bringing Protection’ is a beautiful Symbol that brings to mind images of salvation, release and protection. Being there for us, ‘Guardian Angels’ are believed to look out for our best interests, especially when we most need them. This is particularly true when we feel we are about to stumble or fall in some way. Our ‘Guardian Angels’ are with us even if we don’t have a conscious awareness of their existence or presence, although if we do consciously evoke them, they are likely to be more “present” or obvious to us, in whatever form.


Oracle: This Symbol reminds us that no matter what we do, where we are, how difficult our struggles or how successful our activities, our ‘Angels’ are always with us. ‘Guardian Angels’ appear in many forms – as strangers, friends, family members, even as events, etc. They can come to us in moments of deep despair, when all seems lost and we feel abandoned and alone. Their messages and actions can signal a turning point, a feeling that life is well worth the struggles and torments we have to sometimes endure. With this Symbol, there is reassurance that you are not alone, lost or forgotten in a situation, at least not for very long. There is a strong sense that protection; guidance and direction are around. Hold a feeling close to your mind and heart; the belief that invisible, or visible, help is coming. This will ensure that help and relief will, indeed, become available. Remember that friends and family can often help, especially in the role of acting as sounding boards or counselors. Once things are back on track, it is likely you will find the true path that you must follow. Feeling good about your direction and being protected builds a sense of your inner strength. You are never alone when you draw this Symbol-open up to the ‘Protection’ being offered to you, don’t resist it.


Keywords: Connection with a sense of inner guidance. Visible or invisible protection. People appearing when they’re needed. Being saved in the nick of time. Creative solutions to problems that seemed hopeless and lost. Counseling and guidance. Angels. Security systems. Salvation. Social workers. The


Caution: Feeling lost and alone without help. Losing faith in the goodness of life. Expecting that fate, or others, will pick up the pieces without putting in the effort. Resisting help in order to hang onto your “wounds”. Too much reliance on outside forces. Not acting to change things. Victim status.


Angels around us, angels beside us, angels within us. Angels are watching over you when times are good or stressed. Their wings wrap gently around you, whispering you are loved and blessed. Angel Blessing


There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein


 I’m aware that people I have loved and have died and are in the spirit world look after me. Princess of Wales Diana


Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you… Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs. Saint Francis de Sales


We forget to pray for the Angels and the Angels forget to pray for us. Leonard Cohen


We are like children, who stand in need of masters to enlighten us and direct us; and God has provided for this, by appointing his angels to be our teachers and guides. Saint Thomas Aquinas





Moon day Monday August 25, 2014  Moon enters Virgo at 5:53 am EDT on Monday, August 25.  New Moon in Virgo at 10:13 am EDT on Monday.  The Virgo Moon goes void with a closing conjunction to Mercury. There’s a New Moon in Virgo today.  This is probably one of the more important days of your life.  I know, it just looks like a regular Monday, but it’s NOT!  Today we have a number of exceptionally powerful aspects that will set the course of our life for years to come.  Take the time to focus, pay attention, and initiate activities that you want to grow, expand, and develop in your life!  If you can’t do it today, the next couple days count too, but today is when it starts.  This morning’s New Moon at 10:13 am EDT is all about creating habits, rituals, and routines, as well as enhancing your work life.  Pets too! Later in the day, Mars and Saturn meet to start a new two-year cycle around the work you want to do in the world, as well as what you have to do to serve your karmic purpose.  Today should offer you an opportunity on some level to step forward towards your dream, whatever it is!  If you want to be an actor or actress, and you have the opportunity to go to an open call, GO! If you want to write a book, create the title page today! Take firm and concise, precise steps towards whatever you want to do.  Often a day like this happens unconsciously, but in hindsight we look back and realize it was an important day.  Now, with the gift of astrology, you know to pay attention in advance.  In fact, this whole week is very important, because Saturn now has enough space from Uranus to officially end his inconjunct.  It will be 46 years until the two big guys do this again in 2060 (aren’t you happy to hear THAT news?)! Mercury and Mars are both setting off Saturn this week after setting off Uranus last week and today.  They are delivering important messages to you and the rest of the world about what we’re going to focus on for the next two years (Mars/Saturn conjunction) . . . and probably longer, because Saturn is asking us to put down roots for what we want to commit to over the next 29 years.  Venus weighs in today with a trine to Uranus, bringing an unexpected bit of news as she sets off the Finger of God in the sky.  Venus also reminds us of our sadness ~ choices and changes bring the sad to the surface.  Tomorrow Venus squares Saturn, making a serious moment in the bustle of the changes before us. We’re at a moment of profound, profound choice.  It’s important to choose towards what you love, and not make a choice based on fear.  Sure, you might be a little nervous – these are anxiety-producing aspects after all!  But don’t be afraid to get to work on your dream today with positive action towards it.  Stand tall and shout your dreams to the sky… or whisper them into your dog’s back… the universe is listening.  Sedna stations so we can expect big news of sacrifice or sadness or about the oceans. Neptune gently adjusts our dreams to push us forward.  Happiness (or deep, deep sadness) reigns tonight as a new cycle begins with the Moon opposite Neptune.


Mars day Tuesday August 26, 2014    The Virgo Moon goes void at 10:29 pm EDT, with a closing conjunction to Mercury.  Moon is void Tuesday night and during the day on Wednesday.  Moon in Virgo encourages us to continue our work apace and take positive actions during the day, as she trines Pluto and sextiles both Mars and Saturn.  Now the MOON is involved in that lovely Finger of God with Uranus as the Apex on the South Node of Destiny.  Important, important choices are taking place! Venus has a square to Saturn today, suggesting that you have to make some kind of choice around relationships and what’s important to you.  This is a psychological aspect that asks you what the deeper meaning of relationship si. Again, we’re dealing with very powerful and fateful aspects in the sky that in hindsight mark a profound turning point.  The beauty of astrology is that it’s saying to you, today and yesterday are both VERY important.  Really make sure to work on your dream and your vision of your life and path.  Venus’ aspect to Pluto encourages a bold and brave dream of love and hope. Mars and Jupiter make you jump out of bed this morning.  Neptune’s working with the creative energies asking how to flow toward or with your dream…. What needs to shift and release? What needs to flow away? Mercury asks you a riddle today ~ focus on the answer closest to your heart!  He’s going to make adjustments based on what you answer.


Wednesday Mercury’s day August 27, 2014 Moon is void during the day on Wednesday in Virgo.  Moon enters Libra at 5:54 pm EDT. The Libra Moon goes void Friday with a closing sextile to Venus.  The Moon is void all day today, allowing you to catch up on routine work and process the various changes from the last two days.  Void Virgo Moons are terrific for getting lots of odds and ends done.   Long void Moons often happen after experiences where we had a profound experience.  They invite us to take time to integrate the experience into our being and escape from our to-do daily life.  Take time today to focus on the how…Neptune links up with Ceres inviting you to add a new health regime into your life.  Me, I am going swimming again!  Woo-hoo!  Time to get the broken now healed foot back into the pool!  Pluto’s sextile to Vesta pushes you to make changes around the house… time to move out the old and make way for the new!  Great time to set up new house routines.  Sun’s contra-parallel to Ceres suggests you might have to change your diet or your way of life to fit the new world order coming into your life. Great day for a cleanse!  Venus’ square to Mars pushes us to re-solve or re-argue an old issue around relationships.  Take time to focus on what is truly important to you.  Banish what no longer works.


Jupiter’s Day Thursday August 28, 2014 Moon is in Libra and goes void with a closing sextile to Venus.  Moon in Libra has productive aspects with Jupiter, inviting you to expand your relationships, your contacts, and your connections, and make plans for the future – especially in areas of relationship, playful connections, partnerships or creation.  We often forget how important our relationships are in our life. We take them for granted.  We assume they will always be there or know how we feel about them. Take time to appreciate the loves in your life.  Tell them you love them. Do something loving and generous with them.  It doesn’t have to be big ~ deliver a cup of coffee to their desk. Today and tomorrow are excellent days to rededicate and refocus on your loved ones.  You want that love to integrate into your plan for the next 29 years too!  Moon’s square to Pluto towards the end of the day indicates a bit of jealousy or a problem with someone feeling left out or left behind.  It actually probably  is time for them (or you) to grow up a little.  No coddling them.  Appreciate them. Be grateful. But allow them to have their space. For you to be able to do what you need to do, a change needs to happen in this relationship.  We need to focus on what we want to GROW in our lives! Venus aspects the Nodes of Fate inviting us to state our intentions of a Venus nature clearly!  Our love goddess is listening carefully!  Admetos stations and turns retrograde… more than the summer is ending this weekend.  Watch for where you want to spend your life. An unexpected opportunity can arrive because someone leaves or quits.  Jump on it!


Friday Venus’s Day August 29, 2014 The Libra Moon goes void at 12:00 noon EDT, with a closing sextile to Venus.  We get an early start on the long holiday weekend that marks the end of the summer.  How did it get to be Labor Day already?  Moon is void Friday afternoon and Friday night.   Moon goes void at noon with a sextile to Venus, encouraging love, connection, relationship, and partnerships with people you want in your life.  Last night’s dreams were full of action as Mars aspected the Nodes stressfully ~ choices, choices, choices.  No more subservient or losing yourself to others.  Time to claim your life. Sun opposes Neptune, allowing you to see your life clearly, from a new perspective, without the old blinders on.  A unique moment of clarity arrives which illuminates the steps ahead. Yes you can do it!  See the patterns and give yourself permission to change them just a teeny-tiny bit.  Pluto’s opposition to Juno invites triangles, drams and problems into your life and your relationships.  Open that triangle up to include all ~ makes it much cleaner and clearer.  Get everyone in the room and hash it out.   fast moving squabble around sacrifices made or expected erupts, seemingly out of nowhere… Ah but it’s been on their mind for a while!  Nip that cold in the bud by going to sleep early tonight.


Saturn’s Day Saturday August 30, 2014 Moon enters Scorpio at 4:53 am EDT.  The Scorpio Moon goes void on Monday, September 1 at 12:00 pm Noon EDT, with a closing sextile to Mercury.   Moon in Scorpio works productively with Neptune and the Sun, encouraging a new approach to your dreams and inviting you to understand psychologically on a new level how you have come to find yourself in this place.  The Moon’s closing aspect of a sextile to Mercury allows you to integrate the changes you want in you life over Labor Day weekend.  Venus’ contra-parallel to Saturn echoes Tuesday’s square to Saturn.  Psychologically, we are up for some needed boundaries around our work, being and life. Take time to think about the changes you’d like to make. It is your life to live… not their life. Jupiter’s bi-quintile to Chiron offers healing and understanding about where to go next. Your new tribe is arriving soon ~ or you are going to meet your new tribe soon. Anticipation! Venus’ trine to Eris tonight introduces some envy or jealousy into the mix.  Own it. Claim it. Be grateful for it.


Sun’s day Sunday August 31, 2014  Moon is in Scorpio and goes void on Monday, September 1 at 12:00 pm Noon EDT, with a closing sextile to Mercury. Last night dreams were full of difficult or stressful energies ~ trying to get you to the next space.  Do you know what you need to leave behind?  Sun pushes you to move toward what you are supposed to create.  See where patterns are shifting. Moon links up with Mars and occults Saturn adding emotional heft to the energy and decisions that took place earlier in the week.  A bit of jealousy  can be part of the picture today ~ all for a good reason.  Mercury’s contra-parallel to Chiron invites you to shift how you tell the story of your life… make yourself the hero or heroine of your journey.  It is your life. You are your home on earth.



Anne’s Four Radio Shows and Two Recommended Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via iTunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  Last week, Blogtalkradio had a bit of excitement and was unable to release my show… so I re-recorded the show on Wednesday when it became clear that they were unable to fix it… Thanks to all who wrote and patiently tried to get the recording to work.  This week we ROCKET forward with a brand new Moon and a Mars/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio.  Oodles of frustrated energy BREAKS FREE this week!!!  Four Fingers of God, A Hammer of Thor,  a grand cross and a mystic rectangle.  That means lots of choices…not all of them easy.  Take responsibility for your dreams.  Forward to your life!

Scorpios Talking:  We are off on vacation until after Labor Day.  Back on Thursday September 4.

The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne will be back on Monday August 25.

Access Astrology: Anne slept.  Heather talked. Mark vacationed!

Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.

CG Jung Speaks! There are great readings from Jung! Tune in!  Kendrick Norris, Ph.D. reads excerpts from Jung.  Working on individuating? Listen in!


Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com.



Copyright© 2014 A.C. Ortelee