Weekly Weather August 12, 2013
“You’ve got to just follow your heart and do your best work … There is no doubt in my mind or heart that everything I’ve done is exactly what I intended to do.” ~ Dan Fogelberg 8/15/51 to 12/16/2007
Early Perseid by Black
Part of the Plan
I have these moments
All steady and strong
I’m feeling so holy and humble
The next thing I know
I’m all worried and weak
And I feel myself
Starting to crumble.
The meanings get lost
And the teachings get tossed
And you don’t know what you’re
Going to do next.
You wait for the sun
But it never quite comes
Some kind of message comes
Through to you.
Some kind of message comes through.
And it says to you…
Love when you can
Cry when you have to…
Be who you must
That’s a part of the plan
Await your arrival
With simple survival
And one day we’ll all understand…
I had a woman
Who gave me her soul
But I wasn’t ready to
Take it.
Her heart was so fragile
And heavy to hold
And I was afraid I might
Break it.
Your conscience awakes
And you see your mistakes
And you wish someone
Would buy your confessions.
The days miss their mark
And the night gets so dark
And some kind of message
Comes through to you
Some kind of message
Shoots through —
Love when you can
Cry when you have to…
Be who you must
That’s a part of the plan
Await your arrival
With simple survival
And one day we’ll all understand…
There is no Eden or
Heavenly gates
That you’re gonna make it to
One day
But all of the answers you seek
Can be found
In the dreams that you dream
On the way.
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
It is a relatively quiet week.
On Wednesday, there is a fast moving Finger of God with Mercury as the Apex and Pluto and Chiron as the legs. Time to change behaviors that don’t work for you… or at least take a different approach. You can also just STOP IT!
On Friday, Venus enters Libra for 26 days of creating relationships, forming connections and inspiring love. Relationships start feeling fun again!
Also on Friday, Jupiter trines and sextiles the Nodes of Fate. Jupiter sends his energy and the energy of the Grand Trine in Water into the Nodes. Jupiter is starting to pull away from his buddies Saturn and Neptune. He deposits HIS part of the energy on Friday. Saturn and Neptune will follow in the fall. Make sure you take action on the direction(s) you want Jupiter to expand in your life so he knows what to do for you! The heavens are waiting, listening and paying attention!
Mars is still in Cancer so every time the Moon changes, we change how we take action as Mars the planet of action and activity shifts. We are Scorpion actors, manipulative, driven and intense Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday becoming scattered, passionate and visionary Sagittarians on Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday and shifting into exalted, directed, aggressive and career climbing Mars on Saturday and Sunday while in Moon is in Capricorn.
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes void square to Mars on Sunday August 11, 2013 at 09:29:54 pm EDT and enters Scorpio on Monday August 12, 2013 at 04:18:43 pm EDT. Moon is void most of Monday.
Moon goes void Sextile to Venus on Wednesday Aug 14, 2013 at 05:30:44 pm EDT and enters Sagittarius on Wednesday Aug 14, 2013 at 09:05:25 pm EDT. Moon is void part of Wednesday evening.
Moon goes void trine to Sun on Friday Aug 16 2013 at 01:33:03 pm EDT and enters Capricorn on Friday Aug 16, 2013 at 11:26:18 pm EDT. Moon is void all Friday afternoon and evening
Moon goes void opposite Mars on Sunday Aug 18, 2013 at 02:26:51 pm EDT and enters Aquarius a few minutes after Midnight on Monday morning. Moon is void all Sunday afternoon and evening.
Jupiter in Cancer continues to work his magic ALL SUMMER long as he trines Saturn and Neptune. The Grand Trine of these three planets is quite rare ~ the last time was September 1966 and before that January 1929 and July 1834. The next trine is in 132 years, in September 2145. Jupiter just makes things bigger and juicy and better.
This week Jupiter connects with the Node of Destiny in helpful ways ~ you’ll be pumping his considerable energy into the next direction for your life. This week the Grand trine also starts to break up Jupiter continues to pull away. It is very important to at least formulate some of your dreams for the rest of your life this week so you can tell the Nodes on Friday.
Saturn the work and structure of our lives combined with Neptune the planet of our dreams blended with Jupiter the exponential factor of growth are combining to inspire us towards our next major life chapter. We have an enormous whoosh of forward energy in our lives and flowing through our charts.
Take a moment this week to add in the house location of Neptune in your chart to get more information on where the Grand Trine is flowing. Neptune is a generational planet so all people born in the same 14 years have the same Neptune. The HOUSE placement becomes quite important with outer planets like Neptune. The house placement is where you seek a transcendent experience of the Divine here on earth. At the end of this week’s column, I’ve included a list of houses and what they rule. Look at your chart and see which house Neptune is located in to find where you seek the Divine on earth, where your soul seeks to merge with Spirit, where you want to transcend the boundaries that hold you down.
For example, my Neptune is in the 8th house… and here I am writing my weekly column on a screened in porch in Lilydale, a community of Mediums who talk to dead people and perform healings. I took workshops and got readings with messages from the various dead people in my life over the past few days. It was quite a magical experience. Look to your chart to see where Neptune is inviting you to expand your horizons and grow in knowledge, experience or spirit. Where is the Universe broadening your vision?
Take time this week to get out and look to the North East. The Perseid Meteor showers take place with 60 to 100 meteors an hour flashing through the night sky. Spread a blanket, lay down and gaze at the heavens. Nothing connects you to the heavens better than watching them dance and sing above your head.
Moon Day Monday August 12, 2013 Moon is void in the Morning in Libra and enters Scorpio on Monday August 12, 2013 at 04:18:43 pm EDT. Closing aspect of a sextile to Venus promises excellent outcomes for projects begun under the Scorpio Moon. Dreams or issues about partnership and relationships are full of answers to your questions. Venus’ sesquiquadrate to Juno offers stress in partnerships as well as the ability to make great strides once you have a clear vision and can send love and energy toward the vision. Nodes declination aspects to Black Moon Lilith ask you to make a choice around subservience or following your own path. The choice offers you different visions of your future. The nurturing principle is a bit irritated by the end of the day as Ceres trines Eris ~ no they DON’T appreciate what you’ve done for them. That is the role of children, students, employees and those who you teach how to do things. They are SUPPOSED to grow up and move along. Entitlement issues can surface today ~”Well you HAVE to do this for me because you always HAVE!” Encourage everyone to make a response of personal responsibility… “One day I am not going to be here to do this for you. You need to learn how to do this for yourself!” Time for YOU to step away from always fixing their stuff and go create your own thing. Responsibility is the keyword for the day. What is the responsible thing to do. If you FIND yourself having a bit of a tantrum because you are NOT getting what you want to get from someone in your life, take personal responsibility and go do it for yourself. You might discover a hidden talent. Manipulation abounds but needs to be kept in check if you can. Just work in the facts and things shift enormously. Scorpio Moon’s closing trine to Venus THROUGH WEDNESDAY encourages this independence from old dependencies to build new skills. It will change the structure of relationships but that change is not a bad thing in this case.
Mercury’s day, Tuesday August 13, 2013 Moon is in Scorpio with excellent closing aspects. Sun’s trine to Cupido suggests you have found a new home or tribe. Follow up on it today. Venus has stressful aspects to the Nodes of Fate but the aspects also encourage you to take your cue from what your heart wants. How do you want to shine? Where do you want to go? What is the vision of your life? Remember we are still working with the Grand Trine in Water. Today the Moon’s emotional nature links up with Saturn to ask you to focus on your vision of the structures you want to create in your life ~ that connection will send a message to Jupiter on how to expand your life and to Neptune on how to serve your soul’s path going forward into the future. You may decide to limit or end an association today with the Moon and Venus aspects because it no longer serves you or your vision. If so, do it gently, with love and compassion. Make sure to thank the person as you leave. They were part of your life for an important reason and deserve to be honored for the role they played. Mercury and Pluto have a bittersweet relationship today as words of ending or loss are part of the journey of each of our lives. You might hear of a death or a loss or an ending today. Take time today to do something healing to break patterns that don’t support your health. You COULD end your relationship with sugar or caffeine or avoiding exercise too! Mercury over the next three days is forming a fast moving Finger of God with Pluto and Chiron. It is time to Stop wounding yourself over and over. It is a great Moon and energy to end relationships that cause you problems or discontinue situations that don’t help you. Do it. Mercury’s opposition to Juno suggests you or they might say no to an ongoing partnership but at least ask or express interest. The universe has unusual ways of ending or changing things in ways you least anticipate or expect. Pallas’ difficult aspect to Admetos implies you might be a bit stressed about how it shifts or changes but will like the result in the end. Fractures in relationships might be permanent. Pay attention to emotional speeches you may hear. Remember responsibility is the key word of the day. Personal responsibility. You are the one in charge of creating your life. What do you want it to be?
Mercury’s day, Wednesday August 14 Moon is Scorpio and goes void Sextile to Venus on Aug 14, 2013 at 05:30:44 pm EDT. Moon enters Sagittarius on Aug 14, 2013 at 09:05:25 pm EDT. A very busy day after a night of tossing and turning, we have a mighty active day of choices and news ~ both good and bad. Dreams offer ideas but not solutions. The solutions you get to figure out. Venus contraparallel Chiron suggests you’ll be busy working out an old wound around relationships or love in your dreams. All part of the plan. Mercury is super active today as he rolls through and activates the separating planets that were part of the Star of David. He also is forming a fast moving Finger of God this week ~ which is exact today ~ with Pluto and Chiron. Take the Leo Mercury advice of Bob Newhart in the clip above. Apply Stop It to whatever ails you! Mercury squares the Nodes of Fate, offering you a choice about how to proceed with your life. Choose the positive version of what you want… no more working to fix things ~ especially broken things. It is time to stop fixing and start creating. Pluto’s argument against creating is not holding the same force in your life. You’ve been set free… once your mind sees the trap, the cage, the hold, the trick, the way you keep yourself stuck, you are just on the edge of freedom. Mercury’s trine to Uranus sets you free to pursue your dream… the mind starts all creation processes… today you are inspired. Don’t let the past hold you back. You are a fresh creation today. It really is the first day of the rest of your life!
Jupiter’s day Thursday August 15, 2013 Moon in Sagittarius with a closing aspect of a terrific fire trine to the Sun making projects full of excitement, buzz, ease and flow over the next two days. Start stuff, encourage ideas, submit proposals, move, make changes you want to make in your life. The Sun is shining on it and the Moon is excitable, visionary and over the top. Shoot for the stars. Venus trines Admetos marking the pleasant ending of something you’ve long imagined or worked for. Sun’s trine to Eris suggests there may be some grumbling about how things are being done which is probably based in jealousy or envy. Last minute or unexpected health issues make for tough times for women. Patterns emerge around relationships that are pleasant or fun ~ there is a certain joy to predictability. Pluto’s got a difficult aspect to Ceres so Power, in the form of authority, is not respecting the creative or nurturing feminine in the way you might want. This aspect often shows when there are illicit affairs which are being exposed or coming to light. Watch for shifts in triangle energy or power dynamics around you. Mars parallel to Hades means the energy wants to go dark and deep and be quite purgative. Sedna’s activity on a few fronts suggest a loss of power or shift in power structures based on promises broken.
Venus’ day Friday August 16, 2013 Moon in Sagittarius goes void trine to Sun on Aug 16 2013 at 01:33:03 pm EDT and enters Capricorn on Aug 16, 2013 at 11:26:18 pm EDT. Today is a super busy day with a big void moon in the middle of it. No worries about that void moon. Lots to decide, things to do and topics to learn, places to see and experiences to have. We swing wildly with the Moon in Sagittarius between abundant choices. You are not going to be able to do it all so carry a pad around with you and write things down as the ideas go flying by your ears. It is a connect and reconnaissance kind of day. Gather business cards and take notes. Mercury is fabulously busy and bustling so lots of his communication energy abounds. Connect and make contact. Reach out with phone calls or emails. Uranus contraparallel to Pallas says it is time to break up some old patterns that don’t work for you… change it up and change your life. You can make suggestions to the powers that be which will be heard and respected. Venus enters Libra for 26 days. Venus is unfailingly polite when she is in Libra as well as clear about what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Jupiter’s trine and sextile to the Nodes of Fate offers you a wonderful choice about your future and where you want to go. Sit quietly (if that is even possible on such a busy day) and take a few moments to focus on your heart and love. What do you love to do? Where would you love to live? Love to have? Love to Be? This Grand Trine in Water is about creating that life that whispers in your ear and beats in your heart. As the trine takes place right before the Moon goes Void, it will be passionately and exuberantly fueled by the Sagittarius Moon answering to exalted Jupiter in Cancer trine the ruling Leo Sun. The lovely mystic rectangle in the sky encourages you to follow your heart’s path. Sun DOES have an arguing aspect with Pluto so you MIGHT find some folks are NOT thrilled with your plans especially if it means you might be leaving, shifting the power balance or changing what you do as regards them. However Sun’s aspect to Saturn encourages you to trust your own brilliance and the energy of your Saturn, the path of your life, as he encourages you to take personal responsibility for your dreams and work toward making them come true. You might want to make ice but unless you get up and put the water in the trays and put the ice in the freezer, you aren’t going to have ice. On a more expanded note, you also don’t follow the waiter into the kitchen to make sure they cook your Brussels sprouts the way you wanted them. You order them and wait for them to arrive. Today is a day when you do both. Order your future but put the water in the ice cube trays to make ice. Take action. Mars square to Eris suggests you might be irritated into to doing it ~ or annoyed and take action to shift things. All to the good!
Saturn’s day, Saturday August 17, 2013 Moon in Capricorn will be going void with an opposition to Mars so today and Sunday are lovely days to separate from situations with bad politics, things you no longer want, difficult relationships or whatever you would like to remove from your life. Mars has an aspect with the Nodes of Fate encouraging you to notice what needs to change, particularly around groups you are a member of. Black Moon Lilith enters Cancer so the feminine is feeling extra sensitive and a bit cranky around nurturing responsibilities. Sun’s union with Ceres in Leo offers creativity and a good party down kind of energy this evening… probably with good food too! Get out your dancing shoes and dance!
Sun’s day Sunday August 18, 2013 Moon in Capricorn goes void opposite Mars on Aug 18, 2013 at 02:26:51 pm EDT and is void the balance of the day. Mercury connects with Vesta starting a new cycle around papers in your home or communications with siblings. It’s a new chapter so express what you want. Work hard today on what you want to release in your life. Mars is quite able to help you let it gooooooooo into the ethers.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Anne’s on vacation in Lily Dale, where the dead never sleep, talking to Mediums, taking spiritual workshops, picnicking under willow trees, swimming in the lake and listening to Tim McGraw and Faith Hill sound alikes sing while dining at Bemus Bay on Lake Chautauqua. The Star of David culminated last week as Jupiter opposed Pluto. Tie into Neptune with Love and co-create with it, Jupiter and Saturn in the Grand Water trine productively this week ahead.
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne were on a roll this week…until Anne got somehow disconnected from her hotspot on Fire Island and Michael carried on alone.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary and Anne are on vacation until September 9, 2013. Enjoy the summer. See You in September! Cue the song!
Access Astrology: Broad cast from Fire Island, Minneapolis and Manhattan, Anne, Heather, and Mark talked about the upcoming energy.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt with Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps with your individuation.
Where is Neptune in Your Chart? The House is the area where you connect into the dreams of your soul and your higher (and sometimes lower) purpose!
First House: Personality, disposition, individuality, how you express yourself, how you are seen, how you begin things, physical body, overall health, approach to life, appearance, bearing, beginnings of all enterprises, outlook, tendencies, self-interest, worldly outlook, head and face, character, forming & presenting & maintaining identity, attitudes toward yourself, needs for recognition, enjoyment from personal risks, mannerisms, how to work with self, development & nurturing or abandonment of habits, nuances, styles, appearance, your name, forefront of anything, axe, arson, martial arts, loud things, male things, iron, guns, freshmen, point of view, missile, vigor
Second House: Financial affairs, money, moveable possessions, investments, earning power, inner talents, skills, resources, self-worth, values, emotional feelings, freedom, outer resources, throat and ears, benefit from material things, value of money earned, personal role of finances, personal and psychological worth, comforts, compensation, personal value placed on services rendered or given to others, material things balanced with inner happiness and spiritual needs, ownership, borrowing & lending of personal possessions, care you give to things you own, relaxation & comfort in material world, music, gifts you give, jewelry, flowers, wallet, serenity, thoughtfulness
Third House: Local neighborhood, brothers, sisters, communications, transportation vehicles, short trips, adaptability of mind to learning, taken for granted skills, conscious and objective parts of mind, grammar school, writings, mental inclinations and ability, shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, collar bones, nervous system, inner cleverness, limits to what you accept, learn, try, repeat, relearn, daily encounters, reading, writing, arithmetic, term papers, appropriateness of what you write and speak, wit, repartee, distribution of goods & systems, alibis, weather, variety, archetypes, air, books, barter, questions, mimicry, microphones, limericks, early education
Fourth House: Home, parents (mother), family you came from, roots, home you will establish, heritage, heredity, ancestry, psychological roots, preverbal learning, private life, property, all things secluded, endings, closing years of life, fame after death, place of burial, your subjective self, foundation of your character, mines, land, property, environment, domestic affairs, the result of undertakings, breasts, stomach, digestive organs, tradition, early life, emotional attitudes in basic personality foundations, how you live, inner nature, fixed possessions, privacy, attitudes towards family, instinctive emotional motivations, emotional roots and origins, care and devotion received & strings attached to same, initial adjustment to life, ethnic traditions, family support, subjective building blocks of self, self-sufficiency, how you guard your space & property & work area, folklore, memories, sentimental, agricultural products, abundance of goods available, attachment to objects, hold you have on your possessions, fence, flags, phobias, rivers, midnight, nostalgia, scab
Fifth House: Children, love affairs, romance, pleasure, amusement, holidays, vacations, games, speculations, hobbies, avocations, emotional attitude, the love you give, enterprise, sports, originality, creative outlets, dramatic, literary and artistic ability, publication, politics, fine arts, social affairs, pregnancy, education of children, groups which have to do with fun, heart, back, pleasant things in life, mastery of self, self’s abilities, child rearing & molding & teaching, values imparted to children, teachers, theater, play, luck, prizes, winnings, drama, contrived emotions, laughter, celebrations, applause, humor, spontaneity, matters of the heart, popularity, toast
Sixth House: Work attitudes, health, habits, employment, employees, tenants, servants, co-workers, pets, dependents, service given to others, routine matters, clothes & how you wear clothes, hygiene, interest in food & diet, sickness, conditions affecting your health, aunts uncles, unconscious mind, high school years, apprenticeships, food, small animals, solar plexus, bowels, productivity, illness, healing, nutrition, food preparation, food served, tools, analysis, coping with stress, chores, duties, your feelings about employment, work output, applied discipline to self-improvement, dedication, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, body functions, discipline, body cleansing, celibacy, bread, magic, harvest, criteria, file cabinet, knitting, luggage, ephemeris, napkin, telephone directory, skills
Seventh House: Business and marital partners, marriage, divorce, contracts, lawsuits, bargains, agreements, dealings with the public, public’s response to you, open enemies, cooperation with others, lack of cooperation, what you most lack in yourself, attitudes towards marriage, your mate, kind and quality of your marriages, how many marriages, grandparents, people who act as your agent or on your behalf, public relations, unions, kidneys, ovaries, lower half of back, participation, interaction, oppositions, sharing, competition, compromise, fairness, others return what they feel you deserve, reconciliation, equality, alternatives, obstruction, blockages, withdrawal, behavior, manners, etiquette, social skills, how others help you or fight you, peace, harmony, tolerating differences, virtues, bitchiness, law suit
Eighth House: Sex, death, taxes, Support from other people ~ financial, moral, spiritual, & physical. Legacies, trusts, wills, insurance matters, secrets, spiritual & physical regeneration, psychological rebirth, degeneration, occult matters, sleep, deep research, investigation, hidden assets, assets & financial affairs of partners, alimony, surgery, astral experiences, muscular system, bladder, sex organs, deep motivations, mutually sharing, obligations, emotional gifts, reciprocation, interchange, retaliation, compensation, swapping, giving, deep questions, is the exchange equal or not?, garbage, removal, eradication, uprooting, amputation, transformation, mystery, process of death, afterlife, reincarnation, soul travel, distillation, investigation, probing, analysis, depth, innards, core, conception, poison, peat
Ninth House: Higher mind, super-conscious, religion, law, science, ideals, higher learning, college education, philosophy, psychology, profound mental study, dreams, visions, distant travel, foreigners, foreign dealings, commerce, big business, imports, exports, organized religions, clergy, in-laws, grandchildren, intuition, ethics, public opinion, lessons learned through living, places remote from birth, psychic experiences, education, higher development, scientific, philanthropic, spiritual tendencies, liver, thighs, experiment with life, go beyond your boundaries, different ways of thinking, legends, myths, moral courage, justice, the courts, jury, ceremonies of ritual, publishing, creeds, folklore, expedition, vistas, passports, hymn, gospel, wanderlust, wisdom, marketing, sports team, editor, gypsy
Tenth House: Profession, reputation, standing in the community, ego, status, fame, promotion, ambition, business and social activities, employer, government, any authority over you, achievements, how the world sees and evaluates you, influence you have in own circle, parent (father), honor, knees, skin, cartilage, high standards, fulfillments, completions, recognitions, setting & meeting goals, returns in kind for what earned, stature, esteem, maturity, father figures, mentors, bosses, consequences of actions, roadblocks, work done is rewarded, equal return for equal effort, bones, aim, time, Oscars, clock, landmarks, glory, vocation, quota, peak, skyscrapers, warts
Eleventh House: Capacity for friendship, attitude towards friends, acquaintances, non-emotional relationships, desire, goals, love received, money from profession, step-children, children of other people, foster children, adopted children, circumstances over which you have little control, humanitarian interests, way you see others, large & small organizations, clubs, associations related to career or work, ankles, informal relationships, cliques, gangs, syndicates, clusters, societies, brotherhood, shared convictions & beliefs, politics, civic matters, airport, balloting, political awareness, consensus, caucus, effecting change, oddities, eccentricity, bohemianism, networking, large machinery, office automation, assembly lines, labor saving devices, revolutions, electricity, astrology, chorus, surprise, perversity, junk food,
Twelfth House: Unknown or hidden strengths, weaknesses, sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind the scenes action, places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self- undoing, clandestine affairs, things we hide from others, research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid, karma, charity, sympathy, public welfare, closet or dustbin of horoscope ~ all the problems which are painful to face or difficulties we refuse to acknowledge, unseen & unexpected troubles, large animals, occult or hidden side of life, feet, charity, selfless deeds, drugs, alcohol, diffusion, rehabilitation, poverty, chains, conspiracies, ambush, analgesic, boots, litter, emancipation, desertion, clouds, chemicals, ESP, fog, kidnapping, eavesdropping, crying, miracles, masks
Copyright © 2013 A. C. Ortelee