Weekly Weather April 9, 2012

Weekly Weather April 9, 2012

A colossal week awaits us. Both Pluto and Mars station in the heavens, stop dead above us, look around and switch directions. Pluto and Mars are malefic planets ~ the mean planets ~ so there can be some mighty mean and hard stuff going on here on planet Earth. Pluto stations to go retrograde on Tuesday and Mars stations to go direct on Friday. Remember to be kind and approach all situations before you with mindfulness, love and caring ~ as best you can.

When planets station, we feel their stopped effect for a few days on either side of the station. The heavens kind of “grind” the energy into our being. For Pluto, it generally is 5 to 8 days before and after the station. With Mars, we notice it 3 to 4 days before and after the station. For those stopped days, the planet is essentially “parked” in the sky. Kind of like a garbage truck blocks all the traffic on a through street here in NYC, you are stalled too. In the case of the week before us, the stopped planets stationary blocked places overlap ~ they are only stopping three days apart. Mars is going to sit on all of Pluto’s backside stop energy.

Pluto will amplify Mars’ destructive side and Mars will anger or stimulate Pluto’s darker nature. The two planets stopping also form sensitive points in the sky, called midpoints, which are at 6:43 of Scorpio and Taurus with hard aspects that degree of Leo and Aquarius. Midpoints are where the planets meet to form a “merger” of their energy. Your Sun/Moon midpoint is often your life partner’s Sun, Moon or Ascendant. Your Mars/Pluto midpoint is where you face some mighty tough slogging with the two bad fellows of the zodiac. If you are a regular reader of this column, odds are good that you have planets or midpoints at that degree of the fixed signs… My Saturn is 6:02 Scorpio, and you read my work. Tough sledding ahead for all of us. Or rather transformative sledding ahead for all of us. Either way, we are going to be “different” at the end of the week. Our world view will have changed.

Pluto rules war, cancer, destruction, nuclear power, secret love affairs, triangles, power, transformation, bedbugs, infestations, insidious things, earth quakes, volcanoes, obsession and decrepit decay among other things. Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld. While the riches of the earth reside in his realm ~ gold, oil, diamonds, gems, coal, copper and silver, Pluto also presides over the dead and rules the darker realms and behaviors of humanity. When Pluto stops, for about five days on either side of his station, Plutonian events happen. Often lots of famous or powerful people die. Scanning the NY Times Obits, in the past day or so, Mike Wallace a very Pluto/Mars kind of investigative, dark digging up stuff, in your face reporter and Thomas Kinkade the controversial yet beloved mass market painter of inspirational paintings with transformative light in them ~ all completely empty of people so you could imagine yourself living in the image ~ died. Pluto rules the mass markets and mass unconsciousness.

Mars rules action, anger, rage, surgery, punctures, explosions, breaks, accidents, sex, war, sudden events that attack you, and the police and military. Mars is the God of War and a great friend of Pluto ~ Mars kills the folks who populate Pluto’s underworld. He also is your get up and go so you might feel you have to get up and go, go, go but are blocked, blocked, blocked as Mars is stopped in the sky.

Mars/Pluto events often involve the launching of wars, or attacks that initiate responses. We’ll see a number of Pluto/ Mars people die as the energy is harsh and hard to live through, especially if the body is deteriorating. We’ll have heroes emerge who prevent Mars/Pluto events from happening or who keep their composure as they do. While reading my lunch paper, a police officer who was wounded in a gun battle managed to keep the multi-person Kevlar bullet proof shield deployed, thus saving three other officers, including one who was shot and down on the floor if front of him. Another story was of a martial artist who came to the aid of a woman being raped outside his house. And diseases that are hidden will surface or be diagnosed with the result that people learn HOW they will die this week. We will feel compelled to make decisions that alter the direction of our lives ~ especially if it involves taking back our power OR determining our new or next direction.

And ABSOLUTLEY NO messing around with “Should I go to the hospital or not?” for you stoic types who like to tough it out medically. This week, assume the absolute worst and get your butt into a medical facility where you can be taken care of by professionals who know what they are doing. If you know of people who are deeply depressed or making noise about suicide, check in with them frequently and make sure they know they are loved, that this IS a tough week and that it WILL ebb and feel better once the big boys start moving again. The GOOD news is the closing aspects the Moon makes all week are quite positive so even if the news is bad it IS the BEST POSSIBLE bad news. And no, that is not an oxymoron ~for example, the surgery will go well ~ they will get it all but you still have cancer which will eventually kill you. You CAN fire the bad employee (after the Mars goes direct please) as they won’t come back and kill you. Don’t try and make up with the person you broke up with over the past few weeks as Pluto and Mars want to cause trouble. Contact them AFTER Mars goes direct.

Pluto goes retrograde on Tuesday, returning to this degree, 9:34 Capricorn, next January. Since last Friday, Pluto has been at the degree of his station. Pluto backs up to the degree, 6:57 Capricorn, that he was on at right before Christmas, December 21, 2010. Pluto goes backwards until September 18, 2012, when he stations at 6:57 Capricorn and squares Uranus. So the before Christmas story is up and running. What big emotional process erupted then? It is back. It is time for you to look at that story in another way, from a different angle OR to approach the matter with a fresh vision so you get clear. Many of the life decisions you made between Christmas and now will be up for review and examination.

Mars stopping and going direct is taking place at the same degree as November 18, 2011, 3:41 Virgo. We are back to last Thanksgiving’s holiday and examining the story from then in terms of what we want to do going forward. Mars stopped to go retrograde on January 24, at 23:05. Mars will clear his shadow on June 20, 2012, as the Summer Solstice and first Uranus Pluto square arrives.

So combine those earlier days, November 18, December 21, January 24, to get a clear picture of how the events from both Pluto and Mars are creating change in your life. Their stories are linking up now and asking how you want to continue or change the situations in your life. Look at the degree of 6:43 of the fixed signs, particularly Scorpio and Taurus, to see the energy dragging itself across the floor in a combined manner.

Venus enters the shadow degree of her upcoming retrograde station this week, adding her energy to the mix. So yes, that story that you are changing, ending or encountering this week will be dancing with Venus through your life until August 7. Right now, Mercury is in Pisces so Venus, the Goddess of Love, in Gemini answers to Pisces. She is extra sensitive, sentimental and perhaps sad or deeply attached. Mars in Virgo is also answering to Mercury in Pisces so he’s a bit more confused and chaotic than normal. You’ll get your Mojo back after April 16th when Mercury enters Aries again. Right now, feel your feelings! Know that confusion or needing more sleep or feeling a bit foggy is part of the energy.

On a positive note, Mars is stationing and will be moving opposite Neptune next week so part of what is going on is all about getting you ready for your next dream to emerge. You gotta have a dream! Neptune shifted signs last April, May and June as well as February 3 into Pisces. Time for a new dream! Particularly if you have a strong Neptune ~ angular or in aspect to your lights or chart ruler(s) ~ Mars opposite Neptune is an opportunity for a “course correction”. You might have started down a path all willy nilly and excited but now, for some reason (see Pluto and Mars station), you are doubting the choices you made. So Neptune blows over Mars’ face, like a dream and suggests a different approach. Neptune changes signs every 14 years or so ~ so you had distinct dreams or passions that inspired you that began in 1955, 1970, 1984, and 1998. A new dream is starting now as your old dream dissolved last year. In 1970 the dream was Sagittarius, more free spirited and information learning/seeking and that house in your chart. In 1984 the dream was Capricorn, more structured, corporate and karma based and that house in your chart. In 1998, the dream became Aquarian, more free, independent, idealistic and group oriented and that house in your chart.

Saturn’s long journey through the back end of Libra asks us how we want to partner, first with ourselves and next with the other people or situations in our lives. We partner (Libra) to make our dreams come true (Neptune) and serve our karmic path doing our work (Saturn), evolving (Pluto) and taking action (Mars) to support our soul’s ego call (Sun). So tie the gang all together as Pluto and Mars station this week. Right now Venus (our desire) and Mercury (our thoughts) are a bit confused but not forever ~ just till mid-August. As Venus gets clear during her retrograde journey through August, the rest of your chart listens to her and takes action.



There also is a lovely grand trine forming in earth as Ceres moves into to an earth trine with stationing Mars and Pluto, making us all desire to be creative, productive and connected in the swirl of energy around us. Because Ceres rules the mother and how we feel nurtured, we can seek or need extra nurturing this week. My friend, a mother of 4 girls, would often recount how on her bad days in raising the kids, she would cry out “I want my MAMA!” We all want our cosmic Mama this week! So take steps to nurture yourself amid the stations of the malefics.

It all shifts, feels better and much less crazy next week. Just be kind to yourself and others as THEY are having wild weeks too.

Void Moons This Week
2:56 am EDT Monday, April 9 to 11:12 am EDT
7:05 am EDT Wednesday, April 11 to 1:02 pm EDT
1:05 pm EDT Friday, April 13 to 5:48 pm EDT
6:42 pm EDT Sunday April 15 to 1:38 am EDT Monday April 16



Moon’s Day Monday April 9 Moon in Sagittarius causes us to feel more connected and related than last weekend. Sagittarius Moon answers to Jupiter in Taurus so our connections feel solid and related. We make important connections in the morning that we can nurture and grow. It is a good day to clear and organize the house or desk of old items that feel like they are blocking it and you. There is a fear of endings today ~ an awareness of how crowded and packed things feel. Venus has a sextile to Uranus so a creative or love project starts and feels like it is moving forward very fast. Suddenly, you “get it” on another level. Remember Pluto’s station, while Tuesday is at its maximum right now as he is stopped so you might end a relationship (or be inclined to do so). Sun connects to the Nodes of Fate by declination so you’ll be inspired pushes to shift your direction, especially where ego matters are concerned.

Mars Day Tuesday April 10 Moon in Sagittarius continues, with a lovely closing aspect of a productive aspect to Saturn so what is accomplished on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning is all for your future. Venus is opposite the North Node of Fate, and diving into the South Node so love, beauty and relationships can end with this energy. She wants to release something or someone to let you move forward. Be brave with the release, it is for a good reason. Vulcanus stations to go direct at 26 Cancer, changing the nature of nurturing and family for the near future. It is okay. Pluto stations to go retrograde so we return to the decisions made since December 21 and get ready to revise, adjust or redo them. Communications around health matters are unclear and not straightforward. Watch out for infections. Sun has hard aspects to the Nodes of Fate so he’s pushing to change things going forward. As he is in bossy Aries, answering to Mars in confused Virgo, you might not know where you or they are bossing you towards… It is more the desire to move forward no matter what. Sometimes you just have to sit still and be clear. Pluto stations and turns retrograde. Venus is opposite Juno so choices between existing partnerships and new loves are in a bit of tussle. Sun is unwilling or unable to leave the existing partner right now. He’s feeling indecisive and unable to communicate. No worries, you have time to figure this out. We all want our Mama ~ our sense of security, even if it is NOT what we want, is still our sense of security. We are not willing to give up our cosmic blanket with all the stuff swirling. We aren’t feeling quite brave enough right now. Vesta tweaks the nodes of fate ~ so home, even if not perfect, is still home. We want what is familiar right now.


Wednesday Mercury’s day April 11 Moon in Sagittarius in the morning is Void so it is a time to work on routine projects. Once Moon goes into Capricorn in the afternoon, we have a productive few days ahead of us as her closing aspect while in Capricorn is a sextile to Mercury at the last degrees of Pisces. However, we may find we want to emotionally retreat to what is familiar rather than striking out. Comfort is part of what we need when there are too many changes. Sun joins with Eris so we can be seemingly unreasonably or extremely irritated ~ Mars in Virgo is critical and confused. Mars rules both the Sun and Eris right now. Irritation is a great motivator! So take that irritation and discord and do something productive with it. No complaining. No projecting. You picked the person before you for a reason. Own it and deal with it. It is YOUR issue too. There is a deep need inside of you that the frustration is illuminating. It isn’t about them. It is about what YOU NEED or WANT or can CREATE if you give yourself permission. They simply illuminated what YOU need. Dissatisfaction is a great motivator! Take that dissatisfaction and discord and do something with it.
The balance of Days will be posted later today.

Introduction to Astrology Weekend taught by
Presented by Bodhi Consult
April 27-29, 2012
The Wilburton Inn
Manchester Village, VT

The Introduction to Astrology Weekend includes:
16 hours of Astrology Instruction,
Two nights at the Wilburton Inn,
Friday Night Welcome Reception with Light Dinner
Breakfast, Lunch and coffee breaks on Saturday and Sunday
An Astrology Introduction Book for use and reference after the Weekend.
The Opportunity to Understand Your Chart in greater depth by studying with Anne

Weekend Schedule
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Welcome Reception with light dinner
7:00 – 9:00pm Introduction with Anne
A bit of history about astrology, how everything under the Sun and in our world is included in astrology, what is a horoscope? A picture of the hour you were born.
Basics pieces of the language of the stars- Planets, Signs, Houses and Aspects.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Anne will cover in Saturday’s workshop what each planet does both personally and collectively, how signs behave both in both the public arena and personal life, how to analyze horoscope charts and put it together by looking at a “mystery chart” as well as your own. There will be time to practice these skills with direct guidance from Anne. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and two coffee breaks are included for all workshop guests. Participants are on their own for dinner tonight in the quaint and historic town of Manchester.

Workshop with Anne 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Today we put it all together and explore a chart in depth. What is the myth and ruling planet in charge of your life? Where to look to determine your life’s path, how the planets talk to each other (nicely or not so nicely) and the Aspects between them, how to see the basic health information provided by the horoscope chart, and find out where to get free charts on the internet. Breakfast is included for those staying at the Inn. Lunch and one coffee break are included for all.

Contact for more Information about the Introduction to Astrology Weekend:
Beth Shaw
Phone: (802)379-5775

[email protected]
[email protected]

Copyright © 2012 A. C. Ortelee