Weekly Weather April 30, 2007
Our next week of cosmic roller coaster activity arrives! Going to be a fun one! It is another Mars kind of week! So take a deep breath when you feel scattered or whooshed by the turbulent energy. Last week, Mars was active as he approached and set off the Mutable Grand Cross. This week, Mars in the middle degrees of Pisces aspects former Fixed Grand Cross that has been pushing us towards changing our fixed parts for the past couple of years.
First, Mars started his new cycle by a beginning aspect to Uranus and with a bang on Sunday. Next Mars moves right into an adjustment aspect with Saturn followed by a fight with Jupiter ~ pushing Mars’ energy higher. Mars reignites with Uranus by declination after getting high on Saturn and Jupiter’s energy. Finally, Mars collapses in tears, disillusion, or frustration or some form of fluidly flow of feeling as he meets up with Neptune. Neptune asks Mars to readjust his priorities and not be so quick to discount your own role in the matter. It takes two planets to have an aspect.
There also is a very strong and solid full moon in Taurus and Scorpio. Venus, ruler of the Sun is out of bounds, adding a Wild West nature to normally placid or predictable Taurus. Venus is in Gemini so she has a dual energy about her ~ say one thing and do another. Maybe not be completely honest about stuff. Be a bit flirty, bitchy, or fickle. Leave out important parts if those parts are not convenient to her version of the truth or story. Dig a bit and you will find the truth. It is all about the VALUE. What ever the fibs or deceptions are about, they will lead you to the VALUE for the other person. We are going to be in the mood to protect our Value at the cost of our Honor. They are going to be in the mood to protect their Value at the cost of their Honor. Or vice versa. It is never a nice mix when it plays out in front of us ~ especially if we don‘t agree with the value/ honor principle in action as far as the other fellow is concerned. Human nature yes, but it can be a bit of a downer as we watch it happen.
Finally, PAY ATTENTION TO MERCURY and the messages you receive! Mercury is exceptionally busy during the week ahead. He is going through and waking up the fixed planets as he travels through Taurus. Essentially, Mercury will be bringing to your consciousness the PURPOSE of the energy and story of Mars from two falls ago ~ Fall 2005. Back then, we had the Medusa or the bull fight energy going on as our fixed cross set up a familiar story with new players in the same old roles from 1982/83. We were caught up in the “Action” and drama of it all in Fall 2005. Now we are learning and understanding the lessons from then in a different way. Mercury brings consciousness. Hopefully. Or Mercury, in his FIXED energy of TAURUS can bring a reassertion of the fixed ways and beliefs of doing things. A fist slamming on the table kind of energy.
The beauty of the Mercury in Taurus is that Venus is in Gemini and having her awakening! Venus gets to pick between VALUE and HONOR. Venus is going to be in your face (in a very nice, polite, lovely and gracious Venusian way) asking you to pick between Value and Honor. THAT is a FALSE choice. You cannot choose between one and the other!! You are supposed to pick and serve BOTH! You cannot have value with out honor or honor with out value. What we honor we value and we value what we honor.
The point of the transit of Saturn through Leo is to make crystal clear the choice before you now. What do you VALUE? What do you HONOR? What makes you feel like a divine child of the universe? (Hint: it is hidden in your natal Saturn even if you are a bit afraid of it). Saturn in Leo highlights our fears of our essential lovability and value as an individual. Saturn’s journey through Leo has brought those questions to the surface and made our NATAL Saturn in every chart face those issues. That is why I keep telling you to do your Saturn. Your Saturn needs to feel loved by you, honored by you and valued by you. Saturn, when he is ignored or shamed is a force to be feared.
So, to quote one of my favorites, Liz Greene, in the “Dynamics of the Unconscious”. “The process of real healing and forgiveness, depends on separating oneself from identification with the person or situation who has inflicted the original hurt. That can only happen if one can have recognition of and compassion for ones own feelings. There is a difference between saying “You have done this and that to me!” and saying, “I loved you so much that I would have done anything for you and because of my love I felt terribly neglected and hurt by your neglect of me ~ whatever the reasons for it.” The first is an expression of powerlessness, while the second is an acceptance of self responsibility. The first is an accusation while the second is an acknowledgement of oneself.”
So in the week ahead, go back and look at the original hurt ~ that Saturn wound. Understand how the hurt affected your choices. Then, take a moment to accept responsibility for yourself and acknowledge yourself. In the week ahead, when you hear the false choice presented between Value and Honor, recognize they are part and parcel of the same energy. What we value, we honor. What we honor, we value.
Monday, Mars has an attitude today. He sets off Saturn, the nodes, and Jupiter. If stuff rolls towards you, try to catch it, as Venus is aspecting Neptune in a nice way. You may not want it down the road but take a chance and say yes now to the concept. It might not come through but be willing to go for it. Collaborate consciously.
Tuesday is May Day! Back in the old days, folks would take to the fields and have wild sex with each other to show Mom Earth their appreciation and teach the critters, birds and the bees how to do it. Today you might be arrested if you fooled around in a moist field under moonlight. So enjoy the sparkly Scorpio lunar energy of today and the robust full moon forming in the sky in a safe and legal way. Read the full moon column on the site for information on how to work with the moon‘s energy. Mars sets off Uranus by declination today so do have wild fun but whisper so the kids cannot hear you! And remember to Value and Honor what you love under the Taurus/Scorpio full moon.
Wednesday, the moon is busy today (actually last night too) so make sure to write down your dreams upon awakening. It’s a day to get a lot done even if it doesn’t seem like the force is moving with you. Focus on what you value and honor. Do your Saturn. Step up and take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Let the other person take responsibility for their actions. Value and Honor. If you encounter a false choice ~ focus on what you value and honor to help you navigate it.
Thursday has a long void moon in Scorpio so folks might be a bit cranky. Sun and Mercury are linking up in the sky. I remember when I first “got” the phrase that “people spend time on the things they love.” We do. We often say other words to placate or pacify folks. But we spend time on what we love. Actions speak louder than words. What do your actions say about you?
Friday, Mercury repeats all the aspects that Mars made in fall of 2005. Consciousness. Might not be pretty. But look. This is what happens when fixed signs don’t change their behavior. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Believe what you see not what you hear. Mercury will be bringing you messages you need to notice! No judgment ~ at least not a judgment that blames yourself. The event in front of you is what happens when Value and Honor get confused with or overwhelmed by our desires and darker, neglected, hurt sides. Back to the Liz Greene quote: The process of real healing and forgiveness depends on separating oneself from identification with the person or situation who has inflicted the original hurt. That can only happen if one can have recognitio
n of and compassion for ones
own feelings.
Saturn’s day, Mercury is in the mood to call folks out. He is aspecting all the planets from the bullfight and Medusa. He is drawing conclusions, making summaries and getting the facts down. Mercury has a simultaneous aspect to Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Ceres. While on the FACE of it, the matter might seem to be resolved, Sun’s declination union with Pluto has a nuclear reactor kind of feel to it. A mighty power and force is being unleashed. Taurus’ energy linking up with Sagittarius and legal righteousness says do not try to spin the story, whatever it is. Folks are going to be looking at you and going “Nope!” What was the original intent of the matter? What are the parts you are not looking at or including? Both Value and Honor have to be respected. Watch for your own blind spot in the matter.
Sunday, Jupiter trines Saturn, part two. Back to May 28, 2000 when the story started. You have to resolve it with Value and Honor. Something happened between December 2005 through October 2006, where you might not have stepped up to the plate the way you needed to. Or valued or honored what you needed to. You were being tested. It was difficult. No matter. NOW is the time to rectify it. Cleanly Step up. Value and Honor. It is fire energy trine. Much easier to move than the earth energy trines coming down the pike. Besides, if you get your vision in order, the manifestation of earth is very profound. Vision. Value. Honor. Do your Saturn. Sun illuminates that yes this life stuff can be hard. But you reap what you sow. So do the hard work NOW not later. NOW! Venus is opposite Pluto so there can be a very powerful dynamic over money, value, control or power. Handle it cleanly. All parties in the room. All informed. No messy triangle. Value. Honor.
Mundane: Prince Harry wanting to go to Iraq and fight with his men is an example of the Value/Honor equation with Venus in the week ahead. British Army commanders do not want the responsibility of protecting him, third in line to the throne. It is a very dangerous war zone, not playing army. The crown or his father doesn’t want him in danger. The Iraqis are saying “Wow, Prince Harry would be a great catch! Let‘s catch him and cut off his ears (Gemini in Venus ~ ruin his looks ~ ears do get noticed!).” Prince Harry, of course, wants to go and be with his men. Harry wants to do what he has been trained to do for REAL not for PLAY. Otherwise, it has no value to him. There is no honor. A King or a Prince are supposed to lead their troops and fight with their men. Watch to see what happens. Mercury setting off the story says, “Well, yes, REAL war is for those other folks, not for YOU, our spare heir!” Consciousness is critical in all our lives. Value and Honor.
And, the disappearing bees! Our Atlantis Mythology from last week appeared! From the internet: More than a quarter of the country’s 2.4 million bee colonies have been lost — tens of billions of bees, according to an estimate from the Apiary Inspectors of America, a national group that tracks beekeeping. So far, no one can say what is causing the bees to become disoriented and fail to return to their hives. "Colony collapse disorder," is the name given for the disappearing bee syndrome. Scientists expressed concern about the speed at which adult bees are disappearing from their hives; some colonies have collapsed in as little as two days. Mini Atlantis’ all over the country as civilizations of bees disappear virtually overnight ~ Pluto is in Sagittarius!
Honeybees are the insects that are most important to the human food chain. They are the pollinators of hundreds of fruits, vegetables, flowers and nuts. One article I read said one out of three bites of our food supply relies on the honeybees for pollination. There is a beehive constellation at 4-6 of Leo but it does not seem to be implicated in the beehive collapses. I am not sure what the astrology for the beehive collapses is related to but will keep you posted on my astrological investigation. I am thinking it might be tied to the Capricorn conjunction of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus back in 1989 when GMO foods started to take off and be planted all over the place. The same three planets are working together now so stuff from 1989 is active. Bees, like the proverbial canaries in the coal mineshafts, are sensitive little critters to environmental changes. Don’t you just love astrology?
Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee