Weekly Weather April 29, 2013
The eclipses are here!! The eclipses are here!!
We are officially in eclipse season! We will be rocking and rolling until June 8 when eclipse season is officially finished. My email and voice mail has been full of messages from people having epiphanies, breakthroughs, breakdowns, breakups, transformations, making decisions to move, leave jobs or partners, accepting and agreeing to commit to the next chapter of their lives by moving, starting new jobs, or meeting new partners. Some folks are committing to significant life changes in their personal habits ~ releasing the old and shop worn, embracing the new and transformative.
Eclipses change things. THESE eclipses will really rock your world. THESE eclipses will really rock the world of folks around you. You might be watching other folks having changes but don’t doubt for a minute that deep inside of you things are shifting around too. We still have six more weeks to go before we call it a wrap!
Why so powerful? Or to paraphrase the question of our Jewish friends on Passover: What makes these eclipses different than any other? First, they are taking place at very fixed degrees of our charts… the part of our charts with the deepest and most time worn ruts. We all have ruts in our life which sustain and contain us. Some rut in our life is getting “eclipsed”. Eclipses mean to leave or to rise up…so we are leaving or rising up from a rut in our life.
Second, the South Node and New Moon is taking place in FIXED EARTH ~ the very bedrock on which we’ve constructed an important part of our life that we actually completely adore ~ Taurus is ruled by Venus after all.
Third, we are going TOWARD the North Node in Scorpio, promising a profound transformation of our very essence. Scorpio takes us through a death and rebirth experience. Scorpio rules sex, death and taxes as well as our deepest psychological issues, our bowels, our reproductive areas and our inner hidden parts. Scorpio is an intense sign and asks us to go TOWARDS intense transformation.
So essentially, you are going to ejected from your rut and thrown into profound transformation! And you will be watching people around you get ejected from THEIR ruts and thrown into profound transformation.
The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!
The Week’s Planetary Highlights
Saturn is closest to Earth on Sunday 28 April 2013. Saturn will be at opposition point, when Earth lies directly between it & the Sun. It will be our best view of Saturn in 6 years, with no shadow on the rings
Mars Opposes Saturn on Wednesday May 1 2013 at 01:11:44 am EDT.
Mercury enters Taurus on Wednesday May 1 2013 at 11:37:04 am EDT
Sun Trines Pluto on Wednesday May 1 2013 at 01:35:48 pm EDT
Sun Sextiles Chiron on Friday May 3 2013 at 01:31:37 am EDT
Pallas Opposes Nodes on Friday May 3 2013 at 11:01:51 pm EDT
Mercury Sextiles Neptune on Saturday May 4 2013 at 00:31:04 am EDT
Mercury Opposes Saturn on Sunday May 5 2013 at 07:12:30 am EDT
Mars Trines Pluto on Sunday May 5 2013 at 05:28:49 pm EDT
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes Void Trine to Mercury on Monday Apr 29 2013 at 00:37:44 am EDT and enters Capricorn on Apr 29 2013 at 08:22:18 am EDT.
Moon goes Void Square to Mercury on Wednesday May 1 2013 at 10:08:09 am EDT and enters Aquarius on May 1 2013 at 10:20:36 am EDT
Moon goes void square to Venus on Friday May 3 2013 at 00:25:35 am EDT and enters Pisces on May 3 2013 at 02:26:27 pm EDT
Moon is Void Most of Friday
Moon goes void sextile to Venus on Sunday May 5 2013 at 12:01:21 pm EDT and enters Aries on May 5 2013 at 09:04:20 pm EDT
Moon is Void Most of Sunday
Remember Eclipse means the partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one celestial body by another. A temporary or permanent dimming or cutting off of light. A fall into obscurity or disuse. A decline. A disgraceful or humiliating end; a downfall: To obscure or diminish in importance, fame, or reputation. On a positive note: To surpass; outshine: an outstanding performance that eclipsed the previous record ~but that means the PREVIOUS performance was eclipsed. From Greek ekleipsis, to fail to appear, suffer an eclipse, to leave.
Fourth, the New Moon eclipse is taking place on the degree of Currency ~ yes, degrees rule things ~ 19 Taurus rules Currency ~ a Taurus asset we all like and think of as stable, reliable and dependable in our lives. At the end of my column, I’ve included an article by Robert Glover, an excellent astrologer and economist, who talks about the changes we can expect in our currency given the recent developments in Cyprus combined with the recent legislation in the USA. I still gaze at the banker’s hubris of we are “too big to fail” and wait for the fall that will come. Everything ends ~ even bankers who think of themselves as “our finest people.” Perhaps the failure will happen under the next two and a half year cycle starting next week when the Sun and Moon meet at 19 degrees of Taurus on the South Node of Loss. Don’t deposit a lot of your money in your bank. Right after the eclipse in Taurus, Uranus and Pluto square each other on May 20, the fourth of seven squares. The Uranus Pluto square is reshaping governments and corporations around the globe as Robert Glover so brilliantly points out.
Our week ahead is a bit aggressive and angry but in a deeply stubborn and dug in kind of way. Expect people to be sitting in their bunkers, believing THEY are right and YOU are wrong (or vice versa) but refusing to move from the position towards a resolution. Mars steps up, in Taurus the sign of the Bull, to butt heads with Saturn mid-week and work cooperatively with Pluto (work cooperatively with PLUTO? What the heck will THAT be like?) on Sunday.
Mars in Taurus is in his detriment. The Lord of War has no time for preserving structures that hold him back. He likes to blow them up not preserve them. Mars oppose Saturn is prostatitis in a man’s chart ~ and as my client Tony said to me once, “Anne, have you ever had PROSTATITIS? Do you know what that does to your SEX LIFE?” I had to admit, I had no idea what it did but it sure didn’t sound like fun. Mars in fixed earth fighting with Saturn in fixed water… a mad bull in a swamp… A bullfight in the mud? A football game in the mud before they started up with astroturf? hmm. Again not an easy or particularly clean easy set of images.
So your Taurus friends or the Taurus part of your chart might just have completely had it with someone and suddenly charge like a bull. So no wearing your red cape!
After Wednesday, Mars starts to trine Pluto, perfecting on Sunday. I am going to refine that image to incorporate the Bull fighting energy. The matador waves the red cape. The bull is angry and charges the red cape ~ not the matador who stuck him repeatedly with banderillas. He misplaces his anger and aggression. Every now and then, it is a SMART bull figures out the matador is behind the pain and charges HIM instead of the red cape. So pay attention to who is the matador and who is the red cape. Charge the correct inflictor of your pain~ Hint: it ain’t the red cape! Or turn and walk away. What would happen if you DIDN’T fight?
(The matador didn’t die. The bull did)
Mercury helps Mars out this week as he enters Taurus for a grand total of 14 days on Wednesday. He’s hurrying to catch up with the rest of the planets after his retrograde journey of 67 days in Pisces. So expect sharp, cutting or aggressive news the first part of the week and more solid, patient news the back half. During eclipse season is it always a bit better to take a deep breath and listen rather than attack and lash out. Mercury opposes Saturn on Sunday so you may say to someone that you need to end things rather than continue with them.
The other theme of this week is cows chewing on cuds. If you are NOT in the mood to attack and gore someone, it will be a slow paced, kind of relaxed energy ~ lots of planets are in Taurus the sign of cows, peacefully chewing their cud in the pasture. It is a great week to get a lot done, particularly after the road block on Wednesday is passed, when Mars passes his opposition to Saturn. Taurus has much to do with connection and relatedness too. So enjoy that side of the energy as we move through the eclipse period. Below are more UPBEAT videos of what the week’s energy will feel like!
I felt particularly blessed last weekend to teach a Palmistry Weekend in Vermont sponsored by BodhiConsult. It was a special weekend filled with love, laughter and good food with a new group of friends who all became pretty good palmists at the end of a few days of study. We spent Saturday night at our hostess’ new home, eating amazing shrimp and peapods cooked in garlic and lemon with rice pilaf, salad, deviled eggs (with horseradish) and fruit. The food was lovingly cooked by Kate, the earth fairy shaman and included many blessings. After dinner, we sat outside in the backyard, in the dark, watching the millions of stars overhead by a babbling brook around a blazing fire in a copper fire pit. There even were shooting stars to make wishes on! The still Full Moon eventually rose over the mountains, shining through the trees to light up our group with her eclipsed light. It was quite magical and mystical. It reminded me to take more time to enjoy the good things in life ~brisk spring nights with filled with wonderful people, laughter and some-mores.
Monday Moon day April 29, 2013 finds Moon in Capricorn with a closing aspect of a square to Mercury suggesting things you thought you wanted might not turn out quite the way you planned. It’s not a bad few days but agreements made don’t always turn out how you thought they would ~ kind of the best laid plans often go astray theme. It is a turbulent dream night, with lots of messages about how to change things up in your life. The middle of the day is fairly uneventful as Moon is in a hard working sign and not prone to causing problems… feeling a bit focused and even driven. Pallas has stressed aspects about all she has to do right now ~ the task list before you can feel a bit overwhelmed. Vesta’s aspects to the Nodes indicate a change to the house and home energy ~ perhaps releasing or shifting a relationship that’s been in place for a while. Venus connects with the Nodes of Fate by declination ~ you have to decide what your priorities are and act on them today. How DO you want to spend the time of your life? It IS YOUR life time after all!? Me, I want more starlit nights around bonfires near babbling brooks! Practical Capricorn earth’s Moon trine to Mars and sextile to Saturn invite you to focus on what you need to release to have more spaciousness in your life to do the things you want to do…
Tuesday Mars’s day April 30, 2013 finds Moon in Capricorn with serious aspects of focus as Moon trines Sun ~ grand trines in Earth always ask us to pay attention to what we deeply want in our lives. Another tossing and turning night as your dreams invite you to work on deeper levels to clear out old stories and old tapes. Mercury is active, pointing out how your stories about yourself create your reality. Gotta change those old stories to encompass something new and exciting. Sun’s exciting aspect to Uranus suggests you wake with a start to unexpected news. Deep emotions emerge out of nowhere… and push you to move past your fears. Moon connects with Pluto ~ taking you deep into your inner being. Moon in Capricorn is eminently practical and when she joins up with the Lord of the Underworld, you move deeper into a profound feeling space. Jupiter’s sextile to Hygeia early afternoon offers some healing news that makes you feel much better ~ or two messages that are important. Pay attention to what you hear. Moon trines Venus in Taurus at the end of the afternoon offering a very happy feeling to close the day with. Expect exciting information in the early afternoon ~ your prayers are answered?
Mercury’s day, Wednesday May 1, 2013 has a quick void moon before the Moon enters Aquarius for the next two and a half days. It is Beltane, the cross quarter day, half way between spring and summer. Time to plow the fields and plant the seeds, at least in a symbolic way on May day. The Lusty Month of May has arrived. The closing aspect for Aquarius Moon is a square to Venus offering a choice about how to proceed~ part of you wants to detach while another part is deeply connected. Can you do both? Don’t take it personally BUT connect the way that you can? So often we ask other people to do it the way WE want, ignoring what THEY want. Or we sacrifice OUR needs for THEIR needs and can become resentful. The idea here is to have a “grown” relationship where you love and respect each other enough to trust that both of you act in accordance with what is best for both of you. Mars opposition to Saturn in the night forced you to see a situation you had not noticed before and then released the blockage that was holding you back. Now that you see it, you have to take action to make things different ~ and, best news of all, YOU CAN take that action. Just go slow and steady towards the new direction. Baby steps are fine. So get started on it. No more dilly dallying. The energy of the past few months has been encouraging you to be spacious on your own behalf and on the part of the people you love. If you are happy, they are happy. Mercury enters Taurus for 14 days of slow, thoughtful communications about feelings. It is a great two weeks to make solid plans about incorporating more of what you love into your life. Sun’s trine to Pluto at the end of the day is incredibly uplifting. Perhaps a close call, perhaps an old fear vanished, maybe a danger averted, Sun’s trine to Pluto feels like a fresh new beginning. Take advantage of it! Mercury’s contraparallel to Neptune relieves you of a deep worry as you get an all clear or an emotional issue is clarified. Now that you know what is going on, you can take steps to deal with it. The rest of your life suddenly looks very clear!
Jupiter’s day, Thursday May 2, 2013 finds a cheerful, detached Moon in Aquarius with productive is choice provoking closing aspects of a square to Venus. It is yet another night with restive dreams about chases, explosions and chaos ~ all in the service of clearing something deep out of your insides. The aspects today lend themselves to a bit of turmoil even if they are mostly positive. Mercury’s sextile to Hades in the night brings up the darker energy. Uranus is inconjunct to Poseidon causing emotions to seem to fall out. Moon in Aquarius watches with a detached eye, while Venus in Taurus attempts to encourage the flow of feelings. You have to release them or they stay stuck deep inside of you. And you will keep repeating the same pattern over and over and over again if you DON’T get them out of you. Kind of like a boil or cyst that keeps recurring, you have to completely drain the infection and goo out of it to get it out of your system and prevent it from coming back. You can also take a brand NEW approach to it with Uranus contraparallel to Pallas ~ turn it upside down, reframe it, turn away from it, don’t engage. Do something DIFFERENT compared with what you USUALLY do. See how easy it is? Just shift a bit. You may find it is not so hard to do after all. The Universe is calling on you to repot yourself in some new, fresh dirt. Where do you want to grow? Stressful yes, but take a different approach to thinking about it. You might find you actually like it. If you hate it, you can always go back to your old ways and choices. Try the new.
Venus’ day Friday May 3, 2013 has a void Moon in the morning which enters Pisces in the afternoon. Pisces Moon has lovely closing aspects of a sextile to Venus ~ earth and water make mud… you can make castles in the sand or grow beautiful things over the next few days on projects you undertake. Make sure to send the ideas or encouragement out into the world to help others too. The world doesn’t always encourage our dreams. Mercury’s sextile to Vesta offers home decoration ideas. Sun’s working out some old wound that feels as old as the sea, eternal maybe. Even if you are happy, for the most part, in your life, you have moments of existential aloneness. Tonight can feel like that. Mars sextile to Ceres encourages you to take a new approach to diet, food, exercise, lifestyle choices or how you take action around what feels and sustains you. Venus is a bit cranky, she’s not feeling so terrific just this second ~ not the usual faire thee well happy gal Venus we all know and love. Allow her to vent and get it out of her insides and out into the world. Whether feeling alone or unloved or old or just sad with the state of the world and her choices, Venus needs your support now. Her tribe is missing. Pallas dives into the South Node late tonight ~ again this is a fabulous day to make and then be able to KEEP resolutions around life style changes. For the most part, releases or replacements are better than commitments. Resolve to release meat or replace it with vegetables. You get the idea. Change the pattern and let it go. Deep into the South Node of addiction and connection, release that energy you don’t want to carry forward with you any more. Or the person you don’t want to continue the same pattern with. It doesn’t need to be dramatic. You just have to stop doing it. It will change if you stop. Or do a different thing instead.
Saturn’s day Saturday May 4, 2013 finds Moon in delicious Pisces with oodles of productive and nurturing aspects. Today is a fun and fabulous day to take all sorts of productive, playful and creative projects and things on. Nothing drudgery. Moon wants to flow with all the earth planets and so should you. Build those castles. Plant that garden. Build that deck. Swing in your hammock and read a delicious book. Do things that delight and entertain you while supporting your new vision or dream of where you want to go. Mercury’s sextile to Neptune finally gave you a dream you could work with. Mars opposite Poseidon woke you up with a sense of urgency to prevent being overwhelmed. Mars and Uranus have a bit of squabble early on in the day ~ different agendas or ideas about how to spend your and their time. Do separate and unite later. It is a day of going with the flow. Sun’s square to Juno indicates there can be a need for detachment from partner’s stranger ideas. They have their life, you have your life. Patterns that are very old want and need to change. Enjoy the lovely and flowing aspects of today… it will be incredibly productive.
Sun’s day Sunday May 5, 2013 has Moon in Pisces in the morning, void in the afternoon and entering Aries in the evening. Mercury’s opposition to Saturn offers you an ending energy that is available to finish or complete something long overdue. Or perhaps you will stand up to or for yourself as your own authority. Or perhaps a younger person will say something to you that makes you understand things in a way you never did before. Pay attention to what you hear today that helps you clarify issues around structures that need to change in your life. Moon ‘s sextile to Venus makes connects easy and powerfully ~ you’ve resolved the argument taking place a few days ago to a successful conclusion. Uranus squares Ceres mid-afternoon causing some kind of break or change in your approach to nurturing or creating. Closely on the heels of that energy, Mars trines Pluto offering a deep and profound change of energy. Mars and Pluto started their current cycle on November 27, 2012. This is the first opportunity to harvest their energy productively, especially after the test they put you through on March 26, 2013. Use this push for completion wisely. Venus is squabbling about procedures ~ all well and good but still push for what you want. On some level you are ready for a new approach to partnering with your life. This is part of how you get there.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Cows chewing cuds or Angry Bulls charging at you!? A transformative week. The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked about connecting deeply in relationship and sitting in silent curiosity. Anne insulted her Taurus clients~ Anne actually LOVES many evolved Taureans! It is the un-evolved Taurus gives her angina.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary’s appendix ruptured. She’s mending. Prayers for her please! Another week off ~ sick day!! Actually, hospital day!
Access Astrology: Mark is off. We are moving the show to Wednesday night. Stay tuned!
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt got her fans speaking with her explanation of Venus as the sacred prostitute….Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.
Here is the article by Robert Glover which appeared in my ISAR Weekly Newsletter.
The Bank is Where the Money Is
Robert Gover, USA
If what can go wrong, will go wrong, we may soon be in for a really dramatic example of the Uranus-Pluto square, via another byproduct of the “bribe-ocracy” that has developed in the USA.
Since governments are no longer willing to transfer taxpayers’ money to the “Too Big To Fail” banks if/when they crash, the bankers’ lobbyists have persuaded Congress to enable bankers to confiscate the deposits of their customers by renaming these deposits “stock,”thereby freeing up the trillions needed to repay bankers who lose money in the derivatives market, where they currently have $230 Trillion “invested.”
As Ellen Brown put it in an article April 9, 2013: “Rather than banks being put into bankruptcy to salvage the deposits of their customers, the customers will now be put into bankruptcy to save the banks.”
Here’s how this wondrous new way to plunder the public came about:
In 1933, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act preventing bankers from gambling with depositors’ money as had happened before the Great Depression with blood-curdling effects. But hey, whose money is it anyway? “The bank is where they money is,” we are taught to believe, so it naturally follows that money is the possession of bankers. So in 1999, the Glass-Steagall Act restrictions on our deposits were removed, and bankers were again able to use your money and mine to gamble in derivatives markets. But politicians did not want to suffer the hot disdain of their constituents if or when another Too Big To Fail event occurred, as is likely because bankers now feel free to gamble other people’s money away without fear—they’re “insured” by their grip on our Congress persons via their generous campaign contributions to those Congress persons’ next elections.
What to do?
“Under both the Dodd Frank Act and the 2005 Bankruptcy Act, derivative claims have super-priority over all other claims, secured and unsecured, insured and uninsured. In a major derivatives fiasco, derivative claimants could well grab all the collateral, leaving other claimants, public and private, holding the bag.”
Problem solved—our illustrious politicians are assured plenty of campaign money to win reelection. And that sure does beat the old Stamp Act of 1765 which led to the first American revolution.
Next time the derivatives market crashes, Wall Street hotshots won’t have to fly to Washington to persuade politicians to transfer taxpayer money to them because they’re “Too Big To Fail.” The money we have put in banks for safe keeping will be transferred to bankers and we’ll be issued “stock.”
Since we can’t pay rent and buy groceries with stock, such a turn of events—if it happens—will get the public’s attention like nothing else.
This Uranus-Pluto square, as every astrologer knows, promises some kind of massive cultural change, especially with Pluto now in Capricorn, where it hasn’t been since the American Revolution that founded this nation. Those mighty denizens of Western Culture called bankers—the progeny of the “moneychangers” Jesus threw out of the Temple two thousand years ago—are definitely back. Since no society can function with such leaches sucking its blood (as in, “money is the blood of the economy”), this Uranus-Pluto-square revolution has found its focus.
“Cyprus-style confiscation of depositor funds has been called the ‘new normal’…Even ‘secured’creditors, including state and local governments, may be at risk. Derivatives have ‘super-priority’ status in bankruptcy, and Dodd Frank precludes further taxpayer bailouts.” (Ellen Brown.)
Next time the Wall Street 1% needs rescued from their gambling losses, there will be no bailout—instead, even little Sally’s lemonade money will be confiscated and transferred to “our finest people,” as they like to be called.
That this “new normal” has not been publicized by the mass media is by design, not oversight. I want to make other astrologers aware of this impending monetary catastrophe so they won’t be too stunned to help their clients cope with it, should it occur, as in, “What can go wrong, will go wrong.”
1. www.webofdebt.com/articles/baliin.php
2. A Safe and a Shotgun or Publicly-owned Banks? The Battle of Cyprus, Web of Debt site.
3. a letter from Americans for Financial Reform, Yves Smith quote.
4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Bank of England (BOE) in December 2012, letter titled Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions.