Weekly Weather April 1, 2013

Weekly Weather April 1, 2012














Renewal’s not the same as becoming once again what we once were before; it’s more becoming to be absolutely new, again: ad infinitum….


E.E. Nobbs
























blessing the boats:

may the tide

that is entering even now

the lip of our understanding

carry you out

beyond the face of fear

may you kiss

the wind then turn from it

certain that it will

love your back    may you

open your eyes to water

water waving forever

and may you in your innocence

sail through this to that


Lucille Clifton












This is my kingdom.  I stand. I have been below the

Earth, waiting for the Sun, for dark days, bleak months.

My body heals. I wait for her song stealing among the trees.

I hope again. I dream again. I see her coming. I feel.


Jake Murray



Very clarifying energy runs through our bodies this week as the Finger of God/Goddess starts to break apart overhead. It is time to get on with our lives. The official evolutionary period, or the intense part, is finished.  We are “cooked” so to speak.







The Finger formed around December 4, 2012. It has been over our heads, encouraging us to evolve since then.  Last week, Jupiter formed his third and final of three inconjuncts with Pluto taking place this year, perfecting the Finger of Evolution.  Now Jupiter separates from Saturn and Pluto to move forward toward the next chapter.  Pluto is slowing to station and turn retrograde next week on April 12, 2013.  We are gently being dropped by the universe into our next chapter of evolution like a mama cat moves and drops her kittens.









The evolutionary train pulled into the station.  You either caught it or you missed the train.  The train has now pulled out of the station and is moving forward.  Forward we go!  Did Mama Cat leave you unattended under a mailbox?  Time to explore your new world…..








Inconjuncts are adjusting energies, often of either a health or psychological nature.  They require us to make mental, emotional, spiritual or physical adjustments.  Jupiter’s first inconjunct to Pluto was July 18, 2012 at 7:46 degrees.  Over the 2012 Christmas holidays, the Finger of God was formed and stimulated as Jupiter RETROGRADE set off Pluto at 8:56 degrees on December 20, then Saturn at 8:45 degrees on December 22 to conclude as Saturn and Pluto sextiled each other on December 26 at 9:08 degrees. Think about the ages of 8 to 9 in your life and how the past Christmas awoke them up.  What did you see or do over the Christmas holiday that was tied to your soul’s evolution?


This month, we had the Finger of God/Goddess repeat its energy so we could evolve yet again ~ hopefully consciously.  If we are unconscious about a matter, the universe will help us work it out over the next few months.  That is so we can see where we are.  Saturn sextiled Pluto on March 8 at 11:15 degrees.  Jupiter perfected the Finger with inconjuncts to Saturn on March 23 at 10:36 degrees and to Pluto on March 29 at 11:32 degrees.


So very often my readers say it better than I do: A reader wrote:


you said that the finger of god was affecting the ascendant because the leg of finger of god is scorpio and that is the rising sign. 

i thought it mattered MOST where the finger was pointing ~ towards the gemini house.

So the 1st house, Scorpio, is resonating or vibrating CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE? 


as well as the Capricorn house?

not just the gemini house?

wow. no wonder so many people are freaking out these days and just blowing up

their lives

its all over the place.



An apt description ~ freaking out and just blowing up their lives… Yes ALL the parts of the Finger count ~ especially if they are on planets in your chart or in angular houses.  But each leg of the Finger, each planet involved, needs, wants and even DEMANDS your attention.  Attention will be paid!


Fingers demand that we change, adjust and change.  And if a little thing like our life needs to be blown up, so be it.  The evolutionary impulse is upon us.  Evolution, like birth, is not a neat and clean process, confined to the sunny day lit hours with a gentle breeze blowing while we sip lemonade and “evolve”.  It’s right in your face, pushing on your stuff, asking you to own your stuff and take responsibility for it….Feel the fear.  Do it anyway.   And yes, folks can have temper tantrums if they are not getting what they want.  Or be bratty.  Or cry.  Or sulk. Or any one of a number of their old responses to not getting what they want. And then, they get up and get on with it.  You are your own kitten and your own mama cat…. at the same time….



You are where you are.  It is perfect. It is always perfect. You are right where you are supposed to be, based on the work you’ve done on yourself.  Like it?  Keep on.  Don’t like it?  Change. Evolve.  Now is the time for the last bits to shift and change into something else.





The FIRE Finger and the EVOLUTIONARY  Finger start to separate this week.  The Fire Finger separates rather quickly.  The Evolutionary Finger takes its time and unspools over the next few weeks ~ through April 12 or so. Transits take place on four levels ~ always, always ~ spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical. The two Fingers took place on all four levels in your chart.  You have to do the work on ALL FOUR LEVELS to evolve successfully. The Fire and Evolutionary Fingers pushed you to evolve.  Conscious




A new chapter starts now!  The new chapter start this WEEK on Sunday when Venus catches up to her buddy Mars in Aries ~ the planet of desire links up with the planet of action.  Truth be told, the new chapter actually kind of started last week when Venus and the Sun met up with each other and Uranus on Thursday after the lovely Full Moon.  We still had a kick from the evolving Fingers over the weekend but we SAW where we were going.


Time to make a plan. Get your stuff and your life ready to go for a HUGE summer of creativity, productivity and solid growth in your new direction.  Start packing your suitcase.  Figure out what you need to have for the next chapter, the next journey, of your life. You have between NOW and June 26 to get your OLD stuff done, finished, and out of the way…. Packed up, scanned, shredded, put into storage, or whatever. You know what needs to be done. Get busy doing it!  Evolution has happened.  Now we clean up the messy parts and bits left over from our evolution. And we prepare the plans, organize the details and get ready for our future.


As I write my column, my Pandora plays.  I loved this movie,
The Goodbye Girl. I have Saturn joined to Venus in Scorpio in my eighth house of endings.  I always HATED endings! Now, I have learned, some what and some times, to embrace the endings in my life.  When I first saw the apartment I live in now, it reminded me of the apartment in this movie. We are each goodbye girls and goodbye boys this week.  We will be saying goodbye to our past, our fears, our anxieties, and our doubts.  We are where we are. We have to trust that the goodbye before us or taking place in our life is for our greater good.  And you might even sing the song to that little kid inside of you, worried and watching what is going on in your life….goodbye doesn’t mean forever. Forget your past cause now you’re home at last!







All your life you’ve waited
For love to come and stay
And now that I have found you
You must not slip away
I know it’s hard believin’
The words you’ve heard before
But darlin’ you must trust them just once more
‘Cause baby, goodbye doesn’t mean forever
Let me tell you
Goodbye doesn’t mean
We’ll never be together again.

If you wake up and I’m not there
I won’t be long away
‘Cause the things you do my goodbye girl
Will bring me back to you

I know you’ve been taken
Afraid to hurt again
You fight the love you feel for me
Instead of givin’ in
But I can wait forever
Helping you to see
That I was meant for you and you for me

So remember, goodbye doesn’t mean forever
Let me tell you goodbye
Doesn’t mean we’ll never be together again
Though we may be so far apart
You still will have my heart
So forget your past my goodbye girl
‘Cause now you’re home at last


The process of Life demands that we individuate and grow.  AT the same time, our deepest needs are for profound connections, community and relatedness.  How do we balance those  two?  How do we keep true to the path of our heart while maintaining the relationships that are so important to us?


We know that if it is in our heart, it is in our chart.  We trust our heart.  Not THEIR heart.  OUR OWN HEART…. Our own heart song.  Turn on your heart light.  Let it shine. Know that connections of the heart travel across time and space….keeping us connected.




Come back again
I want you to stay next time
‘Cause sometimes the world ain’t kind
When people get lost like you and me

I just made a friend
A friend is someone you need
But now that he had to go away
I still feel the words that he might say

Turn on your heartlight
Let it shine wherever you go
Let it make a happy glow
For all the world to see
Turn on your heartlight
In the middle of a young boy’s dream
Don’t wake me up too soon
Gonna take a ride across the moon
You and me

He’s lookin’ for home
‘Cause everyone needs a place
And home’s the most excellent place of all
And I’ll be right here if you should call me

Turn on your heartlight
Let it shine wherever you go
Let it make a happy glow
For all the world to see
Turn on your heartlight
In the middle of a young boy’s dream
Don’t wake me up too soon
Gonna take a ride across the moon
You and me

And home’s the most excellent place of all
And I’ll be right here if you should call me
Turn on your heartlight
Let it shine wherever you go
Let it make a happy glow
For all the world to see
Turn on your heartlight
In the middle of a young boy’s dream
Don’t wake me up too soon
Gonna take a ride across the moon
You and me
Turn on your heartlight now
Turn on your heartlight now



Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles. Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center.  It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.


Moon goes void Trine Mars on Apr 1 2013 at 01:00:50 am  EDT and enters Capricorn on   Apr 2 2013 at 01:36:22 am  EDT.

Moon is Void all Day Monday


Moon goes void Square Mars on Apr 3 2013 at 06:36:00 am EDT and enters Aquarius on  Apr 4 2013 at 04:42:30 am  EDT.

Moon is Void all day Wednesday


Moon goes void Sextile to Mars on Apr 5 2013 at 01:22:40 pm  EDT and enters Pisces on Apr 6 2013 at 09:01:15 am  EDT.

Moon is Void Friday Afternoon and Evening





Moon’s Day Monday April 1 Moon is void all day in Sagittarius with a helpful closing aspect of a trine to Mars suggesting you have a lot of energy to push through all sorts of things that need to be finished up.  Sun sextiles Jupiter, finishing up the Fire Finger of God/Goddess.  The last part of evolution is done now. The two Fingers start to separate and go their separate ways.  Take a deep breath. Sit down with your planner. Sketch out the next few months with the over arching plan of what you want to accomplish. Lots to do!  Make the time to end it call bright and early in the morning.  It will set you free.


Mars day Tuesday April 2 Moon in Capricorn has a difficult closing aspect of a square to Mars suggesting you might want to make a different choice than you are currently considering. Vesta is sextile Eris so the discord you feel is fundamental to knowing a different choice or option needs to be considered.  Certainly you can ignore that little voice within but it needs you to pay attention to it.  Mars argues with Zeus ~ you can take actions against your best interest today. So proceed with caution.  Lots of fire in the sky that is not necessarily acting with your best or highest good in mind.  At the end of the business day, Moon in Capricorn sets off the Finger of God as well as squares Uranus. You can have an emotional breakthrough, break up or break down with the square.  Moon trines Saturn offering psychological understanding of your evolutionary path.  Moon occults Pluto ~ meaning that deep feeling surface from a very old, very dark and deeply hidden place. Welcome them, even if the emotions associated with them are a bit fierce.  Fierce is good.  Lots of fire in the sky!



Mercury’s day Wednesday April 3 finds Moon in Capricorn and Void all day to process the last bits of emotions from the Finger of God/Goddess separating.  Venus is opposite Zeus so you might find you woke up in a sweat or with a panic in the middle of the night.  Mars has a harsh adjusting aspect to the nodes of fate… you have to choose. It is time. Is this REALLY how you want your life to proceed?  Mars is contraparallel Pallas ~ can you see how your actions got you to this place?  Do you want to stay here or go somewhere else, someplace else?  Choice is all.  Consciousness is king or queen.  Strive for consciousness today. Allow your feelings to surface and don’t deny that little voice whispering in your ear. Listen to it.


Juptier’s day Thursday April 4 finds Moon in Aquarius with a pleasant closing aspect of a sextile to Fire Mars. Mercury is arguing a bit with Pallas as he semi-squares her… it’s the saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”  Mercury is Pisces is blissfully unaware ~ some say foolishly unaware.  Pallas in grounded Taurus is say to Mercury “Walks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Looks like a duck… well it probably is a duck!”  Mercury insists it is a lion.  Or a fish. Or maybe even a goose!  Mercury doesn’t WANT it to be a duck ~ even though all the evidence points to duck, duck, duck ~ not goose, fish, or lion! Trust me on this ~ it is a duck.  And if YOU are the only one who seems to notice the emperor has no clothes on, DO mention it. Afterwards, they can’t say you didn’t warn them.  That said, Pluto’s sextile to Chiron indicates their need to believe it is a goose, lion or fish is BIGGER than their desire to see reality.  If you find YOU are in a situation where someone is warning you about a situation, take the time to listen.  It might just be a duck that you should duck! Mercury’s aspects to the Nodes are helpful in encouraging you to process reality in a different way. Sun’s aspect to Zeus by opposition and contraparallel suggest this is NOT a good thing for you to do…. Not furthering the life path if you know what I mean!   At the end of the day, Moon has a sextile to Uranus and square to Saturn.  There still is time to change your mind.  A duck is a duck.  Not a lion. Not a goose. Not a fish.  See it.  Or at least pause long enough to consider other options and approach the situation with curiosity rather than the stubbornness that Aquarius Moon suggests is running the show right now.  Ceres enters Cancer and is still WAY out of bounds… the nurturing principle is not working so great right now…. Ceres WANTS to nurture but is operating beyond the normal bounds of things.  Venus has an argument with the Nodes of Fate… as Tina Turner says “What’s love got to do with it?  What’s love but a second hand emotion?”  Do you believe Tina or do you believe in love?




Venus’ Day Friday April 5 finds Moon in Aquarius with a closing aspect of a sextile to Mars in action taking Aries.  This is a jump off the cliff and hope for the best energy. Did you remember to pack a parachute before you jumped? Do you absolutely HAVE to jump off the cliff?  Is there another way down the mountain?  Moon goes void in the early afternoon.  Before she voids, she sextiles the Sun and Venus ~ both in fire.  Fire and air feed each other ~ inspiration and ideas even if the ideas and words are not particularly practical. Last night’s dreams could have been a bit stressful as the heavens were attempting to get you to see something you’ve been refusing to notice or understand with Sun contraparallel to Pallas… you are ignoring the patterns clearly before you.  Lots of contraparallels today make it a slightly contentious energy all day ~ willful even.  Back and forth. Fight, make up, fight again, make up again. Why are you putting up with this? Venus is contraparallel to Zeus ~ Desire and love is ignoring reason, compassion or those who suggest you might reconsider. Sun and Mercury are contraparallel so ideas or words fight with the greater purpose of what is supposed to happen for your soul’s development. Venus contraparallel to Pallas says look extra clearly at the patterns around love and desire as you are definitely not seeing something clearly. Venus is in her fall in Aries so she has the potential to be spiteful about what’s going on. Mercury is in his fall in Pisces so he’s not being very good at communicating what is going on.  Deceptions can take place. Don’t sign contracts around love or money today as Mercury is contraparallel Venus… they will not turn out the way you anticipate.  And as both Venus and Mercury are in their detriment, they could turn out very, very badly indeed.



Saturn’s Day Saturday April 6 finds Moon happy in Pisces with a union with Neptune late in the afternoon… emotions swirl settle into perhaps tears.  Mars and Venus semi-square Neptune in an opening slightly stressful aspect bright and early in the morning and at 2 pm respectively. There is an enormous amount of delusion and misunderstanding flying around but at the same time a strong desire to move things forward, alone or with others, towards a desired conclusion. Think about it ~ three personal planets ~ your need for emotional nurturing and creation, your need for love and connection combined with your drive nature for action, sex and fighting all befuddled and befogged with Neptune.  It can be amazingly FABULOUS or an incredible, complete MESS.  And it can actually be BOTH at the same time.  So much is NOT being seen or being observed through the shifting veils of time, illusion and delusion. Be careful around commitments under this energy as you are definitely NOT seeing it for what it is.  That said, would Columbus have sailed the sea or Man landed on the Moon if not for having the dream and chasing after it?  Dreams are meant to inspire us~ and they do.  Sun’s harsh aspects to the Nodes encourage us to be wary as it will NOT turnout quite the way we thought it would.  Our ego will be disappointed.  But that said, does it EVER turn out quite the way we think it will?   The pattern is there, clear as day, IF you choose to look.  But you might not look…in hindsight you will see it.  Hindsight is 20/20.



Sun’s day Sunday April 7 2013 finds Moon in Pisces with lovely closing aspects of a conjunction to Mercury as he leaves his Shadow degree.  Expect interesting information to come your way.  Venus links up with Mars to start a new year long cycle, linking her intense desires with that of her beloved Mars… expect lots of Passion from them.  Great for igniting desires and moving forward.  Venus and Mars are such a fun couple, so full of energy and delight in each other.  There can be a very clear, assertive energy about what you desire based on their union in your chart.  Notice what is at 19 Aries. Moon is serious in her conversations with Saturn and Pluto about how the evolutionary forces have affected her on a very deep level. Ceres joins with Hades, ending, in a VERY permanent way a story around parenting, nurturing or desire.  Sometimes things have to end…now is one of those times.  Say goodbye.  Turn on your heart light.  It is across the cosmos connection. They are gone but never forgotten.  That is what happens when love is involved.


Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap:  Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.

Anne’s Weekly Weather:  The Fingers of God/Goddess energies in the Heavens start to break up as Jupiter pulls rapidly away from them.  Still working with non-linear time with Mercury in Pisces. Pay special attention to your dreams. Mercury rules Jupiter so he is playing with us and the Finger of God making us focus on our dreams for messages. Watch out for all the fire….

Scorpios Talking:  Michael and Anne talked about how to connect at deeper levels to the feelings swirling around in us. Change how you work with them!

The Mary Anne Show: Mary was taking time for self-care. We’ll be back this week!?

Access Astrology: Heather and Mark were both off so I talked about the week ahead and took a call from Nick in Chicago who was changing his life!

Venus Unplugged:  Llorraine Neithardt continues to enthrall… Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.








Learn Palmistry with Anne Ortelee

Weekend Workshop April 26-28, 2013

Manchester, Vermont




Palmistry is both an art and a science. It is based on scientific principles that can be learned by anyone. The hand is called ‘God’s Road Map’.  The hand is one of the most valuable tools we have for guidance. Knowing Palmistry will enrich the lives of all you meet as they understand the knowledge and wisdom in their hands.

Palmistry’s use as a means of psychological insight and divination dates back thousands of years. Because the hand changes as you change, it is an up to the minute report from your own Higher Self. The hand reports on many areas of your life, including health, financial security, talents, strengths and weaknesses. It shows the best choices for creating a fulfilling life. It reflects YOU, the unique individual. Your hand is a mirror of your soul.

The weekend workshop in Palmistry will cover every aspect of the hand, the shapes, the lines, fingers, and the seven planetary archetypes. We will practice reading hands, as well as learn how to synthesize and communicate the information we find.

Anne Ortelee was trained as a Palmist by The School of Oracles. The School of Oracles is dedicated to preserving and perpetuating Palmistry, a sacred art, in a manner that does honor to the wisdom, healing and illumination it brings to humanity.

Weekend will include:

  • 5 meals ~ dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch Saturday & Sunday
  • Two nights’ accommodations
  • Workshop and Course materials
  • Individual Time with your Own Hand!

Please contact Bodhi Consult for more information.  Register by visiting www.bodhiconsult.com or call Beth at 802 379 5775











Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee