We have a Full Moon in Capricorn taking place just before sunset, at 6:56 PM Eastern US time, on July 19th, 2016. This Full Moon represents the culmination of a story that was begun in January 2015, when you seeded a new journey in the Capricorn house of your chart; and which continued in October 2015, when the story was challenged with an opening square. What projects or situations filled your mind (and your schedule) during those two months last year? Expect them to show up again now, if they haven’t already.
Full Moons are about illumination – the private, emotional, changeable Moon receiving the bright, relatively steady light of the Sun’s rays. They offer us opportunities to clarify our perspective, to know ourselves better, and sometimes to learn secrets that have been hidden behind the scenes, or bring inner ideas into physical, structural manifestation.
Capricorn, being ruled by Saturn, LOVES structure, making this a REALLY good time to focus on getting your ducks in a row. Monitor your self-talk! Gather together your tools! Our reality is the sum of our inner consciousness plus our external, habitual activities.
In spite of the Moon’s being full, however, it can be difficult to really feel that sense of clarity right now, because the sky is so low in Air. The Air signs – Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius – enable us to communicate verbally and intellectually with others and with ourselves, to name and claim what we want. This Full Moon chart, instead, is heavy in Earth and Water, both of which hold deep profound feelings but don’t necessarily know what to do with them. The sandbars are shifting with the tides, and they haven’t yet settled in their final position. How do you navigate your course, when the landscape around you is in flux?
Just keep moving forward, bit by bit! If you can’t quite articulate the vision, just follow your gut. Mars is direct – woo hoo! He’s also featured prominently as the highest planet in the Full Moon chart, AND the Full Moon itself takes place on a Tuesday, which is sacred to Mars.
Mars is the God of Action. Just go! In the book “Bird By Bird,” author Anne Lamott compares the creative process to driving at night with the headlights on. You don’t need to be able to see the whole road. You just need to see the ten feet in front of you.
Our friends Mercury and Venus are still traveling with the Sun, although unlike him, they have already transitioned from Cancer to Leo. They’re ready to play, and they can help you clarify things too. So if your Mars-in-Scorpio gut isn’t enough to guide you right now, try listening to your frivolous, humorous, lighthearted, delightful, childish impulses. They want to express the will of the Ego, the Sun. What will feel satisfying, on a very basic level? What will show the world your uniqueness, your identity? What will create the most joy – both for you and for others?
And finally, the question of clarity in how we proceed is also being assisted (although possibly not in a fun way) by another major aspect that takes place just before the Full Moon: the Sun-Uranus square on Saturday morning, July 16th, at 9:31 AM Eastern US time. Uranus in Aries does something to shock the sensibilities of the Sun in Cancer. Fun or not, it’s a profound “aha!” moment, a “eureka” discovery, that helps you throw off the restrictions of fear and the weight of the past.
Keep moving forward into your new life. Onward and upward!