The Second Eclipse, Mars, & A Saturn-Uranus Square

Dear all,

What a rocking and roiling week!

On Thursday, June 10 at 6:52 AM Eastern US time, the Lights meet at 19 degrees, 47 minutes Gemini to form, not only a New Moon, but a Total Solar Eclipse.

This is the second and final installment of our 2021 Summer Eclipse Season and the chart for Thursday is WILD. Mercury’s retrograde, Venus and the Moon both remain out-of-bounds, and Venus and Mars in Cancer both answer to the (eclipsed!) Moon in Janus-faced Gemini.

Venusian and Cancerian matters — love, money, family, feelings — are especially active. The Eclipse degree squares Neptune and Pallas Athena, suggesting that you are befuddled . . . or beginning to see the story clearly for the very first time. This week is all about illusion and illumination, perhaps with a dash of betrayal. Not only is this this New Moon an Eclipse, but also — it takes place at sunrise in Washington, DC, which makes it extra potent for these United States.

And, as if all that just wasn’t enough, we also have a big sign-shift on Friday, June 11. Mars, who has been swimming in the (very challenging, for him) sea of Cancer since April 23, will dry off and shift into Leo. His action-taking attitude changes from “why me?” to “why not me?” or even better, “I gotta be me, no matter what!”

Be lionhearted; pursue your most authentic core desires. You have cleared and processed old emotions for the past 6 weeks; now orient yourself towards the future.

Finally, and on top of all this transition, we’re approaching the second Saturn-Uranus square of this year.  These Titans last clashed in the sky on February 17. They’ll be clashing again on June 14. (And again on December 24.) What were you dealing with in mid-February? Expect elements of that story to resurface. Back then, you saw changes that needed to be made, mainly in institutions and your relationships to authority. Now, we have a period of chaos as the changes start to come into being. It’s hard, but since it *is* broke, we had better fix it. Opportunities abound for shifting the structure of your life. Remember the serenity prayer and keep going.

If you’d like to learn more about the upcoming aspects, I invite you to join me tonight, Wednesday, June 9, at 7:30 PM EDT, for my monthly New Moon (Eclipse!) Manifestation Circle webinar. Space is limited and we do expect to sell out, but the recordings will be made available for sale on Thursday morning. Hope to see you there!

