Dear friends,
The New Moon Eclipse perfects this weekend in the wee hours of Saturday morning — or late Friday night, depending on where you’re located — at 12 degrees, 22 minutes Sagittarius. In the chart cast for Washington, DC (scroll down to view!) we find most of the planets below the horizon.
There is a Minor Grand Trine between Mars at 23 degrees Scorpio, Neptune at 20 Pisces, and Venus and Pluto at 22 and 25 Capricorn respectively. All that Earth and Water energy makes this a great time to create things of lasting value to you. Our powers of manifestation are heightened! Jupiter, now at 25 Aquarius, squares Mars, becoming an “honorary” member of the Minor Grand Trine. Same with Eris at 23 Aries: her square to Venus and Pluto brings her into the mix. It’s a time for big visions, big ideas, big FEELINGS. Hold your dream in your mind and take the next tiny step, then the next. Let the vision be bigger than you thought it would be.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is the last New Moon of our current Nodal cycle. The Nodes of Fate have been traveling through Gemini and Sagittarius for the last 18 months. Now they’re getting ready to swim into Taurus and Scorpio. Towards what has destiny drawn you since May 2020? Wrap it up, bless it, turn the page. Thank the heavens for what you have now, and invoke what you want to make next.
It’s a time for prayers being heard. Mercury is out-of-bounds, and he and Jupiter are in mutual reception — with Mercury in Jupiter’s home sign of Sagittarius and Jupiter in Aquarius, the sign of Mercury’s exaltation. Mutual reception means that the plants can “trade places” energetically . . . if we ask them to! Tell Jupiter that you want him to pop in beside the Sun and Moon, expanding all your creative powers tenfold. Tell Aquarian Mercury to turn on the fountain of ideas.
This is a fountain-like energy, juicy and full of movement. We’re still in orb of Neptune’s recent station (on December 1) so give some attention, too, to projects that stalled or changed direction when Neptune went retrograde on June 25. I’m reminded of the dancing fountains in Las Vegas where the water moves in time to music. What is the music in your soul? You dance to that.
I discussed all these aspects and more in my monthly New Moon webinar last night. In case you missed it, you can purchase the recordings and slides here.
Happy New Moon, happy Eclipse, and happy holidays to all.
The Sagittarius New Moon ECLIPSE
December 4, 2021 at 2:42 AM Eastern US Time
Chart for Washington, DC