Weekly Weather February 11, 2013 Worked all weekend. Needed time for a bit of self care. The column will be up Monday evening. Thank you for your patience. Monday Moon in Pisces with lovely closing aspects of trine to Saturn ~ Go with the flow. Do the responsible thing for your soul’s evolution! Very,
Weekly Weather February 4, 2013
Weekly Weather February 4, 2013 A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. — Alexander Pope (1688-1744) English Poet Pisces rules the heavens for the next major leg of our journey.
Weekly Weather January 28, 2013
Weekly Weather January 28, 2013 Drama, emotions, important choices and farewells take place during the week ahead. Jupiter stations and turns direct at 6:19 Gemini at 6:37 am EST Wednesday. Jupiter is the apex of the Finger of God, directing our steps forward, ever forward,
Weekly Weather January 21, 2013
Weekly Weather January 21, 2013 “God gave us Memory that we might have roses in December.” J.M Barrie Last week turned out to be a bit more difficult than I expected… both the Sun and Mercury traveled over the last degrees of Capricorn squaring the point that
Weekly Weather January 14, 2013
Weekly Weather January 13, 2013 “I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from the Spirit’s presence.” Oriah Mountain Dreamer A quiet, productive, and stable week awaits us. Most of our heavenly guides, Mars, Sun, Mercury,
Weekly Weather January 7, 2013
Weekly Weather January 7, 2013 Fire Come Forth Set me Free Kindle the Fire that Burns in me. Burn away what is not Love, Burn away what is the past, Burn away what will not last, Light the path ahead. ~anonymous
Weekly Weather December 31, 2012
Weekly Weather December 30, 2012 Let me be in the present tense. Lynn Singer. It is time for those New Year’s Resolutions. And THIS year, with the Finger of God poking you in your ribs, you ARE going to be able to keep the things you resolve to do. I love the word
Weekly Weather December 24, 2012
Weekly Weather December 24, 2012 The world didn’t end last week. We moved into a new alignment with Milky Way. The Mayan long count calendar completed. A new era was started. Full Steam ahead we go! All the major planets (except Jupiter in a