Weekly Weather July 27, 2015 Happiness is what greases the wheels of life. It’s also what opens the floodgates, marshals the forces, commands the elements, raises the sun, aligns the stars, beats your heart, heals what hurts, turns the page, makes new friends, finds true love, calls the shots, waves the wand,
Weekly Weather July 20, 2015
Weekly Weather July 20, 2015 Last week was rough as we faced profound choices and made life altering decisions. In the how cool is THAT astrology category, on Wednesday, our toughest day, we flew
Weekly Weather July 13, 2015
Weekly Weather July 13, 2015 “None of us can ever express the exact measure of his needs or his thoughts or his sorrows; and human speech is like a cracked petal on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt
Weekly Weather July 6, 2015
Weekly Weather July 6, 2015 Music spoke to me for this week’s column. Sometimes the songs just say it better than I can. We face profound choices. We make life altering decisions. Below are videos to support whatever choices you face. Watch them all if you can. They each speak to
Weekly Weather June 22, 2015
Weekly Weather June 22, 2015 Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you will help them become what they are capable of becoming. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Expect the first half of the week to be quite stressed and difficult with unexpected surprises, losses and
Weekly Weather June 15, 2015
Weekly Weather June 15, 2015 I’ve been away at a retreat on Martha’s Vineyard planning the OPA Conference this fall. (Details to register are on my website under the events tab!). The column will be up later Monday after I get home. There has been no time to write the column. Work!
Weekly Weather June 8, 2015
Weekly Weather June 8, 2015 There is no better measure of a person than what he does when he is absolutely free to choose. Wilma Askinas. Last week, my father, Mark Ortelee,
Weekly Weather May 25, 2015
Weekly Weather May 25, 2015 It is Memorial Day! Take time to honor all who have given their lives or sacrificed and served their nation. The feminine energy continues to be irritated and angry. Watch out! It calms down later in the week after the Sun passes Eris on Friday and