Dear all,
I hope this finds you safe and well. Here’s a quick update on three major aspects that we have experienced, or will be experiencing, over the span of just a few days.
On Tuesday, March 31, Mars met up with Saturn in Aquarius. Mars becamse the first planet to aspect Saturn since Saturn entered Aquarius ten days before. The God of Action has made it his business to wake up the old Lord of Karma, starting a new two-year cycle (Mars) around work and what we’re working towards, setting Saturn’s agenda for the next 2.5 years.
What inspiration came into your life this week? This is it, this is your path!
Aquarius energy is both nonconformist and intensely focused on the greater good. Each of us has our own role to play. (Which Cuomo brother is your fave? Saturnian Andrew or Martial Chris?) Look to your natal Saturn — his placement by sign and house in your birth chart — for guidance about where to take action (Mars) and with regard to old power structures (Saturn). Saturn and Mars will help you discover your unique purpose, the way you can help see your community through this trying time.
That being said: don’t work too hard just yet. We’re still getting the lay of the land.
Earlier today, Venus floated into Gemini, where she will remain for four whole months, because of a retrograde ahead. The Goddess of Love generally likes the Sign of Flirtation, but her mood is likely to be dampened by Mercury in Pisces, her ruler, making her a little paranoid in the coming week.
Mercury, the Herald of the Gods, remains in Pisces through April 10th. In the next few days, he’ll have supportive conversations with Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter, and Pallas Athena. But at the same time, he and his pal Venus will be coping with emotional overwhelm. Keep your schedule as light as possible, take a long soak in the tub, embrace music, tea, meditation — and allow all feelings, especially grief, to flow through you without resistance.
I recently signed up for an online chi gong course, which gets me moving (gently) in the mornings. What comforts you?
Both Venus and Mercury can expect to brighten up soon, after Mercury heads into Aries on the 11th.
And finally — last, but very not-least in importance — Jupiter and Pluto will join one another in Capricorn on Saturday, April 4th. This is typically a once-every-13-years aspect: but this year (because of their retrogrades) the respective Kings of Heaven and Hell have not one, not two, but three separate meetings on the books. Tomorrow is the first, the initiation of a 13-year cycle. Later, we’ll reassess things when they meet again on June 30th, and send the brothers on their separate ways after their last meeting on November 12th.
Did you download my 2020 year-ahead webinar yet? It’s free now, and it goes into greater detail about all the Jupiter-Pluto action this year.
This weekend also marks the close of Jupiter and Pluto’s previous cycle, which began in January 2008, the early days of the Great Recession. We now have another opportunity to assess our relationship to finance and institutional structures, both individually and within the collective. What do we depend on? What do we owe to each other? Who deserves a bailout and who doesn’t? These are some of the questions we’ll be grappling with in the months to come.
Hang in there, friends!