Full Moon September 17, 2005

Full Moon September 17, .2005
10:01 pm EDT, 8:01 pm PDT
25:16 Pisces Moon / Virgo Sun
Right before I sat down to write our full moon column for the month, I was talking to a friend on the phone. She’s about to embark on a long anticipated and dreamed about path toward her cherished soul goals. Hers are still fragile dreams, as our most important hopes and wishes often are. Perhaps because our hearts can‘t bear to believe, on our bad days, that our dreams won‘t come true. Or, perhaps because our hearts are afraid if they whisper their deepest desires, they will get stomped on and out by the “evil forces” in our life. So we hide our dreams. We only pull them out to look at when it feels safe, and tuck them carefully away again. Commenting on her nervousness and the feedback she is hearing from others, she said, “I keep running into Dream Destroyers. They are every where! The Dream Destroyers don‘t even listen to my plans before they start to criticize my dreams.” Caution, caution! Dream Destroyers are every where on our glorious full moon! We need to watch out for the Dream Destroyers in our lives to make sure they don’t get their grubby paws on our cherished dreams and have their way with them!
Our full moon represents a critical choice point in our lives. There is a Finger of God formed by Mars in Taurus receiving, pointing and channeling the energy of Pluto in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra, resting on the Ascendant in the chart cast for Washington, D.C. The Virgo Sun, Mercury and Pisces Moon form a mutable t-square with the Pluto leg of the Finger of God so considerable energy shoots out into our Gemini house. Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct as Saturn sits right on the IC base of the chart, shooting his “No, You Can’t” energy toward the Washington, D.C. midheaven. Venus, in her fall in Scorpio, is tightly square to Saturn. Perhaps the most important part of the full moon is that Venus and Mars are in rather interesting mutual receptions ~ sending either dream destroying or dream creating energy at us. The mutual receptions are the solution as they kick up the mix a bit. Please remember the best part of mutual receptions are that they let you swap the planet out and replace it with the other one! Mars and Venus can switch positions and give us other options. So revision immobile Mars in the Finger of God as Venus in Taurus receiving considerable energy from Pluto and Jupiter, and basking in the attention of two powerful suitors. Resee fatal attraction Venus as Mars in Scorpio approaching a square to Saturn in Leo suggesting you dig in your heels, be strategic and argue for yourself.
I find it interesting that both Pisces Uranus and Moon are in the 11th house of hopes, dreams and wishes. Also in the 11th house is our karmic North Node in Aries. So, regardless of what any Dream Destroyers say to you, follow, at least a little, tiny, teeny, bitty bit of your heart’s desire towards it‘s cherished dream. Ignore nay sayers! Banish Dream Destroyers. The quote on a sculpture in my home comes to mind: “For a long time, she flew only when she thought no one else was watching.” Right now, you can fly. You can fly when no one else is watching. Or you can try your wings when people are looking. The known rules of aerodynamics say a bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly. Bees don’t know they can’t fly. They fly. Flowers thank them.
To help you fly, the Universe offers you two grand trines to hook your dream’s energy on. The first grand trine is in water with Venus in Scorpio, Uranus in Pisces and Vesta in Cancer. Or, you can swap in the mutual reception Mars in Scorpio. The second grand trine is an earth one: Mars in Taurus, Mercury/Sun in Virgo and Chiron in Capricorn. Again, check out the energy of the grand trine if you decide to put in mutual reception Venus in Taurus! Unfortunately, the Universe didn’t make the two grand trines close enough to each other to form a Star of David but you can tell it was thinking about it! Instead, the Universe asks each of us to do the sextile’s work and offers us the considerable energy of the grand trines to help us along.
So what to do? In our world, Earth and Water signs are how the cosmos creates things in form. We can’t see the wind but do feel it and know it is there. Fire comes from who knows where, lightening or Prometheus perhaps. But earth and water ~ they are part of our every day existence! We walk on earth, drink water, and are composed of both. We consume earth and water daily, transforming them into fuel to stay alive. Everything around us is from Mom Earth. We are water, able to harness it for power and to quench our thirsts. We know how to create with earth and water. We do it each and every day. We take our creative ability for granted! After all, do you think about how the carrots, ice tea and sandwich you ate for lunch turn into fuel to run your body? But if you went a few days without them….
So, focus your thoughts, hopes and dreams on the earth and water trines! The Universe, with its cosmic sense of humor, has both trines hook into those damned, difficult inconjuncts that have been causing us such trouble lately. And of course, to further muddy the waters, the Universe hooked the inconjuncts into the earth and water trines via those mutually receptive planets, Venus in either Scorpio or Taurus, and Mars in either Taurus or Scorpio. Now, which Venus or Mars would you rather have operating in which position? YOU GET TO CHOOSE! BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU PICK! VENUS AND MARS ARE WILD CARDS! Think of them as magical GET OUT OF JAIL planets or Jokers with power to call the winning numbers. You can, of course, choose to leave Mars in his detriment in stubborn Taurus and have him argue, be obstructionist, immoveable and bullheaded in that Finger of God so he will ultimately lose to Jupiter and Pluto. OR you can swap Venus in her ruler Taurus into the Yod and have her flirt and charm Pluto as she enlists Jupiter in Libra’s assistance. You can leave Venus getting beaten and battered in her fall in Scorpio and squared by Saturn in Leo to make completely sure she doesn’t get what she wants so her dreams lay broken around her. Or you can swap in Mars in his ruler Scorpio in to strategically outwit slow moving, proud, arrogant Saturn in Leo. Mars can get you want you want. Venus and Mars are wild cards. Venus and Mars are able to change the game if you use them.
Net-Net: You can stand there kicking and screaming about the indignity, rottenness and unfairness of it all. Everyone completely agrees with you! It is, after all, not fair, quite stinky and so very undignified. Everyone will go away and live their life. You will be left, ALONE, without your dreams coming true. OR you can go about starting to do what you want and working toward making your dreams come true. And, then, the dream might just, actually, unbelievably happen! You might get what you say you want. And what would THAT be like? Does getting what you want scare you just a little bit?
On to Lynda Hill’s interpretations of the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon at 26 Pisces. As ususal, I wrote the column before checking out the Sabian Symbol for the month. Ah, that Universe really does have a sense of humor! It must have a Capricorn Mercury!
Commentary: ‘A New Moon Reveals That it’s Time For People to Go Ahead With Their Different Projects’ shows the realization of a new time dawning; there’s a new beginning. Each month, at the ‘New Moon’, there is the necessary energy and impetus to get new things started. It is conventionally a time to put energy into anything “new” in your life, as it will have forward momentum.
Oracle: There’s an image here of the emergence of new possibilities and new horizons, as ‘It’s Time For People to Go Ahead With Their Different Projects’. This Symbol can imply a moving away from or a splitting up of people, however this may not always be the case. There could be a call for a couple to split off from the rest of the family, or somebody might need some space to be alone or get on with something they want or need to do. Hence it doesn’t always mean a split or separation, although it certainly can. People have their own responses to situations, so it is important not to expect everyone to react in the same way when something unexpected, or new, comes up. Periodically, there is a need to let things go from the past. Relationships, jobs, friendships; in fact any situation at all might be coming to completion, or needing a break for a while. There can be the feeling of a dividing wall coming up between you and others. This situation may have been brewing for some time and now the consequences of it are coming to light. However, if people are given their own measure of freedom, they may come back together when the time and the energy is right. Perhaps it’s a good idea to direct some energy into a new project at the time of the next ‘New Moon’. Light a candle and state your intentions with honesty and feel the effects of the rewards that can come flooding in with this new beginning. Remember to honor “the other”, the other person who may have their own ‘Project’ or path to follow.
Keywords: Diversifying. Applying talents in a different direction. People splitting up and splitting off. New opportunities and potentials. The beginning of a new age. Letting go of the old and outworn. Separations. Embracing one’s future without the need for others. Coming to a fork in the road. Divorces. New jobs, directions and destinies. The dawning of a new era.
The Caution: Not giving, or receiving emotional support. Feeling split off and alone, even when one is with others. The fear and loathing of possible separation. Overthrowing the old too quickly. Changing direction unexpectedly. The fear of old age. Relationships that fail again and again.
A person needs at intervals to separate himself from family and companions and go to new places. He must go without his familiars in order to be open to influences, to change. Katharine Butler Hathaway
O, swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. William Shakespeare
Although the connections are not always obvious, personal change is inseparable from social and political change. Harriet Lerner
Separation secures manifest friendship. Indian Proverb
The difference between divorce and legal separation is that a legal separation gives a husband time to hide his money. Johnny Carson
There is a star above us which unites souls of the first order, though worlds and ages separate them. Christina of Sweden
We must change in order to survive. Pearl Bailey
And, a quick peek at 26 Virgo reminds us of the Sun and Mercury’s messages to help us work with the powerful Lunation energy: BOY WITH A CENSER SERVES NEAR THE PRIEST AT THE ALTAR
Commentary: ‘A Boy’ is shown with a ‘Censer’. He ‘Serves Near the Priest at the Altar’. The ‘Boy’ doesn’t have the experience or social position of the ‘Priest’, but that shouldn’t put him off his duties. If he’s doing his tasks with a sense of ceremony, his position and responsibilities are still very important. In the church service wine is drunk as a symbol of the blood of Christ. Wafers are placed on the tongues of the believers as the representation of the body of Christ. How the ‘Boy’ reacts to the ritual or ceremony will depend on his upbringing, beliefs or temperament. He could be rapt with fascination at what is being played out or he could be indifferent, bored and really preferring to go home. It is unclear whether the ‘Boy’ wants to eventually take the position of the older ‘Priest’, or colleague, or not. He may grow up to do other things, but right now he’s got his position or duty to fulfill. This may be less than he’s actually able to do or is truly “qualified” to do.
Oracle: Be cautious of feeling that what you are doing is inconsequential; because even the smallest contribution is an important part of the whole and we all play our part in some measure. Right now you may be someone’s “right-hand man” and not in charge of proceedings. Don’t be worried, your time will come. Sometimes there’s the need to be patient and to wait things out until one is more mature, practiced or prepared to be in charge. A more exalted position will be attained, given time. Give reverence and respect to your everyday routines, no matter how insignificant they may seem and you will find your sense of hope renewed. However, watch out for any feelings of jealousy that someone is bigger, better, more experienced or more respected than your self. Measuring one’s self by the successes of others can be useful, except when it degrades your belief in yourself, or in others. Who is the ‘Priest’ and who is the ‘Boy’?
Keywords: Youthful attitudes. Doing what’s simple, with silence and devotion. Participating in the toil but not the glory. Altars and shrines. Incense. Burning candles. Passing down wisdom and knowledge. Looking up to those in power. Work experience. Apprenticeships. Feelings of awe and respect. Religious and social ceremonies.
The Caution: Being dominated by spiritual hierarchy that is devised by human rationalism. Doing “lesser things” to avoid responsibility. Not taking a place of authority when one could or should. Feeling like one isn’t good enough because of inexperience. Someone always hanging around. Incompetence. Refusal to take instruction.
A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness. Chinese proverb
Freedom-to walk free and own no superior. Walt Whitman
I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve. Albert Schweitzer
Everybody can be great… because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
It is time I stepped aside for a less experienced and less able man. Scott Elledge
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher regard those who think alike than those who think differently. Friedrich Nietzche
It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit. Harry S. Truman
Lean close. I’ll tell you a secret now. It seems safe enough to whisper it so your soul can hear it. This is how to use the wild Venus and Mars cards correctly. The Dream Destroyers are actually you. Don’t give yourself any more power to destroy your dreams!
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee