Full Moon May 13, 2006 Taurus Sun ~Scorpio Moon

Full moon 22:23 Taurus Sun 22:23 Scorpio Moon

May 13, 2006 2:51 am EDT Washington, D.C.

May 12, 2006 11:51 pm PDT

It is a full moon to keep your eye (and every other sense) trained on, as well as the events, actions and “stuff” that surfaces or comes to light in your life (and around the world) over the past two weeks. Full moons often bring things to light, cause craziness to erupt, make the tides higher and bring in babies looking to be born. Lunatic comes from the effect of LUNA, the moon, on the world. Aside from the weekend featuring a “regular” full moon, the Taurus/Scorpio moon is particularly “ripe” and extra packed full of emotions. It will bring to an emotional head, and, thus, to our consciousness, the series of experiences we’ve been wrestling with, chewing at like a hungry dog with a bone and trying to figure out why we are so darned obsessed over a seemingly “simple” situation. We can say or feel we know what we WANT but for some reason we just AREN’T, CAN’T, or WON’T move along towards it.

Our beautiful universe has a magical way of echoing and repeating the developmental themes of our lives and our world. We signed up to do something when we incarnated down here on Mom Earth. We were born, grew up and got busy living our lives. We got a bit fixed in our ways. Hey, it happens. We are, after all, creatures of habit. We like our routines and rituals. They are comforting to us. Our habits have a way of fixing us, like fixed signs do, into our ruts, routines and regular days of our lives. Then, wonder of wonders, a fixed cross comes along and forms in the sky, like now, and says, “Hey, look at that! You‘ve grown out of your old life! Your life doesn‘t fit you quite the way it used to, does it?” When we are honest with ourselves, our soul’s answer is “Nope, my life doesn’t quite fit properly anymore.”

Back in May of 2000, Jupiter joined with Saturn at 22:43 Taurus. The May 2006 full moon takes place at 22:23 Taurus, waking up the themes from the 20 year Grand Conjunction begun back in 2000. As the lovely Spring Sun in physical Taurus and emotional, desiring, passionate and occasionally a bit vindictive, moon in Scorpio comes to light up that 2000 Jupiter Saturn conjunction, the question to ask yourself is “What do you value?” By knowing what you VALUE ~ you can figure out how to make your life fit you again. You know what to say to the cosmic tailor about your life that doesn’t quite fit you the way it used to anymore.

Value is a Venus question, yes, but with Saturn and Jupiter involved, Venus speaks to the bigger purpose of your soul‘s path. Saturn asks what structures you want to create during your lifetime. Jupiter queries you on the role of your valued connections, gifts, relations and how they contribute to your soul‘s purpose. So how do you want to change your life? A new collar? Maybe lift the hem? Embroidery? A patch or two? A Nip, A Tuck or perhaps cut your life up into little pieces to make a glorious quilt out of down the road. Time for a visit to the cosmic tailor.

Next, the full moon is tied into Fall of last year when Mars (and all the rest of us) was stuck in a giant cosmic fixed cross traffic jam, stuck, stuck, stuck for seven long months ~ August 2005 through February 2006. First, Mars moved along at a reasonable pace. Second, Mars stationed on 23:22 Taurus (notice it is the same degree getting MORE energy) at the beginning of October 2005. Then, Mars dawdled, went backwards, was trapped, blocked, delayed, dragged his feet in slow poke Taurus, until December 10, 2005. Fourth, Mars wasn’t able to do much of anything while Venus was retrograde (he was waiting for her to make up her mind about what she wanted) January 2006. At last, Mars got himself into Gemini mid-February. Oy vey! Seven LONG months!

Now, Mars, moving forward, lets you tailor your life to what you want. However, Mars still isn’t quite sure what it is YOU (or your Venus, Saturn and Jupiter) actually want! Do you even know what you want? Probably not. And, you know what? That is perfectly, exactly, completely, where you are supposed to be at this moment in time. You don’t know. Well, perhaps you do know what you DON’T want.

The full moon chart has a Grand Water Trine with Uranus in Pisces, Jupiter in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. Mars and Jupiter are in mutual reception suggesting dreams come true as both echo and reinforce each other’s energy. Uranus Pisces, co-ruled by Jupiter in trine to it, sends more fire bringing, Promethian creative energy into the mix. Push emotionally towards what you want. Water flows naturally toward the lowest point, what it wants, or however it is channeled. The full moon is a frothy, bubbling wave of watery emotional energy burbling around the issue of what you value.

Ceres and Neptune in Aquarius form a t-square with the Sun and Moon, shooting the energy into Leo’s house. That will be more important in the Fall 2006 when Saturn in Leo gets to the 20s to form a FIRE Trine with Venus and Pluto in Sagittarius. Right now, that t-square is going to activate your Sun and your Leo ruled house. Follow the passions of your soul! This fall, when the fire trines form, they will go back to this full moon and retrieve the sparking energy of desire, passion and intuition. In October 2006, Jupiter and Saturn will square each other one last time at 23:22 of the fixed signs ~ sending energy back into the full moon and retrieving energy from the full moon this week.

One of the gifts of astrology is watching the dance of the planets help us illuminate and clear the areas of our lives. What you want might not be clear. You don’t know what you want. You do know what you don’t want. Your life doesn’t fit. Hmmm. Not clear, not clear at all. Cosmically, you are trying on outfits, looking at fabrics, imagining what shoes you’d wear, deciding if this new top can go with your old silk skirt or if you‘ll get a new bag or use one you already have in your closet.

That is exactly where you are supposed to be ~ not satisfied but clueless on some important level about what you want in your life. Your old life doesn’t fit any more, your new life isn’t here yet, and you are shopping for a new outfit for your new life ~ and you don’t know what your new life is going to BE! Here are a couple of suggestions about how to work with the Taurus/Scorpio moon: 1) Take a few friends life shopping. Ask them to suggest and pick out outfits for your new life. 2) TRY on absolutely EVERYTHING, even if it looks completely ugly on the hanger. Put it on. 30 seconds. Say NO. But LOOK at it at least! Try on your life ~ try out your life. 3) Focus on what you LOVE ~ the part of your life that calls your soul. Look for outfits and activities that match where you’d love your life to go. Do what you love. No worries about who, what, where, when, how expensive it is going to be or why. Just try stuff on for inspiration’s sake. 4) If you don’t love it for your life, put it back on a hook and leave it for the sales clerk to hang up! Your job is to try on all kinds of stuff you love, NOT stand there folding and hanging up the stuff you don’t love.

When I was very young (and before fur was politically anything but very expensive and way glamorous!), my mother’s best friend, Bernadine, decided my mother “needed” a fur coat. Now, my mother was a cloth coat, round, 1950‘s mom, wool sweater and slacks, conservative dresser, Democrat, nurse, hard working mother of three who had a great deal of trouble asking for any thing for herself. Husband, kids, friends, hospital, charitable acts, church, and then after a bunch of other stuff ~ herself ~ completely in keeping with my Pisces moon. Bernie began a fur campaign. My mother giggled. Bernie took my mother to her furrier. They tried on coats. My mo
ther returned home dizzy wit
h the fact that the furrier had taken the coats she hadn’t liked, THROWN them on the floor into a huge pile of discarded fur coats, and gone to get her yet another style. My mother, short, round and huggable, was worried she’d look like a teddy bear in a fur. The furrier convinced her that she’d look lovely. Bernie and her husband George would come over to play bridge on Saturday nights. Bernie would ask my father to take off her coat and suggest to dad that mom “needed” a fur coat to go grocery shopping, travel and play bridge. Christmas morning arrived. The last present for my mother was behind the door. It was the mink.

Suffice to say it was memorable Christmas. My mother burst into tears at the sight of the box. She wore the coat on and off as she cooked Christmas dinner for our extended family of 25. She danced around the kitchen in the her new mink. She hugged us. She kept crying. Every one put on her new mink. Mom “forgot” to turn on the oven so our turkey dinner was delayed until 10 pm. My father’s stern Capricorn/Virgo mother got drunk on martinis, laid down on the floor, and began doing leg lifts to show us her German exercise routine due to the dinner‘s late hour. My mother took her fur coat to bed with her and dad ~ which has a whole different meaning to me now than it did when I was 13!

Your equivalent of a new life campaign begins under the full moon. Go shopping for your new life. Try on stuff for your soul’s dream. Write down lots and lots and lots of ideas and plans and dreams between now and the upcoming summer solstice on June 22, 2006. Get busy dreaming, scheming and imagining what your life will be like. Get a functional version of your life some what in place by June 22.

As usual Lynda Hill’s Sabian symbols speak to the lunation’s imagery.


Commentary: ‘A Jewelry Shop Filled With the Most Magnificent Jewels’ speaks of a high degree of integrity, talent and worth that is able to be valued, seen and appreciated. There can be great pleasure to be enjoyed in marking achievement with enduring and satisfying symbols, such as gemstones, jewelry or crystals. Recognizing and appreciating talent, joy and beauty can be its own reward.

Oracle: This is a time to admire the achievements of others and allow yours to be admired, too. Realize that what is needed is either at hand, or soon will be. Believing in yourself can bring a sense of reward, and can cause you to reach for higher aspirations. If you need help in believing in yourself, try wearing a beautiful piece of jewelry that has a lot of meaning for you. This can bring a wonderful sense of self worth, pride and beauty into your life. Crystals and jewelry may be received, or somehow bring a message. This Symbol can relate to children and the acknowledgment of their value in our lives. It can also be a testament to how talented, gracious and cultured our lives and achievements are. It is good to remember that often our most precious possessions are rarely truly owned by us and they will most likely survive beyond our time. It is partly this longevity and contribution to the future that makes them so precious. Having a piece of jewelry or crystal nearby can be a reminder of your own self-worth, beauty and integrity. Sometimes buying a special piece, such as a crystal, a necklace, earrings, ring or brooch can lift your spirits.

Keywords: Great talent, wealth, rewards and gifts. Beauty that brings joy. Materialization of perfection. Judges of worth. Things that shine. Jewelry, stones, gold and silver. Shops, especially those that have beautiful displays. The rewards and bounty of the natural world.

The Caution: Wanting more than one’s share of rewards and spoils, even if there is plenty to share. Things for looking at, not touching. Always wanting more. Being dazzled by possessions. Greed. Stealing or wanting other people’s valuables. Superficial displays. The need for security. Jealousy. Theft.

If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price. Anon

Your treasure house is within; it contains all you’ll ever need. Hui-Hai

The fortune, which nobody sees, makes a person happy and unenvied. Francis Bacon

He does not posses wealth that allows it to possess him. Benjamin Franklin

Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. Jewish Saying

The Sabian image for the Scorpio Moon’s image is A RABBIT METAMORPHOSED INTO A NATURE SPIRIT

Commentary: ‘A Rabbit Metamorphosed into a Nature Spirit’ is a rather strange image that seems rather fantastic at first. The ‘Rabbit’ is changing its very nature; it is somehow “morphing” into a different being, a ‘Nature Spirit’. The ‘Rabbit’ has gone from using his baser, more sexual instincts into living as a more spiritual being. When something ‘Metamorphoses’ there is usually a complete change of appearance and way of behaving or being, but it is still the same being at a core level, just operating on a different plane of expression.

Oracle: You may find yourself having a transformative realization that will take your focus away from your more basic animal instincts to a more spiritual level of perception. Your vital energies may remain constant, but the way in which these respond to the environment can change considerably. Issues such as battling for survival can become less important. Life takes on a different purpose and new, more liberating ways of acting in the world become available. In shifting from a focus on the lower chakras (physical and sexual) to the higher chakras (third eye and crown) we move closer to our relationship with the universal energy that motivates and inspires us. This transformation can lead to a calmer way of living or perhaps a more specialized state of being. This can happen through having some kind of religious experience, such as an epiphany, where we find that life changes on many levels, leaving us somehow different and unable to go back to our old ways of being and relating. Welcoming this new state of being can lead to incredible layers of perception unfolding, transforming life into a higher vibration and making your life more worthwhile.

Keywords: Revelation of hidden talents. Vegetarianism. Changing one’s lifestyle completely. Rapid and total transformation. Morphing. Giving up merely battling for survival. Ascension of consciousness. Elementals. Evolution. Moving into a new level of being. Raising one’s vibration.

The Caution: Being dissatisfied with transformation as not economically useful. Feeling ineffective or impotent, having one’s sexual power taken away. Feeling de-sexed or ‘neutered’. Losing one’s drive or libido. Feeling alone and misunderstood.

We’re born princes and the civilizing process turns us into frogs. Eric Berne

Rabbits of the world-stop! Anon

I’m not bad; I’m just drawn that way. Kathleen Turner as Jessica Rabbit

Don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor. Beatrix Potter

Man is physically as well as metaphysically a thing of shreds and patches, borrowed unequally from good and bad ancestors, and a misfit from the start. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The moment we indulge our affections, the earth is metamorphosed; there is no winter and no night; all tragedies, all ennui’s, vanish, all duties even. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible-it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could. Barbara De Angelis

I always write my column before looking up the Sabian images. I love the image for 23 Scorpio moon as it reflects the story of
my mother’s mink! I watched that that mink coat turn mom into a nature spirit! So, go find your passion, become a nature spirit. Let the moon transform your life into a most magnificent jewel that twinkles in the cosmos.

Copyright © 2006 Anne C. Ortelee