FULL Moon June 30, 2007
9:49 AM EDT
6:49 AM PDT
As the new moon a two weeks ago marked the beginning of our journey of Saturn in Virgo and what we can expect over the next 3 years, the full moon today heralds the beginning of the end of the last chapter of our journey of Saturn in Leo. We do have a few more months of Saturn traveling through Leo. Folks with planets between 22 and 30 of the fixed signs will have a few more challenges ahead. But, for most of us, Saturn in Leo’s party, journey and lessons about doing what we love are winding down. The epilogue or last chapter begins on this full moon.
Full moons bring situations to light as the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the heavens. We stand between the two biggest lights in the sky and are able to turn left and right to see the situation and its dual nature. How do the emotions of the moon illuminate the ego and the soul’s journey toward solar enlightenment? Today, with electricity, we are detached from the impact of the moon’s bright light illuminating the night sky ~ we have street lights and house lamps to brighten the darkness. We don‘t notice those full moons quite so much. However, our bodies still flow in unison with the lunar cycle as she takes us through the development of consciousness, growth, ripening, illumination, harvesting, integration and ending. It is a cycle that is thousands or millions of years old. We are linked to the lunar, solar and planet cycles and dances.
The full moon is out of bounds in the sign ruled by Saturn in Leo, Capricorn. When a moon (or any planet) goes out of bounds, it acts without the usual restraint of civil or emotional proprieties. It is unfettered and free of any societal restraints. The full range of the sign’s energy, both good and bad, is allowed or even encouraged to appear and be expressed by the out of bounds planet. The Moon doesn’t much like being in Capricorn as its nurturing nature is hardened by the energy of conditional, restricted, depressed or structured Saturn. The Moon will nurture the way in the way it thinks it should nurture based on the sign it finds itself in. When Moon is in Capricorn, the Moon follows the rules or regulations from an authority or book and behaves like Saturn. A Capricorn Moon is busy working at other things to take much time out for a hug or an extra story at bedtime. It provides ALL the basics (food, shelter, clothes) but not much else. No extras just the basics. No frills are included. The Moon in Capricorn doesn‘t take into account WHAT the person seeking or needing nurturing is looking for. Moon says “It is oatmeal. You will eat it. I don‘t care if you don‘t want oatmeal. Oatmeal is what is being served. It is good for you. Eat it. Then wash your dish before you do your homework. I have more work to do.” Emotions are heightened in a hard way (if that is not an oxymoron) by the Moon being out of bounds in Capricorn.
The journey of Saturn through the sign of Leo since summer 2005 has re-acquainted us with love ~ both the conditional love and unconditional kind of love. We went back in cosmic time to review the conditional, difficult Saturn/ Pluto love experience from fall 1982 to spring 1983. We re-experienced that story on a different level, with new people in the same, familiar or similar roles between the fall of 2005 and fall 2006.
At the same time, Jupiter and Saturn danced with each other in the sky and woke up our dreams from May 2000 in our Taurus house. What do we want to create over the next 20 years of our lives? Jupiter and Saturn asked us to put down our hurts, fears and sorrows from 1982-83 to proceed with a full and open heart, balanced, clear, and with the idea that both expansion and contraction are dual forces that need to be understood in the universe and our lives. We came to consciousness about what conditional and unconditional love was and meant TO US!! Hopefully, we put that experience in our backpack of our life knowledge and moved forward, wiser for the experience.
Next we added in the story from fall 1994 to spring 1995 when Jupiter last joined with Pluto in Scorpio to say that after every death there is a rebirth or new life that begins. Love the new cycle that starts following a loss.
And then, as we were starting to integrate our experience of Saturn and Jupiter‘s square in the fixed signs combining the restrictions, loss or fear of love and what it means with the desire to expand, believe and hope in our soul‘s merger with love, we learned our beloved structures and some of the fixtures in our life are not permanent. As Saturn opposed Neptune in August of 2006 through the end of this month, we’ve been learning the structures in our life can tip over like a large tree crashes in the forest. What happens if the restrictions or structures that you always experienced and felt to be part of the landscape of your life disappear? What does that do to your mind and heart? What does it open up in you?
We’ve been exploring love and what it means to US, on a personal level, since July 2005 when Saturn entered Leo. Leo, the sign, is about the drum roll and the ta-da! Leo wants to love for love‘s sake and because love is all there is. Leo wants to create for creation‘s sake because creation is what it is all about plus, it is fun too! Leo wants to live in the moment and be eternally sunny and shiny ~ no rain, (at least until after sundown), please! Applause! Cheers!
When a person sits across from me in a reading, I always try to focus them on the bigger picture of what the planetary cycles are for. Cycles work on three (or four) levels ~ spirit, (intellectual), emotional and physical. In this case, your job is to keep your focus on the spiritual lessons and attend to them. Use your emotions to find out what fears you are facing regarding your spiritual lesson. Look behind the fears to the spiritual purpose. What is your soul attempting to learn? When you were sitting on the cloud before you incarnated this time, what did you ask to learn about in earth school? You need to ignore, IGNORE, ignore your mind or intellect as it is probably going to be talking to you about following where your FEARFUL emotions want to lead you. Go toward and work to reduce or eliminate your fears by FACING THE SITUATIONS that are causing those fears. Go up right up to focus on the spiritual lesson(s) of that situation before you.
I keep getting the image of the Star card my Tarot deck. Pandora opens the box and all the spites and troubles of the world are released. Yet her eyes are captivated by the light of her soul being released too. Focus on your soul‘s journey. Focus on the bigger purpose for the situation before you. Take your soul, hold it’s hand and think back to the following times regarding the story before you now. The story connects back to a series of events which are culminating in your chart right now.
How does the story before you tie back to fall 1982-Spring 1983 and the difficult issues of relationship, structure, transformation and change? Then pull the story before you forward to Spring 1989 to Fall 1989 when structures in your world dissolved or collapsed or formed and were built around a new belief in something. Then pull the same story forward to fall 1994 to Spring 1995 when you began to expand after a loss and experience a rebirth or transformation of sorts. Then forward yet again to spring 2000 when you began our current cycle of expanding and rebuilding structures. (For those of you astrology watchers we are tracking the bigger cycles of personal and cultural development ~ Saturn/ Pluto in Libra/Scorpio 82-83, Saturn/ Neptune 1989 in Capricorn. Jupiter/Pluto in Scorpio in 1994. And Jupiter/ Saturn in Taurus in 2000.)
The planets involved in those times ~ Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are all talking to each other in the sky right now. The cosmos is trying to link them up in your mind. They are rela
ted! And if you are a young
one ~ it could be a story about your family or parents too. But it is your story and your soul’s journey that the universe is trying to help you see and become conscious of.
The Sabian Image for 9 Cancer Sun is A SMALL NAKED GIRL BENDS OVER A SPARKLING POND TRYING TO CATCH A FISH. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:
Commentary: The ‘Small Naked Girl’ represents an innocent expression of naivety and spontaneous fun. The fact that she’s ‘Small and Naked’ shows that society’s demands and pressures do not yet restrain her. She ‘Bends Over a Sparkling Pond Trying to Catch a Fish’. What the ‘Girl’ is trying to catch may be elusive, continually moving and difficult to grab hold of, or really grasp. This can be physically, emotionally or mentally. Still, it seems if she just keeps trying, she may very well succeed.
Oracle: You may be unable to grasp the meaning or the true promise of your situation, but still fascinated with what is happening. Your position is relatively innocent and your perceptions may be limited, however lessons will eventually be learnt about what is and what isn’t possible. This Symbol can indicate the pure thrill of the chase without considering the consequences of what would happen if one actually caught something (the reward of the ‘Fish’ in this Symbol). Keeping a sense of delight and fun whilst going after what you want will ultimately lead to fulfillment on some level. However, be wary of doing it for too long if you find that what you’re trying to accomplish is not working. Naivety and wonder may fade over time through experience and deeper investigations, but it is such a wonderful place to start from. If frustration sets in, try to remember that you’re supposed to be having fun when this Symbol is around. Keeping a lighthearted approach will ensure that something good comes from the experience. It is by innocently reaching out for life, and its wonder and beauty, that we expand ourselves and remain open to the many possibilities in life.
Keywords: Curiosity. Infantile cravings. Fascination with illusions. Grasping at abstract ideas. Longing for things. Taking advantage of the young and innocent. Objects that cannot be held or captured, only dreamt about. Fun found in simple activities. Childhood games. Communing with nature. Nakedness. Inexperienced sexuality. Splashing around.
The Caution: Being distracted by simple irrelevancies or abstractions. The frustration of not getting what one wants. Grappling more than grasping. Always going after the “sparkling and shining” things, no matter how based in reality. Sexual taboos regarding young people. Seeking revenge. Chasing the unattainable. Frustration and annoyance. Slippery people or objectives. Gullibility.
Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish. Ovid
Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss. Black Elk
There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in. Deepak Chopra
Don’t bargain for fish which are still in the water. Indian Proverb
To climb a tree, to catch a fish is talking much and doing nothing. Chinese Proverb
The cat would eat fish, but would not wet her feet. Proverb
We have sat on the riverbank and caught catfish with pin hooks. The time has come to harpoon a whale. John Hope
The Sabian Image for the moon at 9 Capricorn is AN ANGEL COMES CARRYING A HARP. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the image is:
Commentary: ‘An Angel Comes Carrying a Harp’. The ‘Angel is an image of beauty, serenity, salvation and peace. As the ‘Angel Comes Carrying a Harp’ there is the feeling of music, harmony and enchantment. People who play music can transport our minds, emotions and bodies through their beautiful melodies and remind us of simple pleasures. The music that this ‘Angel’ plays is probably very soothing and reassuring. ‘Harp’s are more common around us than most people probably realize. Pianos have ‘Harps’ inside them, and harmonicas (mouth organs) are often called a ‘Harp’. Things such as wind chimes can radiate these harmonies as well.
Oracle: In the situation facing you, somebody is able to “tune in” and radiate harmony around him or her. This pictures a situation of caring for others, of generosity of spirit and a fulfilled selfhood. The ‘Angel’ may come to inspire people to do their best. This Symbol implies that someone will come, bringing themes of the hope and trust in all that’s good in life. They can offer joy and salvation, especially when it’s most needed. Having said that, the ‘Angel Carrying a Harp’ can also soothe your mind to the point where you can be persuaded to accept or do things that may not always be in your best interests. So, do be aware of the shadowy side of this Symbol: somebody trying to trick you, or someone else, into thinking a certain way, or believing something. Positively seen, this Symbol assures that there is an indication of the possibility of absolute serenity (and the need for it). It is a Symbol of being relaxed and reassured.
Keywords: Demons driven away by music lifting faith and hope. Messages of peace from the other side. Having a message to spin. Being in tune, spiritually. Having an elevated view of humanity. Creating harmony. Blowing the whistle. Advertising. Salvation that arrives when most needed. Harmonics. Music and musical instruments. Visitations of spirit. Messages arriving. Pulling on the heartstrings. Heavenly attunement. Beautiful tunes.
The Caution: Having a holier-than-thou attitude. Losing oneself in fantasy. Promising more than can be delivered. “Melodies” that deceive or lead astray. ‘Harping’ on things (dwelling on issues).
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope
Angels rush in when fools are almost dead. Rudolph Fisher
Music is the harmonious voice of creation; an echo of the invisible world. Giuseppe Mazzini
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more. Fanny Crosby
When the angels present themselves, the devils abscond. Egyptian Proverb
Music is well said to be the speech of angels. Thomas Carlyle
Orpheus with his lute made trees, And the mountain tops that freeze, Bow themselves when he did sing. William Shakespeare
For thou art my harp, and pipe, and temple-a harp for harmony-a pipe by reason of the Spirit a temple by reason of the word; so that the first may sound, the second breathe, the third contain the Lord. The Bible
Harp not on that string, madam, that is past. William Shakespeare
Focus on the Spiritual purpose of the story before you. Understand how the emotions, intellect and physical versions support the spiritual journey. Tie it back to the dates above from earlier in your life. The universe is asking you to evolve and change and grow into your next phase of being with an understanding of the journey you‘ve been taking and a vision of where you are going. Finish this phase up with bells, whistles, an angel’s harp and perhaps a bright and shiny fish ~ that north node IS in Pisces after all. Let all of them pull or push or dance you forward to the next chapter of your life. Forward we go!
Copyright ©2007 Anne C. Ortelee