Full Moon July 29, 2007

Full Moon July 29, 2007

8:48 pm EDT

5:48 pm PDT

6:31 Aquarius Moon/ 6:31 Leo Sun

The end is near! We have two more lunations in the sign of Leo, the sign that Saturn has been traveling through for the past two years, since July 2005. Once those two lunations take place, wrap up, complete, and culminate we can say we are DONE with Saturn in Leo for the next 30 years! Wee-haw! All the Leos among us are MOST grateful and joyous about that bit of good news! All of our Leo houses in our respective charts are MOST pleased and thrilled to hear they are done wrestling with the planet of responsibility moving through the sign and house of love, joy and creativity in their lives. Now we come to the time to implement the love, joy and creativity issues you’ve been wrestling with. Time to move that love, joy and creativity out into your daily existence, habits and routines as Saturn starts to move through Virgo.

Of course, lunations mean the moon is involved in a dance with the sun. The moon means emotions. So expect emotions. The sum means illumination and light. It is a full moon. Sun opposite to the Moon. Full emotions that help illuminate things. The full moon has Mars approaching a square to Saturn after having finished a square to Neptune. Perhaps angry or restless or impatient or full of emotions? At the very least emotions with a LARGE dose of FIXED EARTH Mars adding his considerable energy to stir and stimulate the pot of the full moon. “Nope, I am NOT gonna, NOPE, NOPE, NO! You can’t make me! NO! You are not the boss of me!” says Mars in fixed, immoveable, clay, dried, baked earth Taurus. Or mud slide Taurus due to too much rain eroding the basement. Or an explosion of steam pipes and collapse of the infrastructure. Saturn opposite Neptune baby. Squared by Mars in Taurus. Try to get THAT energy to move towards what you want it to do if it doesn‘t want to move. Try and stop it from moving if it gets a full head of steam.

Mars is responsible for the “terrible twos” when we deal with toddlers as they learn about their power and want to explore. Around the age the “terrible twos” begin, we each have our first Mars return! Mars gets back to the place it was when we were born. And, that is when we learn to say NO to our authority figures! We learn NO! We hear the word NO! quite a lot from our authority figures (parents, babysitters, siblings, family, elders and teachers) as our chubby, sticky toddler fingers reach, busy, bustle and greedily for the object of our desire. “No!” is a big toddler word! No! is a big word under the full moon lunation.

The other day on a cross town bus, I observed a very tired toddler have a complete meltdown into an absolutely amazing temper tantrum. You know, the kind of temper tantrum where absolutely nothing is right or satisfying as they wiggle and kick, scre-EEEEeeeee-aming in your arms. He, his mom and his older sister were offered help by no fewer than 6 people ~ from the bus driver calling him “big man”, to complete strangers offering to take the stroller so mom could hold him. The little guy got our attention! Finally, he GOT what he wanted but was unable to ask for (Mercury is in Cancer making words basically useless at a time like this)! His mom stood up on the bus, him held tight and pressed against her in a full body hug as she rocked back and forth. Finally, his tear streaked face smiled as he nestled into her shoulder and sucked his thumb. He smiled. He was content. Or perhaps he simply was exhausted from being so fussy and cranky and irritable and was FINALLY READY to relax into mom’s arms. This is one version of energy for our full moon!

Yep, you might have to keep adjusting and wiggling and kicking and squiggling and shouting NO like that toddler on the bus until you find the right, exact perfect solution to your distress or dismay. You emotionally are having the terrible two experience of what you want. How do you get it when you can‘t even express it and perhaps don’t even have any words for it?

The other version of how the energy for the full moon shows up is knowing WHAT you want but feeling limited in your ability to ACTUALLY GET it. Yes, you are limited! We all are limited in some ways. We live on earth for heaven’s sake in a body with Saturn ruling our very skin!

But is it YOU that is limited? Or is it the situation before you that presents the limits? Or is it your PERCEPTION of the situation before you that is limiting you? One of the reasons we (or the universe) says “NO” is because the situation represents danger such as a hot stove that burns tiny fingers, licking that interesting electric socket or grabbing for some yummy looking, partially eaten food on the ground with other people’s germs.

The other reason we (or the universe) says “NO” is because we or they want to. You know, the “I said No because I said So NO!” kind of No. I always hated that No most of all ~ no further input, discussion or negotiation allowed. Mom, dad, or the authority figure rules.

Your job, right now, under the illumination and energy of the full moon is to take time to determine what exactly is going on. There are at least a few options:

1. You are over tired and super sensitive and need a nap! In other words, it is all about you and not a “real” no ~ just a temper tantrum kind of No! because you are mad as hell and don‘t want to take it any more. Take a nap!

2. The situation before you is ACTUALLY dangerous or bad for you. Listen to the No! Take appropriate action or inaction based on it. Use Aloe if you decide to touch the hot stove and burn your finger or decide to lick the electric socket because you like the extra juice running through your system.

3. The No is a “just because I said so” No. Your call. You have a choice on this No! What do you want? Can you get it some other way? Yes or No? Can we make a plan to get it? Step by step? After all, you ARE over 21 and able to make your own decisions. You are free to make your own decisions actually. Why are you asking permission of the person before you who is saying No to you? What or who makes them the boss of you? (That question applies even IF it IS the internal bossy voice of you or your inner mother!)

Adjustments are needed! Mars in Taurus is moving inconjunct to Pluto in Sagittarius. Time to evolve towards freedom as Saturn gets ready to leave Leo. Your inner toddler beckons. Except, now, you are a big toddler. An all grown up toddler who can drive and pay your bills and do what you want. Provided you know what it is that you want and don’t need a nap because you are over tired?

Of course, the real answer to the lunation lies in the story you have been working on for the past two years. So take a moment to do a quick life review of what has been going on in your world since July 2005. What have you learned over the past two years? Taking THAT information in your left hand, evaluate the lunation’s toddler energy with it. Use it like a pacifier or highlighter! Saturn in Leo has made you a cosmic pacifier! The lessons of the last two years have been to get you to where you are now. Facing the emotions you will face under the lunation is a piece of cake if you use the wisdom of Saturn’s journey through Leo’s sign. Do what you love! Yes, it IS as easy as that!

So take care of your emotional being, your inner toddler, on the full moon. Check in with your two year old. And, soon, Saturn will be out of Leo. You’ll feel a WHOLE lot better.

The moon at 7 Aquarius invokes the Sabian Image of


Commentary: ‘A Child Born Out of An Eggshell’ shows something being ‘Born’ in a way that was probably never expected; it is ‘Born Out Of An Eggshell’. Alchemists saw the ‘Egg’ as the container for both matter and thought. This led t
o the concept of the Cosmic
Egg or World Egg, a cosmic symbol in many traditions. The vault of space came to be seen as an ‘Egg’, and this ‘Egg’ consisted of seven layers, each enfolding the other, showing the seven heavens or spheres. The Chinese believed that the first man sprung from an ‘Egg’. This image is around us in many ways, from invitro-fertilization to human cloning.

Oracle: This Symbol signifies finding innovative ways of doing things, with new directions and new solutions. Find a unique approach that will give you the ability to find unusual and original paths leading to a new emergence. There’s the possibility of unleashing rebellious energy, so make sure that this beginning doesn’t start off with any precocious or “spoilt” attitudes. Many ideas or projects die because they don’t have enough initial capital or support or dedication to last the distance. It is important to provide nourishing environments in order to grow and learn, and nourishment must be provided to last through the course of the development. There can be an uneasy or unsure feeling about the viability of your situation. It may be something out of the ordinary or slightly odd. Don’t let this scare you; try to recognize the potential rewards and see what you can learn from it. This Symbol can also show prejudice or fear of things that are different. There may be the need to be more consciously tolerant towards people or situations no matter their origins or backgrounds. This can also represent the gestation of an idea, process or project that’s outside your direct influence.

Keywords: Transmutation. The birth of a new creative original impulse. Incubated ideas coming to fruition. Genetic engineering. Invitro fertilization. People beyond their time. Mutations. Seeking the unusual. The unexpected birth. The desire to have children. The nurturing egg. Emerging in a unique way. The matrix and the casket. The struggle to break free. Genetic engineering. Indigo children. Children that seem unrelated to their parents. Adoption.

The Caution: Being different only to follow fashion. Afraid of new ideas. Lack of support. Spoilt and naive attitudes. Rebellion. Uneasiness. Prejudice and racial stereotypes. Refusing to believe even what the eyes can see.

In the beginning, all the universe was non-being. It became being. It grew and formed an egg, which remained unbroken for a year. Then it broke open. Of the two halves of the shell, one was of silver and the other of gold. The Upanishads

First there was the Great Cosmic Egg. Inside the egg was chaos. Floating in the chaos was P’an Ku, the undeveloped divine embryo. Huai-nan Tzu

The creator, Awonawilona, thought himself into being. Zuni Indian Saying ‘

Ex ovo omnia.’ Everything from an egg. William Harvey

Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. Erich Fromm

We are all cells in the same body of humanity. Peace Pilgrim

The shell must break before the bird can fly. Lord Alfred Tennyson

Do not compute the totality of your poultry population until all the manifestations of incubation have been entirely completed. William Jennings Bryan



Commentary: ‘The Wonder of the Constellations of Stars in the Night Sky’ brings to mind the amazing sense of beauty that can be felt when observing the heavens. Just as our ancestors saw pictures in the stars, a ‘Constellation’ is an expression of how our imagination can see designs and symbols in things that we usually take for granted. ‘The Night Sky’ can create images that inspire us to greater awareness. Questions such as “what am I here for?” “what is life really about?” and “what difference do I (or can I) make to this world?”, etc. can come up as we gaze at the heavens. The clearer the sky and the darker the night, the more we can feel drawn to that vast space and are held in awe of it. Nature can often show us how “small” we are in the universe, and yet how important we are to “the whole”.

Oracle: The bigger questions are likely to be in your mind at the moment. Simple issues will be viewed against a backdrop of something greater. This helps to keep your life in perspective. This Symbol is about the need to see the patterns in what is going on around you. Rather than looking at each thing separately, step back and see the wider view-allow your imagination and intuition to create an inspiring vision that gives answers and direction to your life. Sometimes individual events have no more importance than to act as cogs in a wheel of a broader, more inspirational message. Looking at the sky can induce wonder at life’s possibilities. The stars are so far away, yet they feel large and close when the sky is clear and dark. Try to get out and observe the night sky. This can help to bring a sense of wonder and awe into your life and remind you of the beauty of our universe.

Keywords: Reminders of the patterns, integration and enormity of nature. The big picture. Observing signatures. A determination to “be somebody”. The Stars and Stripes. Feeling like a tiny fleck against the backdrop of the vault of the sky. Space travel and its wonders. Signs from the heavens. Answers sought through astrology. Astronomy.

The Caution: Ignoring the down-to-earth issues. Missing the small details. Only being amazed by huge things and not seeing wonder in the small things in life.

Watch the stars and from them learn. To the Master’s honor all must turn, Each in its track, without a sound, Forever tracing Newton’s ground. Albert Einstein

As soon as man does not take his existence for granted, but beholds it as something unfathomably mysterious, thought begins. Albert Schweitzer

The purpose of life is the investigation of the Sun, the Moon, and the heavens. Anaxagoras

A person should contemplate the workings of the universe with reverence and introspection. In this way expression is given to the effects of these laws upon his own person. This is the source of a hidden power. I Ching

I’m astounded by people who want to know the Universe. It’s hard enough to find your way around Chinatown. Woody Allen

Copyright © 2007 Anne Ortelee