Full moon
December 15, 2005 11:15 am EST, 8:15 am PST
23:43 Gemini/Sagittarius
Normally full moons involve opposites, illuminations, culminations and enlightenment. We small human creatures, living, loving and working here on Planet Earth pause. We move our heads left and right, back and forth like at a tennis match, to see the Sun’s male light shining on the Moon‘s face, enhancing her emotional, feminine energy. On full moons, our two most important heavenly guides are engaged in a conversation, or perhaps a fight, designed to enhance both of them. The Sun focuses on, sees and notices Moon’s emotions, presenting an opportunity for him to incorporate feeling and sensitivity into his yang, directed, penetrating energy. The Moon, shadowy, hidden and changeable is seen, observed, noticed and permitted to express her deep knowledge of feeling. Now, Sun may choose to ignore Moon’s sensitive advice on any given full moon, deeming her an emotional, lunatic crazy gal with no concept of how to be and survive in a Man’s World. But at least, once a month, we ALL know Sun HEARS and SEES Moon. It might be a crying, yelling fight, ending with Moon shouting at Sun going slamming out the door. Sun hears and sees, we hear and see, even if we choose to then ignore Moon.
This full moon, Sun might actually GET IT. He can’t ignore Moon‘s feelings anymore. She’s completely and totally had it with Sun and his asinine, insensitive, come and go behavior. She’s going to go out the door now, after a short, direct, whispered conversation, quietly, firmly with an irrevocable change in her heart and her desire to relate to him. Sun has a fraction of cosmic time to change and incorporate Moon’s emotions and take her feelings into account. He has to get it, start showing up, begin to change, visibly, immediately and permanently or it is over! Sun and Moon both dance with Pluto. Pluto demands change ~ an enormous, profound and deep change or else ~ IT IS OVER!
Pluto wants us to transform, understand our unconscious motivations, get with the program and evolve. The Lord of the Underworld says, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know. Your mother hated you. Your father was a drunk and ran off with the neighbor. Your sister was the pretty one. Your brother got everything because he was favorite. Your puppy got run over by a car. And your spouse left you for your best friend. SO WHAT??? Shit happens. Grow up and deal with it! That was the past. This is now. The past is the past. Now is now. You can‘t keep blaming your current behavior on your past problems. Get over it already. Get on with YOUR life! YOU KNOW BETTER!!”
So, what is the situation in your life that you are completely frustrated about? The one you feel you have absolutely no control over, that comes and goes like the wind? The one the “other” guy is in charge of fixing and he’s not doing much of anything about it? That situation will have a signal from the universe this week around the full moon. You will find out what is going to happen, IF YOU PAY ATTENTION. If you miss “IT”, some time in the future you will look back and say, “Ah, I actually knew THAT during the full moon in December 2005! I just didn’t know what it MEANT back then. Now I get it! The full moon gave me a clue I didn‘t understand at the time.”
IF you want to lose weight, quit drugs, sober up, stop smoking, quit behaving badly, have a relationship, show up, start a new career, NOW is the full moon to put your stake in the ground and start to do it. If someone is telling YOU that you need to lose weight, quit drugs, sober up, stop smoking, start being better, commit, take off, leave your job, OR ELSE they are outta there, please know that they MEAN IT. You better start doing “it”, IF YOU WANT THEM in your life. If you DON”T want them or it, just keep doing what you are doing. They will be out of your life very soon.
As you may have guessed, the full moon chart for this month is amazing! Cast for Washington, D.C., the ascendant is 29 Aquarius with Uranus rising and making an inconjunct to Saturn in Leo found in the sixth house of behaviors. Mars in Taurus is finally direct and approaching a square to Saturn and an opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio in the eighth house of deep transformations. Venus and Chiron’s midpoint with Neptune in Aquarius in the 12th house creates a very tight, exceptionally volatile fixed cross with Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Once fixed signs make up their minds, there is NO reversing them or changing them until hell freezes over. Guess what? This week, hell freezes!
Fixed signs have an opportunity to change and evolve OR else stay exactly the way they are for the next chunk of cosmic time until hell freezes again. (Hell does freeze periodically just to bother the Leos and other fire signs.) Mercury in Sagittarius is approaching a square to Uranus and a trine to Saturn. Moon, it suggests that what ever is promised by Sun will be MORE than the person can actually do. However, Sun’s heart is in the right place. They do intend to change. They get it. They want to change. Jupiter is trining Uranus and makes two more trine aspects with him during the year. The North Node in Aries is ruled by Mars in Taurus ~ when the bull changes direction and gets in a new rut or groove, watch out! The bull is moving and changing direction. The north node is on the second house cusp, suggesting Mars, found in the second house, and knows it is in his best interest to change or else he is going to lose a very valuable person, place or thing. We don’t know if Mars can actually change and do what he promises just yet. We won’t know that until later in the year. But for ANY change to happen, Mars has to try, be engaged and actively working on it. If he shows up to work on it this week, Mars is willing to try. Give him another shot at it. You see Mars’ potential for change. You know how great Sun and you could be. We are all messy rooms sometimes. J
Onto Lynda Hill’s Sabian images for the Sun and Moon. The Sun at 24 Sagittarius says:
Commentary: ‘A Bluebird, A Sign Of Good Luck and Happiness, Is Standing At The Door Of The House’. The ‘Bluebird’ is often seen as an omen of good fortune and ‘Happiness’, and it is pictured ‘Standing at the Door of the House’ which shows ‘Good Luck’ is coming into ‘The House’ or headed your way in some sense.
Oracle: You may soon feel that you are in a time of natural, positive, good luck. Can you see and feel it? Responding with your higher hopes for a happy and productive life will ensure that the ‘Bluebird of Good Luck and Happiness’ knows where to settle. Positive attitudes and hope for the future will see you moving forward unhindered, and these becoming reality. Observing Birds in nature or in your own environment will bring a reminder of how wonderful life can be. Birds are seen to be agents of spiritual messages and watching them go about their lives and hearing their calls can bring a sense of stronger connectedness to our everyday lives. Do you see or hear the ‘Blue Bird?’ If you have not paid much attention to them or noticed them before you may be surprised by just how many birds are around you. Are you allowing happiness to come knocking at your ‘Door’? If you can’t feel it yet, meditate on the Symbol of the ‘Bluebird’ bringing ‘Good Luck and Happiness’ as life is sure to shift in some way. You could hang up a picture of a ‘Bluebird’, or some other bird, as a token of your willingness to receive this ‘Good Luck and Happiness’. Remember that this ‘Bluebird’ may actually be a person who either turns up in your life, or is already known to you. How lucky do you feel? How content with your life are you? Take a moment to count your blessings – see how blessed you truly are.
Keywords: Calmness and rewards. Promise (or promises) of ‘Happiness’ heralded. Love and happiness available by acknowledging its presence. Real estate, house boundaries, reminders of joy. Cottages and picket fences. People standing, waiting, for invitations to enter. Omens of good luck. Blessings. Front doors and back doors.
The Caution: Denying happiness or good news from entering. Feeling that the grass is always greener somewhere else. Putting on false shows of happiness for all to see. Thinking that buying things will make one’s life happier. Wanting what’s not available.
Faith is a bluebird you see from afar. It’s real and sure as the first evening star. You can’t touch it or buy it or wrap it up tight. But it’s there just the same making things turn out right. Margery Sharp
Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next-door neighbor… Let no one ever come to you without leaving better or happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile; kindness in your warm greeting. Mother Teresa
When one door of happiness closes another door opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one that has opened. Helen Keller
Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Langston Hughes
Good fences make good neighbors. American Proverb
I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house. Zsa Zsa Gabor
The Sabian image for the Moon at 24 Gemini is
Commentary: ‘Carefree Children Skating on Ice’ symbolizes the freedom and pleasure of ‘Children’ enjoying themselves outdoors, even though it’s winter and cold outside. It also reflects the general lack of concern that they have for issues of personal danger. ‘Children’ learn at an early age to ‘Skate’ over difficulties. They are often ‘Carefree’ and unconcerned. They will often take risks when they play, unaware of the true realities and possible dangers in life. They keep ‘Skating’ and playing, but need to be carefully aware of what’s going on around them; otherwise the game could fall apart. There is the possibility of losing the pleasure they are experiencing as cracks form in the ‘Ice’ – their joy and pleasure becomes more risky.
Oracle: If your situation is “on thin ice” it may be challenging, but it may be that most of the challenge comes from the fears and concerns that adulthood brings. Sharpen up your senses and your reflexes so that you can cope with any sudden surprises. Even if you have a positive attitude you may sense that everything could collapse at any moment. Listen for subtle changes in the environment that tell you whether you are still “safe” in your surroundings. If you don’t acknowledge these fears and adjust yourself accordingly, then you may be put at a disadvantage. Perhaps an avenue of escape should be set up in case cracks in the ‘Ice’ do start to appear. Dangerous situations can lead to a heightened sense of awareness and fun, but how long can one feel safe taking such risks? Sooner or later the cracks will start to appear. What will happen then? Similar to the ‘Children’, you may not even be aware of the risk in your situation. Be wary not to blindly rush into anything, as you may get to the point where you can’t safely return to where you began. Watch out for the cracks! Listen carefully for clues to how to maneuver through difficulties.
Keywords: Getting around difficult situations by making the most of them (or evading them). Skating over problems. Finding creative and childlike solutions. Testing the boundaries. Considering consequences. Tiptoeing around problems with family. Knowing how to respond quickly to every type of situation. Knowing how to maneuver tight situations. Observing one’s center of gravity. Being keenly aware. Testing the waters.
The Caution: Rushing out to enjoy pleasures before checking that it is safe to do so. Living only for momentary pleasures, without thought of any ramifications. Getting away with things through acting naively and childishly. Taking risks that put others lives on the line. Going too far too fast.
The thinner the ice, the more anxious is everyone to see whether it will bear. Josh Billings
Children are curious and are risk takers. They have lots of courage. They venture out into a world that is immense and dangerous. A child initially trusts life and the processes of life. John Bradshaw
A man learns to skate by staggering about making a fool of himself; indeed, he progresses in all things by making a fool of himself. George Bernard Shaw
In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our speed. Ralph Waldo Emerson
I don’t remember the first time I skated on ice, I was too young. I do remember falling in love with that wind-in-my-face feeling while speed skating. Bonnie Blair
Now, just a brief reminder to all those impatient souls out there who don‘t think they can take “it” for a moment longer. “Over” in cosmic time is pretty long to us little people dealing in human time increments. Sun doesn’t actually have to CHANGE until next spring, after Saturn goes direct. The change you want takes time, Moon. But Sun better show up sober, washed and clean, in a tie and suit coat, flowers in hand, promising to straighten out and fly right this week. If he doesn’t, Sun is not going to be able to do it. He’s not what or who you thought he was. Potential YES, reality NO. IF Sun shows up, there is a VERY good chance he will be able to make the changes he is promising. Please give Sun another chance. Moon, you are going to find out what Sun is willing to do THIS week. You know what you want in your life and your world. Moon, you are going to have to leave if Sun doesn’t get it and start to change. You can find what you deserve some where else. If Sun doesn’t show up, then Sun isn’t going to deliver, (at least not in this lifetime). Get ready to pack your bags and move on. It’s a big wide world with lots of Suns out there. You deserve the best, Moon!
Copyright © 2005 Anne C. Ortelee