Dear friends,
The next New Moon is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1 at 12:45 AM Eastern US time, when the Sun and Moon meet up at 12 degrees Aquarius. This event also marks the Lunar New Year — in Chinese astrology, that means we’re moving from the season of the Metal Ox to that of the Water Tiger. We’ll be leaving behind the barnyard and stepping out into the wild. Tiger years are fierce and passionate, and the addition of the Water element makes this one especially flowing, flexible, and full of change.
Though Chinese astrology isn’t the system that I have most expertise in, I like to use it as a complement to my training in what we call Western astrology — they both work; they’re just different languages. Each of the twelve annual animals in the Chinese Zodiac corresponds roughly to the movement of the planet Jupiter, so if you were (like my assistant Rose) born in a Tiger year, then you probably also have Jupiter in Pisces, and will be kicking off a big new twelve-year cycle in 2022. To learn about the Chinese astrological system, and what each sign can expect from the year of the Water Tiger, I recommend this episode of the Holistic Spaces podcast by Anjie Cho and Laura Morris as a great place to start.
In terms of the New Moon chart itself, too, we see movement and action highlighted. Mars is out-of-bounds, Venus has just gone direct, Mercury is preparing to go direct, and Jupiter and Saturn both lie on World Points. Expect intense communications and big news, especially in relation to groups. Notice your connection to the collective. Which communities are you already a part of, and which ones do you want to join this year?
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, falls on the Seventh House cusp in the chart cast for Washington, DC. For those of us in the USA, the aspect invites us to reassess our alliances. Notice who you’re working with and why. Do you like these partners, do you trust them? It’s a good time to check in with your own integrity, and maybe let go of some relationships that just aren’t right for you anymore.
This is the first New Moon to occur since the Nodes of Fate shifted from Gemini-Sagittarius to Taurus-Scorpio earlier this month, and a large proportion of the planets in the chart land in Earth signs. Enough with the thinking, talking, learning. Going forward, we build and create.
As of Thursday, February 3, every planet in the sky goes direct until May. We’ll be super-charged for checking off to-do-list items and accomplishing long-held goals at top speed between now and then. Make the most of it!
If you’d like to learn more about the energy around this New Moon, what it means for the year ahead, and how it all fits into your chart and life, I invite you to join me for a New Moon webinar tomorrow night, Monday, January 31 at 7:30 PM Eastern US time.
Happy new year!
Big hugs,
The Aquarius New Moon & Lunar New Year
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 12:45 AM EST
Chart for Washington, DC