Weekly Weather May 6, 2013
The eclipses are here!! The eclipses are here!!
Sometimes eclipses are fun! Here’s a recent email exchange between Nancy and me based on last week’s column about choosing to be a cow chewing your cud in a field instead of a being a charging bull…
Nancy: “Taurus is a cow? There goes my pride – I’ve always pictured myself with stance and strength, standing as a bull guarding my field. … Holding my loved ones and my life safe in the sanctity of the green pasture. Now I’m a cow with hanging utters chewing cud…. Hard enough being a Taurus with Leo rising without that picture! lol! “
Anne: “so funny. thank you for the belly laugh this morning…. that’s great. bulls are boy cows… same critter, just a penis. cows are girl bulls, same critter, just an udder. So actually, as a girl version of that animal, yep,
you would be a cow. NOW that said, cows are LOVELY, LOVELY critters. And you only get the BIG udders if you’ve had a baby or two…. not just hanging out there for all to see without a calf. You can have tiny udders as a cow. I guess this was your eclipse reveal…. shocking, unexpected and not the image you wanted to see. Stick with the bull if you like it better. you do have a lot of male energy in your chart.
Nancy: “I’m totally going to have to chew on this for awhile!”
Anne: “It’s an eclipse! You’ve had an awakening. Go back to your old imagery. OR explore what cows are like. They are girl bulls. You could be a girl bull! Or a WOMAN bull. Or a BULLRESS ~ kind of like actress… bullress?”
Nancy: “Too funny. Never imagined an awakening would actually be fun! Always considered them a new look into what I needed to fix. Tried to avoid them actually. Now I am a BULLRESS. Will begin looking for art to surround myself with this new image. Time for a ride through the country – Thanks for the laughs. Hope they continue. “
The Week’s Planetary Highlights ~ it is a rocking and rolling week! Lots and Lots of stuff happening over our heads~ that means busy, busy down here on earth!
Mercury has 26 aspects ~ lots and lots to learn, hear, process and say! Awakenings!
Solar eclipse which is the Moon across the Sun’s Face ~ May 9, 2013
Moon also eclipses Mercury and Mars on May 9, 2013. Three eclipses at once! Ooo-la-la!
Sun dives in the South Node on May 7 2013 at 02:30:25 am EDT
Mercury flows with Pluto on May 7 2013 at 02:33:55 am EDT
Mercury joins Mars on May 7 2013 at 08:33:11 pm EDT
Mercury works with Chiron on May 7 2013 at 09:45:28 pm EDT
Pluto opposes and argues with Ceres on May 7 2013 at 10:46:34 pm EDT
Mars works with Chiron on May 8 2013 at 00:08:22 am EDT
Venus argues contraparallel with Pluto on May 8 2013 at 01:10:48 am EDT
Neptune flows with Vesta on May 8 2013 at 08:02:13 am EDT
Mercury argues with Juno on May 8 2013 at 09:26:43 pm EDT
Venus enters Gemini on May 9 2013 at 11:03:07 am EDT
Mercury dives into the South Node on May 9 2013 at 03:45:20 pm EDT
Solar Eclipse on May 9 2013 at 08:28:22 pm EDT
Sun joins with Pallas on May 10 2013 at 04:40:52 pm EDT
Mercury joins with Pallas on May 11 2013 at 10:33:05 am EDT
Mars fights with Juno on May 11 2013 at 12:29:07 pm EDT
Sun joins Mercury on May 11 2013 at 05:09:57 pm EDT
Void Moons in the Week Ahead: When the Moon is Void, it is wise to avoid making important decisions as they tend to be unrealistic, and subject to false starts, errors or unexpected hassles.
Avoid being concerned with things beyond your spiritual center. It is time for subjective, spiritual and non-materialistic concerns. Kick back, let life flow and center yourself. Connect into your essential oneness with the Universal Forces.
Moon goes void sextile to Jupiter on Tuesday May 7 2013 at 08:41:34 am EDT and enters Taurus on Wednesday May 8 2013 at 06:10:12 am EDT
Moon is void all day Tuesday
Moon goes void joined to the Sun on Thursday May 9 2013 08:29:30 pm EDT and enters Gemini on Friday May 10 2013 at 05:22:06 pm EDT
Moon is void most of the day Friday
Moon goes void joined to Jupiter on Sunday May 12 2013 at 09:33:08 am EDT and enters Cancer on Monday May 13 2013 at 5:57 am EDT
Moon is void all day Sunday
Eclipse season really starts to heat up this week. And you thought the past few weeks were hot! There have been a number of Solar Flares, which make the northern lights and bathe earth with magnetic fields. Solar flares kick up our emotional energy and the general “Hotness” of the tempers on earth. The active solar flare region is slowly turning toward earth.
We are entering a stream of debris from Halley’s Comet, with the eta Aquarids meteor shower arriving with as many as 55 meteors per hour in the southern hemisphere and half that number in the north. Think of all those Meteors above our heads as shooting stars the inspire us and send us messages from above! Below is a picture of the recent Solar Flares!
The personal planets are quite active this week. Mercury has 26 aspects with the other planets, not counting his stressful connections with the Moon. He is FLYING through the heavens at close to 2 degrees a day, traveling from 10 to 24 Taurus. That means SO much information will be flying by your head, ears and eyes, it will be hard to keep up. So take notes. Hold those thoughts! Jot stuff down. Record impressions with your cell phone. Mercury’s giving you tons of information and various categories of things to think about and ponder. And they are all important! And there are A LOT of things that are important. Just gather the data right now. Don’t react to it ~ you might miss something if you stop to react to it…gather, gather, gather!
As Mercury rules Jupiter in Gemini right now, it can feel that relationships, particularly with your wider community and acquaintance connections are bouncing and bobbing all over the place. They are! It is quite chaotic! Mercury is in Taurus so he’s WANTS to be very fixed in his approach and quite systematic. One by one, in order, no wild chaos or craziness. However, the world is not cooperating with that plan of one by one, slowly and in order. Pay attention to the information marching through your life. It can feel a bit overwhelming right now. You don’t have to remember ALL of it but try to establish a bit of structure into it. And don’t spend time reacting ~ reacting is for NEXT week. This is gather the data week.
Mid-week, Venus enters Gemini so she’ll be having a special relationship with Mercury of Mutual reception. If we factor that shift of Venus into the equation, they can each swap places with the other, he can be her and she can be him. So much will be going on, it will be hard to keep track. Plus Venus shifting into Gemini speeds EVERYTHING up!
When Venus changes signs, she’s going to take all the Taurus planets to a much lighter, more playful and fun place. Venus will be in Gemini for 25 days. Venus in Gemini brings friskiness and flirtatiousness to the love nature as well as the rest of the Taurus planets. Some keywords for Gemini are Air, Mutable, Twins, Active, and Versatile. Keywords are I think. Gemini is dual, congenial, curious, adaptable, expressive, quick witted, literary, inventive, dexterous, clever, communicators, inner cleverness, mimics, witty, repartee, barter, transmit, lightness, rapid movement, volatile, talkative, needs variety, likes to exchange ideas and conversation, flexible, diffusive, inquisitive, interactive, adaptable, and gregarious. On a bad day, Gemini is changeable, ungrateful, scatterbrained, restless, scheming, liar, lacking in concentration, lacking follow through, diffusive, inconsistent, superficial, fickle, vacillating, impatient, changeable, and unfocused. The body parts ruled by Gemini are lungs, collar bone, hands, arms, shoulders, and nervous system. Areas of life ruled by Gemini include local neighborhood, brothers, sisters, communications, transportation vehicles, short trips, adaptability of mind to learning, taken for granted skills, conscious and objective parts of mind, grammar school, writings, mental inclinations and ability, inner cleverness, limits to what you accept, learn, try, repeat, relearn, daily encounters, reading, writing, arithmetic, term papers, appropriateness of what you write and speak, wit, repartee, distribution of goods & systems, alibis, weather, variety, archetypes, air, books, barter, questions, mimicry, microphones, limericks, ages 0 to 12, and early childhood education.
Right now Mars in Taurus is in charge of Saturn in Scorpio as well as Pluto in Capricorn. So when Venus changes into Gemini, Mars in Taurus shifts from being stuck in his detriment into being a bit lighter and happier as Venus is now in a flirty and more fun sign. He doesn’t much like Taurus but now he has a mouth on him. Venus in Gemini can also not tell the truth and kick up sibling rivalries, competition and be a bit dismissive through mocking or mimicking. Be careful with emails and writing mean things down on papers. Hide your journals. No nasty exit interviews. No saying what you REALLY think as it can backfire right now.
The positive part of all this energy is the ability to shape shift and switch things up. Gemini offers choices. We don’t feel quite so stuck and downtrodden. Hope appears. Or reappears. The sun will come out tomorrow. As a friend wrote last week:
In all of this I am in a strangely good place. I am observing it all and my personality is taking a back seat to my awareness that this is all my projection. I can have whatever experience I want to have in response to what I see. I am curiously awaiting a more fun experience.
We have an annular solar eclipse on Thursday ~ the Sun will be darkened over Australia. Annular eclipses block 90% of the Sun’s light out, leaving a very cool and clear ring in the heavens. The location of the occultation indicates that area of the world will be “hopping” along the path of visibility. It lasts for 6 minutes and 5 seconds which means we’ll be working with the energy and stories from the eclipse for 6 years and one month. From Bernadette Brady’s book, The Eagle and The Lark, it is Saros cycle 15 South, “This series is about a release of tension. A situation which has been lingering will suddenly clear. In the clearing of the problem, there is also a sense of grief or loss which is not so much personal as belonging to a group or a collective.”
In addition to the Solar eclipse on May 9th , Mercury and Mars are also on the same degree of declination. Mercury and Mars will pass over the Moon’s face and be occulted by her on May 9th. Mercury rules communications, siblings, connections and travel. Mars rules war, drive, action, rivalry and sex. Expect some interesting turns of events around these areas of your life. So you need to watch the Leo, Cancer houses for the eclipse, the Virgo, Gemini houses for the Mercury eclipse, and the Aries, Scorpio houses for the Mars eclipse. And as usual look to the natal location and aspects of those planets in your chart to see what will be going on.
Astrologer Alphee Lavoie tracks occultations. His article below on occultations is included for your information. He noticed the Saturn/Moon occultation in 2001 coordinated with the World Trade Center attack on 9-11. Both the Mercury and Mars occultations take place over the United States on May 9th too. As Pluto is stationing opposite the degree of 9-11’s Jupiter all month, AND they just topped the 9-11 replacement building, the Freedom Tower AND they found part of a 9-11 plane in an alleyway on the same day AND we had the bombing in Boston with Jupiter in Gemini with brothers SO we can expect a part two of some sort of major event. I hate writing stuff like this. Hopefully, I am wrong. That Jupiter in his fall in Gemini brought us doubles the last eclipse in November ~ remember Sandy Storm and Sandy Hook ~ bookending the eclipses? We enter into the time frame when it can happen this week. The double occultations on top of the Eclipse make me fret a bit. Below is Alphee’ article.
Click to access occultation.pdf
The eclipse chart cast for Washington, D.C. is a bucket chart with Saturn as the handle of the bucket. The handle is where the energy focuses. The stellium of Taurus planets lands in the 6th house of health, work and habits. The South Node in the house of health and routines invites us to change how we do things. All those Taurus planets clustered around the South Node of releasing and letting go permit a simple farewell for things to leave. Right before the eclipse takes place, Venus slips into Gemini. You might find it very easy to simply let things slip away. And communications will be extra illuminating as Gemini is about enlightening through pointing out the options or choices. Notice how big and focused the EARTH and FIXED energy is in the eclipse chart.
The Sabian Image for the Solar Eclipse is WISPS OF CLOUDS, LIKE WINGS, ARE STREAMING ACROSS THE SKY. Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Image is:
Commentary: The ‘Wisps of Clouds’ are ‘Like Wings Streaming Across the Sky’. This Symbol implies emotions or situations that feel as though they could change quickly. The ‘Wisps of Clouds’ can indicate fleeting moments and conditions that aren’t stable or have any longevity. Sometimes we look up at clouds, such as those shown here, in awe and wonder at how fast they are racing, ‘Streaming Across the Sky’.
Oracle: You may feel driven forward, almost out of your own control. In doing so you run the risk of either going past things too quickly, or tiring if you try to resist the momentum of forward push. It’s best to let the superficial excitement affect you and then be prepared to go back and sort out the details later. However, there can be a danger in making decisions and taking action too quickly; without enough consideration. You may find that you have no choice. You have an opportunity before you, and it could feel like it’s now or never and you must seize the day. Another element of this Symbol is that there can be very little actually going on around you and it seems surprising that there is so much going on over your head. Your imagination is active, but perhaps you are not really aware of it. You may find that your mind is working out what to do in this situation-in the next day or so the “the coin will drop”. It may simply be a case of you enjoying the pleasant “weather” around you and allowing the natural energies to blow away the confusing aspects of your life.
Keywords: Fleeting opportunities or inspiration. Feeling things “in the wind”. Seeking a change in the weather. Thinking on your feet. Doing things at a fast pace. Placing too much importance on the fast movement of the issue at hand. Wasting energy on nonessentials. Things floating in the air. Going at full tilt.
The Caution: Resistance to the creative flow. Superficial excitement. Unstoppable progress. Destructive development. Forces beyond your control. Making unformed or uninformed decisions on a whim. Not thinking things through.
Gray skies are just clouds passing over. Duke Ellington
The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. George Eliot
Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him. Oliver Wendell Holmes
I am not a speed-reader. I am a speed under stander. Isaac Asimov
All human joys are swift of wing, For heaven doth so allot it; That when you get an easy thing, You find you haven’t got it. Eugene Field
The cloud never comes in the quarter of the horizon from which we watch for it. Elizabeth Gaskell
Every cloud has a silver lining. Proverb
Finally, Mercury and the Sun meet up in a condition called combust on Saturday. It makes each of us believe WE are right and THEY are not right. When that happens, I suggest we agree to disagree instead of locking into fixed positions of rightness. We have to remember to breath. When we focus on our breath, we find the magic in the air. When we focus on our breath, we connect with everyone else. Just remember to just breath. When feeling stressed this week, just breath.
Anne’s Four Radio Shows Recap: Listen in to the podcasts via ITunes or by the website links.
Anne’s Weekly Weather: Another transformative week. The eclipses are here! The eclipses are here! Time speeds up again as Venus shifts into Gemini and tweaks the eclipse energy!
Scorpios Talking: Michael and Anne talked about working with the sense of disconnect and staying silent to observe it.
The Mary Anne Show: Mary’s appendix ruptured. She had surgery and is mending. Prayers for her please! Another week off ~ sick day!! Actually, hospital days!
Access Astrology: Mark is off. We moved the show to Wednesday night. Stay tuned! Heather will be off this week.
Venus Unplugged: Llorraine Neithardt got her fans speaking with her explanation of Venus as the sacred prostitute….Venus lessons for all!! For Jungians, dreamers, poets and visionaries this podcast helps individuation.
Monday Moon day May 6, 2013 finds Moon in Aries with a lovely closing aspect of a sextile to Jupiter. Choices, choices. The blockades of last week seem to fall away. On awakening, you can find you are a bit irritated by your clan or group of people or your family. It encourages you to stand on your own or do your own thing. See patterns clearly for how they support or don’t support your changes. Venus argues with Pluto mid-day ~ you have to get the finances and money situations in order to help relieve the stress. News arrives that can make you very emotional. There are stresses around healing and being able to express what you need. Mercury and Uranus are not cooperating with each other offering information that can seem to come from out of no –where…. Remember eclipses bring hidden situations to light. They make things move, pop or change. There is an unexpected emotion change or shift around 5 pm that is part of how you are being asked to evolve and change as Moon joins Uranus. Look for situations to accelerate rapidly. Later Moon in Aries squares Pluto setting off a three way power struggle. Attempt to be clean in how you work with Power dynamics today. Folks are feeling kind of stressed out. This evening there can be helpful information around food and connections to home and family. It is a good day for changing habits into a healthier approach to make your life more closely match what you want..
Mars day Tuesday May 7, 2013 finds Moon continuing in Aries. It will be a tough night of restless dreams. Mercury has A PILE of aspects today so expect lots of activity from him especially in the communication realms. Moon is void all day so while we are rocking and rolling, nothing will actually come of it. I LOVE it when that happens. So focus on the flow. Let go and flow. Let all the information just breeze by your ears, dip into as you will. Float on your back and gaze at the heavens. Sun DIVES into the South Node, releasing, releasing, releasing energy, ego, form, commitments, people, stuck areas, money, valuable things and structures. Something big is breaking off and leaving your life in the Taurus area of your chart. Sun also is aspecting the Nodes by declination making the energy extra emotional in the world. Mercury has a trine to Pluto so this is somehow tied back to your soul’s evolution and what you said you wanted to evolve into back when you sat down with the Cosmic Astrologer before this incarnation. Back then, in soul form, you had a VISION and a DREAM of what you wanted your life to be like. Now is when you find yourself at a major turning point for that vision and dream. Give yourself permission to move towards it today as the force of the Universe is with you. Mercury working with Pluto in practical, earth based energy encourages us to get on with it. Venus joins with Admetos marking an final, final ending energy. Expect endings. These are eclipses ~ lots of people lingering near the edge take off from earth during them. Or relationships go “poof” and shift. Or come in like rockets. Deep emotional connections swirl ~ so deep you may be tempted to back away from them. Hang in there. You are not going to drown and you need to see this. Mercury links up with Mars starting a new two year cycle around communications and action that lasts until July of 2015. You can change those old habits today! ~Especially habits of your mind or approach to things. How do you tell your story so you are not the hero of it? Time to make yourself your own hero! Mercury has a working aspect with Chiron suggesting you reframe those thoughts of yours. In the past month, Venus, Sun, Uranus and Athena have all started a new two year story with Mars. Now Mercury, as the coordinator of how we are actually going to do that has shown up. Get ready for some thoughtful changes. Pluto opposite Ceres asks you to release how you nurture or care for yourself and transform it into something better for your soul and being. To evolve, the most, the very most, important thing is to change how you think about yourself.
Mercury’s day, Wednesday May 8, 2013 finds Moon in Taurus with a closing aspect of the eclipse. We are in the balsamic phase of release and letting go as we head rapidly for the eclipse tomorrow. Mars has a sextile to Chiron while Venus opposes Pluto ~ expect another night of restless dreams and information coming in. The universe is attempting to talk to you through your imagery and the action adventures taking place in your bed and head at night. Neptune’s trine to Vesta makes you want to pull the covers OVER your head for another few hours of rest but the day beckons. Mercury and Mars are fighting today so expect people to be a bit short tempered and heated ~ or hot headed. If you can’t say something nice, walk away. And if they say something mean, don’t take the bait. People will be looking to fight to discharge the energy ~ which will be intense. Mercury’s square to Juno suggests you do NOT have the “where is this relationship going” conversation. Or if you REALLY want to know, DO ask. You will hear, clearly and concisely what, exactly, is NOT working. It may not be what you want to know though.
Jupiter’s day Thursday May 9, 2013 is eclipse days so the Sun and Moon are in Taurus ~ meeting up, tonight, after sundown, in the chart cast fro Washington, DC. We also have two OTHER eclipses, the Moon with Mercury and Moon with Mars. That is quite rare and a very big deal. As this eclipse is Annular ~ the photo of the sun peeking out as a ring at the top of the article, and very strong as it is closely connected to the Nodes of Fate. Emotions, egos, actions and communications will all be a bit over the top. Now it could have already HAPPENED. Or it could happen today. Or over the next few weeks. That is the beauty and difficulty of eclipses. We know that something big is going down we just don’t quite know when. And these eclipses ~ if we count Mercury and Mars in the mix ~ which we should ~ will involve Australia and the USA as well as from Alphee’s information the Diurnals involve Korea and Iran. Venus links up with the Black Moon Lillith by declination which often marks a strong story with children and death. According to patriarchal mythology, Lillith, Adam’s first wife who left rather than be subservient, makes demon babies with men’s nocturnal emissions. We can expect some strong stories about babies that are abandoned, women refusing to be subservient or invitro fertilization. Venus enters Gemini, making her lighter and more fun. Mercury dives into the South Node releasing all sorts of ideas and communications into the world. This is a great aspect to let go of old ideas, beliefs or understandings of how things are supposed to be. The Solar eclipse takes place today as does an eclipse with two with personal planets. We learn surprising things, take unusual actions and are illuminated. And these changes can take place this week or over then next month. Eclipses seed things that bloom in our lives. The eclipse to Mars takes place at 9:52 am EDT and to Mercury at 3:06 pm EDT.
Venus’ day Friday May 10, 2013 finds Moon void all day in Taurus to process what went on this week. She enters Gemini towards the end of the day with lovely closing aspects of a conjunction to Jupiter ~ offering a bit of overdoing but good overdoing. Lots of intense dreams again. Mercury is parallel to the South Node bringing sad or difficult news of an ending. Moon’s sextile to Uranus offers a creative outlet and opportunity to do different things today. Sun and Mercury link up by declination and zodiac degree tomorrow… they are combust all week, to start a new cycle as Mercury moves past the Sun. Watch for new ideas to flow ~ they will help you realize what you want. Watch for being stubbornly opinionated too… that is the other side of a combust Mercury ~ you think YOU know what the other guy should do and tend to be a bit bossy about telling them what to do. Or they are a bit bossy in telling YOU what to do. Combust Mercury’s think they are right and the other is wrong. Sun links up with Pallas to help you see patterns you had never noticed before. Explore your options. Lots of information and action taking place today with Mars and Mercury information flying around. Again, don’t expect to keep track of all of it. Just notice what you notice and focus on where the universe draws your attention. Pay attention as it flies by. Not time to USE the information just yet.
Saturn’s day Saturday May 11, 2013 finds Moon in Gemini with lots of choices and options. Explore, play, have fun. Mercury and Mars are both busy, busy today. It will be a day full of stuff to do, places to go, people to see. Mercury links up with Pallas starting a new year and a half cycle of seeing patterns and talking in the world in a different way. The new cycle ends in November of 2014. Mars has a square to Juno asking us to think back to the relationship decisions we made on October 20, 2012 and see how they are working out. We have an opportunity to revise or revisit those decisions now. We will think that we are “correct” because we have Mercury combust the Sun ~ and we are. If we think we are right we are right. If we think we are wrong we are wrong. It is a matter of how we look at things. Expect to have how you look at things change today. It is a great day to have your understandings of things flipped on their heads. Mercury encourages you to shift and change the vision of how your structures that support and contain you work ~ revise that home situation so it supports your greater growth and humanity. Time for a change?
Sun’s day Sunday May 12, 2013 finds Moon in Gemini, void most of the day but still fun, frisky and light hearted. Lots of new energy today as Mercury works with Cupido redefining our vision of what family and friends are. Adjust your vision to include the kind of life you WANT to create for yourself. There can be some irritation with the energy in the morning or stressful news but after that the day settles down ~ Vesta joined to Kronos ends a situation that is difficult for the family or yourself. Mars fights a bit with Hades today around what is possible versus what has to leave our lives. Mercury connects with Sedna encouraging us to take care of ourselves in a better way than we usually do. Chiron’s trine to Ceres supports our transforming how we nurture ourselves into something better or more supportive. We are in charge of how we take care of the only thing we have for sure ~ ourselves. How have you been taking care of yourself lately? What’s going on with that self care program? Your health ideas? Your vision of what you want to create in your life that is supportive of your best life!? Move towards doing the things that create love, joy and space in your life. It might require you to move out of your comfort zone… you can do it.
Lynda Hill’s work appears with her permission. Check her out at Sabiansymbols.com.
Copyright © 2013. A.C. Ortelee