Minister Anne Updated

In addition to Anne’s credentials as an Astrologer, Palmist, Tarot Reader, Reiki Healer and Teacher, she is ordained by the Open Ministry and able to perform marriage ceremonies in all five boroughs of New York!

Having been raised Roman Catholic, minored in Philosophy and Theology in college, and extensively studied Buddhist, Pagan and Jewish traditions and international Mythology, Anne can help you create a ceremony that reflects your relationship, spiritual life, leanings and hopes for the future.

Just as you order a custom non-fat latte with extra whip, so can you customize your wedding ceremony to suite your distinct ‘palette!’ You can write your vows, choose your readings, and customize your ceremony for any location in New York City (anywhere that doesn’t involve jumping out of an airplane or hanging off a trapeze!), and Anne will help you plan and curate.  You’ll have access to her vast library of meditations, poetry and spiritual readings if you need inspiration.

Anne’s rate for weddings is the same as her hourly fee for astrological services. Please email [email protected] with the subject heading ‘WEDDING,’ to start planning!



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