Anne Ortelee lives in New York City where she began her study of astrology in the fall of 1994. (Birth data AA: September 11, 1954, 6:02 p.m. Rochester, NY).

Astrology became her passionate obsession!

In addition to consulting for her clients, Anne teaches classes, workshops and speaks. She loves to travel to speak to groups interested in Astrology.

Anne is certified by the three major astrology organizations in the United States. She is certified by the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) as a Level 3 Astrologer. She is certified by the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA)  as a PMAFA. She is internationally certified by the International Society for Astrological Research as an ISAR-CAP.  She is a member of AFAN, AFA, ISAR, NCGR and OPA ~ astrology professional organizations.

Anne’s volunteered as an Associate for the NYC Chapter of the NCGR since May 1995. She’s lectured at Astrology Conferences since December 1998. Anne organized a monthly Astrology Discussion Group in 1995 and an astrologically based stock investment club in 2000, achieving excellent  annual returns using astrology for 14 years.

Anne’s articles appear in various publications: The Ingress, Gaia, and The NCGR Member Letter. Anne was the Recording Secretary for the Uranian Astrologers Special Interest Group for seven years.  Anne currently serves as a director for the C. Jung Foundation in NYC.

Anne wrote Weekly Weather, Monthly Full and New Moon columns for a popular astrology Internet site,, for 44 months. Now the Weekly Weather column appears on her site and other sites across Internet. Since January 2007, Anne speaks weekly in New York City on Tuesday evenings in a lively, open format that allows the general public to “Access Astrology” with co-host Mark Wolz.  Currently, the Open Center at 22 East 30th Street hosts the lectures from 7 to 8:15 pm on Tuesday evenings.

With her “Access Astrology” co-hosts, Mark Wolz and Heather Roan Robbins, Anne records a weekly pod cast of the upcoming “Cosmic Weather” on Wednesday evenings at 11 pm.  Anne and Jemaja Selas, an Alchemist, have a talk show, The Astrologer and The Alchemist, where they discuss how to work with the energy in the world.  Anne has a solo show, Anne Ortelee’s Weekly Weather, where she discusses the upcoming planetary energy on Sundays.  All of these shows are available for down load on I-tunes or as podcasts hosted by  Find them with Google or link to them using the Blog Roll link on this website.

Prior to discovering astrology, Anne was a Methods, Procedures and Statistical business analyst (3 years), computer programmer (5 years), technical software sales woman (7 years) and owner of a computer consulting firm (9 years). She worked (4 years) for America’s second largest beverage firm, traveling across America, installing a computer system that keeps track of every vending machine, visi-cooler and fountain in America!

Anne graduated from St. Bonaventure University with a B.S. in Psychology and minors in Biology and Philosophy. An approachable, committed activist from an early age, she organized and published the first three semesters of student run course evaluations in the history of the University.

Anne studied astrology with the following people: John Marchesella (Her First Astrology Teacher ~ 2½ years Basic Astrology and NCGR certification tests), Eileen McCabe (16 years and ongoing Psychological and Spiritual Astrology), Judi Vitale (3 plus years Uranian Astrology), Ronnie Dreyer (7 years and ongoing Vedic/ Jyotish Astrology), Ken Kimball (Astro-Math, Eclipses, Mundane and Advanced Predictive Techniques), & Wendy Ashley (Mythic Astrology). She studied Mythic Tarot with Pattie Canova as well as Tarot, Hermetic Cabala and Palmistry with Ellen Goldberg.

Additionally, Anne has eleven bookcases packed with books in her one bedroom apartment. Recognizing that we are ALWAYS students of the heavens, earth and life, Anne continues her various studies in formal and informal settings with a long list of “things to get to one of these days”.

Anne’s Aquarius Ascendant works with her Virgo Sun and Leo Pluto in the 7th house and combines with her First house Pisces Moon ruled Jupiter/ Uranus in a t-square with Neptune and Chiron. That mix creates a charming, personable, funny and delightful astrological analyst, coach and catalyst who educates and assists her clients or students with their life changes, growth spurts, evolution, integration and personal understanding using astrology as a tool.

Anne believes astrology helps a person understand the seasons, phases and cycles of their lives. Working with Anne, her clients and students learn techniques to integrate their unique natal energy patterns. They figure out how to harness and drive their own cosmic maps, understand and master life patterns, and work with their problem areas productively. Anne’s focus is always on how to create your best life using the tools described by your chart.

Anne is available in person or by phone for private consultations. Please e-mail [email protected] or call 212-879-2766 to set up an appointment. Anne’s web site is  You can book your own appointment using her on line scheduler.