The Saturn-Neptune Square

Tonight, Friday, June 17th, 2016, Saturn will square Neptune at 11:28 pm Eastern time. This is the second of three squares between practical, earth-bound Saturn and dreamy, watery Neptune during the current cycle: the first was on November 26th, 2015 and the next and last will be September 10th, 2016. When these two planets talk to each other, they bring about a moment of reckoning. They ask us to cast off the veils of illusion and take a good, clear look at the reality of our lives.

The temptation, when we do this, is either to be overly misty and sentimental, or else to be overly harsh and despairing: again, the glass half-empty or the glass half-full. Neither interpretation is truly true, of course, and also, BOTH are true, and also, you can kind of choose which one is truer for you.

But at some point this weekend, just for a moment, I would suggest that you try to go beyond ALL interpretations, and simply focus your awareness on what-is. What facts can you see? In other words, how would you describe the situation, if it belonged to another person’s life?

This is kind of intense self-reflection is hard work, and afterwards you definitely deserve a reward. Immerse yourself in a good book, put on some music, fix a cup of tea, take a bath, or head to the beach. All great ways to honor and comfort your Neptune!

Neptune in astrology represents the dream, the divine. He is the deepest and profoundest part of us. The agony and the ecstasy. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows. When he bounces against Saturn, he is inevitably changed . . . but, don’t forget, Saturn changes, too! Water falling on stone wears it away, bit by bit. And in the same way, your Neptune, your dream, can and should influence your Saturn. Your dream can and should affect the structures and strictures that govern and regulate your life.

If your dream is NOT being honored, then it’s time to make a change. This doesn’t have to be drastic! Even tiny changes can have a big effect, like the Colorado River carving out the Grand Canyon. Gentle, gradual, incremental changes do make enormous differences, over time.

The second key task of Neptune and Saturn is conscious manifestation. When they get together, they remind us that our divine soul (Neptune) decided to incarnate in this lifetime (Saturn) for a REASON. What is your reason? What are you yearning to bring out of the ethers (Neptune) into real-world fruition (Saturn) on this planet, and how and when exactly are you going to do it? There’s bound to be tension. This conversation, after all, takes the form of a SQUARE – not necessarily an easy, flowing energy. But, again, we are reminded that it’s all about gradual progress. The book gets written one sentence at a time. The dream house gets built one mini-project at a time.

Good luck and happy manifesting!